American Small Businesses are the job creators.

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
American Small Businesses are the job creators. Not the GOP Fat Cat Friends.

1. What is a small business?

Frequently Asked Questions

The Offce of Advocacy defines a small business as an independent business having fewer than 500 employees. (The definition of "small business" used in government programs and contracting varies by industry; see

the president said, “keep in mind that what we've proposed is to extend the Bush tax cuts for all income up to $250,000…If you're making $300,000, you'd still get a tax break on the first $250,000 worth of income. You'd pay a slightly higher rate on the $50,000 above that.”‪

He said “the reason I think it's important for us to do this is not because I'm not sympathetic to small businesses. It has to do with the fact that … 98 percent of small businesses actually have a profit of less than $250,000.”‪

- Republican Small Businessman Chats Tax Cuts With President In Iowa Backyard - Political Punch

"Some Republican leaders actually treat this unemployment insurance as if it's a form of welfare," the president said. "They say it discourages folks from looking for work ... And we all have friends, neighbors, or family members who already know how hard it is to land a job when five workers are competing for every opening."

Obama said that while denying unemployment benefits to workers, Republicans have no problem spending money on tax breaks for wealthy Americans who don't need them.

- Obama: Republicans block tax cuts for small business | Raw Story

Where is the President wrong? Did or did not the GOP block tax cuts for small businesses, the real job creators?
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All of the private sector creates jobs. Public sector jobs are a drain on the economic well being of any country. Fact.

Stop whining about 'big corporations' and start whining about an expanding government. Every job that government 'creates' costs two private sector jobs.
They taxes on personal, not corporate income. They have more than $250,000 a year taxable income and you want to kneecap them.

Tax cuts for people with incomes more than $250,000 are tax cuts on small business.
juts the facts ma'am


not much of a difference until one gets over $1 million dollars

"Some Republican leaders actually treat this unemployment insurance as if it's a form of welfare," the president said. "They say it discourages folks from looking for work ... And we all have friends, neighbors, or family members who already know how hard it is to land a job when five workers are competing for every opening."

Obama said that while denying unemployment benefits to workers, Republicans have no problem spending money on tax breaks for wealthy Americans who don't need them

- Obama: Republicans block tax cuts for small business | Raw Story
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This is really basic economics:

The Private sector creates wealth.

The public sector consumes wealth.

Every public sector employee costs jobs in the private sector.

These are facts, not opinions.
This is really basic economics:

The Private sector creates wealth.

The public sector consumes wealth.

Every public sector employee costs jobs in the private sector.

These are facts, not opinions.

Wealth in the hands of a few is not what America needs.

Extending the Bush tax cuts for people making over $250,000 a year over the next ten years would require borrowing $700 billion.

The GOP blocked tax cuts for small businesses Obama: Republicans block tax cuts for small business | Raw Story
This is really basic economics:

The Private sector creates wealth.

The public sector consumes wealth.

Every public sector employee costs jobs in the private sector.

These are facts, not opinions.

Wealth in the hands of a few is not what America needs.

Extending the Bush tax cuts for people making over $250,000 a year over the next ten years would require borrowing $700 billion.

The GOP blocked tax cuts for small businesses Obama: Republicans block tax cuts for small business | Raw Story

I'm really not interested in stupid partisan bickering over this issue. In my view, both parties are shit. Both parties grow the public sector at the cost of the private sector. That's a short term 'hide the unemployment' action. The problem is that, when the private sector is booming, the government don't shed those jobs - they grow it again. We cannot go on borrowing and spending. It's not that hard to understand.

Tax cuts enable business to invest. Eventually that will lead to job growth. You're obsessional whining about 'rich people' is a non argument. It is pointless, childish jealousy. I am interested in recovery - not whining.
This is really basic economics:

The Private sector creates wealth.

The public sector consumes wealth.

Every public sector employee costs jobs in the private sector.

These are facts, not opinions.

Wealth in the hands of a few is not what America needs.

Extending the Bush tax cuts for people making over $250,000 a year over the next ten years would require borrowing $700 billion.

The GOP blocked tax cuts for small businesses Obama: Republicans block tax cuts for small business | Raw Story

I'm really not interested in stupid partisan bickering over this issue. In my view, both parties are shit. Both parties grow the public sector at the cost of the private sector. That's a short term 'hide the unemployment' action. The problem is that, when the private sector is booming, the government don't shed those jobs - they grow it again. We cannot go on borrowing and spending. It's not that hard to understand.

Tax cuts enable business to invest. Eventually that will lead to job growth. You're obsessional whining about 'rich people' is a non argument. It is pointless, childish jealousy. I am interested in recovery - not whining.

What you seem to interested in is partisan bullshit where you get to reframe everything.

Borrowing and spending is how companies grow.

enough with the bullshit that government should be held to a different standard. Private business are hocked and mortgaged to the hilt.

Tax cuts to the wealthiest do not create jobs. They create greater accumulation of wealth. The wealthiest do not create jobs. They accumulate wealth. You gave yourself away when you clam America needs wealth. Wealth is not job creation.
Wealth in the hands of a few is not what America needs.

Extending the Bush tax cuts for people making over $250,000 a year over the next ten years would require borrowing $700 billion.

The GOP blocked tax cuts for small businesses Obama: Republicans block tax cuts for small business | Raw Story

I'm really not interested in stupid partisan bickering over this issue. In my view, both parties are shit. Both parties grow the public sector at the cost of the private sector. That's a short term 'hide the unemployment' action. The problem is that, when the private sector is booming, the government don't shed those jobs - they grow it again. We cannot go on borrowing and spending. It's not that hard to understand.

Tax cuts enable business to invest. Eventually that will lead to job growth. You're obsessional whining about 'rich people' is a non argument. It is pointless, childish jealousy. I am interested in recovery - not whining.

What you seem to interested in is partisan bullshit where you get to reframe everything.

Borrowing and spending is how companies grow.

enough with the bullshit that government should be held to a different standard. Private business are hocked and mortgaged to the hilt.

Tax cuts to the wealthiest do not create jobs. They create greater accumulation of wealth. The wealthiest do not create jobs. They accumulate wealth. You gave yourself away when you clam America needs wealth. Wealth is not job creation.

Where did I say that?

I have no issue with people accumulating wealth. I don't envy other people. I am capable of accumulating my own wealth. I see no reason why people should be punished - and that's what taxes are - for working hard, or investing well, or whatever.

When people have more money in their pocket, they are likely to spend more. When people spend more, companies manufacture more, when companies manufacture more, they take on more employees. They create jobs.

I don't view other people's money as a solution to a problem that they did not create.

Your problem is that you don't know as much about Economics as you think you do.
I'm really not interested in stupid partisan bickering over this issue. In my view, both parties are shit. Both parties grow the public sector at the cost of the private sector. That's a short term 'hide the unemployment' action. The problem is that, when the private sector is booming, the government don't shed those jobs - they grow it again. We cannot go on borrowing and spending. It's not that hard to understand.

Tax cuts enable business to invest. Eventually that will lead to job growth. You're obsessional whining about 'rich people' is a non argument. It is pointless, childish jealousy. I am interested in recovery - not whining.

What you seem to interested in is partisan bullshit where you get to reframe everything.

Borrowing and spending is how companies grow.

enough with the bullshit that government should be held to a different standard. Private business are hocked and mortgaged to the hilt.

Tax cuts to the wealthiest do not create jobs. They create greater accumulation of wealth. The wealthiest do not create jobs. They accumulate wealth. You gave yourself away when you clam America needs wealth. Wealth is not job creation.

Where did I say that?

I have no issue with people accumulating wealth. I don't envy other people. I am capable of accumulating my own wealth. I see no reason why people should be punished - and that's what taxes are - for working hard, or investing well, or whatever.

When people have more money in their pocket, they are likely to spend more. When people spend more, companies manufacture more, when companies manufacture more, they take on more employees. They create jobs.

I don't view other people's money as a solution to a problem that they did not create.

Your problem is that you don't know as much about Economics as you think you do.

there you go again. who is talking about envy? you are.

Taxes are NOT punishment. They are a civic duty. Your, money in pocket - job creation line is cute, but not based on reality. When the middle class has more money to spend -- not wealth to accumulate, things are bought and stores hire...

when wealth is accumulated by the very wealthy it is not spent on goods that get produced and jobs created.

I am not an economics major, but I do know economists helped to run the economy into the ground with their bullshit models and assumptions.

Other people's money? Tax policy is a shared burden. Us vs them? So un-American
What you seem to interested in is partisan bullshit where you get to reframe everything.

Borrowing and spending is how companies grow.

enough with the bullshit that government should be held to a different standard. Private business are hocked and mortgaged to the hilt.

Tax cuts to the wealthiest do not create jobs. They create greater accumulation of wealth. The wealthiest do not create jobs. They accumulate wealth. You gave yourself away when you clam America needs wealth. Wealth is not job creation.

Where did I say that?

I have no issue with people accumulating wealth. I don't envy other people. I am capable of accumulating my own wealth. I see no reason why people should be punished - and that's what taxes are - for working hard, or investing well, or whatever.

When people have more money in their pocket, they are likely to spend more. When people spend more, companies manufacture more, when companies manufacture more, they take on more employees. They create jobs.

I don't view other people's money as a solution to a problem that they did not create.

Your problem is that you don't know as much about Economics as you think you do.

there you go again. who is talking about envy? you are.

Taxes are NOT punishment. They are a civic duty. Your, money in pocket - job creation line is cute, but not based on reality. When the middle class has more money to spend -- not wealth to accumulate, things are bought and stores hire...

when wealth is accumulated by the very wealthy it is not spent on goods that get produced and jobs created.

I am not an economics major, but I do know economists helped to run the economy into the ground with their bullshit models and assumptions.

Other people's money? Tax policy is a shared burden. Us vs them? So un-American

Taxes punish people for working. I don't disagree that people should pay taxes - and yes, they are a duty. But... that does not change the fact that they are a punishment on those who work - and God forbid one should ever become wealthy! People like you will want to take it away to give to some 'poor' person.

I work with economists every day of the week. Every one of them agrees that cutting taxes creates jobs. It is politicians that disagree - and personally, I tend to go with what Economists say over what politicians say. Economists did not run the economy into the ground - the fucking politicians did that, along with the fucking bankers, with a good deal of help from ordinary Americans who lived beyond their means. For YEARS before the collapse, Economists had been telling governments around the world that it was coming. They were talking about a 'perfect storm'. I know, I wrote about it. It was fucking stupid politicians etc who ignored the warnings.
Where did I say that?

I have no issue with people accumulating wealth. I don't envy other people. I am capable of accumulating my own wealth. I see no reason why people should be punished - and that's what taxes are - for working hard, or investing well, or whatever.

When people have more money in their pocket, they are likely to spend more. When people spend more, companies manufacture more, when companies manufacture more, they take on more employees. They create jobs.

I don't view other people's money as a solution to a problem that they did not create.

Your problem is that you don't know as much about Economics as you think you do.

there you go again. who is talking about envy? you are.

Taxes are NOT punishment. They are a civic duty. Your, money in pocket - job creation line is cute, but not based on reality. When the middle class has more money to spend -- not wealth to accumulate, things are bought and stores hire...

when wealth is accumulated by the very wealthy it is not spent on goods that get produced and jobs created.

I am not an economics major, but I do know economists helped to run the economy into the ground with their bullshit models and assumptions.

Other people's money? Tax policy is a shared burden. Us vs them? So un-American

Taxes punish people for working. I don't disagree that people should pay taxes - and yes, they are a duty. But... that does not change the fact that they are a punishment on those who work - and God forbid one should ever become wealthy! People like you will want to take it away to give to some 'poor' person.

I work with economists every day of the week. Every one of them agrees that cutting taxes creates jobs. It is politicians that disagree - and personally, I tend to go with what Economists say over what politicians say. Economists did not run the economy into the ground - the fucking politicians did that, along with the fucking bankers, with a good deal of help from ordinary Americans who lived beyond their means. For YEARS before the collapse, Economists had been telling governments around the world that it was coming. They were talking about a 'perfect storm'. I know, I wrote about it. It was fucking stupid politicians etc who ignored the warnings.

before I continue I must take a minute to compliment you as being one of the most reasonable posters in this thread.


The more I have made, the more I paid and I never complained. It's irrelevant though.

A graduated tax structure is fair in an economy like ours. The ultimate societal goals take precedence over individual wishes. What kind of a society do we all want to live in?

There is nothing in me that wants to punish people for becoming wealthy. I do think punishing greed is a good thing, but taxes do not punish greed. If they did, according to your logic greed would have decreased in the last 30 years or so. :lol:

So please stop using baseless personal attacks as a premise for a faulty argument.

the phrase 'cutting taxes creates jobs' is meaningless without the context of what and who;s taxes and for how long and in what way.

Economists rand the FED. Economists fed the Wall Street feeding frenzy. Economists were not in charge of 1policy , and I never said they were. Stop being trollish here.

Economists forecast a rosey future for the US and world during the last 40 years.

Economics can be compared to voodoo at times, as George HW Bush said about Reagan economic policies.
Taxes punish people for working.

trust funds and investments are NOT working people. wealthiest Americans are working people? I don't know. You'll have to make that case. It's not a given.

just thought you'd like to know

You know why I never bother discussing anything with you? Because instead of having a discussion, you resort to stupid shit and petty silliness. I pretty much ignore you for that reason. On this occasion, I figured I'd give it a shot because I thought you might be rational enough to have an intelligent discussion. I was wrong.

Carry on. You bore me.
Taxes punish people for working.

trust funds and investments are NOT working people. wealthiest Americans are working people? I don't know. You'll have to make that case. It's not a given.

just thought you'd like to know

You know why I never bother discussing anything with you? Because instead of having a discussion, you resort to stupid shit and petty silliness. I pretty much ignore you for that reason. On this occasion, I figured I'd give it a shot because I thought you might be rational enough to have an intelligent discussion. I was wrong.

Carry on. You bore me.

see? you make pronouncements and statements and then you run back to your powder room

taxes do not punish working people. In some states they get more back than they put in. Wow! what punishment.

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