The "Job Creators" Fantasy Is A Malignant Myth The Rich Use To Squeeze The Working Class

What institution would prevent employer organizations to decide how much their workers should be paid. The real value of the minimum wage has declined 24% since 1968. How many more US families would be living below the federal poverty level threshold today with a floor beneath their wages?

Prove it Nazi.

Show us how the purchasing power of an hours labor at minimum in 1968 was 24% greater than it was in 2018.
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?
We massively overpay city employees to start with pensions and benefits. Cut 10 to 15 per cent from that with balancing the pensions from each accruing. Cities will see great increases in revenue coming into them.
Then let's got get them.

They are Reich members - Oligarchs.

They are subject to no laws, not criminal law, civil law, nor tax law.

C'Mon man, do you know how many cash filled envelopes Bill Gates has slipped into Joe Biden's pocket...
They are Reich members - Oligarchs.

They are subject to no laws, not criminal law, civil law, nor tax law.

C'Mon man, do you know how many cash filled envelopes Bill Gates has slipped into Joe Biden's pocket...
RWNJ fantasies are not real.
LOL! Did I derail yer attack? How did we get from billionaires to charities?
Lots of charities are started by billionaires lots of billionaires give money to charities

Those are nothing but tax shelters for billionaires so we should tax them.
After reading this whole thread, it is obvious debating with Leftists is a waste of time.

1. Raise taxes on business owners, especially big corporations? Well, the Left insists whenever big company's make LESS money, they lay-off workers to prop up their bottom line. So raising their taxes by logic means their bottom line is affected, so they are going to lay people off. So if they are correct, their policies will cost massive amounts of jobs, wouldn't you say?

2. A far Leftist manages to accidentally discover how to make cars need nothing to run all day. He/she sells the idea/patent to auto companies, and after he/she is taxed, they end up with 10 BILLION dollars. They are now filthy rich, correct? And yet, they already paid taxes on their profit the 1st year, so that 10 billion they received by rights, can never be taxed again, at least in America. Now, you can tax any profit they accrue from that 10 billion windfall, so lets say the following year they make 20 million and pay capital gains taxes. So they pay what, 6 or 7 million? And yet, the Left will scream their worth is now over 10 billion, and yet they only paid 6 or 7 million, lol.

3. Without profit, you can't hire anyone, do Leftists know this? The Federal Government makes 0 profit, for if they did make a profit, we would not be running what is known as deficits! The Federal government takes money from business and individuals to fund what they do, meaning; they take money from places that ARE making a profit, and put it where it constantly LOSES money. When they can't get enough, they then print money, making all the money that profitable places have left, WORTH LESS. This somehow makes sense to a Leftist, lol. In essence, the more PROFITABLE money you take from the private sector that can not be reinvested to grow wealth, the more money your country loses; and yet, this to makes sense to a Leftist.

4. So what do people then do as a hedge against inflation? They invest money to attempt to grow wealth, and deflect inflation. But that is not fair to a Leftist. Consider------> If you take a 1980s dollar buying power, and todays dollar buying power, how many of todays dollars would you have to have to purchase what 1 1980s dollar purchased? But when you trade in long term investments, all the Leftist comments on started out with 1 dollar, now you have 50, so you need pay large taxes because it is not fair, always purposely forgetting your dollar was out of use for years because it was invested, you took a chance with that dollar, and none of the dollars you got back were worth the original dollar you put up!

The government IS the problem! They hide what they are doing, and then get Leftists to tell you how wrong you really are, lol. You just can't argue with stupid! All you can do is that someone following a thread like this is on the fence because those are the ones you are trying to break through to. Remember, 95% of Leftists are already lost, you can't redeem them. So, aregue for the 3rd person listening, that is all we can do!
Ahhh... the old pretending that employment is slavery schtick. I suspect a real slave would find your equivocation repugnant.

When a small minority of "owners" decide what to produce, where to produce it, and how any surplus should be divided, those who produce the goods and services are wage-slaves at best.

My point had more to do with the origins of US Capitalism which its apologists find harder to refute with or without clumsy Straw-Man arguments.

"Slave financiers and shippers influenced the trajectory of American capitalism more directly than any other group of entrepreneurs during the antebellum era."
Let us use logic: If there are millions of jobs open as is said, and you are working, who are you working for?

ANSWER: You are working for YOU, working for the GOVERNMENTS cut, and working for the PEOPLE who do NOT want to work! For if they did want to work, they would fill one of those open positions, now wouldn't they.

So, who is actually the slave? The poor shlub trying to work while paying for everyone else who doesn't want to!

And let us not forget, you are not only working for questionable Americans, the government insists you work to supply stuff for illegal aliens too. Now if that isn't a slave, I don't know what is; and they want more! They want to spend more! And WE are the monetary vehicles they want to use.

And so, it is the LEFTISTS who turn the working person into slaves, period. They did it before in the South, now they use a different method, steal your stuff before you get it!
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No strawman. You are comparing employment to slavery. A real slave would laugh at you. Or kill you.
When a small minority of "owners" decide what to produce, where to produce it, and how any surplus should be divided, those who produce the goods and services are wage-slaves at best.

A wage-slave isn't a real thing. It's made up socialist propaganda to promote the conceit that employment is slavery. It's not - but it's important for socialists to compare them so people are more willing to accept state servitude.

Fuck you and your socialist handlers.
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