American woman eaten by lion in S. Africa for not following rules; Sums up our society


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
South Africa Lion Park attack Tourist killed and another critically injured after beast jumps through open car window - Mirror Online

Woman on a safari in Africa. She rolled her windows down. Rules say keep windows up. Afterall....its a fucking LION. Park director said "I dont know why people think its ok to roll their windows down".

Well...the lion came into the window and ripped her apart. Dead.

This simple incident sums up America pretty well.

We think rules are made to be broken.

We fail to see something for.what it is. A lion is a fucking lion. Not a dog. Not a kitten. Not Simba from Disney. It doesnt want to cuddle.

If we would follow simple common sense rules, and see things for what they are....half our problems would vanish.

But no. We wanna get eaten by the damn lion.
Sad story. People do stupid things and sometimes it costs them their life.

But your thread title is downright funny.

You're not very bright.
Sad story. People do stupid things and sometimes it costs them their life.

But your thread title is downright funny.

You're not very bright.

I think its spot on.

We dont follow simple rules...rules which were made for a reason.

We dont see and accept things for what they are. And it often backfires.

Follow simple rules. See things for what they are. That would eliminate half our problems.
I hope the lion doesn't pay with his own life.

I agree on that. Sadly it probably will.

But hes a lion. He eats big mammals. He did what hes wired to do.

Also sad....some people watch shit like the hybrid car commercial with a god damn polar bear and hippie hugging and think its maybe possible. Nope. Polar bear will rip your face off. Dont hug it.
And the Darwin Award goes to.....
There you go.

That is all this really is – it does not say anything about America or Americans or even people in general. Just this one idiot that did not understand what wild means in the term wild animal.
I think its spot on.

We dont follow simple rules...rules which were made for a reason.

We dont see and accept things for what they are. And it often backfires.

Follow simple rules. See things for what they are. That would eliminate half our problems.

As seen with are police departments and certain people who think they are immune to following orders.
This is unusual behavior. I've seen several documentaries with folks in open Jeeps driving right up to a pride of lions. The lions aren't interested unless somebody steps out of the Jeep. Putting a foot on the ground triggers a predatory response. The lions in this story betray that premise. Add to the fact that a lion can push in a glass window as easily as a black bear and you have a park that needs to be closed to tourists.
And the Darwin Award goes to.....
There you go.

That is all this really is – it does not say anything about America or Americans or even people in general. Just this one idiot that did not understand what wild means in the term wild animal.

Sure it does. We have millions of people who behave equally as dumb.

Simple rules exist for a reason. Because somewhere in time society had a problem...and came up with a rule to fix it.

Seeing things for what they are. A thug is a thug. A lion is a lion. A limp wristed pansy is a liberal. The majority of living things are what they are. Trying to treat them otherwise will result in....well....getting eaten by a lion.
In the woman's opinion these were just kitty cats. They deserved to be treated with equality.
Sad story. People do stupid things and sometimes it costs them their life.

But your thread title is downright funny.

You're not very bright.

I think its spot on.

We dont follow simple rules...rules which were made for a reason.

We dont see and accept things for what they are. And it often backfires.

Follow simple rules. See things for what they are. That would eliminate half our problems.

All you have to do is drive a car in any city in America to prove this.
The amount of scofflaws on the road is astounding.
If a liberal can think that Bruce Jenner is a woman, this woman can think a lion is a kitty cat.
Anyone see the YouTube of the lion opening the door of a vehicle.... locked might be good too
Not just Americans unfortunately.

FYI, Polar Bears love human meat, they'll actually seek your ass out in the Arctic. They are one of the few bears that isn't innately "afraid" of humans, probably because they think of us as a snack. I remember a story a while back about some wildlife photographer that had a polar bear chase him into his truck, then tore the door off the truck as he was driving away. Beautiful creatures, but certainly not one you want to get /anywhere/ near...
South Africa Lion Park attack Tourist killed and another critically injured after beast jumps through open car window - Mirror Online

Woman on a safari in Africa. She rolled her windows down. Rules say keep windows up. Afterall....its a fucking LION. Park director said "I dont know why people think its ok to roll their windows down".

Well...the lion came into the window and ripped her apart. Dead.

This simple incident sums up America pretty well.

We think rules are made to be broken.

We fail to see something for.what it is. A lion is a fucking lion. Not a dog. Not a kitten. Not Simba from Disney. It doesnt want to cuddle.

If we would follow simple common sense rules, and see things for what they are....half our problems would vanish.

But no. We wanna get eaten by the damn lion.

If true I feel sorry for anybody in and around that car forced to witness such an horrific event. By the way, I'm absolutely certain an African lion is capable of breaking through a car window with the greatest of ease, if it's of a mind to do so.
Not just Americans unfortunately.

FYI, Polar Bears love human meat, they'll actually seek your ass out in the Arctic. They are one of the few bears that isn't innately "afraid" of humans, probably because they think of us as a snack. I remember a story a while back about some wildlife photographer that had a polar bear chase him into his truck, then tore the door off the truck as he was driving away. Beautiful creatures, but certainly not one you want to get /anywhere/ near...

The bear just needed a job and some economic investment on his glacier. Then he'd be peaceful.
South Africa Lion Park attack Tourist killed and another critically injured after beast jumps through open car window - Mirror Online

Woman on a safari in Africa. She rolled her windows down. Rules say keep windows up. Afterall....its a fucking LION. Park director said "I dont know why people think its ok to roll their windows down".

Well...the lion came into the window and ripped her apart. Dead.

This simple incident sums up America pretty well.

We think rules are made to be broken.

We fail to see something for.what it is. A lion is a fucking lion. Not a dog. Not a kitten. Not Simba from Disney. It doesnt want to cuddle.

If we would follow simple common sense rules, and see things for what they are....half our problems would vanish.

But no. We wanna get eaten by the damn lion.

If true I feel sorry for anybody in and around that car forced to witness such an horrific event. By the way, I'm absolutely certain an African lion is capable of breaking through a car window with the greatest of ease, if it's of a mind to do so.
Absolutely they are capable but they don't. That is not a natural thing for a lion to do. When they smell you though and there is an open portal to grab a quick snack - well that is more natural. I have driven through a lot of wild animals here (they have a park where you can feed buffalo and other animals from your car in WA) that were more than capable of turning my car into a crushed tin can but never really worried about it as they were not hunters. That and I made sure to drive my cheap clunker that day :D

I don't know how comfortable I would be driving around a pride of lions though - nature is NOT nice. It WILL kill you.

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