American ZioNuts=Warmongers

Most if not all the countries you mention, strfe is because of most of those borders were Western Fiats...Hindus were terrorizing Buddists in Shri Lanka, Serbians were murdering Catholics, and Muslims...Chinese have been killing Buddists, Africa is a basket case of violence... on and on Hoss...It aint just Muslims, its the whole world...

It IS primarily the muslims, driven by their diseased death cult known as islam.

At EVERY point on the globe, every one, where the muslim world touches the non-muslim - there is conflict or war. Whether it is the muslim filth in mindanao in the southern philippines trying to ethnically cleanse all non-muslims, to gaza where the muslim filth is ethnically cleansing christians, to nigeria where the muslim filth is doing the same - the muslim scourge can be seen in all its glory.

The muslim, via its cancerous death cult, is a warlike barbarian that can only be put down like a dog.

It’s becoming very obvious that ZioNuts like you hate Islam enough so that this War of Religions may never end.

Since you're an eminent Roads Scholar, can you tell us in the peanut gallery how Israel intends to defeat 1.4 billion Muslims in the long run. Sure, Israel has the all the nukes today, but how about in 50 years?

Survival has always favored
large numbers in WARS OF ATTRITION.
Barack Obama...
The slaughter of innocent Israelis is not resistance -- it's injustice.

Let's be honest: Israel is surrounded by neighbors that have waged repeated wars against it. Israel's citizens have been killed by rockets fired at their houses and suicide bombs on their buses. Israel's children come of age knowing that throughout the region, other children are taught to hate them. Israel, a small country of less than eight million people, looks out at a world where leaders of much larger nations threaten to wipe it off of the map.These facts cannot be denied.
Remarks by President Obama in Address to the United Nations General Assembly | The White House

John F. Kennedy, "Salute To Israel"
Both Israel and the United States acknowledge the supremacy of the moral law – both believe in personal as well as national liberty – and, perhaps most important, both will fight to the end to maintain that liberty

I join in this salute of Israel today because of my own deep admiration for Israel and her people – an admiration based not on hearsay, not on assumption, but on my own personal experience. For I went to Palestine in 1939; and I saw there an unhappy land...For century after century, Romans, Turks, Christians, Moslems, Pagans, British – all had conquered the Holy Land – but none could make it prosper. In the words of Israel Zangwill: “The land without a people waited for the people without a land.” The realm where once milk and honey flowed, and civilization flourished, was in 1939 a barren realm – barren of hope and cheer and progress as well as crops and industries – a gloomy picture for a young man paying his first visit from the United States.

But 12 years later, in 1951, I traveled again to the land by the River Jordan – this time as a Member of the Congress of the United States – and this time to see first-hand the new State of Israel. The transformation which had taken place could not have been more complete. For between the time of my visit in 1939 and my visit in 1951, a nation had been reborn – a desert had been reclaimed – and a national integrity had been redeemed, after 2,000 years of seemingly endless waiting. Zion had at least been restored – and she had promptly opened her arms to the homeless and the weary and the persecuted. It was the “Ingathering of the Exiles” – they had heard the call of their homeland; and they had come, brands plucked from the burning – they had come from concentration camps and ghettoes, from distant exile and dangerous sanctuary, from broken homes in Poland and lonely huts in Yemen, like the ancient strangers in a strange land they had come. And Israel received them all, fed them, housed them, cared for them, bound up their wounds, and enlisted them in the struggle to build a new nation.

Yes; Israel, we salute you. We honor your progress and your determination and your spirit. But in the midst of our rejoicing we do not forget your peril. We know that no other nation in this world lives out its days in an atmosphere of such constant tension and fear. We know that no other nation in this world is surrounded on every side by such violent hate and prejudice

Today we celebrate her 8th birthday – but I say without hesitation that she will live to see an 80th birthday – and an eight hundredth. For peace is all Israel asks, no more – a peace that will “beat swords into plowshares and spears into pruning-hooks”; a peace that will enable the desert to “rejoice and blossom as the rose,” “when the wicked cease from troubling and the weary be at rest.” Then, and only then, will the world have witnessed the complete fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy “Tzee-Yon B’Meeshpat Teepadeh” – “Zion shall be redeemed through justice.” And all of us here, and there, and everywhere will then be able to say to each other with faith and with confidence, in our coming and in our going: “Shalom” – peace! Peace be with you, now and forever.

Remarks by Senator John F. Kennedy at Yankee Stadium on April 29, 1956 | Finding Camelot
Most if not all the countries you mention, strfe is because of most of those borders were Western Fiats...Hindus were terrorizing Buddists in Shri Lanka, Serbians were murdering Catholics, and Muslims...Chinese have been killing Buddists, Africa is a basket case of violence... on and on Hoss...

It aint just Muslims, its the whole world...
Phillip, you really make a first-class Dhimwit. Right now there are Muslims murdering people in many different locations in this world today (they are even murdering each other), and you have to jump right away to start bringing up other groups. All I can say, Phillip, I hope that you, whom they consider an Infidel, don't go wandering around in any Muslim country. They would pull a Nick Berg on you without thinking twice. Regardless of Phillip's deflection, there are honest Muslims in Pakistan who are quite aware of what is happening. If Phillip would take the time to read on-line news sources such as, he would see Muslims' Letters to the Editors complaining about what other Muslims are doing to innocent people of different religions.


Look Hoss, You have Never seen a post where I choose Arabs over Israelis. I know that Western thought is something Italians like myself know about...In fact that's where the present day Jews learned it from, Rome...

Read the Torah...the ancient Jews the Romans found in the ME were just as murderous and uncivilized as their neighbors...Jericho ring a bell, Hoss?

The internet I hope wakes up people and see that Democracy brings freedom and material benefits, which then enfranchises the masses who would seek peace.

As an American I post because I'm tired of seeing American Soldiers fighting everywhere because of our ME involvements...Its time for America to listen to Libertarian pundits and politicians like Ron Paul and Isolate ourselfs from the loonies in the ME.
Phillip, why do you keep on dragging up the Torah which has to do with very ancient times? I have mentioned previously that in ancient times men were so violent and there were plenty of wars going on that I thought an alleged Brandeis graduate would have learned about in an Ancient History class. Right now, it is the Muslims who are busy murdering innocent people in the name of their religion. They are even murdering each other in the name of their religion when you take into consideration how the different sects kill each other. Would you want to be a member of the Shiite sect and see your brethren being blown up in Pakistan quite frequently just because your beliefs are different from the Sunnis? I think one thing the Internet has done with all the various on-line news sources is that it has allowed us to see how murderous these extremist Muslims are. Do you really think they want democracy instead of taking over the world for Islam? By the way, don't you think the ancient Greeks should also be given a lot of appreciation for what they have brought to civilization? Why only the Romans? I wonder if during World War II, Ron Paul would have wanted us to be an Isolationist abd just let Hitler take over Europe, and then the world. What do you think, Phillip?

Phillip, you really make a first-class Dhimwit. Right now there are Muslims murdering people in many different locations in this world today (they are even murdering each other), and you have to jump right away to start bringing up other groups. All I can say, Phillip, I hope that you, whom they consider an Infidel, don't go wandering around in any Muslim country. They would pull a Nick Berg on you without thinking twice. Regardless of Phillip's deflection, there are honest Muslims in Pakistan who are quite aware of what is happening. If Phillip would take the time to read on-line news sources such as, he would see Muslims' Letters to the Editors complaining about what other Muslims are doing to innocent people of different religions.


Look Hoss, You have Never seen a post where I choose Arabs over Israelis. I know that Western thought is something Italians like myself know about...In fact that's where the present day Jews learned it from, Rome...

Read the Torah...the ancient Jews the Romans found in the ME were just as murderous and uncivilized as their neighbors...Jericho ring a bell, Hoss?

The internet I hope wakes up people and see that Democracy brings freedom and material benefits, which then enfranchises the masses who would seek peace.

As an American I post because I'm tired of seeing American Soldiers fighting everywhere because of our ME involvements...Its time for America to listen to Libertarian pundits and politicians like Ron Paul and Isolate ourselfs from the loonies in the ME.
Phillip, why do you keep on dragging up the Torah which has to do with very ancient times? I have mentioned previously that in ancient times men were so violent and there were plenty of wars going on that I thought an alleged Brandeis graduate would have learned about in an Ancient History class. Right now, it is the Muslims who are busy murdering innocent people in the name of their religion. They are even murdering each other in the name of their religion when you take into consideration how the different sects kill each other. Would you want to be a member of the Shiite sect and see your brethren being blown up in Pakistan quite frequently just because your beliefs are different from the Sunnis? I think one thing the Internet has done with all the various on-line news sources is that it has allowed us to see how murderous these extremist Muslims are. Do you really think they want democracy instead of taking over the world for Islam? By the way, don't you think the ancient Greeks should also be given a lot of appreciation for what they have brought to civilization? Why only the Romans? I wonder if during World War II, Ron Paul would have wanted us to be an Isolationist abd just let Hitler take over Europe, and then the world. What do you think, Phillip?


I have nothing in common with Islam and very much in common with Jews. This is not a beauty contest. People are dying everyday...The only solution for most of these underdeveloped Islamic countries to help them overthrow their shackles that have kept them poor and illeterate...the sooner this process is started, the sooner their Economic Engines will reduce poverty and give hope to the average man who wants to live in peace and prosper. Just like the peacefull one and a half million Palestilian/Israeli citizens.
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Look Hoss, You have Never seen a post where I choose Arabs over Israelis. I know that Western thought is something Italians like myself know about...In fact that's where the present day Jews learned it from, Rome...

Read the Torah...the ancient Jews the Romans found in the ME were just as murderous and uncivilized as their neighbors...Jericho ring a bell, Hoss?

The internet I hope wakes up people and see that Democracy brings freedom and material benefits, which then enfranchises the masses who would seek peace.

As an American I post because I'm tired of seeing American Soldiers fighting everywhere because of our ME involvements...Its time for America to listen to Libertarian pundits and politicians like Ron Paul and Isolate ourselfs from the loonies in the ME.
Phillip, why do you keep on dragging up the Torah which has to do with very ancient times? I have mentioned previously that in ancient times men were so violent and there were plenty of wars going on that I thought an alleged Brandeis graduate would have learned about in an Ancient History class. Right now, it is the Muslims who are busy murdering innocent people in the name of their religion. They are even murdering each other in the name of their religion when you take into consideration how the different sects kill each other. Would you want to be a member of the Shiite sect and see your brethren being blown up in Pakistan quite frequently just because your beliefs are different from the Sunnis? I think one thing the Internet has done with all the various on-line news sources is that it has allowed us to see how murderous these extremist Muslims are. Do you really think they want democracy instead of taking over the world for Islam? By the way, don't you think the ancient Greeks should also be given a lot of appreciation for what they have brought to civilization? Why only the Romans? I wonder if during World War II, Ron Paul would have wanted us to be an Isolationist abd just let Hitler take over Europe, and then the world. What do you think, Phillip?


I have nothing in common with Islam and very much in common with Jews. This is not a beauty contest. People are dying everyday...The only solution for most of these underdeveloped Islamic countries to help them overthrow their shackles that have kept them poor and illeterate...the sooner this process is started, the sooner their Economic Engines will reduce poverty and give hope to the average man who wants to live in peace and prosper. Just like the peacefull one and a half million Palestilian/Israeli citizens.
Of course this is not a beauty contest. It is a contest of the Free Civilized World against those who want a world run by Muslims which includes Sharia Law. Evidently you have not been reading any articles where Muslims admit that democracy and Islam do not go hand in hand. It's a shame that you weren't able to see some Muslims posting on AOL message boards. For instance, one Muslim said that Islam is not just for Iranians or Arabs -- it is for the entire world. Then another wanted to see hundreds of millions of Hindus dead just so Islam could take over India. I really hope, Phillip, that in the future you do keep up with the news, especially those from the on-line new sources like,,, etc. to see what is going on in the Muslim world. Now I am sure you would not say that Saudi Arabia is an impoverished country, so can you tell us why so many Saudis think like this. Saudi Muslims Venting Radical Beliefs on Facebook - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
Then you can tell us why the Egyptians had a fit over this. Does this have anything to do with their being poor? Egyptian Actress Under Fire for Playing Role of Mother Teresa :: Raymond Ibrahim

Talmud: "Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world."

Sahih Bukhari Hadeeth: The Prophet said... I would love to be martyred in Al1ah's Cause and then get resurrected and then get martyred, and then get resurrected again and then get martyred and then get resurrected again and then get martyred.
Talmud Quotes

Erubin 21b. Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.

Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God

Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.
Founding Father of the United States of America John Adams
I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist of the other sect, who believe or pretend to believe that all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization Roots Of American Order (9781882926992): Russell Kirk, Forrest McDonald: Books

United States President John Quincy Adams
The precept of the koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet, may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force . Memoir of the life of John Quincy Adams. (9781240038398): Josiah Quincy: Books
It IS primarily the muslims, driven by their diseased death cult known as islam.

At EVERY point on the globe, every one, where the muslim world touches the non-muslim - there is conflict or war. Whether it is the muslim filth in mindanao in the southern philippines trying to ethnically cleanse all non-muslims, to gaza where the muslim filth is ethnically cleansing christians, to nigeria where the muslim filth is doing the same - the muslim scourge can be seen in all its glory.

The muslim, via its cancerous death cult, is a warlike barbarian that can only be put down like a dog.

Just curious, what faith do you belong to?
Just curious, what faith do you belong to?

Asshole, it is not only NOT relevant - but none of your fucking business; <I> am not the topic of this thread - the death cult of islam is. Stick to it.

And try to explain why muslims are at war with every other group, at every point on the map - and cannot assimilate into the countries that that vermin immigrates to.
Most if not all the countries you mention, strfe is because of most of those borders were Western Fiats...Hindus were terrorizing Buddists in Shri Lanka, Serbians were murdering Catholics, and Muslims...Chinese have been killing Buddists, Africa is a basket case of violence... on and on Hoss...It aint just Muslims, its the whole world...

It IS primarily the muslims, driven by their diseased death cult known as islam.

At EVERY point on the globe, every one, where the muslim world touches the non-muslim - there is conflict or war. Whether it is the muslim filth in mindanao in the southern philippines trying to ethnically cleanse all non-muslims, to gaza where the muslim filth is ethnically cleansing christians, to nigeria where the muslim filth is doing the same - the muslim scourge can be seen in all its glory.

The muslim, via its cancerous death cult, is a warlike barbarian that can only be put down like a dog.
Post-of-the-Month. IMO
Just curious, what faith do you belong to?

Asshole, it is not only NOT relevant - but none of your fucking business; <I> am not the topic of this thread - the death cult of islam is. Stick to it.

And try to explain why muslims are at war with every other group, at every point on the map - and cannot assimilate into the countries that that vermin immigrates to.

I'd first like to know why you're so pissed at them, you need to relax, being that angry over something that you have no control over in unhealthy for the body and the mind.

I was asking about faith because a real person of faith wouldn't hate so much.
Just curious, what faith do you belong to?

Asshole, it is not only NOT relevant - but none of your fucking business; <I> am not the topic of this thread - the death cult of islam is. Stick to it.

And try to explain why muslims are at war with every other group, at every point on the map - and cannot assimilate into the countries that that vermin immigrates to.

I'd first like to know why you're so pissed at them, you need to relax, being that angry over something that you have no control over in unhealthy for the body and the mind.

I was asking about faith because a real person of faith wouldn't hate so much.
You can include me in that hate group against Islam. That's what I get by reading the OT. No false religions, no false gods. So sue me.
Asshole, it is not only NOT relevant - but none of your fucking business; <I> am not the topic of this thread - the death cult of islam is. Stick to it.

And try to explain why muslims are at war with every other group, at every point on the map - and cannot assimilate into the countries that that vermin immigrates to.

I'd first like to know why you're so pissed at them, you need to relax, being that angry over something that you have no control over in unhealthy for the body and the mind.

I was asking about faith because a real person of faith wouldn't hate so much.
You can include me in that hate group against Islam. That's what I get by reading the OT. No false religions, no false gods. So sue me.

You mean, you don't believe a religion started by a cave-dwelling caravan hijacking con artist who married a 6 year old when he was 53 and who married his ex-daughter-in-law, who merely plagiarized the best parts of Judaism and Christianity?

Good thinking! :clap2:
Most if not all the countries you mention, strfe is because of most of those borders were Western Fiats...Hindus were terrorizing Buddists in Shri Lanka, Serbians were murdering Catholics, and Muslims...Chinese have been killing Buddists, Africa is a basket case of violence... on and on Hoss...It aint just Muslims, its the whole world...

It IS primarily the muslims, driven by their diseased death cult known as islam.

At EVERY point on the globe, every one, where the muslim world touches the non-muslim - there is conflict or war. Whether it is the muslim filth in mindanao in the southern philippines trying to ethnically cleanse all non-muslims, to gaza where the muslim filth is ethnically cleansing christians, to nigeria where the muslim filth is doing the same - the muslim scourge can be seen in all its glory.

The muslim, via its cancerous death cult, is a warlike barbarian that can only be put down like a dog.
Post-of-the-Month. IMO
You need to get out more. :D
Asshole, it is not only NOT relevant - but none of your fucking business; <I> am not the topic of this thread - the death cult of islam is. Stick to it.

And try to explain why muslims are at war with every other group, at every point on the map - and cannot assimilate into the countries that that vermin immigrates to.

I'd first like to know why you're so pissed at them, you need to relax, being that angry over something that you have no control over in unhealthy for the body and the mind.

I was asking about faith because a real person of faith wouldn't hate so much.
You can include me in that hate group against Islam. That's what I get by reading the OT. No false religions, no false gods. So sue me.
So your solution is to put them all down like dogs? Why don't you pack them all up on boats and send them to China, they eat dogs there. :D
I'd first like to know why you're so pissed at them, you need to relax, being that angry over something that you have no control over in unhealthy for the body and the mind.

I was asking about faith because a real person of faith wouldn't hate so much.
You can include me in that hate group against Islam. That's what I get by reading the OT. No false religions, no false gods. So sue me.
So your solution is to put them all down like dogs? Why don't you pack them all up on boats and send them to China, they eat dogs there. :D

Sill zero reputation posts. You're an aspiring Tinhead.
I'd first like to know why you're so pissed at them, you need to relax, being that angry over something that you have no control over in unhealthy for the body and the mind.

I was asking about faith because a real person of faith wouldn't hate so much.
You can include me in that hate group against Islam. That's what I get by reading the OT. No false religions, no false gods. So sue me.
So your solution is to put them all down like dogs? Why don't you pack them all up on boats and send them to China, they eat dogs there. :D
I actually believe what HE told Joshua to do after crossing over into the Promised Land and planting his big,'ol hobnailed Jesus sandals in Zion. You can look it up.
You can include me in that hate group against Islam. That's what I get by reading the OT. No false religions, no false gods. So sue me.
So your solution is to put them all down like dogs? Why don't you pack them all up on boats and send them to China, they eat dogs there. :D
I actually believe what HE told Joshua to do after crossing over into the Promised Land and planting his big,'ol hobnailed Jesus sandals in Zion. You can look it up.

Well, the OT was not intended as a book of history, though, obviously, many read it as such.

The consensus of opinion among archaeologists is the ancient Israelites emerged from the Canaanite society and established their own Jewish civilization.

There is no archaeological evidence verifying the Biblical rendition of Joshua's entry into Canaan.
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