Americans Begging The Government To Take Their Rights

I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
No rights are being asked for, you still have the right to bear arms. It's just that they want more stuff added to the list of weapons that you're already not allowed to buy.

Why? And why would a 10-17 year old kid want the government to limit their right to self defense?

You can still be armed for self-defense, nobody is asking for ALL the guns to be banned.

So let me ask you, why do you let the government limit what you can buy already? I'm sure that people who live near airports, especially Arab-Americans, wouldn't mind buying a few AA missiles at their local weapons store. You know, for self-defense.

The real question is why you regressives revert to the absurd when you have no logical argument?

I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
No rights are being asked for, you still have the right to bear arms. It's just that they want more stuff added to the list of weapons that you're already not allowed to buy.

Why? And why would a 10-17 year old kid want the government to limit their right to self defense?

You can still be armed for self-defense, nobody is asking for ALL the guns to be banned.

So let me ask you, why do you let the government limit what you can buy already? I'm sure that people who live near airports, especially Arab-Americans, wouldn't mind buying a few AA missiles at their local weapons store. You know, for self-defense.

The real question is why you regressives revert to the absurd when you have no logical argument?

Why is it absurd? Why shouldn't I be able to buy any kind of weapon I want? "Shall not be infringed". That's what it says. School children should also be allowed to pack, as there's no age limit for bearing arms in the Big C.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
What’s fascinating about this post is 1) Most of those protestors are not advocating for abolishing the 2nd amendment. Why you are so dense to see any sort of nuance in this issue is really pretty sad. 2) You are whining about someone else’s 1st amendment rights.

Feel free to point where I said they were advocating abolishing the 2nd.

There's no nuance here, it's left wing propaganda using children and taxpayer money to push a political agenda. If they want to protest, let them do it on their own time. Do you think they reported these students absent from class for these events. The answer is hell no, because they get federal funds based on attendance.

And just to give you a clue, not all kids that were pressured to be out there agree with this BS.

I don’t understand why you get so butthurt over people pushing for banning assault weapons and wanting stricter background checks. You don’t have to agree with these ideas - there’s just no reason to whine about it.

Any weapon is an assault weapon when it's used against another person. You're the second regressive that has said stricter background checks with out defining what that means or how it would make any difference on these mass shootings.

Come on child, whine some more about the scary looking guns that are no more effective than less scary looking guns.


By definition, ALL weapons are assault weapons, because assaulting is what one DOES with a weapon. That's why it's a weapon, and not a paperweight.
Please take away my rights To life and liberty ! Who doesn’t want to be shot to death by some AR wielding psycho!

It’s so weird how Cons obsesss on the 2nd, and then wipe their ass with the rest of the constitution.

Better yet, who wants to be defenseless when one shows up? You freaks are asking the same government that failed in FL to save you, REALLY?

But guns aren't the point of this thread, it's about Americans begging the government to take away their rights for some false sense of security.


Replace “ guns” with “voting” and watch you righties pull a 180 on giving away rights .

Or really name any other right and y’all are for all kinds of limitations. You name if.

Oh, and gov failed in Florida because they didn’t have the laws to help them . Unlike in gun control states .

I'm not going deep into this but what are the constitutional requirements for voting?

Also FL and the FBI had adequate laws at their disposal to prevent Cruz from passing a background check, both dropped the ball.


Did our founding fathers have to show special state issued picture ID in order to vote ?

No, their neighbors knew who they were. If they had lived in a nation of hundreds of millions of people, with scads of people flooding across the border all the time, they would have, though.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
No rights are being asked for, you still have the right to bear arms. It's just that they want more stuff added to the list of weapons that you're already not allowed to buy.

Why? And why would a 10-17 year old kid want the government to limit their right to self defense?

You can still be armed for self-defense, nobody is asking for ALL the guns to be banned.

So let me ask you, why do you let the government limit what you can buy already? I'm sure that people who live near airports, especially Arab-Americans, wouldn't mind buying a few AA missiles at their local weapons store. You know, for self-defense.

The real question is why you regressives revert to the absurd when you have no logical argument?

Why is it absurd? Why shouldn't I be able to buy any kind of weapon I want? "Shall not be infringed". That's what it says. School children should also be allowed to pack, as there's no age limit for bearing arms in the Big C.

I've owned guns since I was 12, would have never thought to use them to settle a dispute. Of course we didn't get participation trophies back then.

One of the reason why Churches don't pay taxes is because they can't campaign for politicians.

You have that backwards. They cannot campaign for politicians because they do not pay taxes, not the other way around.

Churches not being taxed is the biggest scam in the nation right now.

And why should they be taxed? It's not because they're making a profit off of that money, so it can only be because you and your ilk hate religion and want to cripple it and try to kill it.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
What’s fascinating about this post is 1) Most of those protestors are not advocating for abolishing the 2nd amendment. Why you are so dense to see any sort of nuance in this issue is really pretty sad. 2) You are whining about someone else’s 1st amendment rights.

Feel free to point where I said they were advocating abolishing the 2nd.

There's no nuance here, it's left wing propaganda using children and taxpayer money to push a political agenda. If they want to protest, let them do it on their own time. Do you think they reported these students absent from class for these events. The answer is hell no, because they get federal funds based on attendance.

And just to give you a clue, not all kids that were pressured to be out there agree with this BS.

I don’t understand why you get so butthurt over people pushing for banning assault weapons and wanting stricter background checks. You don’t have to agree with these ideas - there’s just no reason to whine about it.

Any weapon is an assault weapon when it's used against another person. You're the second regressive that has said stricter background checks with out defining what that means or how it would make any difference on these mass shootings.

Come on child, whine some more about the scary looking guns that are no more effective than less scary looking guns.


By definition, ALL weapons are assault weapons, because assaulting is what one DOES with a weapon. That's why it's a weapon, and not a paperweight.

Seems I said something similar to that. LOL

One of the reason why Churches don't pay taxes is because they can't campaign for politicians.

You have that backwards. They cannot campaign for politicians because they do not pay taxes, not the other way around.

Churches not being taxed is the biggest scam in the nation right now.

wow taxing charities is really cold-hearted and greedy

No, I am talking about taxing churches, they are social clubs, not charities. Most churches spend less than 10% of their “income” on actual charitable work

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They are non-profits, and they very carefully comply with all the IRS regulations to maintain that status. What YOU think of what they do and why is irrelevant. Furthermore, I want to see your evidence for your alleged "10%" statistic, or I will consider the lack of said evidence to be an admission that you're a lying sack of shit.

Put up or shut up, bigot.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

Dear OKTexas
From some interviews I heard of supporters,
some of them just wanted to show support for students in Florida
and schools nationwide. It was more a solidarity thing,
and trying to connect where a gaping hole was torn in hearts across the country.

People need a sense of connection and belonging,
to unify communities. I also prefer they not use anger to mobilize,
but compassion. I think it was Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh
who said that a lot of American activism is focused on "anger" as
a motivation to get people to take action; but sustainable
motivation for real change comes from compassion.

People are basically taking or projecting their concern
and compassion, and channeling it into either prayer vigils
or protests and anger. People grieve in different ways,
and are not all in the same stages of recovery and change.

You will see all kinds of people and statements coming out
of these events, so it's not like "all these people are begging
to give up more control to govt". Many participants want to
express public and personal support for students and schools
and wanting CHANGE in general, whatever that turns out to be.

You might want to watch the coverage, this has been hijacked by the left, they were spewing hard left wing talking points all the while claiming it's not political. Give me a break.


Did you go to one? Do you have any children that participated? or are you just relying on second hand information?
I know I won't participate in the exploitation of kids. Just dems do that.
Using them for target practice is exploitation.

Allowing people to use them for target practice, and then using them to blame someone else, is exploitation.

You have no moral authority. The blood is on YOUR hands.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
We will still get guns.


You need to have a little chat with easy about due process and background checks.
Obama DOJ Forced FBI To Delete 500,000 Fugitives From Background Check Database
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

The right to life is stronger.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
We will still get guns.


You need to have a little chat with easy about due process and background checks.
Obama DOJ Forced FBI To Delete 500,000 Fugitives From Background Check Database
I guess the left didn't like background checks eh? not the GOP.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
No rights are being asked for, you still have the right to bear arms. It's just that they want more stuff added to the list of weapons that you're already not allowed to buy.

Why? And why would a 10-17 year old kid want the government to limit their right to self defense?

You can still be armed for self-defense, nobody is asking for ALL the guns to be banned.

So let me ask you, why do you let the government limit what you can buy already? I'm sure that people who live near airports, especially Arab-Americans, wouldn't mind buying a few AA missiles at their local weapons store. You know, for self-defense.

The real question is why you regressives revert to the absurd when you have no logical argument?


Absurd is claiming you need a semi auto rifle with high capacity magazines for defense.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

The right to life is stronger.

And that is why we have the 2nd Amendment, moron. Americans use their guns on average 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack and often mass shootings...saving more lives with their guns than criminals take with their guns...there is no comparison...

Good guys with guns in this country save more lives than bad guys with guns take.....that is a fact, the truth and the reality.

If you take guns away from good guys, all you will have are more rape victims, more murder victims and more victims of violent crime. Britain banned and confiscated guns...their gun crime rate keeps going up and their violent crime rate is higher than ours.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
No rights are being asked for, you still have the right to bear arms. It's just that they want more stuff added to the list of weapons that you're already not allowed to buy.

Why? And why would a 10-17 year old kid want the government to limit their right to self defense?

You can still be armed for self-defense, nobody is asking for ALL the guns to be banned.

So let me ask you, why do you let the government limit what you can buy already? I'm sure that people who live near airports, especially Arab-Americans, wouldn't mind buying a few AA missiles at their local weapons store. You know, for self-defense.

The real question is why you regressives revert to the absurd when you have no logical argument?


Absurd is claiming you need a semi auto rifle with high capacity magazines for defense. is accurate, and you lie in every post.....the magazine capacity has no bearing for criminals or mass shooters but can mean the difference between life and death for a law abiding gun owner....
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

The right to life is stronger.

And that is why we have the 2nd Amendment, moron. Americans use their guns on average 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack and often mass shootings...saving more lives with their guns than criminals take with their guns...there is no comparison...

Good guys with guns in this country save more lives than bad guys with guns take.....that is a fact, the truth and the reality.

If you take guns away from good guys, all you will have are more rape victims, more murder victims and more victims of violent crime. Britain banned and confiscated guns...their gun crime rate keeps going up and their violent crime rate is higher than ours.

Countries with strong gun control have lower homicide rates and no mass shooting problem. Stop being ridiculous.
No rights are being asked for, you still have the right to bear arms. It's just that they want more stuff added to the list of weapons that you're already not allowed to buy.

Why? And why would a 10-17 year old kid want the government to limit their right to self defense?

You can still be armed for self-defense, nobody is asking for ALL the guns to be banned.

So let me ask you, why do you let the government limit what you can buy already? I'm sure that people who live near airports, especially Arab-Americans, wouldn't mind buying a few AA missiles at their local weapons store. You know, for self-defense.

The real question is why you regressives revert to the absurd when you have no logical argument?


Absurd is claiming you need a semi auto rifle with high capacity magazines for defense. is accurate, and you lie in every post.....the magazine capacity has no bearing for criminals or mass shooters but can mean the difference between life and death for a law abiding gun owner....
Our worst mass shootings used semi auto rifles with high capacity magazines. Your lies are tiring.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
We will still get guns.


You need to have a little chat with easy about due process and background checks.
Obama DOJ Forced FBI To Delete 500,000 Fugitives From Background Check Database

It was the Trump Admin that purges the rolls, it happened in 2017

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I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
We will still get guns.


You need to have a little chat with easy about due process and background checks.
Obama DOJ Forced FBI To Delete 500,000 Fugitives From Background Check Database

Why, looks like we're on the same page.

I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
We will still get guns.


You need to have a little chat with easy about due process and background checks.
Obama DOJ Forced FBI To Delete 500,000 Fugitives From Background Check Database

It was the Trump Admin that purges the rolls, it happened in 2017

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Well son of a bitch. Imagine Trump doing something sensible.

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