Americans Begging The Government To Take Their Rights

I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

My thoughts? Some believe a gun is a symbol of liberty and justice; others that it is a tool misused to take away the life, liberty and happiness of too many innocents.

Millions have given their lives in defense of our country, but some of them (Lt. Calley, for an example) misuse these tools even though they are well trained and have policies which they have chosen to ignore.

Liars claim that the hidden agenda of those who see a problem and seek a solution want to repeal the 2nd A.; pragmatic people see the harm done by weapons of war used by untrained and unfettered persons are a problem too, and seek to mitigate it with reasoned and common sense restrictions.

Liars use the slippery slope logical fallacy that any effort to control the use, possess and custody of a gun is the first step in the confiscation of all guns in America. Such a claim is absurd, prohibitions never work, and the cost to do so would be prohibitive.
Abortion is legal, conservatives spend inordinate amounts of taxpayer money passing assinine laws that are always thrown out by the courts because...abortion is legal.

Cons why are you begging the Government to take your rights away? Don't you know hundreds of thousands died to give you these rights? And not only do you want them to take away your rights you want them to take away everyone else's rights as well. 'cuz your phoney bible demands everyone live how YOU would have them live.

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So let's do away with that ancient 'no taxes for churches' thing and get all of those people fed and housed. As Jesus commanded.

Unless you really aren't interested in what Jesus wanted.

Everyone gets it.
The Democrat Bigots hate Christians.
But thanks for the constant reminders.
One of the reason why Churches don't pay taxes is because they can't campaign for politicians.
BTW Churches and Charities fed and assist the poor all of the time.

No one hate Christians except themselves. Most are not Christians they are Kristians, people that do not follow who Christ was or what he did or said to do. They just like the feeling of calling themselves something they aren't. And you derps who vomit this nonsense 'these people hate these people'. Nah just in your bubble world.
and yet it never made the news. how would anyone know that? that was not the agenda. See it's agenda driven and exploiting kids was the agenda. not punishing them. wow. good for that school I'll say.

What didn't make the news? The school left it up to the individual teachers to make the decision. My son made a choice and had a consequences of it, that is what happens sometimes when you exercise your 1st Amendments rights. That lesson was more valuable than anything he might have learned during the 17 minute walkout.
well the news played it up that all kids were involved. I know that wasn't true, but the vulnerable in the country don't figure things like that out, and I find that no news on something leaves these people in the dark and encourages fake news.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

I think it's more a matter of them not really teaching anything at all on the subject. Civics is barely mentioned in many schools these days, and don't even get me started about the quality of history education. Far too many people think it's just memorizing events and their dates, without ever exploring the why.

The classic quote on this subject is from Ben Franklin: "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Seems to me that he thought it was important enough to comment on precisely because he knew how very, VERY likely people are to do exactly that.

And the really sad thing is that, not only do they not deserve liberty or safety, they usually GET neither one.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

Bill of rights.
Amendment 1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or
of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition
the Government for a redress of grievances.

I'm sure you think there's some relevance in this, and I'm equally sure you're dead wrong.
Please take away my rights To life and liberty ! Who doesn’t want to be shot to death by some AR wielding psycho!

It’s so weird how Cons obsesss on the 2nd, and then wipe their ass with the rest of the constitution.

Love your children more than your guns.

I love my gun BECAUSE I love my children, and I don't want to watch them die while I wait for some cop, who might be standing outside and afraid to enter and engage.
Yeah. These kids are fucking dumb. Why do they care about school shooters? Just duck and cover, bro.

Big difference between "care about" and "know something useful about". Not that I would expect a leftist to know the difference between thinking and feeling. I assume that God gave leftists no brain and a double-helping of glands to fill in the gap.
I believe it was more a case of citizens protesting that somebody with a gun can take away all their rights and more.

And their idea of protesting that is to say, "So please make sure I'm never able to prevent them from doing so"?
If only the shooting victims had all those thoughts and prayers BEFORE they were mercilessly gunned down instead of after. Everyone knows the immense value of thoughts and prayers when it comes to saving lives.

I wish everyone knew the purpose of prayers before opening their blathering cakehole and speaking about them.

But then, when it comes to leftists, virtually everything they say leaves me wishing they knew what the fuck they were talking about before they spoke, so . . .
Yeah. These kids are fucking dumb. Why do they care about school shooters? Just duck and cover, bro.

Yeah, how old do you need to be to see that you're being used by the regressive left and figure out that school is probably the safest place a kid could be. More kids die in their own homes and family vehicles than die in school. Tell the class what are the odds of a kid dying in school vs. the total number of class room days? I doubt my calculator has enough decimal points to calculate it.


Yeah you're right. Better do nothing then.

They ARE doing nothing. They're just doing it in a way that let's them "feelz" like they're doing something.
Abortion is legal, conservatives spend inordinate amounts of taxpayer money passing assinine laws that are always thrown out by the courts because...abortion is legal.

Cons why are you begging the Government to take your rights away? Don't you know hundreds of thousands died to give you these rights? And not only do you want them to take away your rights you want them to take away everyone else's rights as well. 'cuz your phoney bible demands everyone live how YOU would have them live.

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So let's do away with that ancient 'no taxes for churches' thing and get all of those people fed and housed. As Jesus commanded.

Unless you really aren't interested in what Jesus wanted.
There is no need for welfare

Yeah we should prolly just round up the poor/homeless and kill them all off. Not only are they annoying, they are an eyesore. Clean up the fucking garbage and throw it in the incinerator.

Perhaps we should round up leftists. If they weren't constantly polluting society with their bullshit, we'd have fewer of virtually every OTHER sort of problem.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
We will still get guns.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
No rights are being asked for, you still have the right to bear arms. It's just that they want more stuff added to the list of weapons that you're already not allowed to buy.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

My thoughts? Some believe a gun is a symbol of liberty and justice; others that it is a tool misused to take away the life, liberty and happiness of too many innocents.

Millions have given their lives in defense of our country, but some of them (Lt. Calley, for an example) misuse these tools even though they are well trained and have policies which they have chosen to ignore.

Liars claim that the hidden agenda of those who see a problem and seek a solution want to repeal the 2nd A.; pragmatic people see the harm done by weapons of war used by untrained and unfettered persons are a problem too, and seek to mitigate it with reasoned and common sense restrictions.

Liars use the slippery slope logical fallacy that any effort to control the use, possess and custody of a gun is the first step in the confiscation of all guns in America. Such a claim is absurd, prohibitions never work, and the cost to do so would be prohibitive.

And liars use bumper sticker slogans thinking they're actual arguments. Have you got any real solutions that will address mass shootings and not just encumber law abiding citizens from exercising their rights?

I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

I think it's more a matter of them not really teaching anything at all on the subject. Civics is barely mentioned in many schools these days, and don't even get me started about the quality of history education. Far too many people think it's just memorizing events and their dates, without ever exploring the why.

The classic quote on this subject is from Ben Franklin: "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Seems to me that he thought it was important enough to comment on precisely because he knew how very, VERY likely people are to do exactly that.

And the really sad thing is that, not only do they not deserve liberty or safety, they usually GET neither one.

You nailed it.

Abortion is legal, conservatives spend inordinate amounts of taxpayer money passing assinine laws that are always thrown out by the courts because...abortion is legal.

Cons why are you begging the Government to take your rights away? Don't you know hundreds of thousands died to give you these rights? And not only do you want them to take away your rights you want them to take away everyone else's rights as well. 'cuz your phoney bible demands everyone live how YOU would have them live.

View attachment 182702

So let's do away with that ancient 'no taxes for churches' thing and get all of those people fed and housed. As Jesus commanded.

Unless you really aren't interested in what Jesus wanted.
There is no need for welfare

Yeah we should prolly just round up the poor/homeless and kill them all off. Not only are they annoying, they are an eyesore. Clean up the fucking garbage and throw it in the incinerator.

Perhaps we should round up leftists. If they weren't constantly polluting society with their bullshit, we'd have fewer of virtually every OTHER sort of problem.

Yes one of your dreams to start 'rounding people up'. So you will scream about 'the gubmint takin' our guns but you want the government to round up people you don't like.

Not quite the egalitarian there are you Stalin.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
We will still get guns.


I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
No rights are being asked for, you still have the right to bear arms. It's just that they want more stuff added to the list of weapons that you're already not allowed to buy.

Why? And why would a 10-17 year old kid want the government to limit their right to self defense?

If only the shooting victims had all those thoughts and prayers BEFORE they were mercilessly gunned down instead of after. Everyone knows the immense value of thoughts and prayers when it comes to saving lives.

I wish everyone knew the purpose of prayers before opening their blathering cakehole and speaking about them.

But then, when it comes to leftists, virtually everything they say leaves me wishing they knew what the fuck they were talking about before they spoke, so . . .
their religion is propaganda.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
No rights are being asked for, you still have the right to bear arms. It's just that they want more stuff added to the list of weapons that you're already not allowed to buy.

Why? And why would a 10-17 year old kid want the government to limit their right to self defense?

You can still be armed for self-defense, nobody is asking for ALL the guns to be banned.

So let me ask you, why do you let the government limit what you can buy already? I'm sure that people who live near airports, especially Arab-Americans, wouldn't mind buying a few AA missiles at their local weapons store. You know, for self-defense.

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