“Americans Must Stand Up to the Fraud. Kari Lake Did that. Thank God for Kari Lake!”

Well, thank you for answering, but.........

....but if cannot prove there is a God....does that mean there isn't one?

.....but if I cannot proves there isn't a God.....does that mean there is one?
Belief in a higher being is faith based.
Belief in a higher being is faith based.
But you cannot prove that.
You cannot prove that there isn't a God?
Nor....I suspect.....you cannot prove there isn't a Devil?
Or, there ain't hosts of angels?
Or, that there ain't a 3-Partite God like the Catholics tout?

ps....poster Blaster, I still think you missed a whole bunch of classes at various levels. Your reasoning is suspect.
But you cannot prove that.
You cannot prove that there isn't a God?
Nor....I suspect.....you cannot prove there isn't a Devil?
Or, there ain't hosts of angels?
Or, that there ain't a 3-Partite God like the Catholics tout?

ps....poster Blaster, I still think you missed a whole bunch of classes at various levels. Your reasoning is suspect.
My reasoning is very sound.
Ask Lake. She has all the proof she needs.
You KEEP saying that ^^^^^ but like Rudi and the Kraken, you come up empty again.

"The fact is neither one of us know for sure if the election was fair."

Yet, good poster Blaster it is you and the RWNJ MAGAMob that shrill about the 2020 election and the Arizona election as 'stolen'....'fraud"....."cheating'. And do so as you readily admit above without "knowing for sure".

Accordingly, such broadcast sentiments are corrosive to America, and our form of democratic governance. They harm America. There need be ...in a system of 'consent of the governed' ...a presumption of sincerity in the decision of the people to be led by whomever. But, if some of those governed bad-mouth the process....without "knowing-for-sure", well, that depreciates everybody else's decision. Now, if they have irrefutable proof that have a right and a duty to bring it forward. But they better be right. They better 'know-for-sure'. Because their actions cause dire consequences. Harm results.

Think of it this way......you shrilly announce your brother-in-law is cheating on his wife.
But you don't know that for sure. You have no credible proof. But you believe he is
And you broadly announce your allegation.... but present no irrefutable proof that he is cheating on your sister. You simply cannot prove that he is. Cannot prove it in a credible manner. It is just your 'feeling' that he is. And you self-satisfying assert..."Well, he can't prove he isn't cheating'.

So, without credible verifiable proof ...... you have done what?

Have you improved your sister's marriage? Have you made their life better?

Count me skeptical.

What you and others of the MAGA-Q's are doing is irresponsible and reckless. And as we've seen it has led to threats of violence against grandmothers who do their good citizenry by going to the local polls and working to assist people vote. By making sure the vote and the count follows the long established procedures that have worked in many other election cycles.

The MAGA's are harming America.
They are not helping America.
And share of that harm....good poster Blaster.....lies on your own personal doorstep.

Yet, good poster Blaster it is you and the RWNJ MAGAMob that shrill about the 2020 election and the Arizona election as 'stolen'....'fraud"....."cheating'. And do so as you readily admit above without "knowing for sure".

Accordingly, such broadcast sentiments are corrosive to America, and our form of democratic governance. They harm America. There need be ...in a system of 'consent of the governed' ...a presumption of sincerity in the decision of the people to be led by whomever. But, if some of those governed bad-mouth the process....without "knowing-for-sure", well, that depreciates everybody else's decision. Now, if they have irrefutable proof that have a right and a duty to bring it forward. But they better be right. They better 'know-for-sure'. Because their actions cause dire consequences. Harm results.

Think of it this way......you shrilly announce your brother-in-law is cheating on his wife.
But you don't know that for sure. You have no credible proof. But you believe he is
And you broadly announce your allegation.... but present no irrefutable proof that he is cheating on your sister. You simply cannot prove that he is. Cannot prove it in a credible manner. It is just your 'feeling' that he is. And you self-satisfying assert..."Well, he can't prove he isn't cheating'.

So, without credible verifiable proof ...... you have done what?

Have you improved your sister's marriage? Have you made their life better?

Count me skeptical.

What you and others of the MAGA-Q's are doing is irresponsible and reckless. And as we've seen it has led to threats of violence against grandmothers who do their good citizenry by going to the local polls and working to assist people vote. By making sure the vote and the count follows the long established procedures that have worked in many other election cycles.

The MAGA's are harming America.
They are not helping America.
And share of that harm....good poster Blaster.....lies on your own personal doorstep.

Unlike you I don't kiss the ass of any political party.
Good for Kari, she's not going to back down.

---On Friday night Kari Lake filed a 70-page lawsuit against Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, Maricopa County Board Members Bill Gates, Clint Hickman, Jack Sellers, Thomas Galvin, Steve Gallardo, and elections director Scott Jarret in the Superior Court for the state of Arizona.
The lawsuit alleges HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of illegal votes were counted in the election---

This is how you Trumptard MAGAts remain so clueless and hopelessly addicted to stupid conspiracy theories.

The Gateway Pundit.
Good grief!

First you bounce some garbage story like this around in your echo chambers for a suitable amount of time.....none of you questioning it or even cross-checking it with other reporting....until you've all convinced yourself it is rock solid "news" that you can rely on and pin your hopes on.

Then, when reality rears it's ugly head, and Kari Klan Queen's (so called) "lawsuits" are thrown out of court for lack of merit because (in spite of what Gatewaypundit has told you) no one has been able to produce one SHRED of actual, credible election fraud evidence, then you just use THAT as well to bolster your "conspiracy" claims and whacko conspiracies.

And rinse and repeat.

Don't you ever wonder why Conservos keep appearing to get the rug jerked out from under them so much? Everytime you folks on the right get yourselves all pumped-up for some major hammer to fall on some perceived "enemy" you come away disappointed.
It all turns out to be a huge nothingburger.

Hillary's emails
Crossfire Hurricane
2020 (non-existent) "election fraud"
Hunter Biden's laptop
and soon "Twittergate" and whatever new bullshit "investigations" the new, incoming House of Representative members are going to try to launch......

They're all the same.
There's nothing to them.

But you MAGAts never get to really realize that for yourselves because your fake news (like The Gatewaypundit) keeps you so riled up and in the dark bouncing from one sensational pile of fabricated journalistic excrement to the next.....with no apology for being wrong in between.

Kari (Karen) Klan Queen Lake lost legitimately because she was a crappy candidate who ran on a crappy platform that turned off moderate Republican voters.

And her dumb-fuck MAGAt supporters weren't "disenfranchised" and prevented from voting like she claims.
She told them to stay away from early voting so they did.
But then on election day they didn't like the long lines and the parking situations....so they just went home.

And that's pretty much it.
"Unlike you I don't kiss the ass........"
What or who I kiss or don't kiss is not germane to this issue, poster Blaster.

What my post was about was your irresponsibility in promulgating the canard about stolen elections even though.....as you readily admit....you are not really sure if it is true.

So forgive me, amigo, but your recklessness reflects badly on all people who support Trump, on Republicans, and it reflects badly on Conservatives.

But more important than all their reputations is that your shrilling harms America.
What you do damages us. You are an irresponsible citizen of this great country.

What or who I kiss or don't kiss is not germane to this issue, poster Blaster.

What my post was about was your irresponsibility in promulgating the canard about stolen elections even though.....as you readily admit....you are not really sure if it is true.

So forgive me, amigo, but your recklessness reflects badly on all people who support Trump, on Republicans, and it reflects badly on Conservatives.

But more important than all their reputations is that your shrilling harms America.
What you do damages us. You are an irresponsible citizen of this great country.

You're funny!

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