Americans Quit Their Jobs at Record Pace for 2nd Month


About two years ago my middle son was working as a warehouse worker for Amazon. He loved the job, and he came home every night and took notes about how he could improve their efficiency. He was going to graduate from college in the spring and he was honestly contemplating on making a career with Amazon. They had promised him, keep your attendance up and in three months we will make you full time with benefits. But the three months passed and they kept stalling. He was still waiting to be made full time, with benefits an additional two months. Then they laid him off, no notice. Just you are laid off, don't come to work tomorrow. Then Covid hit.

Less than a month passed and Amazon was contacting him. They offered a raise, immediate full time status, and a sign-on bonus. He told them to pound sand. The company had no loyalty to him, he had no loyalty to them.

What companies cannot realize is that this younger generation is a completely different breed than previous generations. They don't take no shit. Just as the example of my son has shown. If companies can't give them loyalty they sure as hell are not going to be loyal to a company. They will jump ship and move to another job at the drop of a hat. They demand feedback, require coaching, and will not blindly follow orders, they need to know why. And they need to know what is in it for them, besides a damn paycheck. Until companies adjust to this new mindset they will be continually plagued with staffing problems. Companies that adapt quickly will decimate the competition by providing better, and more consistent service, than their competitors that are behind the curve.
Well, darn! I don't blame him! Companies do have to have loyalty to their employees or they won't have any employees. I think that's just fine.
The epidemic of sniffles?
Yeah, well, some people worry about it more than others. They've started lockdowns in Europe again, I suppose you saw. I'm hoping the curve won't swoop up again, but I suppose it will.
Yeah, well, some people worry about it more than others. They've started lockdowns in Europe again, I suppose you saw. I'm hoping the curve won't swoop up again, but I suppose it will.

If this was Ebola with like a 80% death rate, I get it.

This is not.
Oh the Irony..........

"Meanwhile, the National Park Service asks us, “Please do not feed the animals.” Their stated reason for the policy is, “The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.”
Oh the Irony..........

"Meanwhile, the National Park Service asks us, “Please do not feed the animals.” Their stated reason for the policy is, “The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.”
We are the ones eroding their habitat. The Park Service could feed the animals in more remote locations so they will have no incentive to become more depedent.
Oh the Irony..........

"Meanwhile, the National Park Service asks us, “Please do not feed the animals.” Their stated reason for the policy is, “The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.”
It was a metaphor.
People are unwilling to work for the low wages the hospitality and services industries are offering.

Isn’t that capitalism? The labor market is adjusting itself through free enterprise. Just as consumers are free to not buy goods they think are too expressive, forcing business to lower prices; so too are workers free to quit jobs they feel aren’t paying enough, forcing employers to raise wages.

No one’s *telling* businesses they *have* to raise wages. If employers want employees to apply and/stick around they will have to adjust their wages to reflect the current labor market.

Where I work they offer newly certified nursing assistants $12/hr to do backbreaking, dirty work. These girls are feeding, moving, dressing and changing diapers of elderly bed-bound patients. The McDonald’s in town is starting at $12.50/hr to flip burgers. Which would *you* choose?
People are unwilling to work for the low wages the hospitality and services industries are offering.

Isn’t that capitalism? The labor market is adjusting itself through free enterprise. Just as consumers are free to not buy goods they think are too expressive, forcing business to lower prices; so too are workers free to quit jobs they feel aren’t paying enough, forcing employers to raise wages.

No one’s *telling* businesses they *have* to raise wages. If employers want employees to apply and/stick around they will have to adjust their wages to reflect the current labor market.

Where I work they offer newly certified nursing assistants $12/hr to do backbreaking, dirty work. These girls are feeding, moving, dressing and changing diapers of elderly bed-bound patients. The McDonald’s in town is starting at $12.50/hr to flip burgers. Which would *you* choose?
They were working for those wages before the pandemic. What changed? What are they doing for income?

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