Americans Quit Their Jobs at Record Pace for 2nd Month

Liberty honor and freedom over fake “mandates” and employment
Ballsy move on the job quits thus something Libbies won’t comprehend. Noble also and libbies won’t get that either.
One half of a married couple where both were working. Use your head, GG.

So you mean like a parent staying home and actually raising their own kids? What a quaint idea, but I am not sure the right wingers are down for that
So you mean like a parent staying home and actually raising their own kids? What a quaint idea, but I am not sure the right wingers are down for that

Why wouldn't we be provided you are not a government dependent? One of my tenant families home schools. Like it used to be years ago (that we on the right value) he works full time, and she stays home with their two kids and home schools them. Now she took on doing the same for one of her grand daughters that lives downstairs.

They don't have new vehicles and he's constantly wrenching on them. They've been here six years and I've never seen them take a vacation. But they are a tight and happy family where the kids don't get any evil outside influences. Every Sunday they dress to the gills and attend church, and then go back for some social gatherings at the church.

I wish what they do is what most of America would do if they could.
This is a troubling trend.

Can someone who voted for Biden please spin this for me? It looks bad. Tell me how it is a good thing.

These are people who figure they have enough they don't need to work anymore. Or people who go off and find better jobs.

Bottom line is it's only the employers fault if their employees are leaving them. Either treat them better or pay them more or both.

I love it that people feel comfortable leaving. They have "fuck you" money.
This is a troubling trend.

Can someone who voted for Biden please spin this for me? It looks bad. Tell me how it is a good thing.

As long as they are not collecting government welfare checks its none of my business
These are people who figure they have enough they don't need to work anymore. Or people who go off and find better jobs.

Bottom line is it's only the employers fault if their employees are leaving them. Either treat them better or pay them more or both.

I love it that people feel comfortable leaving. They have "fuck you" money.

That may work now when employees have employers over the barrel, but what happens when things reverse? Employers generally like to hire people who don't drift around very much constantly quitting their jobs.
No dumbshit, he took another job and now makes six figures with a company that respects the work he does.

So your son went from loving his job as a Amazon warehouse worker and loved it so much he was trying to do it full time, and a few months later he found another job making 100,000 dollars? His life's ambition was to be a warehouse worker, but somehow stumbled into making 100k or more almost immediately after?

You're a terrible liar. No one would believe that shit.


About two years ago my middle son was working as a warehouse worker for Amazon. He loved the job, and he came home every night and took notes about how he could improve their efficiency. He was going to graduate from college in the spring and he was honestly contemplating on making a career with Amazon. They had promised him, keep your attendance up and in three months we will make you full time with benefits. But the three months passed and they kept stalling. He was still waiting to be made full time, with benefits an additional two months. Then they laid him off, no notice. Just you are laid off, don't come to work tomorrow. Then Covid hit.

Less than a month passed and Amazon was contacting him. They offered a raise, immediate full time status, and a sign-on bonus. He told them to pound sand. The company had no loyalty to him, he had no loyalty to them.

What companies cannot realize is that this younger generation is a completely different breed than previous generations. They don't take no shit. Just as the example of my son has shown. If companies can't give them loyalty they sure as hell are not going to be loyal to a company. They will jump ship and move to another job at the drop of a hat. They demand feedback, require coaching, and will not blindly follow orders, they need to know why. And they need to know what is in it for them, besides a damn paycheck. Until companies adjust to this new mindset they will be continually plagued with staffing problems. Companies that adapt quickly will decimate the competition by providing better, and more consistent service, than their competitors that are behind the curve.

No, the younger generation is lazy and expect to get paid skilled wages for unskilled labor. They want everything given to them without earning it. They don't want to get the experience needed or put in their time. "Don't take shit"? Are you kidding me, they are the biggest pussies ever, except when they are on Twitter then they are tough guys.

I can see you have no idea at all how the real world works. I doubt you even have kids or a real job if that's the nonsense you spew out.
So your son went from loving his job as a Amazon warehouse worker and loved it so much he was trying to do it full time, and a few months later he found another job making 100,000 dollars? His life's ambition was to be a warehouse worker, but somehow stumbled into making 100k or more almost immediately after?

You're a terrible liar. No one would believe that shit.

No, the younger generation is lazy and expect to get paid skilled wages for unskilled labor. They want everything given to them without earning it. They don't want to get the experience needed or put in their time. "Don't take shit"? Are you kidding me, they are the biggest pussies ever, except when they are on Twitter then they are tough guys.

I can see you have no idea at all how the real world works. I doubt you even have kids or a real job if that's the nonsense you spew out.
You are one stupid shit. He was getting his college degree and was going to go into management at Amazon upon graduation. He was laid off just a few months before graduation. After graduation he took a job with Logical Positions. He is now in his second year, was rookie of the year last year, and yes, with residual income and bonuses he is making six figures. In fact, most tenured reps with at least two years of experience are making well over $150,000 a year.

I have six kids, a real job, and an education. Maybe you ought to do some research,

After years of analysis, we can confidently say that millennials have many contradicting work-related traits. You can expect:​

  • Low employer-loyalty, but high loyalty for teammates

  • Willingness to compromise, but they're also demanding, especially with soft benefits such as flextime.

  • Quick to change jobs but prioritizes moving up the company ladder quickly.

  • Needy and independent.
This is a troubling trend.
No it isn't. It means the labor market is hot. They are finding better opportunities or at least think they will.

A record number of people traded in their cars last month too. Do you think they are all walking everywhere now?

Use your head.
Sippy Cup finally acknowledged inflation a few days ago after months of denying it only as temporary.
When do muppets wake up and realize this installed Gov't lies to them at every turn?
This may in fact help President Trump to run again, though.

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