Americans Quit Their Jobs at Record Pace for 2nd Month

Sippy Cup finally acknowledged inflation a few days ago after months of denying it only as temporary.
When do muppets wake up and realize this installed Gov't lies to them at every turn?

I was watching Laura last night where she posted the inflation figure at 6.2%. last I looked about a week ago it was 5.7% It's continuing to climb and now that they passed the pork bill, they will have to print more funny money which will make it go up even higher. Perhaps by the end of the year we'll be up in the mid 6% area or higher. I don't give a shit because I'm on SS. The higher it goes, the larger my cost of living increase will be for 2022.
Obviously it’s NOT because of government subsidies or extended unemployment. Those ended months ago

Maybe people just aren’t willing to work for shit wages

The NEW FULLY REFUNDABLE Child Tax Credit ring any bells? What about the increase in SNAP?
Ever try paying for day care for three kids?

You get paid now to have kids even if you don't pay federal income taxes. Don't worry, it will get worse. The same folks will get "free" daycare for kids soon. They will then have even more free time to spend their government checks.
Odds are it will fall in line with most from pay check to pay check.
It’s been happening for years and everyone it’s happening to either pretends it’s not or complains quietly to their friends.

I thank god my family is good. My dad has more than enough. Should leave some to me and my brother. My brother is rich. His kids will go to the best schools and no doubt inherit a fortune some day. I have no mortgage, no kids and make around $100k. I’ll be fine.

So when I say the rich have waged class warfare on us the last 40 plus years, it’s not because I’m losing. I just see the democratic progressive way would have been better for the masses. The Republican way works best for the have’s but screws the masses. No unions, ceo pay hikes, tax breaks to the rich. Sending jobs overseas.

The gop way creates a small rich ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are the rabble. I’m merchant class. Still I don’t think it’s the best way. It may work for me but I’m still not a fan.
You get paid now to have kids even if you don't pay federal income taxes. Don't worry, it will get worse. The same folks will get "free" daycare for kids soon. They will then have even more free time to spend their government checks.
Republicans want people to have kids. Corporations need them. But then you’ve been successfully telling women not to have kids they can’t afford. They’ve been listening. Birth rates are way down. So corporate republicans are going to give people incentives to start having more kids. Got a problem with that? I do. I like it that people are having fewer kids. We’re overpopulated
Republicans want people to have kids. Corporations need them. But then you’ve been successfully telling women not to have kids they can’t afford. They’ve been listening. Birth rates are way down. So corporate republicans are going to give people incentives to start having more kids. Got a problem with that? I do. I like it that people are having fewer kids. We’re overpopulated

Republicans want people to have kids that work, not ones that don’t. Democrats want non-working voters. They are in favor of whatever it takes to get that, including opening our borders and rewarding people to stay home and paying for the kids.
That may work now when employees have employers over the barrel, but what happens when things reverse? Employers generally like to hire people who don't drift around very much constantly quitting their jobs.
It can work both ways but I tend to agree I don’t want to see a lot of different companies on a resume.

What sucks in sales is it’s a tough gig. A lot of sales departments have a model. 80% turnover. On purpose. By design. Here’s how it works. You have 20 salespeople. 5 have all the best accounts. The other 15 range from great to making a living. The company hires 10 new people to prospect for new business. They know 8 won’t last. Impossible. But as each one drops, they give the leads they generated to the other 9, then 8, all the way down to 2. The two now have all the leads they generated and the other 8 generated. They join the 20 salespeople. 2 people quit. Hire ten more, start all over again. Repeat process every 6 months.

Its bullshit. Those 8 have to explain why they lost their job. And you can’t tell this story on an interview. Can’t tell the truth.
Republicans want people to have kids that work, not ones that don’t. Democrats want non-working voters. They are in favor of whatever it takes to get that, including opening our borders and rewarding people to stay home and paying for the kids.
No one WANTS non working citizens. No one.
Your linked article explains it… now let me ask you… why is this a bad thing?

I quote, “The figures point to a historic level of turmoil in the job market as newly-empowered workers quit jobs to take higher pay that is being dangled by increasingly-desperate employers in need of help. Incomes are rising, Americans are spending more and the economy is growing, and employers have ramped up hiring to keep the pace.”

Think the number is high now? Just wait til the mandatory vaccination deadline hits, the number of people quitting will jump even higher.

When you decide to force a needle in people's arms, this kind of shit is bound to happen.
Republicans want people to have kids. Corporations need them. But then you’ve been successfully telling women not to have kids they can’t afford. They’ve been listening. Birth rates are way down. So corporate republicans are going to give people incentives to start having more kids. Got a problem with that? I do. I like it that people are having fewer kids. We’re overpopulated

Corporate can give their employees anything they want and you won't hear a complaint from anybody on the right. It's when government does it at taxpayer expense we sound off.
The gop way creates a small rich ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are the rabble. I’m merchant class. Still I don’t think it’s the best way. It may work for me but I’m still not a fan.
And yet, the democrats are complaisant with what you speak of.
This is a troubling trend.

Can someone who voted for Biden please spin this for me? It looks bad. Tell me how it is a good thing.

"Hey, lets make everybody get the jab, what could possibly go wrong?"

President Potatohead is a frggin moron.
It’s been happening for years and everyone it’s happening to either pretends it’s not or complains quietly to their friends.

I thank god my family is good. My dad has more than enough. Should leave some to me and my brother. My brother is rich. His kids will go to the best schools and no doubt inherit a fortune some day. I have no mortgage, no kids and make around $100k. I’ll be fine.

So when I say the rich have waged class warfare on us the last 40 plus years, it’s not because I’m losing. I just see the democratic progressive way would have been better for the masses. The Republican way works best for the have’s but screws the masses. No unions, ceo pay hikes, tax breaks to the rich. Sending jobs overseas.

The gop way creates a small rich ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are the rabble. I’m merchant class. Still I don’t think it’s the best way. It may work for me but I’m still not a fan.

Republican politicians don't send jobs overseas, private businesses do. The last tax the Republicans hit the rich with was a SALT tax, and now because it mostly targets Democrat voters, this next bill has an elimination of that tax to keep their wealthy voters happy. The rich ruling class as you call them created themselves in our capitalist friendly country--not the government. They create all these wonderful products and services, and we happily send them our money to have them.

Wealthy people create themselves in most cases--not government. All government can do is try to stop them from getting wealthy by taking their money. That's the Democrat Progressive way.

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