Americans Quit Their Jobs at Record Pace for 2nd Month

But only for better pay, or did they actually quit over vaccine mandates and went to a better paying job?
Let me explain it a little clearer for you stupid

If it costs $1800 to make $2000...why do it moron?
You're working for $200/ month

Now when you get money for child CAN see the sense of working

If the goal is to get peoiple back in the workforce...that's an efficient means of doing so
^^^ See? This is the problem with leftists. They think people who don’t want to work shouldn’t have to because other people will do er their expenses.
Oh look, another talking point from 1980. Yes, every first world country successfully doing this for decades is all because people smarter than you want people not to work. Because that makes sense, after a botched lobotomy.
Let me explain it a little clearer for you stupid

If it costs $1800 to make $2000...why do it moron?
You're working for $200/ month

Now when you get money for child CAN see the sense of working

If the goal is to get peoiple back in the workforce...that's an efficient means of doing so
Obviously, which is why every civilized nation on earth does it except for us. Because we are infected with a pandemic of spiteful morons like Ray and Lisa.
Of course I did. You are repeating a stupid fantasy and know not one person doing any of that. Same old tired talking point from 40 years ago.
No you didn’t. You just said they’re stupid talking points from 40 yeaes ago. Well, news flash: maybe things were better “in the old days” when entitled people didn’t expect that they could choose to just up and quit jobs because the government would force other people to cover their bills.

Things were better when it was expected that able-bodied adults had jobs rather than just live off OPM.
Oh look, another talking point from 1980. Yes, every first world country successfully doing this for decades is all because people smarter than you want people not to work. Because that makes sense, after a botched lobotomy.
There are no first world
Obviously, which is why every civilized nation on earth does it except for us. Because we are infected with a pandemic of spiteful morons like Ray and Lisa.
So let’s do it your way, Let‘s keep printing trillions of dollars, devaluing the dollar, driving inflation up to where people can’t even afford gas and groceries, and then print even more money to give them. The dollar will be worth less. and less, and less.

You really shouldn’t call people morons just because they think it’s wrong to create a welfare state where people feel entitled to quit jobs and live off OPM.

Leftists are such idiots that they don’t see how the America- haters are intentionally trying to crash the economy.
No you didn’t. You just said they’re stupid talking points from 40 yeaes ago. Well, news flash: maybe things were better “in the old days” when entitled people didn’t expect that they could choose to just up and quit jobs because the government would force other people to cover their bills.

Things were better when it was expected that able-bodied adults had jobs rather than just live off OPM.
Yep, they are false, and you are stuck in the gop talking point washing machine from 1980.
Yep, they are false, and you are stuck in the gop talking point washing machine from 1980.
Nope. You are stuck in Progressive Idiot Land where moving more and more people onto welfare is considered a positive.

And you are NOT debating the points: you are just saying “false.”
This is how a debate goes between a conservative and a leftist:

C: It’s a horrible idea to give people so much money that they can choose to just quit jobs and do nothing. First, it creates an air of entitlement that other people should pay your expenses; and second, printing all trillions of dollars just devalues the dollar and creates inflation.

L: Nuh-uh. Those are just old GOP talking points, idiot.

C: But you’re not addressing the points, other than to say they’re “old” (as in the times when it was considered a positive to be productive and support one’s family). It’s wrong to give people so much money, paid for by others, so they can quit jobs and fail to be productive.

L: No, that’s false, and you’re a moron.
Let me explain it a little clearer for you stupid

If it costs $1800 to make $2000...why do it moron?
You're working for $200/ month

Now when you get money for child CAN see the sense of working

If the goal is to get peoiple back in the workforce...that's an efficient means of doing so

I have no idea what you mean by it costs 1800 to make 2000. Be explicit as to WTF you're even talking about.
They both increase the amount of money non-working folks get for not working.
The problem is that leftists have adopted such UN-American values that they think it’s GOOD that people can choose to either work and be self-supporting individuals or to just laze about and use other people’s money to pay their rent and grocery bills.
The problem is that leftists have adopted such UN-American values that they think it’s GOOD that people can choose to either work and be self-supporting individuals or to just laze about and use other people’s money to pay their rent and grocery bills.

Yes, it is a fantasy world people can choose not to work and deserve money for the latest iPhone, free Internet, free housing, free food, free daycare, to get rewarded for having children they can’t afford and for their housing to be integrated into the more upscale areas because it isn’t “fair” that those working folks get to live on the nice side of town and they don’t. It nothing more than the teacher curving the grades by taking points away from those that studied and giving it to those that didn’t. At some point, nobody will study anymore.
Yes, it is a fantasy world people can choose not to work and deserve money for the latest iPhone, free Internet, free housing, free food, free daycare, to get rewarded for having children they can’t afford and for their housing to be integrated into the more upscale areas because it isn’t “fair” that those working folks get to live on the nice side of town and they don’t. It nothing more than the teacher curving the grades by taking points away from those that studied and giving it to those that didn’t. At some point, nobody will study anymore.
Absolutely! The Dems will kill any incentive to work hard.

I consider my father: born into poverty, couldn’t even afford to pay the iceman to deliver the ice, and yet he worked his butt off (encouraged by his parents) to get a college education. He then got a job with a university that covered the cost of his grad degree. At 18, he was living in a fourth-floor walk up with his parents, and by 28, he had bought his first house In a middle class neighborhood.

And Dems hate stories like that. Why? Because it shows that some people have the motivation, discipline, and smarts to become successful. It shows that some people do not. And that works against their “equity” goal.

So now they’re doing the opposite: working to disincentivize people from moving up in the world, and suppressing the fact that some people are just smarter. (That’s why they killed the Gifted Program in New York.) Since they can’t make people more motivated, let‘s make people LESS motivated. Yeah, that’s the ticket!

About two years ago my middle son was working as a warehouse worker for Amazon. He loved the job, and he came home every night and took notes about how he could improve their efficiency. He was going to graduate from college in the spring and he was honestly contemplating on making a career with Amazon. They had promised him, keep your attendance up and in three months we will make you full time with benefits. But the three months passed and they kept stalling. He was still waiting to be made full time, with benefits an additional two months. Then they laid him off, no notice. Just you are laid off, don't come to work tomorrow. Then Covid hit.

Less than a month passed and Amazon was contacting him. They offered a raise, immediate full time status, and a sign-on bonus. He told them to pound sand. The company had no loyalty to him, he had no loyalty to them.

What companies cannot realize is that this younger generation is a completely different breed than previous generations. They don't take no shit. Just as the example of my son has shown. If companies can't give them loyalty they sure as hell are not going to be loyal to a company. They will jump ship and move to another job at the drop of a hat. They demand feedback, require coaching, and will not blindly follow orders, they need to know why. And they need to know what is in it for them, besides a damn paycheck. Until companies adjust to this new mindset they will be continually plagued with staffing problems. Companies that adapt quickly will decimate the competition by providing better, and more consistent service, than their competitors that are behind the curve.
You are absolute right Winston…Now, this is my blue collar talking, I often wonder why it is that companies turned their backs on pension systems. That was a promise of loyalty from the company to the employee.

When I was young nearly everyone I knew, their dad‘s had a pension they were working towards. Most of them retired in their mid to late 50s with sustainable income to the household, and could enjoy their aging years.

Now, it just feels like we are marching up the conveyor belt to the big meat grinder as depicted in Pink Floyd’s The Wall.
You are absolute right Winston…Now, this is my blue collar talking, I often wonder why it is that companies turned their backs on pension systems. That was a promise of loyalty from the company to the employee.

When I was young nearly everyone I knew, their dad‘s had a pension they were working towards. Most of them retired in their mid to late 50s with sustainable income to the household, and could enjoy their aging years.

Now, it just feels like we are marching up the conveyor belt to the big meat grinder as depicted in Pink Floyd’s The Wall.

Most everyplace I was aware of that had that benefit laid off their workers just before they were vested long enough to collect.

What my employer did was start an IRA for all of his employees. He contributed 10% of our gross pay and you could put in whatever you wanted. It went to a very reputable investment company and of course, the money could not be touched by my employer.

I didn't realize how valuable that benefit was until after I retired. I'm still not collecting on it and likely never will, but my heirs will have something to split up besides my liquid assets.
Most everyplace I was aware of that had that benefit laid off their workers just before they were vested long enough to collect.

What my employer did was start an IRA for all of his employees. He contributed 10% of our gross pay and you could put in whatever you wanted. It went to a very reputable investment company and of course, the money could not be touched by my employer.

I didn't realize how valuable that benefit was until after I retired. I'm still not collecting on it and likely never will, but my heirs will have something to split up besides my liquid assets.

But the point is, that there is no 'benefit', as you say, for your loyality to any employer anymore....They have turned us into wage whores.

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