Americans Quit Their Jobs at Record Pace for 2nd Month

Absolutely! The Dems will kill any incentive to work hard.

I consider my father: born into poverty, couldn’t even afford to pay the iceman to deliver the ice, and yet he worked his butt off (encouraged by his parents) to get a college education. He then got a job with a university that covered the cost of his grad degree. At 18, he was living in a fourth-floor walk up with his parents, and by 28, he had bought his first house In a middle class neighborhood.

And Dems hate stories like that. Why? Because it shows that some people have the motivation, discipline, and smarts to become successful. It shows that some people do not. And that works against their “equity” goal.

So now they’re doing the opposite: working to disincentivize people from moving up in the world, and suppressing the fact that some people are just smarter. (That’s why they killed the Gifted Program in New York.) Since they can’t make people more motivated, let‘s make people LESS motivated. Yeah, that’s the ticket!

It's all part of their evil plot. You see by bringing in more poverty from the southern border and disincentivizing work for people here creates a hostile group of low income people. It doesn't matter how hard they push that broom or make those fries, they will always be poor.

When the Democrats finally push for a socialist country, it will be welcome by this group of people with open arms. If you look at the Democrats complain today about poverty, they are combative when we tell them the solution to poverty is to learn a trade, get a skill, stay out of trouble with police, and stay off of dope. No, people shouldn't have to do the right things. We as a society should pay non-skilled labor just as much as skilled labor. Economic socialism.
But the point is, that there is no 'benefit', as you say, for your loyality to any employer anymore....They have turned us into wage whores.

From what I've seen there really wasn't any before. You spend 20 or so years with a company and they get rid of you before you are vested to collect that pension. Now you're trying to find a job in your mid to late 50's. That's why 401's or any kind of retirement not handled by the company is the best benefit to have. In the past couple of decades companies are bought and sold like baseball cards. There is no loyalty to the company because the company is not loyal to their employees. If your company wants to get rid of you or you find better opportunity somewhere else, your retirement account goes with you.
From what I've seen there really wasn't any before. You spend 20 or so years with a company and they get rid of you before you are vested to collect that pension. Now you're trying to find a job in your mid to late 50's. That's why 401's or any kind of retirement not handled by the company is the best benefit to have. In the past couple of decades companies are bought and sold like baseball cards. There is no loyalty to the company because the company is not loyal to their employees. If your company wants to get rid of you or you find better opportunity somewhere else, your retirement account goes with you.

I get that, but I guess I didn't see the same experiences in the pension programs of old that you did...

About two years ago my middle son was working as a warehouse worker for Amazon. He loved the job, and he came home every night and took notes about how he could improve their efficiency. He was going to graduate from college in the spring and he was honestly contemplating on making a career with Amazon. They had promised him, keep your attendance up and in three months we will make you full time with benefits. But the three months passed and they kept stalling. He was still waiting to be made full time, with benefits an additional two months. Then they laid him off, no notice. Just you are laid off, don't come to work tomorrow. Then Covid hit.

Less than a month passed and Amazon was contacting him. They offered a raise, immediate full time status, and a sign-on bonus. He told them to pound sand. The company had no loyalty to him, he had no loyalty to them.

What companies cannot realize is that this younger generation is a completely different breed than previous generations. They don't take no shit. Just as the example of my son has shown. If companies can't give them loyalty they sure as hell are not going to be loyal to a company. They will jump ship and move to another job at the drop of a hat. They demand feedback, require coaching, and will not blindly follow orders, they need to know why. And they need to know what is in it for them, besides a damn paycheck. Until companies adjust to this new mindset they will be continually plagued with staffing problems. Companies that adapt quickly will decimate the competition by providing better, and more consistent service, than their competitors that are behind the curve.
One of the reasons kids don't take shit is that most of them are still living at home and not paying rent or for food.
From what I've seen there really wasn't any before. You spend 20 or so years with a company and they get rid of you before you are vested to collect that pension. Now you're trying to find a job in your mid to late 50's. That's why 401's or any kind of retirement not handled by the company is the best benefit to have. In the past couple of decades companies are bought and sold like baseball cards. There is no loyalty to the company because the company is not loyal to their employees. If your company wants to get rid of you or you find better opportunity somewhere else, your retirement account goes with you.
That shit exploded under GW Bush.
Garbled way of saying paying 1800 for living expenses while making 2000

I think I understand now. But the point is if all you could make was 2000 in the first place, WTF are you doing having children you can't afford?

Having children is not catching covid. It's not like you're at a mall somewhere and all of a sudden you feel strange. I never had children and planned it that way. I didn't want to deal with the expense and responsibilities that go along with it. If you want children I think that's great, but don't have them and then look for government to provide for them.
This is a troubling trend.

Can someone who voted for Biden please spin this for me? It looks bad. Tell me how it is a good thing.

What's it with trumptards and reading? Did you even read your own link? If you had, you would have seen this:

The figures point to a historic level of turmoil in the job market as newly-empowered workers quit jobs to take higher pay that is being dangled by increasingly-desperate employers in need of help. Incomes are rising, Americans are spending more and the economy is growing, and employers have ramped up hiring to keep the pace.

It is typically perceived as a signal of worker confidence when people begin to leave the jobs they hold. The vast majority of people quit for a new position.

Even Brightfart is not spinning this as a bad thing.
One of the reasons kids don't take shit is that most of them are still living at home and not paying rent or for food.

Of course. The hardest hit sectors in our labor shortage is our service workers. You'd be hard pressed to have an apartment by yourself today or own a house doing those kinds of jobs. You would just about have to be living at home.
It's all part of their evil plot. You see by bringing in more poverty from the southern border and disincentivizing work for people here creates a hostile group of low income people. It doesn't matter how hard they push that broom or make those fries, they will always be poor.

When the Democrats finally push for a socialist country, it will be welcome by this group of people with open arms. If you look at the Democrats complain today about poverty, they are combative when we tell them the solution to poverty is to learn a trade, get a skill, stay out of trouble with police, and stay off of dope. No, people shouldn't have to do the right things. We as a society should pay non-skilled labor just as much as skilled labor. Economic socialism.
Yup. They become downright hostile if you say that people should work for a living, and do what is necessary to require some sort of marketable skill.

We are in deep trouble as a nation when the leftists celebrate that people have a choice whether to work or not - a choice made possible by using other people’s money.

Some young liberal suggested to me the other day that we should determine what a basic livable income is and provide the difference to everyone who makes less. She said she thought $60,000 per person was reasonable, and “allowed” for the fact that skilled, educated who earn more should be able to keep a small amount over that, and suggested $80,000 as the top line. So according to her, a high school dropout will get $60,000, and a hard-working, and highly skilled, and educated professional like myself, who before retirement often out in 60 hours a week in corporate America, could keep $80,000.

What a way to disincentivize success.
Of course. The hardest hit sectors in our labor shortage is our service workers. You'd be hard pressed to have an apartment by yourself today or own a house doing those kinds of jobs. You would just about have to be living at home.
I know lots of sales people who lost everything when they hit their 40s and they didn't have the skills or the "cool" factor to be hired by anyone else.
Of course. The hardest hit sectors in our labor shortage is our service workers. You'd be hard pressed to have an apartment by yourself today or own a house doing those kinds of jobs. You would just about have to be living at home.
…..or, you could be married and supplementing the family income. Or if not married, you could get a 2-bedroom apartment and share.
What's it with trumptards and reading? Did you even read your own link? If you had, you would have seen this:

The figures point to a historic level of turmoil in the job market as newly-empowered workers quit jobs to take higher pay that is being dangled by increasingly-desperate employers in need of help. Incomes are rising, Americans are spending more and the economy is growing, and employers have ramped up hiring to keep the pace.

It is typically perceived as a signal of worker confidence when people begin to leave the jobs they hold. The vast majority of people quit for a new position.

Even Brightfart is not spinning this as a bad thing.
I read it...when the market crashes within the 8 next months or so, those people will lose their income anyway.
It's easy to hold out for a year or 2 when credit agencies hand 22 years 4 or 5 credit cards with 20K limits each.
I know lots of sales people who lost everything when they hit their 40s and they didn't have the skills or the "cool" factor to be hired by anyone else.
Yup. In the 1980s, when I was in my 20s and earning around $20,000, someone I knew (my age) was earning $100,000 (!) selling those super-duper new-fangled word processing machines. She looked like a model, and was living in a luxury apartment. As the 90s opened, she moved on to selling computers, still quite pretty in her 30s. Then, she moved into her 40s, and lost her job. It was all downhill from there.
Yup. In the 1980s, when I was in my 20s and earning around $20,000, someone I knew (my age) was earning $100,000 (!) selling those super-duper new-fangled word processing machines. She looked like a model, and was living in a luxury apartment. As the 90s opened, she moved on to selling computers, still quite pretty in her 30s. Then, she moved into her 40s, and lost her job. It was all downhill from there.
Same story every time.
I read it...when the market crashes within the 8 next months or so, those people will lose their income anyway.
It's easy to hold out for a year or 2 when credit agencies hand 22 years 4 or 5 credit cards with 20K limits each.
The Dems will try to keep the market propped up until after Election Day. Not sure they’ll be able to do it. The fed will raise rates to combat the Biden Inflation Effect, and that will hurt corporate earnings bigtime. I’m actually considering moving more into cash over the next few months.
Same story every time.
Yup. And she never acknowledged that her looks were a big part of her appeal, and never positioned herself for the day the “bloom is off the rose” so to speak. She ended up in a low-level support role somewhere, and suffered a number of lay-offs.
Yup. In the 1980s, when I was in my 20s and earning around $20,000, someone I knew (my age) was earning $100,000 (!) selling those super-duper new-fangled word processing machines. She looked like a model, and was living in a luxury apartment. As the 90s opened, she moved on to selling computers, still quite pretty in her 30s. Then, she moved into her 40s, and lost her job. It was all downhill from there.
I don’t know how my buddy made it to 52 as a pharma rep. He’s not even good looking. That’s a job for young beautiful people.

In manufacturing you can be an old man. The top guys know everyone and companies don’t want to lose them.
Yup. And she never acknowledged that her looks were a big part of her appeal, and never positioned herself for the day the “bloom is off the rose” so to speak. She ended up in a low-level support role somewhere, and suffered a number of lay-offs.
And I bet she didn’t save like she should have.

I remember in the 90s we made a lot on computer training. People were taking word and excel classes and networking classes. 3 excel classes $750. One week networking class $2500. If a company had 100 people to train. cha ching

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