Americans Quit Their Jobs at Record Pace for 2nd Month

Ever thought of not having kids until you can afford them?
Younger people are seeing her struggles and taking your advice. Birth rates are down. I think it’s great but corporate America and social security say it will be a problem.

So they will pass laws to let more immigrants in and tax breaks for people having kids.
Corporations use the excuse of inflation to raise prices & make more profit. The result is a transfer of wealth from consumers to corporate executives & major investors. The big guys have way to much power. Making record profits while we struggle with higher prices.
And I bet she didn’t save like she should have.

I remember in the 90s we made a lot on computer training. People were taking word and excel classes and networking classes. 3 excel classes $750. One week networking class $2500. If a company had 100 people to train. cha ching
Housing and rent prices starting rising in the 90s and it wasn't easy to save.
And I bet she didn’t save like she should have.

I remember in the 90s we made a lot on computer training. People were taking word and excel classes and networking classes. 3 excel classes $750. One week networking class $2500. If a company had 100 people to train. cha ching
Of course she didn’t save. She was living like no tomorrow.
1979 my dad bought it for $58,000. But interest was 20%. Carter
Thank G-d Reagan got things back under control. So let’s stay optimistic that even if Biden, who has replaced Carter as the worst president ever, pushes inflation up to 10%, a Republican Congress will win in 2022 and start to undo some of the damage.
Thank G-d Reagan got things back under control. So let’s stay optimistic that even if Biden, who has replaced Carter as the worst president ever, pushes inflation up to 10%, a Republican Congress will win in 2022 and start to undo some of the damage.
By doing the opposite of what liberals are doing. It’s pretty much what Trump was doing before the Fauci virus changed the world:

1) Reduce government spending
2) Reduce regulations
3) Reduce federal income taxes

Basically, reduce the size and interference of the government.

All fine and dandy if the Congress had that kind of power.
Think about how one thing, daycare, stops people from having kids. If they gave free daycare and pre k to people who make under $75,000 i imagine birth rates would go up.

Nothing is free. This country is facing 30 trillion in debt and the Democrats want to sink us deeper with social programs.
All fine and dandy if the Congress had that kind of power.
Power of the Federal Gov't is the problem. Limited Gov't and reserved to the state is the solution. Restore the Constitution and spay and neuter gov't

We were warned by the Founding Fathers. We didn't listen. The Debt ceiling NEVER RAISED AGAIN and gov't employees get the axe in mass and get to join the rest of us in reality.
Congress does. They make the laws.

Congress can't reduce spending without the Presidents signature on the bill.
Congress can't reduce regulations without the Presidents signature on the bill.
Congress can't reduce taxes without the Presidents signature on the bill.

Now we have to consider the back stabbers in the Republican party as well; the ones who signed on to the latest pork bill two weeks ago.
Congress can't reduce spending without the Presidents signature on the bill.
Congress can't reduce regulations without the Presidents signature on the bill.
Congress can't reduce taxes without the Presidents signature on the bill.

Now we have to consider the back stabbers in the Republican party as well; the ones who signed on to the latest pork bill two weeks ago.
That’s why we need a big sweep in 2022. Granted, it will be impossible to get the 2/3rds needed to override the Destroyer-in-Chief’s veto, but maybe…..maybe….if we give the Dems enough of a shellacking, they‘ll become less destructive toward America, knowing that if they keep pushing through with socialism, they’ll be voted out.
Congress can't reduce spending without the Presidents signature on the bill.
They can override the veto.

Congress can't reduce regulations without the Presidents signature on the bill.
They have been using old laws to abuse the system to create CFRs by the Federal Gov't agencies. Creating laws outside Congress by proxy. Even E.Os implemented by orgs such as OSHA

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