Americans Quit Their Jobs at Record Pace for 2nd Month

Think the number is high now? Just wait til the mandatory vaccination deadline hits, the number of people quitting will jump even higher.

When you decide to force a needle in people's arms, this kind of shit is bound to happen.
I don’t think the number is high now. I think companies are flush with cash and looking to hire. I think people are moving jobs and making more money. I just took a new job and I’ll be making 3x. The market is ripe. Pussys who are scared of a little shot are not a significant factor in UE numbers
I don’t think the number is high now. I think companies are flush with cash and looking to hire. I think people are moving jobs and making more money. I just took a new job and I’ll be making 3x. The market is ripe. Pussys who are scared of a little shot are not a significant factor in UE numbers
Of course not. The businesses with mandates have vaccination rates in the high 90s.
Liberals tell me this is a good thing because it shows that workers are confident they can find better jobs elsewhere.
OK, so the 500,000+ monthly jobs gained comes from where?

People quitting jobs and getting new jobs. Is this true or not?
Are haters just claiming that people are quitting and not getting NEW replacement jobs?
Economists will tell you that. Uneducated slobs in the trump cult will tell you otherwise.

Yea, the only problem is that the number of job openings is going through the roof yet the number of new jobs created is not. Sounds like they're just quitting because they know Biden gives them free money if they do.
Actually, the workforce participation rate is still behind what it was this time in 2019 [63.1% in 2019 to current 61.6%]. So no, they aren't all quitting because they got a better job - they are just leaving the workforce.
Hannity used to use this number on his show EVERY night when Obama was President.
So somehow SHAME or BLAME Obama.
Then, under trump that number continued to drop, and Hannity NEVER mentioned it again.
Why, because its a stat that can be twisted or spun.
And that's ALL that Hannity Does.

A record number of RICH people are retiring, thus making the Workforce Participation Number decline. People are living longer, meaning they add the number of people out of the workforce because 'they are not dying' as total population continues to grow.
Corporate can give their employees anything they want and you won't hear a complaint from anybody on the right. It's when government does it at taxpayer expense we sound off.
Bullshit. You’ll see republicans giving people child tax credits.
Republican politicians don't send jobs overseas, private businesses do. The last tax the Republicans hit the rich with was a SALT tax, and now because it mostly targets Democrat voters, this next bill has an elimination of that tax to keep their wealthy voters happy. The rich ruling class as you call them created themselves in our capitalist friendly country--not the government. They create all these wonderful products and services, and we happily send them our money to have them.

Wealthy people create themselves in most cases--not government. All government can do is try to stop them from getting wealthy by taking their money. That's the Democrat Progressive way.
Not so. Government can pave roads for these companies, educate their future workforce, protect them from thieves and enemies abroad. So much more.

No team loves the referees but you want the referees on the side of corporations not fair and balanced.
Not so. Government can pave roads for these companies, educate their future workforce, protect them from thieves and enemies abroad. So much more.

No team loves the referees but you want the referees on the side of corporations not fair and balanced.

Businesses pay for everything. The government gets the money to pave the roads from them. They generate so much taxation that they can add several police officers and still make out. We don't give businesses anything. They give to us. They create jobs for hundreds if not thousands of people each paying local, state and federal taxes. That's why when cities fight for those businesses, they give tax abatements to draw them in. Even with those tax breaks, the city knows they will still make out like a bandit.
Many employers haven't seen to have gotten the memo labor's value has gone up.

Ironically the biggest changes I see are on teh very low end.

Fast food workers making nearly 20 dollars an hour starting near me. Hah

But when that's true no one is going to do any skilled work for less than 30 an hour.
Yea, the only problem is that the number of job openings is going through the roof yet the number of new jobs created is not. Sounds like they're just quitting because they know Biden gives them free money if they do.
Then a rationalperson would pause to wonder if those job openings actually all exist and are decent jobs that people want. So try that. Yes, your narrative might suffer.
So you mean like a parent staying home and actually raising their own kids? What a quaint idea, but I am not sure the right wingers are down for that
That’s great if a family can afford to have a SAHP and cover their expenses. If not, the choice should either be to cut expenses (buy a townhouse instead of a SFH, for example) OR for both parents to work. This entitlement that parents just get to have kids they can’t afford (without a job) because OTHER PROPLE will be supporting them will be the downfall of the nation.
These are people who figure they have enough they don't need to work anymore. Or people who go off and find better jobs.

Bottom line is it's only the employers fault if their employees are leaving them. Either treat them better or pay them more or both.

I love it that people feel comfortable leaving. They have "fuck you" money.
That’s Other People’s Money that gives them that FU attitude. People need to work instead of feeling entitled to quit jobs because other people are being forced to pay them the equivalent of a job.
They can if it’s the second parent, who had been working a part-time job to supplement the family income. Now that taxpayers are handing out all this money, the parent can quit and have other people help pay the bills. Sweet.
Horseshit fantasy. Same tired old trope for 40 years. I see you dusted off the Reagan talking points. Grow up.
Horseshit fantasy. Same tired old trope for 40 years. I see you dusted off the Reagan talking points. Grow up.
You didn’t say why what I said was wrong. Why should other people have to support your children so one of you can quit your job?

If all a family can afford on one salary is a modest apartment, then that’s their choice. If they can’t afford even that, then one parent has to work part-time to make ends meet. It’s called being responsible for your own choices.

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