Americans really REALLY hate government

This makes my weekend and gives me renewed faith in my fellow Americans...God bless America and please terminate the government.

If there is one thing that Americans can agree on these days, it is the fact that most of us don’t like the government. CBS News has just released an article entitled “Americans hate the U.S. government more than ever“, and an average of recent surveys calculated by Real Clear Politics found that 63 percent of all Americans believe the country is heading in the wrong direction and only 28 percent of all Americans believe that the country is heading in the right direction. In just a few days the first real ballots of the 2016 election will be cast in Iowa, and up to this point the big story of this cycle has been the rise of “outsider” candidates that many of the pundits had assumed would never have a legitimate chance. Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders have all been beneficiaries of the overwhelming disgust that the American people feel regarding what has been going on in Washington.

And it isn’t just Barack Obama or members of Congress that Americans are disgusted with. According to the CBS News article that I referenced above, our satisfaction with various federal agencies has fallen to an eight year low…
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So, if Americans don't like the govt they have, why the hell don't they vote people out and vote in different people?

Oh, well, that'd be too much to ask of the lazy selfish people who want to change the government.

Then they think Trump is change!!! How is Trump change exactly? he doesn't have new ideas for changing how the country works. The one person who does have real change is running as a Democrat and is called Bernie. Not that I particularly like his change, but it is actual change.

Trump thinks change is insulting people and getting away with it.
Americans are fed up with government growing and insinuating itself into our lives - more and more each day. THAT is why Americans hate government.

I think most nations peoples hate their Government, for exactly the reasons you state.

We have a combination Big Brother-Nanny State and it needs to stop.

But the countries who do like their govt are countries where the govt is run FOR the people.
The gov does 1000s of things . People hate highways and national parks ?

I bet if u asked any American they can come up with a list of things they do like about the gov .

Bingo!!! Sure there's things that some people dislike about government but there's a thousand times more things that they like. Without government we'd be like Haiti or Somali. I am sure people would hate that more.
Hey is the 21 century yet government is still corrupt, ineffective, and terribly inefficient as it has always been. Politicians are still liars and thieves. When will you realize that government causes more harm than good?
The gov does 1000s of things . People hate highways and national parks ?

I bet if u asked any American they can come up with a list of things they do like about the gov .

Bingo!!! Sure there's things that some people dislike about government but there's a thousand times more things that they like. Without government we'd be like Haiti or Somali. I am sure people would hate that more.
Name 100

one tenth of your claim

Name 100 things the Fed gov does that can't be done locally

parks and roads are already off the list since they are done at the state level.
The gov does 1000s of things . People hate highways and national parks ?

I bet if u asked any American they can come up with a list of things they do like about the gov .

Bingo!!! Sure there's things that some people dislike about government but there's a thousand times more things that they like. Without government we'd be like Haiti or Somali. I am sure people would hate that more.
Hey is the 21 century yet government is still corrupt, ineffective, and terribly inefficient as it has always been. Politicians are still liars and thieves. When will you realize that government causes more harm than good?

Just because they are corrupt and can be ineffective, doesn't mean they cause more harm than good.

Go to Somalia and see what no government does. Go to South Africa and see what corrupt govt does. Go to North Korea, Zimbabwe and other places to see what dictators do.

None of these are better than the US govt.
Americans really REALLY hate government

No, they hate lying corrupt lawless incompetents who work in government that think their shit doesn't stink and they are above the law. Clinton for example, or Obama.
Americans really REALLY hate government

No, they hate lying corrupt lawless incompetents who work in government that think their shit doesn't stink and they are above the law. Clinton for example, or Obama.
Obviously you've never seen Gingrich or Virginia Foxx or Pete King or a host of other republican Rep & Sens on the job. And don't forget Inhofe...sheesh! Trafficant was a joy next to them.
People don't like the IRS . Well no shit ! Who likes the tax man!?

Here's the bad part...

There are 85,000 IRS enforcement agents

There are 7,000 Intel agents both military and civilian

What's wrong with this picture?


There are 300,000,000 Americans + how many business's ? Whole lot of tax returns going on.

Who do you think brings in the money to pay the 7000 intel agents ?
IRS = Gross negligence
...and unconstitutional
The gov does 1000s of things . People hate highways and national parks ?

I bet if u asked any American they can come up with a list of things they do like about the gov .
Highways have nothing to do with the direction of the country
Our Constitution allows us to vote people in who reflect and act upon our desires.

Nothing more constitutional than that.

If the country is moving Left, and it sure looks that way, then that's what it wants to do.

Those who don't like that need to do a better job of convincing the electorate that their way is better.
The gov does 1000s of things . People hate highways and national parks ?

I bet if u asked any American they can come up with a list of things they do like about the gov .
Highways have nothing to do with the direction of the country does busy work

Anyone that thinks Government is the solution to any of our problems??
See 100% fail rate of socialism over the course of history...
The gov does 1000s of things . People hate highways and national parks ?

I bet if u asked any American they can come up with a list of things they do like about the gov .
Highways have nothing to do with the direction of the country does busy work

Anyone that thinks Government is the solution to any of our problems??
See 100% fail rate of socialism over the course of history...

The responses of the big government types are so predictable

Their first line is always "Oh yeah you must hate roads and parks of you don't like the government"
The gov does 1000s of things . People hate highways and national parks ?

I bet if u asked any American they can come up with a list of things they do like about the gov .
Highways have nothing to do with the direction of the country does busy work

Anyone that thinks Government is the solution to any of our problems??
See 100% fail rate of socialism over the course of history...

The responses of the big government types are so predictable

Their first line is always "Oh yeah you must hate roads and parks of you don't like the government"
True, as if you work for the government and not the other way around...
The responses of the big government types are so predictable. Their first line is always "Oh yeah you must hate roads and parks of you don't like the government"
It could be argued that conservatives have no one else to blame but themselves for this.

When virtually every example of government involvement is shouted down as "socialist" and "unconstitutional", the Right opens itself up in two ways:

First, it's so easy to point out programs that are beneficial and poke a whole in the absolutist argument.

Second, the constant attack on all the "socialist" programs of the federal government appears to have softened the public's stance on "socialism" to the point where, clearly, more and more people are willing to defend and consider it.

It looks like this strategy of screaming "socialism" is beginning to backfire, not unlike the Left's penchant for screaming "racism".
The responses of the big government types are so predictable. Their first line is always "Oh yeah you must hate roads and parks of you don't like the government"
It could be argued that conservatives have no one else to blame but themselves for this.

When virtually every example of government involvement is shouted down as "socialist" and "unconstitutional", the Right opens itself up in two ways:

First, it's so easy to point out programs that are beneficial and poke a whole in the absolutist argument.

Second, the constant attack on all the "socialist" programs of the federal government appears to have softened the public's stance on "socialism" to the point where, clearly, more and more people are willing to defend it.

It looks like this strategy of screaming "socialism" is beginning to backfire.

Who is saying roads are socialist?
The responses of the big government types are so predictable. Their first line is always "Oh yeah you must hate roads and parks of you don't like the government"
It could be argued that conservatives have no one else to blame but themselves for this.

When virtually every example of government involvement is shouted down as "socialist" and "unconstitutional", the Right opens itself up in two ways:

First, it's so easy to point out programs that are beneficial and poke a whole in the absolutist argument.

Second, the constant attack on all the "socialist" programs of the federal government appears to have softened the public's stance on "socialism" to the point where, clearly, more and more people are willing to defend it.

It looks like this strategy of screaming "socialism" is beginning to backfire.

Who is saying roads are socialist?
What I'm saying is that it doesn't matter. That's the opening you're giving the Left.

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