Americans support drone strikes against terrorists


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
About 60 percent of Americans support the use of drones to kill terrorists overseas, a new poll conducted on behalf of the Associated Press found. However, respondents were not asked whether civilian casualties affected their approval.
According to the poll, which surveyed1,077 people, roughly six in 10 Americans are in favor of using drone strikes to target and kill individuals who belong to terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda. The majority of support for the strikes was recorded among both Democrats (close to 60 percent) and Republicans (72 percent), while 45 percent of independents voiced their support.

Only 13 percent of respondents opposed drone strikes. Some 24 percent were unsure.
The survey also found that a large majority of Americans – almost 75 percent – believe it’s okay for the government to target and kill American citizens who are members of terrorist organizations.
If a strike could potentially kill innocent Americans, though, respondents were much less likely to back a targeted attack. About 47 percent said the strike would still be acceptable in that case.
Of all the people who first said they supported drone strike attacks against terrorists, 43 percent of them changed their minds and said it is unacceptable to for the government to carry out an attack if innocent Americans could be hurt, the AP reported.
The poll was spurred by President Barack Obama’s apology for the death of two hostages – an American and an Italian – who were killed by a US drone strike earlier this year. Obama revealed the news last week and took responsibility for the strike.
Of course they support this tactics. We have heard so much about it. But nobody seems to be aware of the huge amount of money we should pay for it. It is too expensive for our Government spending more more than a half of it's budget for military purposes...
Moreover these drones may kill innocent civilians or even american soldiers accidentally. It is up to you to decide.
Most people don't lose much sleep over the deaths of actual terrorists, but that's not reality. We have numerous sources, including the White House, telling us they don't know who they're targeting a lot of the time, and the fact that they simply define people killed in drone strikes as militants without bothering to find out whether that's true makes it even more nonsensical. So while few have problems killing terrorists, we actually have no idea who the U.S. is killing in drone strikes.
Personally, I do NOT support ANY drone strikes - especially since George Bush and Barack Obama now have the power to kill americans at will. Oh, sure, they claim that they don't "target" American traitors - but c'mon.....

As Americans - we are entitled to due process - NOT assassination. Do you REALLY want Barry deciding who the "terrorists" are?
Nope, RF, if you are hiding from easy extraction by LEO.

They now have pocket drones with missiles, so if you hide in almost inaccessible mountain cave, Droney will bring you hell fire.

Where did you get the silly idea you have the right to resist capture?
Militarism is an issue that exists independently of drones, so it's not sensible to attack drones as being the cause of militarism.

Drones are more accurate than strikes from piloted aircraft, and cause less collateral damage. Not having a pilot at risk, drones can linger and verify targets. They're just another tool, which can be used for good or evil.
Nope, RF, if you are hiding from easy extraction by LEO.

They now have pocket drones with missiles, so if you hide in almost inaccessible mountain cave, Droney will bring you hell fire.

Where did you get the silly idea you have the right to resist capture?

Do you get dumber each day? Do you not understand the "Right to due process"? Or, as a leftist, as long as it's Barry killing Americans, it's well and good? Jesus guy, are you an American or not? Don't answer, I already know the deal with you, and those like you.

You either believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights - or you don't.
Now you wish to resist arrest and that is somehow "due process."

You are simply stupid.
Kosh resisted arrest yelling 'due process' and got his head broken for it. :lol:
Now you wish to resist arrest and that is somehow "due process."

You are simply stupid.

Says the far left drone that supported "Due Process" pre 2009..

Exactly. I want to see this jerk support his stance when a republican is in office. It amazes me how these assholes are suddenly so damned supportive of "law". Again, let's see how "supportive" they are when the next republican president takes over.
Most people don't lose much sleep over the deaths of actual terrorists, but that's not reality. We have numerous sources, including the White House, telling us they don't know who they're targeting a lot of the time, and the fact that they simply define people killed in drone strikes as militants without bothering to find out whether that's true makes it even more nonsensical. So while few have problems killing terrorists, we actually have no idea who the U.S. is killing in drone strikes.

The telling statement when the two American traitors were killed recently was this "Well, we didn't target these two". In other words - we have the authority to deny due process and we intend to use it.

Look, I'm all for finding these asshole Americans, bringing them back to the US and trying them in a court. THAT is what we are supposed to be all about. That is - until the faculty lounge communist took over. He despises George Bush - but funny - he kept that little codicil in place for himself, didn't he?

Don't you find it curious that Obama traded 5 KNOWN enemy terrorists for ONE American deserter? And yet we have a Marine stuck in Iran - he doesn't seem to give a hoot in hell about him, now does he?
Drone strikes is American terrorism.

The President, 18 year old kid behind the joy stick and everyone supporting this program, are all TERRORISTS!
Now you wish to resist arrest and that is somehow "due process."

You are simply stupid.

Says the far left drone that supported "Due Process" pre 2009..
Exactly. I want to see this jerk support his stance when a republican is in office. It amazes me how these assholes are suddenly so damned supportive of "law". Again, let's see how "supportive" they are when the next republican president takes over.
Kosh got clobbered, so let's you stay on track. I did not like the war, but I fully support drones against enemies foreign and domestic. And if you are a patriot, so do you.
Drone strike is only terrorism against enemies foreign and domestic.

No fugitive has "due process" to resist lawful apprehension.

When suck skanks duck into cave, send in hellfire. And to hel with those among whom they hide.

You guys can protect criminals, true patriots will not.
What is good that the greatest divisive movement in American history, the Tea Party, in the last 150 years will go smash in fifteen months, because neither candidate will be their guy.

And America will collectively raise it's arms and yell, "Yah, fuck the Tea Party."
Now you wish to resist arrest and that is somehow "due process."

You are simply stupid.

Says the far left drone that supported "Due Process" pre 2009..
Exactly. I want to see this jerk support his stance when a republican is in office. It amazes me how these assholes are suddenly so damned supportive of "law". Again, let's see how "supportive" they are when the next republican president takes over.
Kosh got clobbered, so let's you stay on track. I did not like the war, but I fully support drones against enemies foreign and domestic. And if you are a patriot, so do you.

Wrong! You are a far left drone..

So now you support Obama's illegal wars..
"So now you support Obama's illegal wars"

You were the one who supported the far right illegal wars. Drones are legal, son. Congratulation for following the advice given to you. You are not completely brain damaged. :lol:
Now you wish to resist arrest and that is somehow "due process."

You are simply stupid.

Says the far left drone that supported "Due Process" pre 2009..
Exactly. I want to see this jerk support his stance when a republican is in office. It amazes me how these assholes are suddenly so damned supportive of "law". Again, let's see how "supportive" they are when the next republican president takes over.
Kosh got clobbered, so let's you stay on track. I did not like the war, but I fully support drones against enemies foreign and domestic. And if you are a patriot, so do you.
Wrong! You are a far left drone..So now you support Obama's illegal wars..
You were the one who supported the far right illegal wars. Drones are legal, son. Congratulation for following the advice given to you. You are not completely brain damaged. :lol:

And there it is! Far left drone religious dogma at it's best!

So you see this far left drone was against the drone strikes up until 2009..
"So you see this far left drone was against the drone strikes up until 2009". I said I supported the drone strikes, not the war. Did you support Bush's illegal war? Do believe our enemies should escape drone strikes. Thank you for not being completely brain dead.
I have been told the feds and state use drones to monitor "militia" training in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona. I hope so.

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