Americans support drone strikes against terrorists

I also support DRONE STRIKES ON TERRORIST. We're at war with these fucking terrorist and for anyone in the republican party to say otherwise is the height of hyprocriticy...

I am glad we kill Al quada
I am glad we KILL isis
I am glad we kill Taliban!!! Aren't we still in a shooting war with them?

If you ever supported George Bushes wars. You need to stfu!
I also support DRONE STRIKES ON TERRORIST. We're at war with these fucking terrorist and for anyone in the republican party to say otherwise is the height of hyprocriticy...

I am glad we kill Al quada
I am glad we KILL isis
I am glad we kill Taliban!!! Aren't we still in a shooting war with them?

If you ever supported George Bushes wars. You need to stfu!

Contradicting post since the drone strikes were on going in the Bush years, just the far left was against them as they claimed it was a violation of "Due Process". Which now after 2009 they do not care about..
I also support DRONE STRIKES ON TERRORIST. We're at war with these fucking terrorist and for anyone in the republican party to say otherwise is the height of hyprocriticy...

I am glad we kill Al quada
I am glad we KILL isis
I am glad we kill Taliban!!! Aren't we still in a shooting war with them?

If you ever supported George Bushes wars. You need to stfu!

Contradicting post since the drone strikes were on going in the Bush years, just the far left was against them as they claimed it was a violation of "Due Process". Which now after 2009 they do not care about..
You sound dizzy, son. Matty and I both supported the drone strikes during the Bush administration, even if I thought the war illegal. I support the drone strikes now. If you don't, you support the jihadis.
Kosh, you are dingy. The drones are tools, not law, they are weapons to be used against folks we could not reach. If you supported Bush's wars, you supported illegal wars. You cannot show that Obama's are illegal.

The great mainstream of us support the drones. If you don't, your support the jihadis.
The Taliban is at war with America
Al quada is at war with America
The isis has threaten to attack us on a scale worse then 9-11

What makes us terrorist for bombing and killing them? Oh'yess, you just hate drones as it doesn't put the pilot a risk. Fuck you.
Kosh the Hateful is part of the most divisiveness political movement in the last 150 years in America; let our warriors die if it makes BHO like bad. The far righty reactionaries are crazy.

Drones are good, Kosh. Far right hate is bad.
I think I could come down in favour of drone strikes against terrorists with some caveats:

1. Government could accurately define what IS a "terrorist" without including Americans not favourably disposed toward the regime.

2. Anybody in Washington had a clue where an actual "terrorist" could be found.

3. Before bombing, figure out how many innocent Americans were going to be counted as "collateral" damage. "Before" - NOT (once again) AFTER.
Kosh wants to risk our fighter pilots, screw the drones.

Why Kosh?
The great American mainstream supports drones, but Kosh will only spam and troll his hate.
Oh, Kosh, I wish you would support our pilots, and here are the charges against the Baltimore cops.

The list of charges against Baltimore officers - The Washington Post

Another far left attempt to change the subject, then admit they are wrong! Not sure what that has to do with the subject, but I am sure in far left land it does..
You have been trolling the subject as you have been told by better authority; and the other is a refutation that you have not seen the list of charges against the cops.
Please, Kosh, don't mock our pilots and condemn the drones.

And the far left drones strikes and misses by light years!

Yes we know that you support Obama's illegal wars!
Yes we know that Obama can not do any wrong for the far left drones.

The far left was against drone strikes pre 2009..
About 60 percent of Americans support the use of drones to kill terrorists overseas, a new poll conducted on behalf of the Associated Press found. However, respondents were not asked whether civilian casualties affected their approval.
According to the poll, which surveyed1,077 people, roughly six in 10 Americans are in favor of using drone strikes to target and kill individuals who belong to terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda. The majority of support for the strikes was recorded among both Democrats (close to 60 percent) and Republicans (72 percent), while 45 percent of independents voiced their support.

Only 13 percent of respondents opposed drone strikes. Some 24 percent were unsure.
The survey also found that a large majority of Americans – almost 75 percent – believe it’s okay for the government to target and kill American citizens who are members of terrorist organizations.
If a strike could potentially kill innocent Americans, though, respondents were much less likely to back a targeted attack. About 47 percent said the strike would still be acceptable in that case.
Of all the people who first said they supported drone strike attacks against terrorists, 43 percent of them changed their minds and said it is unacceptable to for the government to carry out an attack if innocent Americans could be hurt, the AP reported.
The poll was spurred by President Barack Obama’s apology for the death of two hostages – an American and an Italian – who were killed by a US drone strike earlier this year. Obama revealed the news last week and took responsibility for the strike.
Of course they support this tactics. We have heard so much about it. But nobody seems to be aware of the huge amount of money we should pay for it. It is too expensive for our Government spending more more than a half of it's budget for military purposes...
Moreover these drones may kill innocent civilians or even american soldiers accidentally. It is up to you to decide.

What percentage of innocent civilian populations are harmed or killed by full scale military invasions such as we conducted in Afghanistan and Iraq? Compare the numbers harmed by drones and the numbers harmed by all out invasions...then get back to us.

People who are plotting to harm Americans are best killed somewhere else..not here. Drones are the least intrusive means of doing that. You have a better idea on how to kill terrorists?
PS. I don't give a rat shit about American hostages in these regions. The fools didn't have any guns pointed at them to go there. Somebody should hand them a pamphlet before they get on that airplane that explains we will not negotiate with any possible abductors and we are carrying out a drone war against known terrorists whether they stupidly allow themselves to be in the way or not. They should be instructed to phone their next of kin about their decision to go into dangerous areas and to have them refrain from whining to the media when they get taken by terrorists. "You are on your own SUCKERS! proceed AT YOUR OWN RISK!"
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Please, Kosh, don't mock our pilots and condemn the drones.

And the far left drones strikes and misses by light years!

Yes we know that you support Obama's illegal wars!
Yes we know that Obama can not do any wrong for the far left drones. The far left was against drone strikes pre 2009..
I was mainstream GOP and for the drones, and you were far right and against them.
About 60 percent of Americans support the use of drones to kill terrorists overseas, a new poll conducted on behalf of the Associated Press found. However, respondents were not asked whether civilian casualties affected their approval.
According to the poll, which surveyed1,077 people, roughly six in 10 Americans are in favor of using drone strikes to target and kill individuals who belong to terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda. The majority of support for the strikes was recorded among both Democrats (close to 60 percent) and Republicans (72 percent), while 45 percent of independents voiced their support.

Only 13 percent of respondents opposed drone strikes. Some 24 percent were unsure.
The survey also found that a large majority of Americans – almost 75 percent – believe it’s okay for the government to target and kill American citizens who are members of terrorist organizations.
If a strike could potentially kill innocent Americans, though, respondents were much less likely to back a targeted attack. About 47 percent said the strike would still be acceptable in that case.
Of all the people who first said they supported drone strike attacks against terrorists, 43 percent of them changed their minds and said it is unacceptable to for the government to carry out an attack if innocent Americans could be hurt, the AP reported.
The poll was spurred by President Barack Obama’s apology for the death of two hostages – an American and an Italian – who were killed by a US drone strike earlier this year. Obama revealed the news last week and took responsibility for the strike.
Of course they support this tactics. We have heard so much about it. But nobody seems to be aware of the huge amount of money we should pay for it. It is too expensive for our Government spending more more than a half of it's budget for military purposes...
Moreover these drones may kill innocent civilians or even american soldiers accidentally. It is up to you to decide.

What percentage of innocent civilian populations are harmed or killed by full scale military invasions such as we conducted in Afghanistan and Iraq? Compare the numbers harmed by drones and the numbers harmed by all out invasions...then get back to us.

People who are plotting to harm Americans are best killed somewhere else..not here. Drones are the least intrusive means of doing that. You have a better idea on how to kill terrorists?

Since the far left does not have any websites that currently tracks civilian deaths from drone strikes, those numbers are not really know

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