American's think Mueller witch hunt should be shut down

Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.
Breitbart fails to account for the thoughts of Independents and Democrats. Echo chamber information can be intoxicating.
Leftists aren't Americans and Independents are fence sitters who don't have enough balls to stand up for America.

Independents are people who are tired of both side's garbage.
Independents simply don't pay attention.

They are a big part of why we have Trump
Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.
Breitbart fails to account for the thoughts of Independents and Democrats. Echo chamber information can be intoxicating.
Leftists aren't Americans and Independents are fence sitters who don't have enough balls to stand up for America.

Independents are people who are tired of both side's garbage.
Independents simply don't pay attention.

They are a big part of why we have Trump
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch
Maybe uneducated Trump supporters should actually read their links before posting them next time.
Maybe uneducated Trump supporters should actually read their links before posting them next time.
Says an obama supporter
...In all 57 states and under sniper fire

Go to that thread if that's what you want to talk about.

The premise for this thread and the poll cited don't agree. True or False?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch

You didn't answer the question. Are you intentionally dodging it or does your ADHD prevent you from focusing on the topic?

I'll ask again. The premise for this thread and the poll cited don't agree. True or False?
Maybe uneducated Trump supporters should actually read their links before posting them next time.
Says an obama supporter
...In all 57 states and under sniper fire

Go to that thread if that's what you want to talk about.

The premise for this thread and the poll cited don't agree. True or False?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch

You didn't answer the question. Are you intentionally dodging it or does your ADHD prevent you from focusing on the topic?

I'll ask again. The premise for this thread and the poll cited don't agree. True or False?
Are progressives delusional?… True… There you go
Maybe uneducated Trump supporters should actually read their links before posting them next time.
Says an obama supporter
...In all 57 states and under sniper fire

Go to that thread if that's what you want to talk about.

The premise for this thread and the poll cited don't agree. True or False?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch

You didn't answer the question. Are you intentionally dodging it or does your ADHD prevent you from focusing on the topic?

I'll ask again. The premise for this thread and the poll cited don't agree. True or False?
Are progressives delusional?… True… There you go

It's ok. Reading comprehension is hard for some people.
You Tards are genuinely losing your minds. :wink:

Donald Trump’s disapproval rating has hit an all-time high of 60 percent, with nearly half (49 percent) of Americans believing Congress should proceed with impeachment proceedings against the president, according to a poll.

Elsewhere, 53 percent think Trump has tried to interfere with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged collusion between the administration and Russia during the 2016 presidential election to an extent it would amount to obstruction of justice, a poll conducted by The Washington Post and ABC News found.

Just 35 percent of those who took part in the poll think that Trump has not tried to interfere with Mueller’s investigation at all. The poll also found 63 percent of Americans support Mueller’s investigation, with 52 percent saying they strongly support it.

Ahead of the crucial mid-term elections, the poll found more than 60 percent of Americans disprove of Trump’s performance as president, compared to 36 percent who approve.​

Trump’s disapproval rating hits new high of 60 percent in latest poll
Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.
American's what?
Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.

64% of independents do not support shutting it down. You are aware of the fact that Trump needs more than Republicans to win. 62% of independents disapprove of Trump's performance in office.
According to an ABC poll...if I wasn't so damn tired and had a LONG day tomorrow I would dig into the poll and show where they rigged it with more liberal leaning independents than REAL independents.

for a black dog with red paint on your face, you sure whine a LOT
Like trump misspoke....are we tired of all the whining yet?
Uhh, ok.

So according to OP's link, Mueller has a higher approval rating than Trump among independents.

33% of independents think the Mueller investigation should be shut down while 64% of independents believe the investigation should continue.

I'm not sure how even the most uneducated Trump supporter can read that and find that good for Trump. Even coming from Breitbart.

You clearly haven't been around enough Trump supporters. These poor souls are huffing desperation and denial like a chemo patient does weed.

They can convince themselves of *anything*.
Shrill is a good is Panic.
Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.

64% of independents do not support shutting it down. You are aware of the fact that Trump needs more than Republicans to win. 62% of independents disapprove of Trump's performance in office.
According to an ABC poll...if I wasn't so damn tired and had a LONG day tomorrow I would dig into the poll and show where they rigged it with more liberal leaning independents than REAL independents.

You posted the poll and then turn around and say it is not credible?

What the hell?
Alt-Right INCEL boys are brain-damaged.
On the other hand, vast numbers of Americans believe that Mueller's investigation should be allowed to continue to its conclusion.

Since you're so keen on polls, here's another one for you... probably slightly more credible than the first...


Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, 63% back Mueller, half favor impeachment

ABC News, Aug 31, 2018, 7:00 AM ET

Only fools believe polls. That and liberals.

Nice fake news title. You mean most Republicans, not most Americans (note: no apostrophe necessary).

In other news, water is wet.
Leftists are NOT Americans. Independents are fence sitters. Republicans are Americans because they are COMPLETELY on the MAGA train and America First train and they have no problem saying so,they want what's best for America and Americans UNLIKE leftists.
But you just said leftist aren't Americans so no according to your claims Republicans don't want what's best for all Americans, only what's best for Republicans.

And I am an Independent specifically so that if my party does something that I am completely at odds with then I don't have to tied to it and vote my conscious instead of along party lines. You may see it as fence sitting, I view it as having more options.
Last edited:
Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.

There is a discrepency between your topic title and topic article.
There's a name for that.

I think it's called a lie
Or sheer stupidity.

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