American's think Mueller witch hunt should be shut down

As an American, I wish that Mueller will keep going until he gets to the end of it all and finds out the truth. Why does the OP think that he speaks for Americans? He doesn't.
He's already discovered Russia giving money to Trump.

And the investigation is young.
As an American, I wish that Mueller will keep going until he gets to the end of it all and finds out the truth. Why does the OP think that he speaks for Americans? He doesn't.

A a German I agree with you. No one should live in fear of the truth. Everyone should live in fear of the opposite. A German proverb says: "The mills of the justice are working slowly - but relentless."

Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.

64% of independents do not support shutting it down. You are aware of the fact that Trump needs more than Republicans to win. 62% of independents disapprove of Trump's performance in office.
According to an ABC poll...if I wasn't so damn tired and had a LONG day tomorrow I would dig into the poll and show where they rigged it with more liberal leaning independents than REAL independents.

You posted the poll and then turn around and say it is not credible?

What the hell?
The thread claim is completely backwards.

Trump's disapproval numbers are in the 60s

Support for completing the Mueller investigation is also in the 60s
Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.

64% of independents do not support shutting it down. You are aware of the fact that Trump needs more than Republicans to win. 62% of independents disapprove of Trump's performance in office.
According to an ABC poll...if I wasn't so damn tired and had a LONG day tomorrow I would dig into the poll and show where they rigged it with more liberal leaning independents than REAL independents.

for a black dog with red paint on your face, you sure whine a LOT

For someone who signed on to a discussion forum, you seem incapable of real discussion.
Can someone give me a reasonable, rational explanation for why we keep posting poll results of only those polls we like, and mock all those we don't?

Is this a game? Are we just fooling around? Is there something wrong with us?

This thread is even better, the guy posted a poll that he does not even agree with! :21::21::21::21:
Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.

64% of independents do not support shutting it down. You are aware of the fact that Trump needs more than Republicans to win. 62% of independents disapprove of Trump's performance in office.
According to an ABC poll...if I wasn't so damn tired and had a LONG day tomorrow I would dig into the poll and show where they rigged it with more liberal leaning independents than REAL independents.

You posted the poll and then turn around and say it is not credible?

What the hell?

Look only at the poster and you have your answer!
Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.


Poll: 60 percent disapprove of Trump, while clear majorities back Mueller and Sessions

"But 63 percent of Americans support Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, with 52 percent saying they support it strongly; 29 percent oppose the probe."

"The poll finds that 61 percent of Americans think that Trump committed a crime if he did direct Cohen to make the payments, while 31 percent say he did not commit a crime."
Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.

64% of independents do not support shutting it down. You are aware of the fact that Trump needs more than Republicans to win. 62% of independents disapprove of Trump's performance in office.
According to an ABC poll...if I wasn't so damn tired and had a LONG day tomorrow I would dig into the poll and show where they rigged it with more liberal leaning independents than REAL independents.

You posted the poll and then turn around and say it is not credible?

What the hell?

Look only at the poster and you have your answer!

a typical RW'r who doesn't know his elbow from a hole in the ground.

and these idiots think they're capable of running this country -
On the other hand, vast numbers of Americans believe that Mueller's investigation should be allowed to continue to its conclusion.

Since you're so keen on polls, here's another one for you... probably slightly more credible than the first...


Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, 63% back Mueller, half favor impeachment

ABC News, Aug 31, 2018, 7:00 AM ET

, Democrats

As I figured...8% more leftists than Americans and 12% more fence sitters than Americans....Also depends on WHERE they polled these people at. Was it MIDDLE AMERICA or was it some leftist city?
Too late.

Today a man pled guilty for helping funnel Russian money to Trump.

Only the beginning.
Liar. It was a Ukranian...sorry FAKE NEWS lied to you AGAIN. Trump wasn't in control of the finances and ANYONE can give money to a campaign..just ask Hillary.

Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.

You should be.
LOL...what's there to be scared about? The chances of you Anti American leftists taking the senate is ZERO aka EVEN IF you take the house AND impeached President Trump AND sent it to senate he won't get convicted...enjoy your continuing swinging and missing snowflake.
The chances of you Anti American leftists taking the senate is ZERO

Uneducated Trump supporters don't understand math.
I am in college you clown,my mother has a masters,my older sister has a bachelors and is going for her masters,my wife is in college as well. ALL voted for Trump. Now that you have been bitchslapped on that PLEASE inform us WHAT seats the Leftists take from the GOP....go ahead I can wait in anticipation. I can name a few that the leftists will lose

North Dakota

Those are slam dunk wins for GOP

West Virginia
are POSSIBLE pickups

New Jersey the corrupt Menendez has gone from a SEVENTEEN point lead to a SIX point lead! Not good when you have to spend money for a seat that should be an EASY keeper....
The chances of you Anti American leftists taking the senate is ZERO

Uneducated Trump supporters don't understand math.
I am in college you clown,my mother has a masters,my older sister has a bachelors and is going for her masters,my wife is in college as well. ALL voted for Trump. Now that you have been bitchslapped on that PLEASE inform us WHAT seats the Leftists take from the GOP....go ahead I can wait in anticipation. I can name a few that the leftists will lose

North Dakota

Those are slam dunk wins for GOP

West Virginia
are POSSIBLE pickups

New Jersey the corrupt Menendez has gone from a SEVENTEEN point lead to a SIX point lead! Not good when you have to spend money for a seat that should be an EASY keeper....

You're in college and don't understand probability? That's cute.

It's a fact that the majority of Trump's base consists of uneducated people. Your mom doesn't change that fact. Here's a graph that you probably won't be able to understand.

I don't know what seats the Democrats will take from the GOP. You're the one who made the argument that there's a ZERO percent chance of the left taking the Senate. That's not how math works, dipshit. Unlikely =/= Impossible. Go ask your Trump University professor to explain that to you.
The chances of you Anti American leftists taking the senate is ZERO

Uneducated Trump supporters don't understand math.
I am in college you clown,my mother has a masters,my older sister has a bachelors and is going for her masters,my wife is in college as well. ALL voted for Trump. Now that you have been bitchslapped on that PLEASE inform us WHAT seats the Leftists take from the GOP....go ahead I can wait in anticipation. I can name a few that the leftists will lose

North Dakota

Those are slam dunk wins for GOP

West Virginia
are POSSIBLE pickups

New Jersey the corrupt Menendez has gone from a SEVENTEEN point lead to a SIX point lead! Not good when you have to spend money for a seat that should be an EASY keeper....

You're in college and don't understand probability? That's cute.

It's a fact that the majority of Trump's base consists of uneducated people. Your mom doesn't change that fact. Here's a graph that you probably won't be able to understand.

I don't know what seats the Democrats will take from the GOP. You're the one who made the argument that there's a ZERO percent chance of the left taking the Senate. That's not how math works, dipshit. Unlikely =/= Impossible. Go ask your Trump University professor to explain that to you.
Reported from CNN...ROFLMAO.....holy shit funny stuff...yes there is a ZERO percent chance the leftists take the senate..
The chances of you Anti American leftists taking the senate is ZERO

Uneducated Trump supporters don't understand math.
I am in college you clown,my mother has a masters,my older sister has a bachelors and is going for her masters,my wife is in college as well. ALL voted for Trump. Now that you have been bitchslapped on that PLEASE inform us WHAT seats the Leftists take from the GOP....go ahead I can wait in anticipation. I can name a few that the leftists will lose

North Dakota

Those are slam dunk wins for GOP

West Virginia
are POSSIBLE pickups

New Jersey the corrupt Menendez has gone from a SEVENTEEN point lead to a SIX point lead! Not good when you have to spend money for a seat that should be an EASY keeper....

You're in college and don't understand probability? That's cute.

It's a fact that the majority of Trump's base consists of uneducated people. Your mom doesn't change that fact. Here's a graph that you probably won't be able to understand.

I don't know what seats the Democrats will take from the GOP. You're the one who made the argument that there's a ZERO percent chance of the left taking the Senate. That's not how math works, dipshit. Unlikely =/= Impossible. Go ask your Trump University professor to explain that to you.
Reported from CNN...ROFLMAO.....holy shit funny stuff...yes there is a ZERO percent chance the leftists take the senate..

So predictable. Here's the exit polls from Fox News then.

2016 Fox News Exit Polls

What's your excuse now? It's a fact that the majority of uneducated people supported Trump. It's no surprise that you were one of them.

And it isn't a zero percent chance. It's just unlikely. I'm not sure why that's so hard for you to understand. It isn't difficult.
Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.

Um, it says the opposite.

stop trolling.
Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.

Um, it says the opposite.

stop trolling.
Leftists are NOT Americans. Independents are fence sitters. Republicans are Americans because they are COMPLETELY on the MAGA train and America First train and they have no problem saying so,they want what's best for America and Americans UNLIKE leftists.
Poll: Majority of Republicans Think Mueller Investigation Should Be Shut Down

Two-thirds of Republicans and a third of independents think special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation should be shut down, according to a new poll.

In addition, an overwhelming amount of Republicans polled–80 percent–agree with President Trump that it is a “witch hunt.”

Furthermore, only a quarter–26 percent–of Republicans polled would find special counsel Robert Mueller’s report credible if it found that any campaign member or associate knew of, encouraged, or helped with Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

An overwhelming 71 percent of Republicans said they would not find it credible.

Yeah good luck getting rid of President Trump leftists...not gonna happen.

Um, it says the opposite.

stop trolling.
Leftists are NOT Americans. Independents are fence sitters. Republicans are Americans because they are COMPLETELY on the MAGA train and America First train and they have no problem saying so,they want what's best for America and Americans UNLIKE leftists.

Your OP is lie.



I own you.

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