America's eight most corrupt states



The Center for Public Integrity’s report examined issues concerning accountability and ethics in each state government. States were graded on 330 separate metrics, which were grouped into 14 major categories. Overall grades are based on the average grades in the major categories, which included lobbying disclosure, political financing, internal auditing, ethics enforcement agencies and redistricting.

Most states scored poorly. No state earned an A, and only five states received better than a B+. More than half the states received a D+ or worse. Scored from 1 to 100, eight states earned failing grades of 59 or below from the project.


And the worst state?


Georgia has the worst levels of corruption risk and lack of accountability of any state in the country. The state scored a D or worse in 12 of the 14 categories. The state’s biggest problem is the absence of a strong ethics enforcement agency.


Why doesn't this surprise me?
No state earned an A, and only five states received better than a B+.

Michigan, North Dakota, Maine.....????

Not what you would call Republican Bastions.

Virginia voted for Obama....well, no wonder.

Georgia used to be a blue state...some habits die hard.

First post RDEAN puts out that is information.....with no commentary....good job.

To bad that starcarp had to ruin it for you.
Michigan, North Dakota, Maine.....????

Not what you would call Republican Bastions.

Virginia voted for Obama....well, no wonder.

Georgia used to be a blue state...some habits die hard.

First post RDEAN puts out that is information.....with no commentary....good job.

To bad that starcarp had to ruin it for you.

Actually, by one metric North Dakota is the eighth most conservative state (Red states and blue states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). And Georgia was never a blue state-- that nomenclature dates from the year 2000, well after Georgia became consistently Republican. Either way, I find the facts that Georgia used to have (conservative) Democrats and that Virginia voted for Obama unconvincing explanations for their corruption. Of course, I also am not clear on what relation if any their conservativism bears to their corruption.
The Center for Public Integrity’s report examined issues concerning accountability and ethics in each state government. States were graded on 330 separate metrics, which were grouped into 14 major categories. Overall grades are based on the average grades in the major categories, which included lobbying disclosure, political financing, internal auditing, ethics enforcement agencies and redistricting.

Most states scored poorly. No state earned an A, and only five states received better than a B+. More than half the states received a D+ or worse. Scored from 1 to 100, eight states earned failing grades of 59 or below from the project.


And the worst state?


Georgia has the worst levels of corruption risk and lack of accountability of any state in the country. The state scored a D or worse in 12 of the 14 categories. The state’s biggest problem is the absence of a strong ethics enforcement agency.


Why doesn't this surprise me?

Interesting, but raises some questions.

The idea that the absence of a strong ethics enforcement agency is a state's biggest problem regarding ethics seems to me to be the world turned upside down. Surely it is a much bigger problem if a State needs a strong enforcement agency, for example because it's Governors keep getting convicted for bribe-taking and such.
What a bunch of BS. The top corrupt state is Illinois. Everybody knows that. They have more than one Governor in prison right now. Chicago has always been corrupt as Hell.

Georgia has the worst levels of corruption risk and lack of accountability of any state in the country


Why doesn't this surprise me?

What do you expect from the state that gave us Jimmy Carter and Newt Gingrich.

But seriously, my friend actually got robbed by two young black men in Atlanta of about $650 in cash. He reported it to the police and he was the one that was imprisoned. And then after they cleared him, the detective gave him a lecture on reporting kids who were fighting poverty. :badgrin: It is a joke.
Here's what to look for if you looking for corruption in state governments.

Do they have a state government?

If so, then it is corrupt.
What a bunch of BS. The top corrupt state is Illinois. Everybody knows that. They have more than one Governor in prison right now. Chicago has always been corrupt as Hell.


What do you mean. This is the THIRD governor to go to the slammer since 1970

Illinois' Legacy Of Corruption: Three Ex-Governors Jailed Since 1970's

This title to the 'study' is misleading.

They measure what they perceive to be corruption 'risk' based on accountability metrics such as internal watchdogging, etc., and consider redistricting a corruption.

They do not appropriately weigh and measure in their scoring all of the actual crimes committed by all of those corrupt Democrat politicians who are in jail, which is of course why the OP put the post up. Number of Governors in jail would be an excellent metric to add, for example.
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Michigan, North Dakota, Maine.....????

Not what you would call Republican Bastions.

Virginia voted for Obama....well, no wonder.

Georgia used to be a blue state...some habits die hard.

First post RDEAN puts out that is information.....with no commentary....good job.

To bad that starcarp had to ruin it for you.

Georgia used to be a blue state. Now it's the most corrupt. Cause and effect? North Dakota?

The Center for Public Integrity’s report examined issues concerning accountability and ethics in each state government. States were graded on 330 separate metrics, which were grouped into 14 major categories. Overall grades are based on the average grades in the major categories, which included lobbying disclosure, political financing, internal auditing, ethics enforcement agencies and redistricting.

Most states scored poorly. No state earned an A, and only five states received better than a B+. More than half the states received a D+ or worse. Scored from 1 to 100, eight states earned failing grades of 59 or below from the project.


And the worst state?


Georgia has the worst levels of corruption risk and lack of accountability of any state in the country. The state scored a D or worse in 12 of the 14 categories. The state’s biggest problem is the absence of a strong ethics enforcement agency.


Why doesn't this surprise me?

Not shocking that Gingrich is from Georgia,the man kicked out of Speaker Of The House for corruption.
The Center for Public Integrity’s report examined issues concerning accountability and ethics in each state government. States were graded on 330 separate metrics, which were grouped into 14 major categories. Overall grades are based on the average grades in the major categories, which included lobbying disclosure, political financing, internal auditing, ethics enforcement agencies and redistricting.

Most states scored poorly. No state earned an A, and only five states received better than a B+. More than half the states received a D+ or worse. Scored from 1 to 100, eight states earned failing grades of 59 or below from the project.


And the worst state?


Georgia has the worst levels of corruption risk and lack of accountability of any state in the country. The state scored a D or worse in 12 of the 14 categories. The state’s biggest problem is the absence of a strong ethics enforcement agency.


Why doesn't this surprise me?

Why doesn't it surprise ME that a liberal think tank would come up with that score in an election year, trying to get the worst radical leftist president EVER reelected?

Total FAIL on it being OBVIOUSLY, politically motivated.

I was surprised to see New Jersey as the least corrupt state.

Well don't be too shocked. The Center for Public Integrity is one of the most liberally biased organizations in the nation.

Both a Los Angeles Times news story and a New York Times editorial referred to the Center as a "liberal group."

Criticism of the Center frequently addresses the source of its financial support. Despite its claims to be a nonpartisan news organization and profession of the Society of Professional Journalists code of ethics, the Center has been accused of bias towards left-wing political causes because it has accepted money from organizations and individuals that favor liberal policies and/or actively oppose right-wing political causes.

The Center has been criticized for accepting large funds from George Soros, a politically active billionaire and critic of the Bush administration. The Web site of one of Soros' organizations, the Open Society Institute, discloses four grants to the Center, all made before his entry into the 2004 presidential contest. They are:

A $72,400 one-year grant in 2000 supporting "an investigative journalism series on prosecutorial misconduct."

A $75,000 one-year grant in 2001 supporting "an examination of wrongful convictions resulting from prosecutorial misconduct."

A $100,000 one-year grant in 2002 "to investigate the political spending of the telecommunications industry on the federal, state and local levels."

A $1 million three-year grant in 2002 "to support the Global Access Project."​

So assuming all that is correct....Wiki is not the most reliable source in the world but I am presently too lazy to check every one of their documentation links......are you terribly surprised they would reach these conclusions?

Center for Public Integrity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Center for Public Integrity’s report examined issues concerning accountability and ethics in each state government. States were graded on 330 separate metrics, which were grouped into 14 major categories. Overall grades are based on the average grades in the major categories, which included lobbying disclosure, political financing, internal auditing, ethics enforcement agencies and redistricting.

Most states scored poorly. No state earned an A, and only five states received better than a B+. More than half the states received a D+ or worse. Scored from 1 to 100, eight states earned failing grades of 59 or below from the project.


And the worst state?


Georgia has the worst levels of corruption risk and lack of accountability of any state in the country. The state scored a D or worse in 12 of the 14 categories. The state’s biggest problem is the absence of a strong ethics enforcement agency.


Why doesn't this surprise me?
Dey got's da strongest ethnics in murka. Steroids and crack see tu dat !

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