America's Failure is Obama's Success


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
nail on the head

May 2, 2014
By Don Feder

I keep getting e-mails from clueless conservatives about what a dumb-bunny our president is. This bromide has been rattling around the right since 2008: Obama can't walk and chew gum without the aid of a teleprompter. He'd need a brain transplant to achieve the IQ of dirt.

Last week I received the following: "Barack Obama is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No resume ... no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works... nothing but abstract, empty rhetoric devoid of substance."

A posting on American Thinker offers the following as proof of Obama's blithering incompetence: "The facts reveal that he was stupid enough to believe ObamaCare would work." But ObamaCare is working exactly as the president intended.

The empty-suit quote is from a commentary by the late Dr. Jack Wheeler, written during the 2008 campaign – before Obama got himself elected president twice (the second time in the midst of the longest sustained high unemployment since the Great Depression), before he managed to push through the most radical legislation since the progressive income tax and thwarted repeal – even though, after 5 years, it's never had majority support – despite turning the Constitution into a paper airplane and flying it out a White House window. Can we talk teflon?

In the past 80 years, only two presidents have been this successful – FDR and Ronald Reagan. And still him-so-dumb thinking dominates the right.

Okay, Obama isn't a bloody genius. Neither was Stalin, Hitler, Al Capone or Meyer Lansky. But like his ideological soul-mates, Obama is cold, calculating, ruthless, and diabolically clever at advancing his agenda. He also keeps a low profile. To quote Al Pacino as the Prince of Darkness in "The Devil's Advocate" – "They never see me coming."

Last December, after five years of that old Obama magic and three-quarters of a trillion in economic stimulus, the unemployment rate finally dipped below 7%. The media celebrated this as the start of something big. It was the continuation of something pathetic.

In the last month of 2013, 74,000 jobs were created. In a nation of 310 million, that's less than half the number needed just to keep pace with population growth.

December marked the 44th straight month in which more people gave up looking for jobs than found them. The real unemployment rate (unemployed, underemployed and stopped looking) hit 13.2% – almost twice the official rate. The American Enterprise Institute discloses, "Both the number of long-term unemployed workers (who have been actively looking for work but unable to find jobs for 27 weeks or longer) and their share of total unemployment are at post-war highs."

The teen unemployment rate is 18.6%. For black teens, it's an ominous 35.8%. The economy is so good that almost a quarter of 26-year-olds are still living with their parents.

Obama wants to do more – raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that will annihilate another 500,000 jobs. Bill Gates observes: "If you raise the minimum wage, you're encouraging labor substitution and you're going to go buy machines and automate things.... It does cause job destruction."

The president is counting on it. High unemployment is a symphony for the party of plunder. It gets to play lord bountiful with regular extensions of long-term unemployment benefits (now up to 99 weeks) which heartless Republicans will be castigated for opposing. As more Americans slip below the poverty line, the Democrats' base grows, and the president has another opportunity to demagogue about the "growing problem of income-inequality" and push new programs from the playbook of Marx and Engels.

Unlike employment, food stamps has had banner growth in the Obama years, up from 26 million in 2007 to 47 million this year. According to the Census Bureau, by 2011, more Americans were receiving one or more means-tested federal programs than were employed full-time, year round. These programs, which cost almost $1 trillion annually, cover over 100 million Americans.

Democratic power grows from dependency. The left wants a swelling army of the dole-addicted looking to Washington for food, housing, health care and other necessities – a mob which will storm the polls every two years to vote their perceived interests.

ALL of it here
America's Failure is Obama's Success: Don Feder - GrassTopsUSA
Of course it's true. Pretty easy to see for anyone who is paying attention.
Wrong. We all know that Republicans see America's failure as their golden achievement. It's why all their policies are geared towards failure. The Iraq debacle, the "Trickle down" fiasco, being against a living wage and anything that benefits American families. They think that if they can bring the country to it's knees, America will keep them in power.

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