America's Foreign Enemies Want Biden To Win

China and Iran Want Biden To Win

Intelligence community's top election official: China and Iran don't want Trump to win reelection, Russia working to 'denigrate' Biden

Chinese Reds Want Biden

Chinese State Media Says A Biden Presidency Would Be 'Smoother' For the Chinese Communist Party...

Here is confirmation from the CNN website:

"Earlier this month, the US intelligence community's top election security official said that China would rather Trump is not reelected. "We assess that China prefers that President Trump -- whom Beijing sees as unpredictable -- does not win reelection," said William R. Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, in a statement ahead of the November election.

America's Foreign Enemies Mostly Hope For a Joe Biden Win

America's foreign enemies mostly hope for a Joe Biden win; allies are divided. How they would vote if they could.

Well, they got their wish.

As did many Americans.
America's enemies always prefer Democrats. Democrats always prefer America's enemies.
Do you know how stupid that sounds?
He is right on. The only people who sound stupid are people like you who deny the obvious truth. When isis made videos ranting about how evil America is, they sounded just like democrats... for 1 example
Truth and repukes don't mix nor do TRumpers. By the way your example is fiction.
You lie. Isis and Democrats agree about America. So much so they used to recruit American Democrats to join them.
You TRumpers lost. Get over it. Remember that from four years ago. Don't like it do you?
That actually came from Obama in 2009. A Republican was saying to him that he was glad to be working with him. And that was Obama's response. Anyway we will see parts of this nation be destroyed now. This is not 2008 and before. With frauds like McCain and others, we have had enough.
Truth and repukes don't mix nor do TRumpers. By the way your example is fiction.

Your hatefulness is destructive and offensive. It breeds mendacity and misery that spreads throughout your life and infects those closest to you. Your fellow Hateful Democrats (but I repeat myself) held up signs the night President Trump won in 2016 that read "LOVE TRUMPS HATE" and since that historic night, all they/you have done is spew HATE, everywhere. You lied that night pretending to promote love and you lie with every sentence you utter. Lies are evil. Hate is evil.
You lie and hate with ferocity.

To my Ignore List you go with your fellow haters/liars.
Life is too short to waste time reading your hatred and lies and nonsense.

ciao brutto
You TRumpers lost. Get over it. Remember that from four years ago. Don't like it do you?

Yeah, we also remember you assholes running a coup attempt.

You laid the ground rules, don't whine like a bitch when we use them against you.

He's not worth the time to read his lies. Life is too short to bother with them.
Put him on Ignore, please. Him and others like him. Please. I beg you. Spare everyone.
You have every right to be a racist (BULLDOG), but I am going to call you out on your racism.

No, you're simply going to lie and call names. That's why you're a Leftist.
Here are some facts on Leftist racism:

Chemical Engineers are all racists. Couldn’t hack mechanical, huh? Did you mix baking soda and vinegar to make a volcano your senior year, Nazi?
"Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible

Leftists continue reading the posts of those they CLAIM to hate and be superior to. Now IF what the hated ones say is so stupid, one might think that Leftists would ignore them, but no, they do precisely the opposite, just like they do in restaurants and on the street. They harass, they call names, they act like assses.

So here's how it's done: You were the umpteenth Leftist go to on my Ignore List because you say nothing worthwhile, nothing honest, nothing anyone should waste one minute reading.

You're a perfect example of Democrat Insanity:

ciao brutto

P.S. The Nazis were Leftists, like you. They were the party of Social Democrats. Like you.
China and Iran Want Biden To Win

Intelligence community's top election official: China and Iran don't want Trump to win reelection, Russia working to 'denigrate' Biden

Chinese Reds Want Biden

Chinese State Media Says A Biden Presidency Would Be 'Smoother' For the Chinese Communist Party...

Here is confirmation from the CNN website:

"Earlier this month, the US intelligence community's top election security official said that China would rather Trump is not reelected. "We assess that China prefers that President Trump -- whom Beijing sees as unpredictable -- does not win reelection," said William R. Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, in a statement ahead of the November election.

America's Foreign Enemies Mostly Hope For a Joe Biden Win

America's foreign enemies mostly hope for a Joe Biden win; allies are divided. How they would vote if they could.
He’s already won.

putin is pissed that he lost his lapdog.

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