America's greatness is its working classes not "wealth" creators

Good managerial efficiency means taking care of your workers so that they will adopt company strategies and goals. I created wealth because I had customers to buy my products. No customers, business fails. Ask your professors about that.

Your professors will also tell you that when all you can do is ad hom is notice that you have failed the discussion.

You just dissed wealth creators in your title dumb ass. What a fucking moron.

Ask professors, idiot? No shit for brains, I've been out on the front lines whether it's been military, foreign policy, intelligence, name it dumb fuck. Usually my professors ask me, moron.

You're too stupid to even keep up with me, Fakey.
EconChick does not get that workers can destroy a business if they are not treated professionally and compensated appropriately. It works that way in the military. The junior officers and senior NCOs ended a signals Brigade commander and one of his company commanders because they treated their subordinates like filth.

You really are as stupid as they come. Where do I say workers are bad. I've been managing for a very long time nitwit and I know more about taking care of people than your dumb fat ass would ever begin to know.

The only dumbasses that would talk in this either/or world you talk in are union thugs and................Jakey Fakeys of the world.
It finally all makes're supporting the James Harris campaign. He's a socialist.

Listen to his video and tell me this isn't what you're spewing on this thread, Fakey!!

The stupidity of the average conservative on this issue is that he doesn't realize that the Rich won't do him any special favors just because he sucks up to them. He's getting screwed as much as the next person.

And what is the left prepared to do to fix this problem? Nothing. Recall how this dynamic works. This occurs long before government gets involved, it happens right there during the wealth creation process. The dynamic which determines how the created wealth shall be allocated is the market and in that market are two actors, Capital and Labor and they have different bargaining strength.

Liberals are orgasming about Amnesty and importing more future Democrats, well by so doing they flood the labor market and drive down the bargaining power of labor, hence larger and larger shares of the created wealth go to Capital.

I suggest a way to fix this, to strengthen the power of labor and liberals choose not to deport 20 million illegal infiltrators nor to completely shut down immigration until such time as actual labor shortages result in measurable difficulty for expanding businesses. If you don't want the solution which works, then you're choosing to place a higher value something else.

If you value the welfare of illegal infiltrators more than you do income inequality, then stop crying about income inequality because you don't really want to fix that issue, it's just not important enough to you.
BS- In the 50's, CEOs made 25 times much as workers, now over 275x...Read something. See sig pp1.

So what? Their pay doesn't come out of your pocket, it comes out of the pocket of shareholders. What's it to you what is negotiated between two parties? This information grates on people who are full of envy but what they get paid doesn't affect your life at all.
Middle class net worth in steep decline.

So the facts say that the working man has suffered mightily under the Obama administration and the rich have gotten richer but many still feed us the bull about how much democrats care

True. But you are oversimplifying some historical trends. Middle class decline pre-dates Obama by decades. (-just as many of the problems Bush was wrongly blamed for pre-dated his administration)

The apex of middle class power was in the 50s & 60s when their was no political opposition to the New Deal; and no political opposition to the protection of American Labor from cheap foreign labor markets. Think about it - both Eisenhower and Nixon were staunch New Deal Republicans; they did more to protect high union wages... and more to protect government subsidies to things like education than any president thereafter. In short, they supported all of the FDR-style reforms that moved money and government resources to the middle class.

Problem is . . . business took over Washington in 1980 with the election of Ronald Reagan, who convinced the nation that we needed to remove all burdens on capital, and we needed to put business (rather than "brownshirt regulators") in charge of Washington.

You started off with such promise and then went off the rails. This process is being driven by economic forces, not government regulation.

It's as simple as Labor is weak and Capital is strong so Capital uses its greater bargaining power to capture a larger share of the wealth created when Labor and Capital combine. Regulations can't fix this. Regulations trying to fix this would be akin to the Soviet Gosplan assigning prices to commodities irrespective of market forces.

The solution is to strengthen the hand of labor by inducing labor shortages thus forcing Capital to bid up the price of labor and thereby lessen its share of the gain when wealth is produced.

This process was set in motion in 1965, not in 1981 with Reagan taking office. Study the graphs.
Jakey Fakey's a socialist. Now it all makes sense. You're not a Republican you fucking liar.
They are all socialist now Econ. Democratic Party of Truman or even JFK is dead.

Not socialists, social Democrats, and there is a difference. They don't want Cuba, they want Sweden.

They're becoming bolder about what they want, which is good, we need to have the conversation. This thread is a good example.

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BS- In the 50's, CEOs made 25 times much as workers, now over 275x...Read something. See sig pp1.

So what? Their pay doesn't come out of your pocket, it comes out of the pocket of shareholders. What's it to you what is negotiated between two parties? This information grates on people who are full of envy but what they get paid doesn't affect your life at all.
Yes, much of the CEO's pay comes out of the pockets of his workers, as does stockholder earnings.
Jakey Fakey's a socialist. Now it all makes sense. You're not a Republican you fucking liar.
They are all socialist now Econ. Democratic Party of Truman or even JFK is dead.

Not socialists, social Democrats, and there is a difference. They don't want Cuba, they want Sweden.

They're becoming bolder about what they want, which is good, we need to have the conversation. This thread is a good example..

I created wealth because I had customers to buy my products. No customers, business fails. Ask your professors about that, EconChick.

Econchick believes that a businessman who understands the role of workers and consumers in the American economy is a socialist, which is fail on her part.

The far right once again willfully confuses socialism with social democratic economics.

The millenials will kick it up their asses. EconChick, Rik, and Bush92 are dinosaurs caught in the Mises tar pits; they are doomed.
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Silver platter, like the Bushes.

You talk to the laboring men and women and offer them your opinion.

Fuck you, moron. I come from a blue collar family. I put myself through school with plenty of blue collar jobs so spare me your union thuggery bullshit.

How in the fuck did this message board get stuck with a worthless piece of shit like econbitch? Anyone know?
America's Greatness lies in its ability to provide Individual Opportunity. The entrepreneur, the startup, the main street business owners, the mom and pop shops, the franchise owner..... These people too are workers.
Jakey Fakey's a socialist. Now it all makes sense. You're not a Republican you fucking liar.
They are all socialist now Econ. Democratic Party of Truman or even JFK is dead.

Not socialists, social Democrats, and there is a difference. They don't want Cuba, they want Sweden.

They're becoming bolder about what they want, which is good, we need to have the conversation. This thread is a good example..

The far right once again willfully confuses socialism with social democratic economics.

The millenials will kick it up their asses. EconChick, Rik, and Bush92 are dinosaurs caught in the Mises tar pits; they are doomed.

Welcome to the new "dustbin of history" meme, same as the old "dustbin of history" meme.
BS- In the 50's, CEOs made 25 times much as workers, now over 275x...Read something. See sig pp1.

So what? Their pay doesn't come out of your pocket, it comes out of the pocket of shareholders. What's it to you what is negotiated between two parties? This information grates on people who are full of envy but what they get paid doesn't affect your life at all.
Yes, much of the CEO's pay comes out of the pockets of his workers, as does stockholder earnings.

Spoken like the communist you are, not even the socialist, or the social democratist you claim to be.
Silver platter, like the Bushes.

You talk to the laboring men and women and offer them your opinion.

Fuck you, moron. I come from a blue collar family. I put myself through school with plenty of blue collar jobs so spare me your union thuggery bullshit.

How in the fuck did this message board get stuck with a worthless piece of shit like econbitch? Anyone know?

It's part of USMB's outreach program to educate the dumbos like her on how the American economic system works.
Marty reveals that he does not understand the definitions: nothing new.
Jakey Fakey's a socialist. Now it all makes sense. You're not a Republican you fucking liar.
They are all socialist now Econ. Democratic Party of Truman or even JFK is dead.

Not socialists, social Democrats, and there is a difference. They don't want Cuba, they want Sweden.

They're becoming bolder about what they want, which is good, we need to have the conversation. This thread is a good example..

I created wealth because I had customers to buy my products. No customers, business fails. Ask your professors about that, EconChick.

Econchick believes that a businessman who understands the role of workers and consumers in the American economy is a socialist, which is fail on her part.

The far right once again willfully confuses socialism with social democratic economics.

The millenials will kick it up their asses. EconChick, Rik, and Bush92 are dinosaurs caught in the Mises tar pits; they are doomed.

The conversation is perfectly reasonable. But it would be helpful if you folks were more open and honest about what you want. Once that happens we can hopefully have constructive dialogue.


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