America's greatness is its working classes not "wealth" creators

To the average conservative the American worker is an overpaid, lazy, piece of trash that barely deserves the air that they breath. To the republican leadership an American worker is a resource that must the kept as inexpensive as possible by whatever means. To the democratic leadership an American worker is a vote. The sad truth is that no one in a position to do anything positive really gives a fuck about the working poor, no one, because we just take theft after theft of income and job security without complaint.

You need to go ahead ad shit on a cop car....soon we will just slap you across the face and laugh at you.

You are just one more lazy puke wanting a free ride kid.
BS- In the 50's, CEOs made 25 times much as workers, now over 275x...Read something. See sig pp1.
To the average conservative the American worker is an overpaid, lazy, piece of trash that barely deserves the air that they breath. To the republican leadership an American worker is a resource that must the kept as inexpensive as possible by whatever means. To the democratic leadership an American worker is a vote. The sad truth is that no one in a position to do anything positive really gives a fuck about the working poor, no one, because we just take theft after theft of income and job security without complaint.
Wow...Just wow....
I've seen some whopper fabrications before, but this one deserves an Academy Award.
Do any hater dupes have anything but idiotic talking points and stupid insults? I didn't think so....
Look who's talking...
Do you really want to suffer the embarrassment of having a bunch of your posts which are replete with insults?
Or do you think you should delete your post?
My insults are fact. You believe a pile of hateful, divisive, racist bs- brainwashing by greedy idiot billionnaires. A hater dupe.
Dems to Pubs, Libertarians to our one anarcho-commie: the daily American is our success and guarantee, not our politicians and wealth abusers.

View attachment 31487

Notice the anti-American fascist business owner working with Communist China.

View attachment 31488

Telling the truth about ourselves is our second greatest strength.

Have a great day.
Yeah...the working class works for does that work?
Do any hater dupes have anything but idiotic talking points and stupid insults? I didn't think so....
Look who's talking...
Do you really want to suffer the embarrassment of having a bunch of your posts which are replete with insults?
Or do you think you should delete your post?
My insults are fact. You believe a pile of hateful, divisive, racist bs- brainwashing by greedy idiot billionnaires. A hater dupe.

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Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
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What a crock. The facts state otherwise. The highest corporate tax rate in the world. Medical devices insanely taxed under obamacare. The middle class in steep decline. Middle class net worth in steep decline. Black youth unemployment higher than when he came to office. The rich one per centers seeing all the income gains in the last few years. Failure to approve pipeline which even unions want. Getting rid of good middle class coal jobs. The yoke of obamacare around the neck of all large and small businesses stifling progress and good jobs, and a president who is disengaged and ignorant about economic matters.

So the facts say that the working man has suffered mightily under the Obama administration and the rich have gotten richer but many still feed us the bull about how much democrats care, they have to be thanking their lucky stars for all the low information voters their educational system has created.
This has been going on for 32 years under Voodoo, which is defended to the death by the GOP. Our EFFECTIVE corporate tax rate is 12%, because their are so many GOP loopholes on giant corps. The tax on medical devices is very low. Why doesn't the GOP cut it- nobody gives a damn except hater dupes....
Hye genius. Our economy has ALWAYS been top down. Or trickle down.
Thos with the means open the businesses and offer the jobs. That's the way it is ....
Now if you want change, find me a penniless guy with some ideas to start his own business with no capital.
For that matter, why don't YOU give it a whirl?
2/3 of new jobs are from small business, the poor schooks who ACTUALLY pay those high corporate taxes.. I'm a retired teacher, thanks.
To the average conservative the American worker is an overpaid, lazy, piece of trash that barely deserves the air that they breath. To the republican leadership an American worker is a resource that must the kept as inexpensive as possible by whatever means. To the democratic leadership an American worker is a vote. The sad truth is that no one in a position to do anything positive really gives a fuck about the working poor, no one, because we just take theft after theft of income and job security without complaint.

You need to go ahead ad shit on a cop car....soon we will just slap you across the face and laugh at you.

You are just one more lazy puke wanting a free ride kid.

Earned every dollar that has ever passed through my hand by honest labor and a thorough knowledge of my profession. I have no debt and live in an awesome place. In conservative land I am a horrible loser because I am not a millionaire (yet) and still must work for a living.
To the average conservative the American worker is an overpaid, lazy, piece of trash that barely deserves the air that they breath. To the republican leadership an American worker is a resource that must the kept as inexpensive as possible by whatever means. To the democratic leadership an American worker is a vote. The sad truth is that no one in a position to do anything positive really gives a fuck about the working poor, no one, because we just take theft after theft of income and job security without complaint.

You need to go ahead ad shit on a cop car....soon we will just slap you across the face and laugh at you.

You are just one more lazy puke wanting a free ride kid.

Earned every dollar that has ever passed through my hand by honest labor and a thorough knowledge of my profession. I have no debt and live in an awesome place. In conservative land I am a horrible loser because I am not a millionaire (yet) and still must work for a living.

As opposed to your "occupied" buddies?

NO self respecting American would stand with ANY occupied pukes.
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Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
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The American left is no longer liberal but rather Reactionary, parasitic statists. rich leftwing elitists only care for the working class in terms of the votes
You are brainwashed to within a inch of your life, hater dupe. Read something.
eat my shorts parasite. its time for the fleas to get swatted by the producers who tire of being forced to feed the pests.
To the average conservative the American worker is an overpaid, lazy, piece of trash that barely deserves the air that they breath. To the republican leadership an American worker is a resource that must the kept as inexpensive as possible by whatever means. To the democratic leadership an American worker is a vote. The sad truth is that no one in a position to do anything positive really gives a fuck about the working poor, no one, because we just take theft after theft of income and job security without complaint.

You need to go ahead ad shit on a cop car....soon we will just slap you across the face and laugh at you.

You are just one more lazy puke wanting a free ride kid.

Earned every dollar that has ever passed through my hand by honest labor and a thorough knowledge of my profession. I have no debt and live in an awesome place. In conservative land I am a horrible loser because I am not a millionaire (yet) and still must work for a living.

As opposed to your "occupied" buddies?

NO self respecting American would stand with ANY occupied pukes.
No self-respecting American would let the bankers and the multinationals run the country without complaint.
To the average conservative the American worker is an overpaid, lazy, piece of trash that barely deserves the air that they breath. To the republican leadership an American worker is a resource that must the kept as inexpensive as possible by whatever means. To the democratic leadership an American worker is a vote. The sad truth is that no one in a position to do anything positive really gives a fuck about the working poor, no one, because we just take theft after theft of income and job security without complaint.

You need to go ahead ad shit on a cop car....soon we will just slap you across the face and laugh at you.

You are just one more lazy puke wanting a free ride kid.

Earned every dollar that has ever passed through my hand by honest labor and a thorough knowledge of my profession. I have no debt and live in an awesome place. In conservative land I am a horrible loser because I am not a millionaire (yet) and still must work for a living.

As opposed to your "occupied" buddies?

NO self respecting American would stand with ANY occupied pukes.
No self-respecting American would let the bankers and the multinationals run the country without complaint.

(smile) I'll take my income,help those whom I can and be content.


You think I should give to you because YOU don't have enough.
You're hilarious, Antares. Can't wait for you to lose your corrupt, now redundant, always bs insurance job lol...

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Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
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Meanwhile, back at the OP, Pubtrolls (the only kind), you are totally duped by greedy idiot billionnaires- who've wrecked the non-rich, the country, and the world. see #5. Thanks also for 9/11, the worst wars ever, a world depression, 5 years of mindless obstruction, and of course the worst voters ever, brainwashed loudmouth tools of greedy idiot rich. You.
Middle class net worth in steep decline.

So the facts say that the working man has suffered mightily under the Obama administration and the rich have gotten richer but many still feed us the bull about how much democrats care

True. But you are oversimplifying some historical trends. Middle class decline pre-dates Obama by decades. (-just as many of the problems Bush was wrongly blamed for pre-dated his administration)

The apex of middle class power was in the 50s & 60s when their was no political opposition to the New Deal; and no political opposition to the protection of American Labor from cheap foreign labor markets. Think about it - both Eisenhower and Nixon were staunch New Deal Republicans; they did more to protect high union wages... and more to protect government subsidies to things like education than any president thereafter. In short, they supported all of the FDR-style reforms that moved money and government resources to the middle class.

Problem is . . . business took over Washington in 1980 with the election of Ronald Reagan, who convinced the nation that we needed to remove all burdens on capital, and we needed to put business (rather than "brownshirt regulators") in charge of Washington. FYI: this pre-figures the current lobbying industrial complex where there is no longer a line between a lobbyist and Senator. Right now, in exchange for key votes, senators are given lucrative lobbying jobs once they leave office.

You understand the reforms that Reaganomics brought to the middle class government of FDR/Truman/Eisenhower/Kennedy/Nixon, right? One such reform had to do with the cost of production. Simply put, after decades of Liberal rule, the USA had the highest labor costs in the world. Our corporate sector and wealthy elite simply did not want to pay the wages (& tax burden) associated with a strong middle class - but they needed a president and a political party to do their bidding. So they invested an unprecedented amount of money into Reagan and Republican politicians. You get it right? Wealthy people were sick of all the resources that went into maintaining high wages and high benefits and all the government programs that went into giving the middle class an affordable cost of living (especially) through the investment in things like public universities and programs like the GI Bill. Reagan was purchased by a powerful movement that no longer wanted government to take an active role in building a strong middle class.

So the first thing the ol' gipper did was bust unions and remove the legal infrastructure that protected American labor from ultra cheap labor markets in Communist China. So . . . starting in the 80s we watched as our noble corporate sector shipped manufacturing to Taiwanese and Chinese sweatshops. This resulted in MASSIVE profits for our noble/patriotic corporate class (and all its investors), but it decimated the wages and benefits of the middle class. Our noble patriotic profit makers also got their Washington puppets to drastically reduce their taxes through the most loop-hole-ridden tax structure on planet earth (which eventually resulted in a situation where corporations like GE pay zero taxes and the upper class pays 15% on capital gains, as compared to the +30% the middle class pays on income).

But it gets better. What did we do after Reagan (and his liberal clone, Clinton) helped our noble/patriotic capitalists ship American jobs to tyrannical countries (from Mexico to China to Honduras)? What did we do when we decimated that jobs, wages, benefits and programs that created the strongest middle class in world history? What did we do to the largest middle class in recorded time, the middle class that existed in the 50s and 60s when we had the world's highest economic growth, highest wages and highest taxes? What happened when we ended all of these things because Reagan wanted to move ALL resources to the suppliers?

I'll tell you what happened. We undertook the most radical expansion of credit the world has ever seen. We replaced the high wages/benefits that the middle class enjoyed under liberal rule (1945-1980) with credit cards and every possible debt-based gimmick. This is why we all started receiving three credit cards offers a week starting in the 80s. This is why American Household Debt skyrocketed in the 80s.

[Don't trust me, do some research. Google: "Household Income and Debt Trends Since 1980". Reagan helped his corporate friends get rid of exorbitant middle class labor costs; and then he handed out credit cards so the middle class could stay afloat. And it worked incredibly for two decades. It's like trying to revive a depressed person with cocaine - it definitely works until the crash. This is why the economy is so stagnant. This is why Bush had the worst job creation of any president in the last 50 years (because he inherited the same problem, that is, he inherited an American consumer that is too indebted to consume at the needed volume to incentivize investment and job growth).

We swallowed poison in 1980 and BOTH parties are to blame. Clinton was a deep believer in the Labor and Trade policies of Reaganomics that destroyed the middle class.

It was predicted in 1980 by Reagan's detractors that we would end up with an extremely narrow accumulation of wealth, one punctuated by an impoverished middle class coupled with the wealthiest 1% in history. This is why we now have more billionaires and more impoverished people than at any time prior. This is what happens when you transform the middle class into a cheap-labor goldmine for capital. This is what happens when you cut their benefits in order to expand profits.

We were told all those profits made possible by cheap labor and the immense Reagan tax reforms would trickle down. We were told that lowering Capital Gains taxes to 15% would trickle down. We were told that freeing capital to seek the cheapest possible labor costs across the globe would lift all our boats. Here is the thing though. When these promised didn't materialize, we covered up the problem by expanding credit to the middle class. We had to make up for the money that wasn't trickling down. And... after 30 years of expanding credit and accumulating debt, the middle class is now an indentured servant to interest payments so that the capitalists structure that shipped their jobs to freedom-hating nations can profit off their demise...
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Eisenhower was a Republican, and talked much like Starkey. When the GOP turned in it's conservative credentials for the southern religious racist vote, they turned their backs on the working American. The new GOP seems to operate only for the benefit of the wealthy 1%. And the Teabaggers are so ideologically driven, that they will damage the nation before they compromise on anything.

Hilarious. Republicans don't believe that ever happened. Their rewrite of history is so confusing, I suspect many think Lincoln was a confederate. I've asked that question many times and I have never seen a real answer.

They know that Confederates are represented by today's Republicans. They believe it was conservative Republicans who freed the slaves. They think it was Liberals who owned the slaves. But the liberals were in the Union Army and that was up North. So that means it was the Southern Conservatives who freed the slaves therefore, Lincoln must have been a "Confederate" therefore, history has a few mistakes.

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