America’s in danger. Biden surging in the polls. We must stop him.

Donald Trump‘s lead against Biden has eroded. We need to brainstorm and see how we can stop him because America will not survive four more years of this Antifa loving guy.

Should Trump tried to disassociate him from the extremist pro-life arm of the party? I think that’s hurting him. Do you think the criminal trials are hurting him?

Let us exchange ideas, fellow conservatives.

Trump never had a lead, it was a fiction to draw eyeballs.
They do polling over the phone.
Got any kids under 30?
Try calling them.
They don't answer most of the time.
They don't listen to phone messages.
IF they respond it's with a text.

Does anyone think these people are being polled with any accuracy?

The best anyone can do is adjust the poll results to try to account for the missing data.

I think Trump is down 7% or more nationwide and could lose, in addition to WI, MI, PA, GA, and AZ, North Carolina and Texas.
If Trump loses Texas, it's over for the GOP at the national level for 30 years or more.
You can not find me stating Trump has already won based on polls.

I know as you do, the democrats are filling out ballots right now, partially. They still need to decide who they will have win the election in October and fill in that blank, when they pull Biden out because of his health.

Oh baloney.

Most states haven’t even had the primaries yet. Georgia hasn’t. Yet you claim they are already forging ballots. Nonsense conspiracy theory crap.

I’ve gone over this before. Faking the ballots is very difficult. A couple Republicans in Georgia are finding out as we speak. They decided the mail ballot online registration wasn’t secure. They both filled out three fake ballot registrations and requests. They got the voter cards mailed to them, and then found police waiting to arrest them for felony voter fraud.

The aforementioned Republicans are claiming they were whistleblowers trying to show the vulnerabilities of the system. They’ll have some time to consider it during the trial and if convicted time as guests of the State. If convicted they’ll be ineligible to vote.

You want to believe most people agree with you. You want to believe a vast majority see things as you do. It doesn’t appear that is the case. Not using election results as a guide. Not using polling.

I’ll repeat what I’ve said before. I don’t know who is going to win in November. Absent evidence I don’t believe there will be cheating. Actual investigations turn up a handful of cheaters across the nation. But they get found. And their impact is usually negligible. If even that much.
In the Orange Universe™, a poll showing Trump ahead is a sign of sure victory, and a poll showing him behind is fake. When he wins, it's because everyone loves him. When he loses, it's because the election was rigged.

This is a cult.
In the Orange Universe™, a poll showing Trump ahead is a sign of sure victory, and a poll showing him behind is fake. When he wins, it's because everyone loves him. When he loses, it's because the election was rigged.

This is a cult.

^^^The Biden/Harris voter, who believes men can get pregnant, shows up to say other people are in a cult.

The irony.
We can go over this repeatedly will. We do not believe the shills for globalism who are attempting to destroy Trump. Just on one agenda that it is okay for women to screw like champs have children from many men and also have many abortions and say that is normal. Just some civility on that would solve many problems.
So you don't believe that the people Trump hired who now say he can't be trusted can be trusted?
40 of his 44 appointed staff.
Former Chiefs of staff, Sec of state....

Reality will not be kind to you.
Democrats rode the death and destruction of Covid all the way to the Oval office last time, and now they are doing it with the death of innocent unborn children.

At least they are consistent.

Plague and mass death is what makes the DNC thrive the way they do.

Republicans have to win by stopping people from voting. you are a brainless idiot. You drag down the IQ of this country.
The President will hold a campaign rally today in Orlando on the subject of abortion rights. He'll probably win FL in the upcoming election.
The President will hold a campaign rally today in Orlando on the subject of abortion rights. He'll probably win FL in the upcoming election.
All 10 of his supporters will be there.

Democrats love child sacrifice and make Molloch smile.
I guess that's why the GOP is loaded with pedophiles.
The GOP can not compete with Democrats when it comes to pedophiles

How about this Democrat Politician that got same-sex marriage passed.
My first link shows this story was covered by democrat mainstream media

This second link shows the sickness of this Democrat homosexual pedophile. Fun fact, Brinklin helped get same-sex marriage passed, then Brinklin and his Boy-Husband adopted a baby!!!!!!!!! Further, Brinklin's first husband killed himself, most likely because of the pedophile porn they were involved in.

Brinkin is a career lawyer and a homosexual activist who was crowned by the homosexual community when he led the effort to legalize same-sex "marriage" in California. He is also the man that was making $135,000 per year working for the human rights commission in San Francisco. As a matter of fact, the board of supervisors even established a "Larry Brinkin Week" in February of 2010 in his honor.
The charges came three months after Brinkin, 66, was first arrested by San Francisco police, who claim he had been using the e-mail address [email protected] to view images of children as young as perhaps 1-year-old being sodomized by and performing oral sex on adult men, accompanied by highly racist commentary."

"Comments included, 'I loved especially the n@#er 2-year-old getting nailed. Hope you'll continue so I can see what the little blond b@#h is going to get. White Power! White supremacy! White Dick Rules!'
The GOP can not compete with Democrats when it comes to pedophiles

How about this Democrat Politician that got same-sex marriage passed.
My first link shows this story was covered by democrat mainstream media

This second link shows the sickness of this Democrat homosexual pedophile. Fun fact, Brinklin helped get same-sex marriage passed, then Brinklin and his Boy-Husband adopted a baby!!!!!!!!! Further, Brinklin's first husband killed himself, most likely because of the pedophile porn they were involved in.

If a church had bathrooms like democrats have at planet fitness, I would say everyone at that church is going to hell.
Donald Trump‘s lead against Biden has eroded. We need to brainstorm and see how we can stop him because America will not survive four more years of this Antifa loving guy.

Should Trump tried to disassociate him from the extremist pro-life arm of the party? I think that’s hurting him. Do you think the criminal trials are hurting him?

Let us exchange ideas, fellow conservatives.

Things are taking care of themselves. In addition to Biden's degenerating cognition, there are two wars, skyrocketing inflation and now student protest and a Dem convention bound to be a clusterfuck on the streets.

Relax, Trump II is in the bag despite MSM trying to scare you.
Things are taking care of themselves. In addition to Biden's degenerating cognition, there are two wars, skyrocketing inflation and now student protest and a Dem convention bound to be a clusterfuck on the streets.

Relax, Trump II is in the bag despite MSM trying to scare you.
He is just a democrat worried that Americans will stop the baby harvesting mills and make Molloch angry when Trump wins.
The best strategy for stopping Biden is finding a candidate that isn`t charged with 88 felonies and didn`t incite a deadly riot. The GOP`s wounds are self-inflicted.

Don’t kid yourself. The Democrats have figured out they can use the law in any way they see fit. The next Republican candidate will face similar legal issues. The average Democrat is too dim to notice.
Don’t kid yourself. The Democrats have figured out they can use the law in any way they see fit. The next Republican candidate will face similar legal issues. The average Democrat is too dim to notice.

Really? You think that Nikki Haley would have been dumb enough to try and keep top secret documents?

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