CDZ America’s major political parties don’t have ‘the stomach’ to reform US gun laws

You must be referring to the American great war of 1917 to 1919 and then 1941 to 1945. Some cowards try to take credit for the fallen despite not being there, but I don't do such thing. It's a low cowardly thing to do. It's like taking victory credit and not mention it was the French that saved their asses. But I do find it important for the American ego to take credit for all and to omit the other bits. This keeps the US bravado high.

Something I've done is not follow the history of the World Wars, despite my Grandad and Great Grandad and Great Uncles, because I wasn't there. I pay my respects each year, wear a poppy, and donate to the fund that pays for the upkeep of World War memorials. As soon as a documentary comes on the TV about the wars, I watch something else.

When someone's ignorance takes credit for something they don't know about and for something they weren't at in order to bolster their ego, good for them, good for them. But the world is not interested in their bravado.
You must be referring to the American great war of 1917 to 1919 and then 1941 to 1945. Some cowards try to take credit for the fallen despite not being there, but I don't do such thing. It's a low cowardly thing to do. It's like taking victory credit and not mention it was the French that saved their asses. But I do find it important for the American ego to take credit for all and to omit the other bits. This keeps the US bravado high.

Something I've done is not follow the history of the World Wars, despite my Grandad and Great Grandad and Great Uncles, because I wasn't there. I pay my respects each year, wear a poppy, and donate to the fund that pays for the upkeep of World War memorials. As soon as a documentary comes on the TV about the wars, I watch something else.

When someone's ignorance takes credit for something they don't know about and for something they weren't at in order to bolster their ego, good for them, good for them. But the world is not interested in their bravado.
Oh, you poor pitiful creature. So all the history books and documentataries of WW1 and WWII are wrong, and you're here to correct history. You're a sad joke.
At some point we need to acknowledge that it isn't the JOB of an elected politician to make anything better. It's not their priority.

Their priority is doing what it takes to get re-elected, to fundraise, to please the base.

That's our system. We appear to be just fine with it.
and then you dragged us into questionable wars against communism and the Muslims several times.

so we'll gladly develop our own armies, and come to your aid should you ever need it.

but we'd rather make our own decisions, like you do as well.

I am sure you realize that you are a lying sack of shit, right? What war have the Dutch fought in since we saved your ass in WWII?
food for thought?
That is your history and your culture, not ours. I'll add that Americans with guns restored your freedoms in WWII. If tight gun control is supported in the Netherlands then I'm happy for you. The only way such controls will ever come to America will be after a season of blood and fire.
How are you going to solve the problem when 107,000 students all decide they was to attend only 3 schools in the district?
You're confused. School choice is about what is taught, not about the building(s) in which teaching occurs.

Three schools?!

What the hell are you talking about?

In the astronomically unlikely event that the parents of 107,000 students in the same district all decided to subscribe to essentially the same academic worldview, that would not mean these students would have to be crammed into three typical school facilities, would it?
That is your history and your culture, not ours. I'll add that Americans with guns restored your freedoms in WWII. If tight gun control is supported in the Netherlands then I'm happy for you. The only way such controls will ever come to America will be after a season of blood and fire.
Be careful with your thumbs up, Esdraelon. The Admiral isn't thinking clearly. Just saying. See #92.
i live in a country (The Netherlands) where it's illegal to bring weapons of ANY sort outside your home, or provoke fist-fights even in the slightest.
and we have a very peaceful country thanks to that regulation.
food for thought?
I doubt that your lack of freedom is the actual reason why your nation enjoys peace.

I prefer freedom over peace if I have to choose one or the other.

"We can protect children ‘without trying to disarm law-abiding citizens’, says Republican"
i find this Republican's argumentation completely ludicrous.
What is ludicrous about not violating people's civil liberties?

and then you dragged us into questionable wars against communism and the Muslims several times.
well, it remains an uncomfortable fact of life that the US drags it's allies into any war it engages in.
we had to assist you in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc, etc.
What was questionable about helping us defend ourselves when Afghanistan attacked us?

What was questionable about helping South Vietnam defend themselves from Communist aggression?

I don't think we made you help us. I think you did so because you understood that it was the right thing to do.
America’s major political parties don’t have ‘the stomach’ to reform US gun laws
The Australian’s Adam Creighton says both of the major parties in America don’t have “the stomach” to reform the United States’ gun laws. “Because 30 per cent of Americans have a gun and 40 per cent of American households have access to a gun and so when you have that many guns in the country … it’s extremely difficult to regulate them,” Mr Creighton told Sky News host Chris Smith. “It’s really insoluble and terrible problem in my view.”

Local : 2022-05-27(Friday) 11:20:14
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i live in a country (The Netherlands) where it's illegal to bring weapons of ANY sort outside your home, or provoke fist-fights even in the slightest.

and we have a very peaceful country thanks to that regulation.

food for thought?
Don't really care.

The problem with you foreigners is that you are simply ignorant of the socioeconomic and political causes of the gun violence in the US
that US arrogance you display here is one of the major reasons we should develop our own armies all over the EU.. ;)
Yes so why don't you do that?

I'd love to see the US spend all the money it's wasting on your defense here in our own country.
America’s major political parties don’t have ‘the stomach’ to reform US gun laws
The Australian’s Adam Creighton says both of the major parties in America don’t have “the stomach” to reform the United States’ gun laws. “Because 30 per cent of Americans have a gun and 40 per cent of American households have access to a gun and so when you have that many guns in the country … it’s extremely difficult to regulate them,” Mr Creighton told Sky News host Chris Smith. “It’s really insoluble and terrible problem in my view.”

Local : 2022-05-27(Friday) 11:20:14
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i live in a country (The Netherlands) where it's illegal to bring weapons of ANY sort outside your home, or provoke fist-fights even in the slightest.

and we have a very peaceful country thanks to that regulation.

food for thought?
It’s more like a dog whistle to rile up the base to raise campaign money and turn out the voters. It’s a bell and a cash cow. No one wants to kill their bell and cash cow.
America’s major political parties don’t have ‘the stomach’ to reform US gun laws
The Australian’s Adam Creighton says both of the major parties in America don’t have “the stomach” to reform the United States’ gun laws. “Because 30 per cent of Americans have a gun and 40 per cent of American households have access to a gun and so when you have that many guns in the country … it’s extremely difficult to regulate them,” Mr Creighton told Sky News host Chris Smith. “It’s really insoluble and terrible problem in my view.”

Local : 2022-05-27(Friday) 11:20:14
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i live in a country (The Netherlands) where it's illegal to bring weapons of ANY sort outside your home, or provoke fist-fights even in the slightest.

and we have a very peaceful country thanks to that regulation.

food for thought?
Overturning a constitutional right like the 2nd Amendment is not easily done for good reason. In fact, it is quite difficult to do as it should be. The bar is extremely high.
You're confused. School choice is about what is taught, not about the building(s) in which teaching occurs.

Three schools?!

What the hell are you talking about?

In the astronomically unlikely event that the parents of 107,000 students in the same district all decided to subscribe to essentially the same academic worldview, that would not mean these students would have to be crammed into three typical school facilities, would it?
No. You are confused. School choice has nothing to with what is taught. I am a 21-year retired teacher. You are?


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