America’s wealthiest families smash income ceiling, middle-class left far behind

But leave those subsidies for the wealthy and corporations alone! !

dear, please name just one or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here

How corporate socialism destroys: David Cay Johnston

A proposal to spend $250 million of taxpayer money on a retail project here illustrates the damage state and local subsidies do by taking from the many to benefit the already rich few.

Nationwide state and local subsidies for corporations totaled more than $70 billion in 2010

RPT-COLUMN-How corporate socialism destroys David Cay Johnston Reuters

dear there is no damage if a state figures it is better off with the corp than without it. Is that really over your head?

Do you want a guy with a gun to prevent it in typical violent liberal fashion
But leave those subsidies for the wealthy and corporations alone! !

dear, please name just one or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here

How corporate socialism destroys: David Cay Johnston

A proposal to spend $250 million of taxpayer money on a retail project here illustrates the damage state and local subsidies do by taking from the many to benefit the already rich few.

Nationwide state and local subsidies for corporations totaled more than $70 billion in 2010

RPT-COLUMN-How corporate socialism destroys David Cay Johnston Reuters

dear there is no damage if a state figures it is better off with the corp than without it. Is that really over your head?

Do you want a guy with a gun to prevent it in typical violent liberal fashion

But leave those subsidies for the wealthy and corporations alone! !

dear, please name just one or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here

How corporate socialism destroys: David Cay Johnston

A proposal to spend $250 million of taxpayer money on a retail project here illustrates the damage state and local subsidies do by taking from the many to benefit the already rich few.

Nationwide state and local subsidies for corporations totaled more than $70 billion in 2010

RPT-COLUMN-How corporate socialism destroys David Cay Johnston Reuters

dear there is no damage if a state figures it is better off with the corp than without it. Is that really over your head?

Do you want a guy with a gun to prevent it in typical violent liberal fashion


too stupid by 1000% Mill was a libertarian who beleived in liberty from govt. He was not a communist like you.
Ignored the 1920's and Ronnie huh? lol


From the SAME posit:

"Sure Pal, sure, NOT the guys in charge in the 1920's (Harding/Coolidge/Hoover) or when Ronnie ignored regulator warnings that started in 1984 ion HIS S&L crisis, or Dubya ignoring regulator warnings AND cheering on the Banksters, it was liberals *shaking head*"

lol, It is NOW Dubya wasn't conservative nonsense huh? lol
the top 1% pay 40% of federal income taxes up from 20% under reagan and they pay 50% of state taxes. This represents redistribution from those who know how to invest money to those who know how to waste it. Bottom 45% pay no income tax

This is the kind of stupid thinking you got to laugh at.

You Rethugs say all the time how big the % of taxes paid by the ultra wealthy are.
And they do pay a large number. Now how could that be. How could it be that they went from paying 20% of Federal taxes to paying 40%.

What could have happened to make that happen? Their taxes haven't been raised substantially. Their ability to tax shelter their income hasn't disappeared.

A thinking person might wonder what has happened to have the ultra rich paying all those taxes.

Let me help those confused about this.


Now maybe I can help you retards understand why the bottom income earners don't pay any Federal taxes that they don't get back.

They don't pay any Federal taxes because the Republicans in Congress, in their wisdom of not raising the MW, decided to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit so that low wage earners would get a nice refund.
Cause they don't make enough fucking money.

Let's recap; those that make a lot of money pay a lot of the taxes. Those that don' t make much money get back the taxes they paid plus some.

And as the earnings for the top go up and up and the earnings for the bottom go down, of fucking course the people at the top making all the money are going to pay a higher percentage of the taxes collected.

If the top earners made ALL the money, they would pay ALL the taxes. OMG.

This ain't fucking rocket science except to the stupid fucking right wingers who post on here.
Yeah, carried forward losses, capital gains, dividends and muni bonds. So what?

Got it, you didn't REALLY mean this

" Either way, his single digit claim is BS"

He claimed he made millions and his "trust" allowed him to pay low single digits.
He lied. Get it?

Nope, AS I SHOWED, there were 6 families averaging over $200 million EACH who paid zero federal taxes. The top 400 only paid 19% on the $200+ million average. Get it? Your 39% is just BS

Lots of rich people lost a lot in 2008. Of course their 2009 taxes were lower.
So what?

Got it, you didn't REALLY mean this

" Either way, his single digit claim is BS"

Yes, he lied.

They bought into "trickle down" thanks to the right wing think tanks they created in those nations like they started in the US in the 1970's!
I think its more an effect of globalization. At one time, on a board with a union organizer who also had an economics degree, I thought perhaps the answer was electing people on the basis of their being willing to pass laws providing for taxes on the very very rich to pay for things .... like more support for education and healthcare.

But, it turns out that even the dems want workers to help pay for others care under the ACA and free tuition to community college with no requirement for gpa or even graduation.

IT'S GOV'T POLICY. Either bad or good, and conservatives/GOP have pushed it bad for 30+ years now

Grove Norquist stating "I want to make government so small, I could drown it in a bathtub."

Republicans have hordes of people more than willing to vote against their own best interest in the deluded belief that if they support the 1%ers they will magically become one of them some day in the not so distant future!!
But even the dems chose to tax workers for the ACA. Even Krugman doesn't see anything wrong with that, but he'd like the top rate back to 70 or 90%

And people running multi-nationals don't get some kinky joy out of cutting benefits.
Yeah, carried forward losses, capital gains, dividends and muni bonds. So what?

Got it, you didn't REALLY mean this

" Either way, his single digit claim is BS"

He claimed he made millions and his "trust" allowed him to pay low single digits.
He lied. Get it?

Nope, AS I SHOWED, there were 6 families averaging over $200 million EACH who paid zero federal taxes. The top 400 only paid 19% on the $200+ million average. Get it? Your 39% is just BS

Lots of rich people lost a lot in 2008. Of course their 2009 taxes were lower.
So what?

BTW, they averaged over $200+ million PER family in 2009, lol

If they lost $300 million in 2008 and made $200 million in 2009,
what tax rate should they pay?
If the top earners made ALL the money, they would pay ALL the taxes. OMG.

so I gather you would like it if the bottom 99% earned more. Here's how:

1) make liberal unions illegal again and bring back 20 million jobs
2) make liberal corporate taxes illegal and bring back 10 million jobs
3) make deficits illegal and bring back 5 million jobs
4) ship 20 million illegals home and create 20 million jobs
5) end the liberal war on families and schools and create 30 million folks capable of working
He claimed he made millions and his "trust" allowed him to pay low single digits.
He lied. Get it?

Nope, AS I SHOWED, there were 6 families averaging over $200 million EACH who paid zero federal taxes. The top 400 only paid 19% on the $200+ million average. Get it? Your 39% is just BS

the top 1% pay 40% of federal income taxes up from 20% under reagan and they pay 50% of state taxes. This represents redistribution from those who know how to invest money to those who know how to waste it. Bottom 45% pay no income tax

You mean as their tax rates collapsed, their incomes skyrocketed and their effective tax rates on those incomes also plummeted AS the share of fed revenues coming from individual income taxes hit near post WW2 share of fed revenues??

the top 1% pay 40% of federal income taxes bottom 45% pay nothing

Top 1% who TAKE over 20% of ALL US income versus the bottom HALF of US with 11% of the entire pie BUT pay other forms of federals taxes? Horrible


Top 1% who TAKE over 20% of ALL US income

Top 1% who EARN over 20% of ALL US income.
So what?

They bought into "trickle down" thanks to the right wing think tanks they created in those nations like they started in the US in the 1970's!
I think its more an effect of globalization. At one time, on a board with a union organizer who also had an economics degree, I thought perhaps the answer was electing people on the basis of their being willing to pass laws providing for taxes on the very very rich to pay for things .... like more support for education and healthcare.

But, it turns out that even the dems want workers to help pay for others care under the ACA and free tuition to community college with no requirement for gpa or even graduation.

IT'S GOV'T POLICY. Either bad or good, and conservatives/GOP have pushed it bad for 30+ years now

Grove Norquist stating "I want to make government so small, I could drown it in a bathtub."

Republicans have hordes of people more than willing to vote against their own best interest in the deluded belief that if they support the 1%ers they will magically become one of them some day in the not so distant future!!
But even the dems chose to tax workers for the ACA. Even Krugman doesn't see anything wrong with that, but he'd like the top rate back to 70 or 90%

And people running multi-nationals don't get some kinky joy out of cutting benefits.

"But even the dems chose to tax workers for the ACA. "

You mean they want to PAY for something, unlike the GOP? Shocking

Something like 95% of costs fall on the top 5% of US

New Report: For 95% Of Americans, Obamacare Will Cost Much Less Than Expected
If the top earners made ALL the money, they would pay ALL the taxes. OMG.

so I gather you would like it if the bottom 99% earned more. Here's how:

1) make liberal unions illegal again and bring back 20 million jobs
2) make liberal corporate taxes illegal and bring back 10 million jobs
3) make deficits illegal and bring back 5 million jobs
4) ship 20 million illegals home and create 20 million jobs
5) end the liberal war on families and schools and create 30 million folks capable of working


Got it, you didn't REALLY mean this

" Either way, his single digit claim is BS"

He claimed he made millions and his "trust" allowed him to pay low single digits.
He lied. Get it?

Nope, AS I SHOWED, there were 6 families averaging over $200 million EACH who paid zero federal taxes. The top 400 only paid 19% on the $200+ million average. Get it? Your 39% is just BS

Lots of rich people lost a lot in 2008. Of course their 2009 taxes were lower.
So what?

Got it, you didn't REALLY mean this

" Either way, his single digit claim is BS"

Yes, he lied.

Project much???

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