America’s white population shrinks for the first time as nation ages


UN Official: We Should Make Every Effort To Depopulate The Planet - Page 2 of 2 - Truth And Action
As more and more weird Americans use the Constitution and the courts to get a slice of the American Pie at the expense of white Christians, we take baby step toward living up to the ideals set forth in the Constitution.

Baby steps to the stars, baby!

You are joking, right?
A few years ago, I read that Russia was offering financial incentives to families that had more babies.

Might a similar plan here help with the problem described by the OP?
A few years ago, I read that Russia was offering financial incentives to families that had more babies.

Might a similar plan here help with the problem described by the OP?

That’s what half the people here are bitching about anyway.
A few years ago, I read that Russia was offering financial incentives to families that had more babies.

Might a similar plan here help with the problem described by the OP?

No. As long as we have college as part of the normal education process, we will be losing a significant portion of best years of fertility.
A few years ago, I read that Russia was offering financial incentives to families that had more babies.

Might a similar plan here help with the problem described by the OP?

No. As long as we have college as part of the normal education process, we will be losing a significant portion of best years of fertility.


Longer time spent in education means delayed and smaller, families.
The white population is not shrinking. The NONHISPANIC white population is shrinking, but why exclude them?

The only reason that is done is to frighten and scare people into thinking the nation is being irreversibly changed, and it is not.

Ya got to be great for the first time before you are great again.

Well IM2, the United States does have that covered and not even remotely close to perfect, that is for sure. But POTUS is not capable of MAGA. More like "Make America Garbage Again."

I disagree. We have nagging and staggering faults but we WERE pretty damn good. We were never as great as we could have been.

Now even our GOOD'NESS is sliding--FAST.
The white population is not shrinking. The NONHISPANIC white population is shrinking, but why exclude them?

The only reason that is done is to frighten and scare people into thinking the nation is being irreversibly changed, and it is not.

Because white hispanics are a different culture. They certainly do not vote like Whites.

When Texas goes blue, this country is radically transformed, into a defacto One Party State, ruled by a insanely corrupt and racist Democratic Party.

The US will be a Third World shithole at that point.
The white population is not shrinking. The NONHISPANIC white population is shrinking, but why exclude them?

The only reason that is done is to frighten and scare people into thinking the nation is being irreversibly changed, and it is not.

Because white hispanics are a different culture. They certainly do not vote like Whites.

When Texas goes blue, this country is radically transformed, into a defacto One Party State, ruled by a insanely corrupt and racist Democratic Party.

The US will be a Third World shithole at that point.

It seems from what I am reading that once Hispanics become middle class they fall into typical middle class split Dimocrat vrs GOP.

I am not worried about the demographics of the USA..

The more the better as long as it is LEGAL.

The most precious resource is the functional human mind.
The white population is not shrinking. The NONHISPANIC white population is shrinking, but why exclude them?

The only reason that is done is to frighten and scare people into thinking the nation is being irreversibly changed, and it is not.

Because white hispanics are a different culture. They certainly do not vote like Whites.

When Texas goes blue, this country is radically transformed, into a defacto One Party State, ruled by a insanely corrupt and racist Democratic Party.

The US will be a Third World shithole at that point.

It seems from what I am reading that once Hispanics become middle class they fall into typical middle class split Dimocrat vrs GOP.

I am not worried about the demographics of the USA..

The more the better as long as it is LEGAL.

The most precious resource is the functional human mind.

I have read no such encouraging news.

More is not always better.

A mind poisoned by modern liberalism, does not function very well at all.

I am as WASP as it gets (there is - to my knowledge - nothing but 'white' as far back as my family tree goes, on both sides).

And I can't wait until America is a complete melting pot with 'Whites' no longer 'dominant'.

Put that in your pipes - you staggeringly racist Trumpbots - and smoke it.

Perfect Example of an ethnomasochism right here....we all know the type....married to a dominant female has a halfbreed from cheating on the cuckolded husband etc....we all see the type constantly....

I am as WASP as it gets (there is - to my knowledge - nothing but 'white' as far back as my family tree goes, on both sides).

And I can't wait until America is a complete melting pot with 'Whites' no longer 'dominant'.

Put that in your pipes - you staggeringly racist Trumpbots - and smoke it.

So you are a self-loathing white liberal. Lowest of the low.
What really matters is if liberal, progressivism vs. constitutional, conservatism shrinks or expands...
America’s white population shrinks for the first time as nation ages

The clock keeps the nation's demographics inexorably change.

"The number of non-Hispanic white people in the United States decreased for the first time in the nation’s history between 2015 and 2016, according to new figures released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The data show the nation’s white population is aging rapidly, as Americans delay their decision to have a family and as the flow of foreign immigrants from European countries ebbs. At the same time, minority populations are growing much faster, hastening a demographic shift that has been decades in the making.

The average non-Hispanic white American is 43.5 years old, according to the new data. The average Hispanic American, by contrast, is 29.3 years old.

Demographers say the decline in the white population has been coming for decades, as Americans decide to have children at later ages and as the baby-boom generation moves toward retirement. Today, there are fewer white women in prime childbearing years as a share of the overall population than ever before, and more minorities in childbearing years than ever before.

“White fertility has gone down. There’s a little bit less white immigration in the last year,” said William Frey, a demographer and sociologist at the Brookings Institution in Washington. “As the white population becomes older, that means that even if fertility gets up a little bit, it’s not going to be what it was a long time ago.”"

First, I don't really have a problem with this, because I don't believe in "race". There is only one Human Race. The Bible says Adam and Eve, and started over with Noah, and his three sons.

So there is only one race. We are all related if you go back far enough.

Even if you believe in Evolution.... still there is only one race.

So there is no 'race'.

Now that said, I always get a little irritated with people who complain that the 'white' population is shrinking.

Here's a thought....... have more kids.. and have the earlier in life.

Stop waiting until you are 40 to have kids, and then complain you need in vitro.

Just have more kids. My sister and her husband, had six kids. Didn't kill them. In fact, they seem more happy with their lives, than most of the other people I meet.

The solution isn't to complain about immigration. Or immigrants, or hispanics, or whatever. The solution is.... have kids, and have them when you are younger.
America’s white population shrinks for the first time as nation ages

The clock keeps the nation's demographics inexorably change.

"The number of non-Hispanic white people in the United States decreased for the first time in the nation’s history between 2015 and 2016, according to new figures released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The data show the nation’s white population is aging rapidly, as Americans delay their decision to have a family and as the flow of foreign immigrants from European countries ebbs. At the same time, minority populations are growing much faster, hastening a demographic shift that has been decades in the making.

The average non-Hispanic white American is 43.5 years old, according to the new data. The average Hispanic American, by contrast, is 29.3 years old.

Demographers say the decline in the white population has been coming for decades, as Americans decide to have children at later ages and as the baby-boom generation moves toward retirement. Today, there are fewer white women in prime childbearing years as a share of the overall population than ever before, and more minorities in childbearing years than ever before.

“White fertility has gone down. There’s a little bit less white immigration in the last year,” said William Frey, a demographer and sociologist at the Brookings Institution in Washington. “As the white population becomes older, that means that even if fertility gets up a little bit, it’s not going to be what it was a long time ago.”"

First, I don't really have a problem with this, because I don't believe in "race". There is only one Human Race. The Bible says Adam and Eve, and started over with Noah, and his three sons.

So there is only one race. We are all related if you go back far enough.

Even if you believe in Evolution.... still there is only one race.

So there is no 'race'.

Now that said, I always get a little irritated with people who complain that the 'white' population is shrinking.

Here's a thought....... have more kids.. and have the earlier in life.

Stop waiting until you are 40 to have kids, and then complain you need in vitro.

Just have more kids. My sister and her husband, had six kids. Didn't kill them. In fact, they seem more happy with their lives, than most of the other people I meet.

The solution isn't to complain about immigration. Or immigrants, or hispanics, or whatever. The solution is.... have kids, and have them when you are younger.

When the whole country is run like Chicago or Detroit, you'll care. But then it will be too late.

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