Amid Controversy Over Obama's Green Jobs Adviser, GOP Renews Criticism of White House

The party of No and their childish attacks will soon wear thin on the average citizen leaving them with the support of only the most ignorant of the electorate in this country.
and what was the DNC when they were out of power?

the hypocrisy abounds

The Loyal opposition, they supported Bush in time of crisis 911 until it was learned that the intelligence was cooked and on several other issues such as the Prescription drug bill. There are still some Dem's who do not wholeheartedly support the health care bill.
The Pubs however have devolved into something never before seen in politics in this counttry.
The party of No and their childish attacks will soon wear thin on the average citizen leaving them with the support of only the most ignorant of the electorate in this country.

It's interesting that the only ones saying that are folks that will vote for Obama regardless of what he says, or does. The "average citizen" is disappointed in the change they got, as the polling supports, and if he doesn't show at least SOME leadership soon, he'll really have his work cut out to get their vote again. He's already lost a shitload of votes he won't get back.

I call BS the recent drop in the polls is a direct result of the misinformation campaign by the Pubs. Every piece of good news, every step forward on the road to recovery is just another nail in the coffin.
The party of No and their childish attacks will soon wear thin on the average citizen leaving them with the support of only the most ignorant of the electorate in this country.

It's interesting that the only ones saying that are folks that will vote for Obama regardless of what he says, or does. The "average citizen" is disappointed in the change they got, as the polling supports, and if he doesn't show at least SOME leadership soon, he'll really have his work cut out to get their vote again. He's already lost a shitload of votes he won't get back.

I call BS the recent drop in the polls is a direct result of the misinformation campaign by the Pubs. Every piece of good news, every step forward on the road to recovery is just another nail in the coffin.

what flavor be the kool aid this fine day?:lol:
Yes I can..
After 9-11, the whole country rallied around Bush and gave him whatever powers he requested. He took that power and trashed the country
sure they did
till actual boots hit the ground

Or, more correctly, till the boots hit the ground in a country that hadn't attacked us.
you mean we shouldn't have gone into Afghanistan?
cause that was were the boots hit the ground and the complaints started
The party of No and their childish attacks will soon wear thin on the average citizen leaving them with the support of only the most ignorant of the electorate in this country.

It's interesting that the only ones saying that are folks that will vote for Obama regardless of what he says, or does. The "average citizen" is disappointed in the change they got, as the polling supports, and if he doesn't show at least SOME leadership soon, he'll really have his work cut out to get their vote again. He's already lost a shitload of votes he won't get back.

I call BS the recent drop in the polls is a direct result of the misinformation campaign by the Pubs. Every piece of good news, every step forward on the road to recovery is just another nail in the coffin.

now THAT is funny
yet i didnt hear a peep out of you on the disinfo spread about Bush
Yes I can..
After 9-11, the whole country rallied around Bush and gave him whatever powers he requested. He took that power and trashed the country
sure they did
till actual boots hit the ground

Or, more correctly, till the boots hit the ground in a country that hadn't attacked us.

With outdated equipment that didn't offer the protection our troops needed. With an undefined plan of battle and no plan for withdrawl after "Mission accomplished" and an ever changing reason from WMD's to Overthrowing the Evil Dictator to bringing Democracy to the Middle East.
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sure they did
till actual boots hit the ground

Or, more correctly, till the boots hit the ground in a country that hadn't attacked us.

With outdated equipment that didn't offer the protection our troops needed. With an undefined plan of battle and no plan for withdrawl after "Mission accomplished" and an ever changing reason from WMD's to Overthrowing the Evil Dictator to bringing Democracy to the Middle East.
OMG not that fucking LIE again
they went in with what we had at the time
you can wait for the next stage to be developed before you do things, or you will never do ANYTHING
because something better is always in the design stage
or, more correctly, till the boots hit the ground in a country that hadn't attacked us.
you mean we shouldn't have gone into afghanistan?
Cause that was were the boots hit the ground and the complaints started

where are the wmd's and where is osama bin laden?
some WMD were found, just not the stockpiles they expected
and OBL is likely just a DNA splotch on a cave wall in Tora Bora
OK, which Obama worshiping asshole wants to be the first to step to the plate and defend Van in this thread?
The news and media isn't biased either ..
Let the shit stain in office go with him!!
Once again we see the standard defense of Obama, bring up Bush.

Bush was an asshole, get over him.

Back to reality, this 'Czar' business is out of hand, Obama has left vacant half the cabinent postions that are supposed to be vetted and approved by Congress and instead placed his 'Czars' in postions to make decisions and they have ZERO oversite.

This should be a concern to everyone.
OK, which Obama worshiping asshole wants to be the first to step to the plate and defend Van in this thread?

This guy doesn't seem to mind, but he seems to have a problem that Fox News reported it:

Fox News Shocked Van Jones Called Republicans "Assholes" -- In February (VIDEO)
I still laugh at that, Ariana Huffington, airhead political wanna be clamped on to Arnold during the Cal gov recall election, and now her blog is considered the gold standard of leftist thought. :lol:
i will defend his right to be stupid...isnt that freedom of speech xen.....calling a repubican an asshole...o round us up and lock us up...or what calling for 9/11 investigations? still freedom of speech...when did you become against that?
i will defend his right to be stupid...isnt that freedom of speech xen.....calling a repubican an asshole...o round us up and lock us up...or what calling for 9/11 investigations? still freedom of speech...when did you become against that?

And we have a winner.

So, you think the government only serves one political party, that racism is acceptable and that incivility should be excused under the banner of free speech.

If a GoP had accted this way you would have called for his head, you rip Palin for far less.

In short Bones, you win our major hypocrite of the day award!
The "renews" in the thread title sounds like they ever take a break. Hell, telling kids to study hard is school is seen as a move toward Nazi Germany by the GOP.

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