Amid Controversy Over Obama's Green Jobs Adviser, GOP Renews Criticism of White House

Why don't you tell me what about these "czars" is un-constitutional? And if it's such a big deal, why wasn't anyone complaining when Bush II made 26 of them?

Can you name one of Bush's Czars that was an America hating--white hating--self proclaimed communist that is wanting to let felons out of jail to do "green jobs?"

READ IT & WEEP----:tongue: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- The 'Green' Trojan Horse
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List of Czars (* signifies particular political or ideological significance):

∙ Allison, Herb (TARP Czar)
∙ Bersin, Alan (Border Czar)
∙ Blair, Dennis (Intelligence Czar)
∙ Bloom, Ron (Car Czar)
∙ Brennan, John (Terrorism Czar) *
∙ Browner, Carol (Energy and Environment Czar) *
∙ Carrion, Adolfo Jr. (Urban Affairs Czar) *
∙ Carter, Ashton (Weapons Czar)
∙ Chopra, Aneesh (Technology Czar)
∙ Crowley, Jeffrey (AIDS Czar)
∙ Davis, Cameron (Great Lakes Czar)
∙ DeParle, Nancy-Ann (Health Czar) *
∙ Devaney, Earl (Stimulus Accountability Czar)
∙ DuBois, Joshua (Faith-Based Czar)
∙ Feinberg, Kenneth (Pay Czar)
∙ Fried, Daniel (Guantanamo Closure Czar)
∙ Gration, J. Scott (Sudan Czar)
∙ Hayes, David (California Water Czar)
∙ Holbrooke, Richard (Afghanistan Czar) *
∙ Holdren, John (Science Czar) *
∙ Jones, Van (Green Jobs Czar) *
∙ Kerlikowske, Gil (Drug Czar)
∙ Kundra, Vivek (Information Czar)
∙ Mitchell, George (Mideast Peace Czar) *
∙ Montgomery, Ed (Auto Recovery Czar)
∙ Rosenthal, Lynn (Domestic Violence Czar)
∙ Ross, Dennis (Central Region Czar)
∙ Samore, Gary (WMD Policy Czar)
∙ Stern, Todd (Climate Czar)
∙ Sunstein, Cass (Regulatory Czar) *
∙ Volcker, Paul (Economic Czar)
∙ Zients, Jeffrey (Government Performance Czar)

This list is really funny. Most of them are subcabinet officials. I guess I know where this crazy "armies of czars" comes from. Chop "assistant undersecretary for" off subcabinet posts, than then tack czar on the end.
Visit the link to read where these kooks come from.

Harvard, Yale, Hopkins, The Naval Academy, Rhodes Scholar damn over achievers.
With few exception each comes with a history of scandel and are cronies of radicals .Paul Volker couldn't find Kofi Anon was involved with the OFF scheme please ?

Better Know a Czar
scumbags is a generous assessment .

Or they're special advisers to the president, resulting in absurdity like the following:

Breaking: Bush's "Election Czar" Karl Rove wasn't confirmed by the Senate either.

See how silly this game can get?
This guy was a miserable creep and should have been fired rather than allowed to resign. Hopey Changey is up to like 35 Czars or something at this point and none of these people have been properly scrutinized by Congress. This creep is a perfect example of why these "Czars" need to be properly scrutinized by Congress. I actually believe that these "Czars" may even be Unconstitutional. It's time for this issue to be properly addressed.
This guy was a miserable creep and should have been fired rather than allowed to resign. Hopey Changey is up to like 35 Czars or something at this point and none of these people have been properly scrutinized by Congress. This creep is a perfect example of why these "Czars" need to be properly scrutinized by Congress. I actually believe that these "Czars" may even be Unconstitutional. It's time for this issue to be properly addressed.

Most of the people you guys are bitching about were either confirmed by the Senate or held executive office appointments which have never required confirmation.
This guy was a miserable creep and should have been fired rather than allowed to resign. Hopey Changey is up to like 35 Czars or something at this point and none of these people have been properly scrutinized by Congress. This creep is a perfect example of why these "Czars" need to be properly scrutinized by Congress. I actually believe that these "Czars" may even be Unconstitutional. It's time for this issue to be properly addressed.

Most of the people you guys are bitching about were either confirmed by the Senate or held executive office appointments which have never required confirmation.

Got a link with that information? Any czar that was appointed needs to go, now.

That is a deliberate check the Founding Fathers intended to give Congress over the Executive Branch. But could the House impeach or how could the Senate convict an Obama commissar, who had never been confirmed by the Senate and who held a position not created by Congress? Cabinet secretaries and heads of agencies are accountable both to the president and to Congress. These commissars, on the other hand, could not be impeached and removed from office because they do not, formally, hold an office.

When separate parts of government blend together, when rules of procedure are simply bypassed, when the distinction between political parties operating within government are transformed into political parties (through a system of commissars) operating as the government, then any nation with established, stable, and republican institutions has entered a very deadly phase.

The patterns are already ominously clear. Legislators, quite literally, vote for legislation not yet written (which rather sounds like Hitler's Enabling Act.) Judicial nominees make only the vaguest pretense of adhering to ideals of impartial administration of justice (Hispanic Justice and Aryan Justice may sound different to some people, but they are not.) Now commissars are replacing cabinet secretaries -- and we should stop letting Obama define the changes. He is not appointing dozens of "czars." He is creating a party-state system of political commissars.
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This guy was a miserable creep and should have been fired rather than allowed to resign. Hopey Changey is up to like 35 Czars or something at this point and none of these people have been properly scrutinized by Congress. This creep is a perfect example of why these "Czars" need to be properly scrutinized by Congress. I actually believe that these "Czars" may even be Unconstitutional. It's time for this issue to be properly addressed.

Most of the people you guys are bitching about were either confirmed by the Senate or held executive office appointments which have never required confirmation.
NONE of these people have been confirmed by the senate
Amid Controversy Over Obama's Green Jobs Adviser, GOP Renews Criticism of White House

Renews criticism? Renews? When did it ever stop?
Harvard, Yale, Hopkins, The Naval Academy, Rhodes Scholar damn over achievers.
With few exception each comes with a history of scandel and are cronies of radicals .Paul Volker couldn't find Kofi Anon was involved with the OFF scheme please ?

Better Know a Czar
scumbags is a generous assessment .

Or they're special advisers to the president, resulting in absurdity like the following:

Breaking: Bush's "Election Czar" Karl Rove wasn't confirmed by the Senate either.

See how silly this game can get?

Let's see how many cons here have a problem with a future Republican President being held to the same standard.
With few exception each comes with a history of scandel and are cronies of radicals .Paul Volker couldn't find Kofi Anon was involved with the OFF scheme please ?

Better Know a Czar
scumbags is a generous assessment .

Or they're special advisers to the president, resulting in absurdity like the following:

Breaking: Bush's "Election Czar" Karl Rove wasn't confirmed by the Senate either.

See how silly this game can get?

Let's see how many cons here have a problem with a future Republican President being held to the same standard.
my position wont change
Beyond writing my more detailed reply, I'd like to note David Horowitz is a dipshit. He puts a line on the page for every "czar" saying which cabinet department handles "similar work". In all the ones I've looked at so far, the person he's attacking is an official in said department.
Was he in that Dartment before the appointment? Cass Sunstein wasn't.
Herb Allison, who is called the "TARP Czar" by the list, is actually the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability and was confirmed by the Senate on June 19th. The position in question was created during the Bush administration and was originally filled by Neel Kashkari.
Dennis Blair, who is referred to as the "Intelligence Czar" is actually the Director of National Intelligence. A position created by the Bush administration, Blair was confirmed by the Senate on January 28th.
Gil Kerlikowske, the "Drug Czar" heads of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. A position first created during the Reagan administration, he was confirmed by the Senate on May 7th.
Ashton Carter, the "Weapons Czar", is actually Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics at the Defense Department. He was confirmed by the Senate on April 23th.
Jeffrey Zients, the "Government Performance Czar", was confirmed by the Senate on June 19th.

David Hayes, the "California Water Czar", is actually the Deputy Secretary of the Interior. He was confirmed on May 20th.

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