Amnesty, No Fence, Done Deal.


Jun 1, 2013
FACE THE MUSIC.....Both sides want as many illegals across that border as they can manage; different agendas, same outcome. When McCain and Shummer are in bed together on something, it's almost impossible to stop. :eusa_eh:


Whether this new monstrosity none of the parties have even read completely, passes the Senate by 70 votes or 99 votes doesn't matter. Doesn't matter if Congressional Tea Party barely kills it....They'll tinker with it some more, add a few hundred earmarks, promise either to primary or not primary hold-outs, and eventually pass it, Barry will sign it, they'll all smile for the cameras and wander off for cocktails.

The BiG MONEY G.O.P. wants this done for cheap labor, the RATS want it done for votes, same ol same ol. We know there's a little caveat in the promised fence that says "the Secretary can decide not to allocate funds to build more fencing if not deemed cost effective", (I'm paraphrasing). Napolitano already cancelled the remainder of Chertoff's fence....she's in the bag.

They can't build a fence on the cheap that can't be climbed anyway. I doubt they even really care if terrorists come over the border and launch a successful attack. More government crackdowns for the RATS, more high-tech surveillance equipment and militarizing police forces for the G.O.P. That's BIG MONEY.

Who gets stuck with the tab for all this? Why WE do, the American people who once again are being sold down the river by the criminals who pretend to represent us until they have our votes. This particular immigration "package" is so in-your-face corrupt, it's way past obvious they've lost their fear of us and will do what they please to us. :dunno:

Might as well create a TV show giving prizes for the most creative ways they get in or just turn the damn border into a theme park:

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