Among top LSAT scorers (170 or above), 82.5% are white, 15.6% are Asian, 1.6% Hispanic, and 0.3% black.

Not just the black community but the rational community. It no surprise to anyone else that the group of people who have suffered centuries of racism and socioeconomic injustice, have poorer socioeconomic outcomes on average than their white counterparts who enjoy a ten to 1 wealth advantage over them. That's just common sense and you know facts. Mac-7 here is crying about a jury he knows nothing about. Not even their names. :laugh:
Name one thing you can't do that a white person can do. IM2 never answered, let's see if you can.

The concern is that liberal black community will never look at themselves as the reason for the disparity, despite, being given all types of advantages to help the black community. The black community will always and continue to point the finger at whites, regardless of the type of restitution that is offered.

The question I would also ask is this, what will it take for the black community to stop using systemic racism as an excuse?
I'm not the one making proclamations about their corruptness you clueless Clown. Have some self awareness. If you're even capable of that basic bit of brain function.... :laugh:
The results speak for themselves

You are so proud of a jury from a deep blue lib jury pool

Its obviously a stacked deck against trump

It only makes sense to black lawyers who couldnt pass the LSAT
Name one thing you can't do that a white person can do. IM2 never answered, let's see if you can.
Biological capability isn't the same thing as socioeconomic opportunity, Kid. There are lots of things other humans can do that I can't do. Maybe he didn't answer because your question doesn't make any sense. I don't know you but I'm sure there are things you can do that I can't and vice versa because of our different genes. I can't see very well at distance without glasses for instance. How does your question address socioeconomic disparities?
The concern is that liberal black community will never look at themselves as the reason for the disparity, despite, being given all types of advantages to help the black community. The black community will always and continue to point the finger at whites, regardless of the type of restitution that is offered.
What was offered to address the ten to one wealth disparity that exists between white and black families through the centuries of slavery and segregation?
The question I would also ask is this, what will it take for the black community to stop using systemic racism as an excuse?
No one cares anymore when you whites are going to stop pretending that slavery and segregation ever happened so we're just going to replace enough of you to bend your knee.
The results speak for themselves
Your ignorance regarding anything about them is what speaks for itself you clueless Nutter. :lmao:
You are so proud of a jury from a deep blue lib jury pool
I'm more amused at your fragility if I'm being honest. That never fails to amuse. :laugh:
Its obviously a stacked deck against trump
Aww... poor wittle victim. :itsok:
It only makes sense to black lawyers who couldnt pass the LSAT
Are you sure Trump's lawyers did? Check Alina Habba's score.... :laugh:
When you dumb ass white right wing idiots recognize that you have never earned anything on merit, America will be a better place.
No white person has ever earned anything on merit? Wow.
Biological capability isn't the same thing as socioeconomic opportunity, Kid.
Then tell me, what can a white person do, socioeconomically, that you can't do socioeconomically? Name one thing.
There are lots of things other humans can do that I can't do.
Because of skin color or race?
Maybe he didn't answer because your question doesn't make any sense. I
Makes perfect sense, that's why no one will attempt to actually answer the question without attempts to deflect the actual point of the question.
don't know you but I'm sure there are things you can do that I can't and vice versa because of our different genes.
Like what? Sports, athletics, ability to understand certain educational concepts?
I can't see very well at distance without glasses for instance.

How does your question address socioeconomic disparities?
According to the liberal Black narrative, systemic racism, currently holds back the black community. So therefore I ask, name one thing, that I can do because I am white, that as a black man, you can't do. Name one thing?

What was offered to address the ten to one wealth disparity that exists between white and black families through the centuries of slavery and segregation?
Affirmative action, EEO, the removal of Jim Crow laws and practices... And just a reminder, slavery was removed, long before you and I took our first breaths.
No one cares anymore when you whites are going to stop pretending that slavery and segregation ever happened so we're just going to replace enough of you to bend your knee.
No one is pretending, except for a few white trash assholes. Slavery did exist. It's a terrible blight on American history and a travesty that it was EVER acceptable. Segregation, still terrible. But those are long past and gone. Are there still racist assholes, absolutely, at the individual level, and unfortunately in a communal or even corporal level in various places. That's still terrible. But from a "systemic level" a black american has the capacity and the opportunity to do whatever they want. The question is, will they choose the correct path and make the right choices to do so.

I'll give you an observation. I have family that is straight up white trash. Never been good with money, makes terrible life choices, terrible relational choices, don't hold down jobs, never have money, but always have weed and booze, etc., What they don't do is blame others for their choices that has put them where they are. They don't blame the rich, they don't blame another race. They have made their beds and lie in it. Yet, the black community, who make the same poor life choices, blame systemic racism for their poor life choices. And that's the problem. The liberal black community will not take responsibility for their own choices. If you could say, at least once, that there personal responsibility DOES play a factor, I think there would be a lot more respect. But the black community doesn't. And if a Black person does ask for personal accountability, they are a sell out. You don't see the problem with this?
Yeah, that 0.3 seems exceedingly high,
No, it seems exceedlingly low. Black people have intelligence at the same rate other people do.

Given that White, Black, Hispanic, Indian, and Asian are mostly what's in the US, that number IMO should be higher.

Ofc all kids today are dumbed down in general.
Low test scores are a measure of low black achievement and low black qualifications
Or corrupt blacks running the education in Detroit. I watched a lengthy documentary on that. It's sad. :(

Corrupt and grifty turds over innocent children that will be the future of America. It's pretty bad.
Then tell me, what can a white person do, socioeconomically, that you can't do socioeconomically? Name one thing.
A lot with a ten to one wealth disparity. Own homes for instance. Which is where a lot of white middle class wealth is situated. And middle class white homeownership was subsidized by the American government in response to the great Depression and FDRs New Deal policies. The same policies that drew a redline around black communities to purposely exclude them from it.

Because of skin color or race?
Because of racial policies. How much of American history did you sleep through? :dunno:
Makes perfect sense, that's why no one will attempt to actually answer the question without attempts to deflect the actual point of the question.

Like what? Sports, athletics, ability to understand certain educational concepts?
I'm not sure you do which is why you seem to have trouble making a coherent and rational point.

According to the liberal Black narrative, systemic racism, currently holds back the black community. So therefore I ask, name one thing, that I can do because I am white, that as a black man, you can't do. Name one thing?
And I've explained that you. It's not my fault you want to ignore economic disparities.
Affirmative action, EEO, the removal of Jim Crow laws and practices... And just a reminder, slavery was removed, long before you and I took our first breaths.
Segregation only ended 60 years ago.
No one is pretending, except for a few white trash assholes. Slavery did exist. It's a terrible blight on American history and a travesty that it was EVER acceptable. Segregation, still terrible. But those are long past and gone. Are there still racist assholes, absolutely, at the individual level, and unfortunately in a communal or even corporal level in various places. That's still terrible. But from a "systemic level" a black american has the capacity and the opportunity to do whatever they want. The question is, will the choose the correct path and make the right choices to do so.
They aren't long gone. Plenty of victims of economic segregation and injustice still around as are their direct descendants.
I'll give you an observation. I have family that is straight up white trash. Never been good with money, makes terrible life choices, terrible relational choices, don't hold down jobs, never have money, but always have weed and booze, etc., What they don't do is blame others for their choices that has put them where they are. They don't blame the rich, they don't blame another race. They have made their beds and lie in it. Yet, the black community, who make the same poor life choices, blame systemic racism for their poor life choices. And that's the problem. The liberal black community will not take responsibility for their own choices. If you could say, at least once, that there personal responsibility DOES play a factor, I think there would be a lot more respect. But the black community doesn't. And if a Black person does ask for personal accountability, they are a sell out. You don't see the problem with this?
I don't give a shit about the particulars of your white trash family. I come from a wealthy black family of mostly medical doctors and surgeons, your personal experience doesn't address the economic disparities. Even poor whites without a college education have more wealth on average than middle class blacks Americans with a college education.

Examining the Black-white wealth gap | Brookings
No, it seems exceedlingly low. Black people have intelligence at the same rate other people do.

Given that White, Black, Hispanic, Indian, and Asian are mostly what's in the US, that number IMO should be higher.

Ofc all kids today are dumbed down in general.
It is exceedingly low, but genetics is a bitch.
A lot with a ten to one wealth disparity. Own homes for instance. Which is where a lot of white middle class wealth is situated. And middle class white homeownership was subsidized by the American government in response to the great Depression and FDRs New Deal policies. The same policies that drew a redline around black communities to purposely exclude them from it.

Because of racial policies. How much of American history did you sleep through? :dunno:

I'm not sure you do which is why you seem to have trouble making a coherent and rational point.

And I've explained that you. It's not my fault you want to ignore economic disparities.

Segregation only ended 60 years ago.

They aren't long gone. Plenty of victims of economic segregation and injustice still around as are their direct descendants.

I don't give a shit about the particulars of your white trash family. I come from a wealthy black family of mostly medical doctors and surgeons, your personal experience doesn't address the economic disparities. Even poor whites without a college education have more wealth on average than middle class blacks Americans with a college education.

Examining the Black-white wealth gap | Brookings

My point in all this is the economic disparities that exist within the black community, today, is primarily due to personal choices. There is nothing that is stopping any black person from waking up today, and taking steps to place themselves into better financial positions. Nothing, and you can't name one thing that is stopping a black individual. All you do you point to the facts of the disparity, yet, you won't admit that there is personal responsibility for those disparities.

And I bet that the medical doctors and surgeons in your family, made the right choices to get there. And good for them, that's great. But for them to get there they had to make good life choices. They took responsibility for their own outcome.
My point in all this is the economic disparities that exist within the black community, today, is primarily due to personal choices. There is nothing that is stopping any black person from waking up today, and taking steps to place themselves into better financial positions. Nothing, and you can't name one thing that is stopping a black individual. All you do you point to the facts of the disparity, yet, you won't admit that there is personal responsibility for those disparities.

And I bet that the medical doctors and surgeons in your family, made the right choices to get there. And good for them, that's great. But for them to get there they had to make good life choices. They took responsibility for their own outcome.
My family are immigrants. We had money and resources a lot of Black American families in this country do not and if you want to claim that the wealth disparity isn't because of racial segregation and redlining and the exclusion of Black Americans from same investments in their communities that white communities got then you're going to have to provide something more than just your say so. You've never actually had to accomplish anything in your life have you? Is that why you think this half assed effort without any follow through was supposed to impress me, Kid? :dunno:
My family are immigrants. We had money and resources a lot of Black American families in this country do not and if you want to claim that the wealth disparity isn't because of racial segregation and redlining and the exclusion of Black Americans from same investments in their communities that white communities got then you're going to have to provide something more than just your say so.
First, you really don't need to come across so "hostile" and I try not to read tone, but at times it is difficult... Okay Goat?
Second, past atrocities have impacted the black community. I think most people would agree with that. But TODAY, there is nothing that is stopping anyone of any race, from making the right choices and overcoming the past sins, whether they be from jim crow laws or poor familial decisions.

You've never actually had to accomplish anything in your life have you?
Not sure why you are going here? Really, just complete reckless speculation on your part, and shows ignorance and the inability to have reasonable discourse.
Is that why you think this half assed effort without any follow through was supposed to impress me, Kid? :dunno:
Not trying to impress. That's not the objective of a conversation, debate or argument.

The question as proposed, is there anything you can't do TODAY, that a white person can?
First, you really don't need to come across so "hostile" and I try not to read tone, but at times it is difficult... Okay Goat?
I don't have to but I enjoy doing so. Are you going to keep crying about it? :dunno:
Second, past atrocities have impacted the black community. I think most people would agree with that. But TODAY, there is nothing that is stopping anyone of any race, from making the right choices and overcoming the past sins, whether they be from jim crow laws or poor familial decisions.
Sorry but the reality of economics and what you can do with an average of $10,000 of wealth vs an average of $100,000 of wealth do not change just because you close your eyes and really believe and then click your heels three times. You'd understand that if you weren't a Kid. :itsok:
Not sure why you are going here? Really, just complete reckless speculation on your part, and shows ignorance and the inability to have reasonable discourse.
I'm not speculating about anything. I even posted links to articles for you that supported what I said about the economic disparities between white and black families.
Not trying to impress. That's not the objective of a conversation, debate or argument.
Was your objective to spout off on shit your obviously ignorant about? :dunno: :laugh:
The question as proposed, is there anything you can't do TODAY, that a white person can?
Do you think you can do more with $100,000 vs $10,000? Let's see if you're a failure of basic math as well as sociology and history. :lmao:
... if you want to claim that the wealth disparity isn't because of racial segregation and redlining and the exclusion of Black Americans from same investments in their communities that white communities got then you're going to have to provide something more than just your say so. ....
You've got the logic backwards.
I don't have to but I enjoy doing so. Are you going to keep crying about it? :dunno:

Sorry but the reality of economics and what you can do with an average of $10,000 of wealth vs an average of $100,000 of wealth do not change just because you close your eyes and really believe and then click your heels three times. You'd understand that if you weren't a Kid. :itsok:

I'm not speculating about anything. I even posted links to articles for you that supported what I said about the economic disparities between white and black families.

Was your objective to spout off on shit your obviously ignorant about? :dunno: :laugh:

Do you think you can do more with $100,000 vs $10,000? Let's see if you're a failure of basic math as well as sociology and history. :lmao:
Gotcha, you can't engage in reasonable discourse, you refuse to answer the question I have purposed: what can't you do that a white person can do? You deflect, resort to history as the crux of your discussion (which I agree with you in many regards). You resort to name calling and other illogical assumptions, hyperbole, and speculation.

So basically, you're ignorant, biased, and incapable of reason. You lack the capacity of insight and the inability to reason with logic, facts, or discuss opposing opinions without resorting to poor tactics.
My family are immigrants. We had money and resources a lot of Black American families in this country do not and if you want to claim that the wealth disparity isn't because of racial segregation and redlining and the exclusion of Black Americans from same investments in their communities that white communities got then you're going to have to provide something more than just your say so. You've never actually had to accomplish anything in your life have you? Is that why you think this half assed effort without any follow through was supposed to impress me, Kid? :dunno:
If white racism is your excuse for black poverty how do you explain poor white people?

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