Amusing: Why Jews don't need Christmas trees.

Actually Israel has replanted a massive amount of trees so that is bogus.. you do realize they have had some major forest fires lately....However knowing that people worshipped trees or groves of trees called Asherah should give you pause esp after reading Jeremiah 4... There are other warnings but the evergreen tree represented eternal life in some pagan cultures and that pine cone in the Vatican should give anyone some pause if they care to look it up...Besides " accursed" is anyone " hanging" on a tree and hanging lights and adornments sounds awfully close to hanging on a tree wouldn't most of you say....hmmmm...
Actually Israel has replanted a massive amount of trees so that is bogus.. you do realize they have had some major forest fires lately....However knowing that people worshipped trees or groves of trees called Asherah should give you pause esp after reading Jeremiah 4... There are other warnings but the evergreen tree represented eternal life in some pagan cultures and that pine cone in the Vatican should give anyone some pause if they care to look it up...Besides " accursed" is anyone " hanging" on a tree and hanging lights and adornments sounds awfully close to hanging on a tree wouldn't most of you say....hmmmm...
Is Michael your Moshiach?
Yiostheoy your anger is misplaced It should be placed squarely on the shoulders of the Romans who had a very disturbed sense of humour not on someone who brings it out for all to see... Latin never changes and neither do their jokes( the ones who spoke it) For example turning " Water" into " Wine" was a common joke in Rome meaning when one drank water afterwards when the man was going to relieve himself he would be turning the water into wine.. This is a taste of Roman humour... Since Latin words never change their meaning giving the Jews who they despised a Messiah with a Latin name for pig was a big joke for them as they knew Jews found pigs offensive and could not partake of them...If you really want to look into this then you should figure out what fish were compared to by the Romans and go from there...The Romans were perverse to say the least and they used Christianity to further their means after all it is much cheaper and quicker to conquer people's through religion and chaining their minds then it is through soldiers and garrisons who have to be paid and maintained... It was brilliant and evil at the same time and we still have its control today...
Yiostheoy your anger is misplaced It should be placed squarely on the shoulders of the Romans who had a very disturbed sense of humour not on someone who brings it out for all to see... Latin never changes and neither do their jokes( the ones who spoke it) For example turning " Water" into " Wine" was a common joke in Rome meaning when one drank water afterwards when the man was going to relieve himself he would be turning the water into wine.. This is a taste of Roman humour... Since Latin words never change their meaning giving the Jews who they despised a Messiah with a Latin name for pig was a big joke for them as they knew Jews found pigs offensive and could not partake of them...If you really want to look into this then you should figure out what fish were compared to by the Romans and go from there...The Romans were perverse to say the least and they used Christianity to further their means after all it is much cheaper and quicker to conquer people's through religion and chaining their minds then it is through soldiers and garrisons who have to be paid and maintained... It was brilliant and evil at the same time and we still have its control today...
shimon you are reading way too much into what the Roman emperors after Constantine were trying to do, I suspect.

Other than Julian The Apostate the subsequent emperors fully embraced Christianity.

For the plebes it took longer, sure.

3 centuries earlier when Pontius Pilate invented Jeshu's Latin and Greek names, he was not thinking of pigs.

He just put a Latin/Greek/Egyptian "S" on the end of it and then spelled it with Latin and Greek letters.
Jews don't have xmas trees because they couldn't find any land to steal that had any.
Yiostheoy your anger is misplaced It should be placed squarely on the shoulders of the Romans who had a very disturbed sense of humour not on someone who brings it out for all to see... Latin never changes and neither do their jokes( the ones who spoke it) For example turning " Water" into " Wine" was a common joke in Rome meaning when one drank water afterwards when the man was going to relieve himself he would be turning the water into wine.. This is a taste of Roman humour... Since Latin words never change their meaning giving the Jews who they despised a Messiah with a Latin name for pig was a big joke for them as they knew Jews found pigs offensive and could not partake of them...If you really want to look into this then you should figure out what fish were compared to by the Romans and go from there...The Romans were perverse to say the least and they used Christianity to further their means after all it is much cheaper and quicker to conquer people's through religion and chaining their minds then it is through soldiers and garrisons who have to be paid and maintained... It was brilliant and evil at the same time and we still have its control today...
shimon you are reading way too much into what the Roman emperors after Constantine were trying to do, I suspect.

Other than Julian The Apostate the subsequent emperors fully embraced Christianity.

For the plebes it took longer, sure.

3 centuries earlier when Pontius Pilate invented Jeshu's Latin and Greek names, he was not thinking of pigs.

He just put a Latin/Greek/Egyptian "S" on the end of it and then spelled it with Latin and Greek letters.
You have no idea what you are talking about with all due respect...Google Pisces Australis up... Remember you are the one who used the foul words against another and now it is being thrown back in your face... Osiris was missing one body part and it was with the " fishes" which is a common theme in Roman jokes as he is sleeping with the fishes after someone was murdered...You still hear this today with the mafia and made popular in those types of movies...
Yiostheoy your anger is misplaced It should be placed squarely on the shoulders of the Romans who had a very disturbed sense of humour not on someone who brings it out for all to see... Latin never changes and neither do their jokes( the ones who spoke it) For example turning " Water" into " Wine" was a common joke in Rome meaning when one drank water afterwards when the man was going to relieve himself he would be turning the water into wine.. This is a taste of Roman humour... Since Latin words never change their meaning giving the Jews who they despised a Messiah with a Latin name for pig was a big joke for them as they knew Jews found pigs offensive and could not partake of them...If you really want to look into this then you should figure out what fish were compared to by the Romans and go from there...The Romans were perverse to say the least and they used Christianity to further their means after all it is much cheaper and quicker to conquer people's through religion and chaining their minds then it is through soldiers and garrisons who have to be paid and maintained... It was brilliant and evil at the same time and we still have its control today...
shimon you are reading way too much into what the Roman emperors after Constantine were trying to do, I suspect.

Other than Julian The Apostate the subsequent emperors fully embraced Christianity.

For the plebes it took longer, sure.

3 centuries earlier when Pontius Pilate invented Jeshu's Latin and Greek names, he was not thinking of pigs.

He just put a Latin/Greek/Egyptian "S" on the end of it and then spelled it with Latin and Greek letters.
You have no idea what you are talking about with all due respect...Google Pisces Australis up... Remember you are the one who used the foul words against another and now it is being thrown back in your face... Osiris was missing one body part and it was with the " fishes" which is a common theme in Roman jokes as he is sleeping with the fishes after someone was murdered...You still hear this today with the mafia and made popular in those types of movies...
"The other" was/is a Jewish pig.
Jews don't have xmas trees because they couldn't find any land to steal that had any.
Spreading the Mudda I see...Stealing land what land are you talking about and where do you live and on whose land.... Trees were worshipped and adorned we are forbidden from doing so it is that simple.. Maybe you are from down under I understand Eucalyptus tree grow well in the Mud...
Jews are a crazy bunch.

After all, they celebrate Biblical figures like Boaz as being some really great guy, when in reality, he was known to be "Ruthless" for at least half of his life.
Jews don't have xmas trees because they couldn't find any land to steal that had any.
Spreading the Mudda I see...Stealing land what land are you talking about and where do you live and on whose land.... Trees were worshipped and adorned we are forbidden from doing so it is that simple.. Maybe you are from down under I understand Eucalyptus tree grow well in the Mud...
Technically, the Hebrews AND the Philistines BOTH stole the land.
That is a very good joke Votto and I use it every time I go to a store and see a women named Ruth.... Remember in the Jewish scriptures we are shown that Everyman has imperfections they are merely human all their deficiencies are shown... Warts and all.. None are deemed perfect that is the difference between what is taught about Jesus in the New Testament as all his warts and blemishes are hidden... This should make you think carefully about who and what is being portrayed and who is really the " crazy" ones....
That is a very good joke Votto and I use it every time I go to a store and see a women named Ruth.... Remember in the Jewish scriptures we are shown that Everyman has imperfections they are merely human all their deficiencies are shown... Warts and all.. None are deemed perfect that is the difference between what is taught about Jesus in the New Testament as all his warts and blemishes are hidden... This should make you think carefully about who and what is being portrayed and who is really the " crazy" ones....
I have seen anything about warts in the Tenakh.

Open sores sure.

But not warts.

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