An Alabama Pastor's Epic Speech against Gay Marriage (Please finish drinking your beverage first)

You don't seem to understand the dynamics in play here. You're trying to warp the conversation into making gay people into "bigots" against Christianity, and that position isn't supported by reality.



There is absolutely NOTHING on earth that is a more clear and definitive example of bigotry than the Ideological Left. Which has militarized the lowly homosexual, through its Advocacy to Normalize sexual Abnormality... a movement designed as a cultural wedge, which it is using as a means to separate the US Cultural from the sound, immutable principles which provide for the viability for a sustainable, free culture.

It is nothing short of evil... of the old testament variety. Deceit, FRAUDULENTLY advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant.

Homosexuality is no more an abnormality than being lefthanded, or becoming a Presbyterian.
Now I will start off by saying that his views don't necessarily reflect mine, so save the "you're a bigot" or "you're a homophobe", "or where in the Bible does it say this, that or the other thing" posts. But you must admire the gall and the guts of a Birmingham Pastor named Cedric Hatcher for absolutely taking a taking a Town Hall meeting by storm, throwing political correctness to the wind to voice his mind on the topic of homosexuality.

I tell you what, hoss, Duracell didn't have no batteries on the shelf that morning.

"I know Alabama pay [sic] a lotta money yesterday. I know somebody else who paid a lotta money too: Duracell ain't got no batteries on the shelf this morning. All 'them batteries gone. I tried to find a battery for my radio this morning, couldn't find there [sic] nowhere. I said, "what happened?" They said, "Rev, them done bought all the batteries last night, they celebrated some kind of way, just bought all the batteries." I don't know what they do to batteries, but I mo preach.. I ain't going there. I don't know what they did with all them batteries."

-2:19 through 2:45

AMEN Brother! It's OK for People not to like or agree with gay marriage.

That guy in the background held it together well when the pastor got to the part about the batteries. I would have been rolling in the aisles laughing.

It was hilarious, I tell you.

God bless him I wish more were like that pastor. No gays not everybody has to like your lifestyle.

So I wonder when people are going to stand up and speak out about Islam. 21 Christians were beheaded and not much being said. the Middle East people are being beheaded...people are being burned....people are being hanged...people are being shot...people are being pushed off buildings.

Now...what does that have to do with this thread?

Exactly. I bet there were more than 21 North Koreans thrown into work camps today. Burning up Burmese monks doesn't make the headlines anymore, either.
Old Covenant, it was done away with by the New Covenant and it was also Mosaic Law which only applied
to Jews, you've been crushed and your Biblical knowledge is laughable

The verses calling homosexuality an "abomination" are also Mosaic law.

Except that homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament. Keep trying old fool


Matthew 19:1-8

That passage is referring to divorce, and makes no mention of homosexuality.

Romans 1:18-32

That passage describes God punishing men by making them homosexual, not condemning homosexuality.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

According to that passage, homosexuality is equated to drunkenness and adultery.

Let me know when Christians get as upset about those things as they do about the gays.

Galatians 5:19

No mention of homosexuality there, either.

Colossians 3:5-7

No mention of homosexuality.

1 Timothy 1:10

That verse refers to temporal laws, and could be interpreted as a call for making homosexuality illegal - but I see no condemnation by God.

Titus 1:16

No mention of homosexuality.

Jude 1:4, 7, and 19

No mention of homosexuality.

Revelation 21:27

No mention of homosexuality.

For Matthew 19:1-8

Did Jesus say anything about homosexuality? Of course, when asked about marriage, Jesus issued a sweeping condemnation of all sexual relationships outside of the male/female model established in Genesis 1:27, which he specifically cited.

For Romans 1:18-32

That passage says nothing of the sort. God didn't make them homosexual, he gave them over the something they were already doing in defiance of God. "Gave them over to their sinful lust" for example.

For 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Uh, we have tried to pass laws stopping Liquor stores from selling alcohol on Sundays here in the Deep South. People who claim to be Christians but don't fulfill the vows of marriage give Christianity a bad name, using the faith as a status symbol not an actual conviction.

For Galatians 5:19

Take note: "Works of the flesh are manifest
which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness...

For Ephesians 5:3-7 and Colossians 3:5-7:

Just what was Paul (a disciple of Jesus Christ, the son of God who was the embodiment of God's will) referring to at the Church of Ephesus or Colosse when he warned against "uncleanliness"?

For 1 Timothy 1:10:

Note the phrase Paul uses, “defiling themselves with mankind." You'd have to be willfully ignorant not to know what that meant.

For Titus 1:16:

This was the most direct condemnation by Paul, he exposes the mistakes and mindsets of those who have defiled themselves and have committed abominations in the sight of God, for example, Homosexuality.

For Jude 1:4, 7 and 19:

Jude refers to the Sodomites going after "strange flesh" hence the phraseology "heterosarx" in Greek. So, what else would Jude have been referring to if not to homosexuality?

For Revelation 21:27:

Perhaps you are being selective or something here, but it is clear in these verses that Homosexuality is an abomination, even here in this verse. It says none shall enter paradise who work abominations. Geesh. I mean come on, stop trying to twist and contort the Bible to the point where it either says nothing about Homosexuality, or in some cases with others, condones it.

No, I think I'll continue to do so.

I know it makes your position harder to defend, but tough shit.

Does it?

How so?

It's a Straw argument, resting upon (as all straw reasoning does) a false premise.

Black people are genetically forced into reflecting a light-brown to a dark caramel hue... they cannot go to bed on Monday, as a brown person and wake up Tuesday morning a lovely chartreuse. They're going to be the color that their genetic composition requires them TO BE.

The Sexually abnormal however, are such because they CHOOSE to engage in sex with people of their own gender. This as a result of a perversion of human reasoning, OKA: A disorder of the mind. With absolutely NO GENETIC component, whatsoever... .

We know this because the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality has spent Hundreds of Millions of Dollars to find some... ANY feeble strand of faux-scientific drivel which could on SOME LEVEL... ANY LEVEL... provide for a rationalization which could possibly show SOME connection between Sexual Abnormality and genetic composition of the deviant, whose sexual preference deviates from the human physiological NORM!

And despite MANY CRUEL RUMORS... no genetic component to sexual abnormality exists.

So, the addle-minded nonsense which says that 'because the court found that people with genetic issues which keep them from being white... can marry white people... that the court must find that men and can 'marry' men... is LUDICROUS!
The verses calling homosexuality an "abomination" are also Mosaic law.

Except that homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament. Keep trying old fool


Matthew 19:1-8

That passage is referring to divorce, and makes no mention of homosexuality.

Romans 1:18-32

That passage describes God punishing men by making them homosexual, not condemning homosexuality.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

According to that passage, homosexuality is equated to drunkenness and adultery.

Let me know when Christians get as upset about those things as they do about the gays.

Galatians 5:19

No mention of homosexuality there, either.

Colossians 3:5-7

No mention of homosexuality.

1 Timothy 1:10

That verse refers to temporal laws, and could be interpreted as a call for making homosexuality illegal - but I see no condemnation by God.

Titus 1:16

No mention of homosexuality.

Jude 1:4, 7, and 19

No mention of homosexuality.

Revelation 21:27

No mention of homosexuality.

For Matthew 19:1-8

Did Jesus say anything about homosexuality? Of course, when asked about marriage, Jesus issued a sweeping condemnation of all sexual relationships outside of the male/female model established in Genesis 1:27, which he specifically cited.

For Romans 1:18-32

That passage says nothing of the sort. God didn't make them homosexual, he gave them over the something they were already doing in defiance of God. "Gave them over to their sinful lust" for example.

For 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Uh, we have tried to pass laws stopping Liquor stores from selling alcohol on Sundays here in the Deep South. People who claim to be Christians but don't fulfill the vows of marriage give Christianity a bad name, using the faith as a status symbol not an actual conviction.

For Galatians 5:19

Take note: "Works of the flesh are manifest
which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness...

For Ephesians 5:3-7 and Colossians 3:5-7:

Just what was Paul (a disciple of Jesus Christ, the son of God who was the embodiment of God's will) referring to at the Church of Ephesus or Colosse when he warned against "uncleanliness"?

For 1 Timothy 1:10:

Note the phrase Paul uses, “defiling themselves with mankind." You'd have to be willfully ignorant not to know what that meant.

For Titus 1:16:

This was the most direct condemnation by Paul, he exposes the mistakes and mindsets of those who have defiled themselves and have committed abominations in the sight of God, for example, Homosexuality.

For Jude 1:4, 7 and 19:

Jude refers to the Sodomites going after "strange flesh" hence the phraseology "heterosarx" in Greek. So, what else would Jude have been referring to if not to homosexuality?

For Revelation 21:27:

Perhaps you are being selective or something here, but it is clear in these verses that Homosexuality is an abomination, even here in this verse. It says none shall enter paradise who work abominations. Geesh. I mean come on, stop trying to twist and contort the Bible to the point where it either says nothing about Homosexuality, or in some cases with others, condones it.

You have to be a narcissist to write all of that ^^^ and expect someone to read it.
I know it makes your position harder to defend, but tough shit.

This is declaring victory without having in fact won anything.

No, it's not.

This is really getting ridiculous, man.

It isn't. This is what we call subtlety. A tongue in cheek remark. You in that statement are asserting his argument is inferior and yours superior, a proclamation of superiority in that instance is perceived as a proclamation of victory when no victory yet exists.
I think "Christians" need to follow the path of Jesus and leave people the fuck alone. Love them, as he said, and get the fuck out of their bedrooms where they don't belong, as I said.
No, I think I'll continue to do so.

I know it makes your position harder to defend, but tough shit.

Does it?

How so?

It's a Straw argument, resting upon (as all straw reasoning does) a false premise.

Black people are genetically forced into reflecting a light-brown to a dark caramel hue... they cannot go to bed on Monday, as a brown person and wake up Tuesday morning a lovely chartreuse. They're going to be the color that their genetic composition requires them TO BE.

The Sexually abnormal however, are such because they CHOOSE to engage in sex with people of their own gender. This as a result of a perversion of human reasoning, OKA: A disorder of the mind. With absolutely NO GENETIC component, whatsoever... .

We know this because the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality has spent Hundreds of Millions of Dollars to find some... ANY feeble strand of faux-scientific drivel which could on SOME LEVEL... ANY LEVEL... provide for a rationalization which could possibly show SOME connection between Sexual Abnormality and genetic composition of the deviant, whose sexual preference deviates from the human physiological NORM!

And despite MANY CRUEL RUMORS... no genetic component to sexual abnormality exists.

So, the addle-minded nonsense which says that 'because the court found that people with genetic issues which keep them from being white... can marry white people... that the court must find that men and can 'marry' men... is LUDICROUS!
And yet....even tho religion is a choice that can be changed or even hidden from sight, our Founders deemed it something to provide civil rights over.
You don't seem to understand the dynamics in play here. You're trying to warp the conversation into making gay people into "bigots" against Christianity, and that position isn't supported by reality.



There is absolutely NOTHING on earth that is a more clear and definitive example of bigotry than the Ideological Left. Which has militarized the lowly homosexual, through its Advocacy to Normalize sexual Abnormality... a movement designed as a cultural wedge, which it is using as a means to separate the US Cultural from the sound, immutable principles which provide for the viability for a sustainable, free culture.

It is nothing short of evil... of the old testament variety. Deceit, FRAUDULENTLY advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant.

Homosexuality is no more an abnormality than being lefthanded, or becoming a Presbyterian.

Homosexuality not only deviates from the norm established by human sexual physiology... it deviates AS FAR FROM SUCH, as is possible... (where the subjects remain HUMAN). with dexterity, having absolutely no potential correlation to the issue, whatsoever.

But what a lovely attempt to rationalize a deflection.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
This is for Doc. You said in a post on here that the Bible didn't identify homosexuality as a sin but that is not correct - it does. Now the right thing to do for homosexual people is to give them the truth - speak the truth to them - not telling them oh, you can do whatever you wish and God will be okay with it - that isn't love! That is just plain out not caring! If we really care about people we are going to tell them the truth. Homosexuality is a sin. Marriage is between a man and a woman. That is not hate speech. That is truth speech and because of political correctness, self love, pride, fear, intimidation, cowardice and a multitude of other reasons - people take the easy route and remain silent. That crowd is like the go along to get along Christians who act just like the world does! ( they are going to hell too if they don't repent - yes, yes, yes, Christians can end up in hell too - live like the world you'll be judged like the world )

Now these are scriptures that all prove homosexuality is a sin because having sex out side of marriage is a sin ( and marriage according to the word of God is ONLY between a man and a woman). As for the rest who are living with people, not married - those who commit fornication - straight or gay are going to hell - according to the bible. There is no provision for gays to be married and therein it comes under the sexually immoral, but the bible also specifically addresses it, Doc. Again the right thing for Christians to do is pray for these people and tell the the truth! There are also other sins listed here and they will send a person to hell just as quick as the sexually immoral will go there.

Look these up and ask the LORD to speak to your heart about it, Doc. He'll show you if you want to know the truth about it.

1 Thess. 4:1-8
Matt. 5:17-19
Genesis 2: 18 - 25
Leviticus 18:22
1 Corinthians 6:9,10,11
Romans 1:26 - 28
Leviticus 20:13
1 Timothy 1:10
1 Corinthians 7:2
1 Timothy 1: 10-11
Galatians 5:16
Mark 10: 6-9
1 Thessalonians. 4: 4
Jude 1:7
Micah 2:1
Romans 13:1:32
Hebrews 13:1-25
Genesis 19: 1-38
1 Kings 14:24
Hebrews 12: 12-17
Acts 15:29
Colossians 3:1-8
Ephesians 5:12
Ephesians 5: 1 - 21
Galatians 5:16-21
Leviticus 20: 13-15
Rev. 21:8
1 Thessalonians. 4:7
Acts 15:29
there is over a hundred scriptures but this is enough to get you started....
When you get older, you'll realize that simply declaring victory does not mean you actually won anything.

Isn't that what you did a few pages back? "We are winning this fight! It will be legal in all 50 states in six months!"

This is what I mean by trying to find a "gotcha".

Nope. I did catch you doing something you were calling other people out on. That is a clear and defined example. If you don't like being called out, sorry, don't hand down judgement until you make sure you abide by it first.

No, you didn't. You really wish you did, but you didn't.

My stating that the gay marriage "side" is winning is fact. My declaration of it does not make it fact, it was a fact beforehand.

SassyIrishGirl claiming she's winning this argument is not a fact, and her declaration of victory does not make it one.

It's obvious you consider yourself an elitist, intelligent liberal. Sadly you're not
So....still waiting for your awesome OT quotes stating that S & G were destroyed because of homosexuality.
You don't seem to understand the dynamics in play here. You're trying to warp the conversation into making gay people into "bigots" against Christianity, and that position isn't supported by reality.



There is absolutely NOTHING on earth that is a more clear and definitive example of bigotry than the Ideological Left. Which has militarized the lowly homosexual, through its Advocacy to Normalize sexual Abnormality... a movement designed as a cultural wedge, which it is using as a means to separate the US Cultural from the sound, immutable principles which provide for the viability for a sustainable, free culture.

It is nothing short of evil... of the old testament variety. Deceit, FRAUDULENTLY advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant.

Homosexuality is no more an abnormality than being lefthanded, or becoming a Presbyterian.

Homosexuality not only deviates from the norm established by human sexual physiology... it deviates AS FAR FROM SUCH, as is possible... (where the subjects remain HUMAN). with dexterity, having absolutely no potential correlation to the issue, whatsoever.

But what a lovely attempt to rationalize a deflection.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Homosexuality does not deviate from the norm. There are simply various ways of humans to have sex and homosexual sexual activity represent some of those ways.
Gay is not a religion.....good for you.

Gay is not a race...good for you.

Now, explain where anyone ever said that gay WAS a religion or WAS a race.

And also, while you are at it, explain why civil rights would not equally apply to Gay Americans as it would for (any race) Americans or (any religion) Americans.
You are the one that want to be a protected class, you explain. I believe you should have the sames civil rights as I do. I am not prat of a protected class. Why should you have protections, but not me?

What "protections" do you not have?
same one you dont have or the ones that the gays are trying to get.

I don't feel that I'm lacking any legal protections by not being gay. Which I why I'm asking you.

What legal protections do you not have?
What legal protections do gays want? I am not going to play this game with you.
Let me guess......

The same as everyone else
Except that homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament. Keep trying old fool


Matthew 19:1-8

That passage is referring to divorce, and makes no mention of homosexuality.

Romans 1:18-32

That passage describes God punishing men by making them homosexual, not condemning homosexuality.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

According to that passage, homosexuality is equated to drunkenness and adultery.

Let me know when Christians get as upset about those things as they do about the gays.

Galatians 5:19

No mention of homosexuality there, either.

Colossians 3:5-7

No mention of homosexuality.

1 Timothy 1:10

That verse refers to temporal laws, and could be interpreted as a call for making homosexuality illegal - but I see no condemnation by God.

Titus 1:16

No mention of homosexuality.

Jude 1:4, 7, and 19

No mention of homosexuality.

Revelation 21:27

No mention of homosexuality.

For Matthew 19:1-8

Did Jesus say anything about homosexuality? Of course, when asked about marriage, Jesus issued a sweeping condemnation of all sexual relationships outside of the male/female model established in Genesis 1:27, which he specifically cited.

For Romans 1:18-32

That passage says nothing of the sort. God didn't make them homosexual, he gave them over the something they were already doing in defiance of God. "Gave them over to their sinful lust" for example.

For 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Uh, we have tried to pass laws stopping Liquor stores from selling alcohol on Sundays here in the Deep South. People who claim to be Christians but don't fulfill the vows of marriage give Christianity a bad name, using the faith as a status symbol not an actual conviction.

For Galatians 5:19

Take note: "Works of the flesh are manifest
which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness...

For Ephesians 5:3-7 and Colossians 3:5-7:

Just what was Paul (a disciple of Jesus Christ, the son of God who was the embodiment of God's will) referring to at the Church of Ephesus or Colosse when he warned against "uncleanliness"?

For 1 Timothy 1:10:

Note the phrase Paul uses, “defiling themselves with mankind." You'd have to be willfully ignorant not to know what that meant.

For Titus 1:16:

This was the most direct condemnation by Paul, he exposes the mistakes and mindsets of those who have defiled themselves and have committed abominations in the sight of God, for example, Homosexuality.

For Jude 1:4, 7 and 19:

Jude refers to the Sodomites going after "strange flesh" hence the phraseology "heterosarx" in Greek. So, what else would Jude have been referring to if not to homosexuality?

For Revelation 21:27:

Perhaps you are being selective or something here, but it is clear in these verses that Homosexuality is an abomination, even here in this verse. It says none shall enter paradise who work abominations. Geesh. I mean come on, stop trying to twist and contort the Bible to the point where it either says nothing about Homosexuality, or in some cases with others, condones it.

You have to be a narcissist to write all of that ^^^ and expect someone to read it.
It is your hopes that no one reads it.. Point noted..
This is for Doc. You said in a post on here that the Bible didn't identify homosexuality as a sin but that is not correct - it does. Now the right thing to do for homosexual people is to give them the truth - speak the truth to them - not telling them oh, you can do whatever you wish and God will be okay with it - that isn't love! That is just plain out not caring! If we really care about people we are going to tell them the truth. Homosexuality is a sin. Marriage is between a man and a woman. That is not hate speech. That is truth speech and because of political correctness, self love, pride, fear, intimidation, cowardice and a multitude of other reasons - people take the easy route and remain silent. That crowd is like the go along to get along Christians who act just like the world does! ( they are going to hell too if they don't repent - yes, yes, yes, Christians can end up in hell too - live like the world you'll be judged like the world )

Now these are scriptures that all prove homosexuality is a sin because having sex out side of marriage is a sin ( and marriage according to the word of God is ONLY between a man and a woman). As for the rest who are living with people, not married - those who commit fornication - straight or gay are going to hell - according to the bible. There is no provision for gays to be married and therein it comes under the sexually immoral, but the bible also specifically addresses it, Doc. Again the right thing for Christians to do is pray for these people and tell the the truth! There are also other sins listed here and they will send a person to hell just as quick as the sexually immoral will go there.

Look these up and ask the LORD to speak to your heart about it, Doc. He'll show you if you want to know the truth about it.

1 Thess. 4:1-8
Matt. 5:17-19
Genesis 2: 18 - 25
Leviticus 18:22
1 Corinthians 6:9,10,11
Romans 1:26 - 28
Leviticus 20:13
1 Timothy 1:10
1 Corinthians 7:2
1 Timothy 1: 10-11
Galatians 5:16
Mark 10: 6-9
1 Thessalonians. 4: 4
Jude 1:7
Micah 2:1
Romans 13:1:32
Hebrews 13:1-25
Genesis 19: 1-38
1 Kings 14:24
Hebrews 12: 12-17
Acts 15:29
Colossians 3:1-8
Ephesians 5:12
Ephesians 5: 1 - 21
Galatians 5:16-21
Leviticus 20: 13-15
Rev. 21:8
1 Thessalonians. 4:7
Acts 15:29
there is over a hundred scriptures but this is enough to get you started....

Those are editorial.
Christians need to get a grip. Fagots are here to stay, get used to it.

Christians are here to stay, too. Gay people must get used to that fact as well.

I wish some stupid christian would come around HERE spouting all that nonsense all loud like the moron in the video. I got sumpin for his dumb black ass. I'm not all that color prejudiced but my pit bulls...That's a whole different matter. My pits are definitely prejudiced. They would strait up tear that Neegro a new asshole.
I think "Christians" need to follow the path of Jesus and leave people the fuck alone. Love them, as he said, and get the fuck out of their bedrooms where they don't belong, as I said.
Oh so your back in the bedroom now ? I always said how in the world did sexual orientation get listed on the special status list with the government, when peoples sex life is suppose to remain in the bedroom to begin with ?
Christians need to get a grip. Fagots are here to stay, get used to it.

Christians are here to stay, too. Gay people must get used to that fact as well.

I wish some stupid christian would come around HERE spouting all that nonsense all loud like the moron in the video. I got sumpin for his dumb black ass. I'm not all that color prejudiced but my pit bulls...That's a whole different matter. My pits are definitely prejudiced. They would strait up tear that Neegro a new asshole.

You sir, are racist. Plus, you contradict yourself in just under 30 words "I got sumpin for his dumb black ass. I'm not all that color prejudiced but my pit bulls...That's a whole different matter. My pits are definitely prejudiced."

Moving along

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