An Alabama Pastor's Epic Speech against Gay Marriage (Please finish drinking your beverage first)

In your opinion, would you consider someone who "doesn't agree or has a problem with" black men kissing white women in public as "hateful"?

STOP trying to compare homo marriage to blacks in any shape or form. Homosexuals are NOT a race
No one ever said they were.

But gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to decide for themselves how best to live their lives absent unwarranted interference by the state, where seeking to deny gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in is un-Constitutional; whether homosexuality manifests as a consequence of birth or choice has no bearing on the issue.

For the state therefore to seek to discriminate against an American because of his race or sexual orientation is equally repugnant to the Constitution.
I am fine with gay civil rights, but I am not fine with thier agenda to become a protected class.
You mean like Christians are a protected class?
Religion is protected, too bad for you. Gay is not a religion. BTW where are those links? you put or shut up.
Gay is not a religion.....good for you.

Gay is not a race...good for you.

Now, explain where anyone ever said that gay WAS a religion or WAS a race.

And also, while you are at it, explain why civil rights would not equally apply to Gay Americans as it would for (any race) Americans or (any religion) Americans.
Now I will start off by saying that his views don't necessarily reflect mine, so save the "you're a bigot" or "you're a homophobe", "or where in the Bible does it say this, that or the other thing" posts. But you must admire the gall and the guts of a Birmingham Pastor named Cedric Hatcher for absolutely taking a taking a Town Hall meeting by storm, throwing political correctness to the wind to voice his mind on the topic of homosexuality.

I tell you what, hoss, Duracell didn't have no batteries on the shelf that morning.

"I know Alabama pay [sic] a lotta money yesterday. I know somebody else who paid a lotta money too: Duracell ain't got no batteries on the shelf this morning. All 'them batteries gone. I tried to find a battery for my radio this morning, couldn't find there [sic] nowhere. I said, "what happened?" They said, "Rev, them done bought all the batteries last night, they celebrated some kind of way, just bought all the batteries." I don't know what they do to batteries, but I mo preach.. I ain't going there. I don't know what they did with all them batteries."

-2:19 through 2:45

AMEN Brother! It's OK for People not to like or agree with gay marriage.

That guy in the background held it together well when the pastor got to the part about the batteries. I would have been rolling in the aisles laughing.

It was hilarious, I tell you.

God bless him I wish more were like that pastor. No gays not everybody has to like your lifestyle.

So I wonder when people are going to stand up and speak out about Islam. 21 Christians were beheaded and not much being said.
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Obviously they do, but that hasnt stopped gay pedophiles from becoming preists has it.
Or stopped straight pedophiles from becoming priests, or ministers, or fathers.....
Has the gay movement stopped gay and lesbians pedophiles from becoming parents? same difference.
So...where are those OT quotes about how S & G were destroyed because of homosexuality?
So...where are those quotes where I defended the Catholic Church gay pedophile preists? misrepresent me. It seems to be the ONLY thing you've got.
Another lie. You posted that I defended the churchs actions regrading gay pedophile priests. Put up a link to that or shut up.
You do support the church's position.....surely you are smart enough to see that that is a different thing than saying you support pedophiles.
Prove it, why would I defend a christan church's problem with hiding the fact that it has gay pedophiles in its ranks? I am neither a christan defending my faith or a fan of pedophiles.

Now please if you are going to contiunue with this accusation, you better start showing some proof. Oh yea, you cant because it doesnt exsist. STOP LYING.
STOP trying to compare homo marriage to blacks in any shape or form. Homosexuals are NOT a race
No one ever said they were.

But gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to decide for themselves how best to live their lives absent unwarranted interference by the state, where seeking to deny gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in is un-Constitutional; whether homosexuality manifests as a consequence of birth or choice has no bearing on the issue.

For the state therefore to seek to discriminate against an American because of his race or sexual orientation is equally repugnant to the Constitution.
I am fine with gay civil rights, but I am not fine with thier agenda to become a protected class.
You mean like Christians are a protected class?
Religion is protected, too bad for you. Gay is not a religion. BTW where are those links? you put or shut up.
Gay is not a religion.....good for you.

Gay is not a race...good for you.

Now, explain where anyone ever said that gay WAS a religion or WAS a race.

And also, while you are at it, explain why civil rights would not equally apply to Gay Americans as it would for (any race) Americans or (any religion) Americans.
You are the one that want to be a protected class, you explain it. I believe you should have the sames civil rights as I do. I am not part of a protected class. Why should you have protections, but not me?
No one ever said they were.

But gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to decide for themselves how best to live their lives absent unwarranted interference by the state, where seeking to deny gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in is un-Constitutional; whether homosexuality manifests as a consequence of birth or choice has no bearing on the issue.

For the state therefore to seek to discriminate against an American because of his race or sexual orientation is equally repugnant to the Constitution.
I am fine with gay civil rights, but I am not fine with thier agenda to become a protected class.
You mean like Christians are a protected class?
Religion is protected, too bad for you. Gay is not a religion. BTW where are those links? you put or shut up.
Gay is not a religion.....good for you.

Gay is not a race...good for you.

Now, explain where anyone ever said that gay WAS a religion or WAS a race.

And also, while you are at it, explain why civil rights would not equally apply to Gay Americans as it would for (any race) Americans or (any religion) Americans.
You are the one that want to be a protected class, you explain. I believe you should have the sames civil rights as I do. I am not prat of a protected class. Why should you have protections, but not me?

What "protections" do you not have?
I am fine with gay civil rights, but I am not fine with thier agenda to become a protected class.
You mean like Christians are a protected class?
Religion is protected, too bad for you. Gay is not a religion. BTW where are those links? you put or shut up.
Gay is not a religion.....good for you.

Gay is not a race...good for you.

Now, explain where anyone ever said that gay WAS a religion or WAS a race.

And also, while you are at it, explain why civil rights would not equally apply to Gay Americans as it would for (any race) Americans or (any religion) Americans.
You are the one that want to be a protected class, you explain. I believe you should have the sames civil rights as I do. I am not prat of a protected class. Why should you have protections, but not me?

What "protections" do you not have?
sames one you dont have or the ones that the gays are trying to get.
You mean like Christians are a protected class?
Religion is protected, too bad for you. Gay is not a religion. BTW where are those links? you put or shut up.
Gay is not a religion.....good for you.

Gay is not a race...good for you.

Now, explain where anyone ever said that gay WAS a religion or WAS a race.

And also, while you are at it, explain why civil rights would not equally apply to Gay Americans as it would for (any race) Americans or (any religion) Americans.
You are the one that want to be a protected class, you explain. I believe you should have the sames civil rights as I do. I am not prat of a protected class. Why should you have protections, but not me?

What "protections" do you not have?
same one you dont have or the ones that the gays are trying to get.

I don't feel that I'm lacking any legal protections by not being gay. Which I why I'm asking you.

What legal protections do you not have?
Religion is protected, too bad for you. Gay is not a religion. BTW where are those links? you put or shut up.
Gay is not a religion.....good for you.

Gay is not a race...good for you.

Now, explain where anyone ever said that gay WAS a religion or WAS a race.

And also, while you are at it, explain why civil rights would not equally apply to Gay Americans as it would for (any race) Americans or (any religion) Americans.
You are the one that want to be a protected class, you explain. I believe you should have the sames civil rights as I do. I am not prat of a protected class. Why should you have protections, but not me?

What "protections" do you not have?
same one you dont have or the ones that the gays are trying to get.

I don't feel that I'm lacking any legal protections by not being gay. Which I why I'm asking you.

What legal protections do you not have?
What legal protections do gays want? I am not going to play this game with you.
Gay is not a religion.....good for you.

Gay is not a race...good for you.

Now, explain where anyone ever said that gay WAS a religion or WAS a race.

And also, while you are at it, explain why civil rights would not equally apply to Gay Americans as it would for (any race) Americans or (any religion) Americans.
You are the one that want to be a protected class, you explain. I believe you should have the sames civil rights as I do. I am not prat of a protected class. Why should you have protections, but not me?

What "protections" do you not have?
same one you dont have or the ones that the gays are trying to get.

I don't feel that I'm lacking any legal protections by not being gay. Which I why I'm asking you.

What legal protections do you not have?
What legal protections do gays want? I am not going to play this game with you.


So you feel like you're lacking legal protections, but you can't say what they are.
You are the one that want to be a protected class, you explain. I believe you should have the sames civil rights as I do. I am not prat of a protected class. Why should you have protections, but not me?

What "protections" do you not have?
same one you dont have or the ones that the gays are trying to get.

I don't feel that I'm lacking any legal protections by not being gay. Which I why I'm asking you.

What legal protections do you not have?
What legal protections do gays want? I am not going to play this game with you.


So you feel like you're lacking legal protections, but you can't say what they are.

I never said I was lacking protection, you did. I said gays want a to be a protected class. So if they dont fit into one of the below catorgories, they want to have a new special one just for them


“What legal protections do gays want?”

Unsurprisingly, you don't understand.

Gay Americans currently have legal protections, the protected liberty of due process of the law.

This issue concerns the states seeking to deny gay Americans their civil rights, by denying them access to marriage law, where such measures are in fact un-Constitutional.
Jesus Christ, dude. You're building quite the persecution complex aren't you. I didn't "play" any card against you, I responded to a thread you started. That's the point of a message board. I didn't call you "hateful". If you don't want people to respond, then you shouldn't start the thread.

Please read again. You said the pastor's comments were hateful, alas saying he was hateful. I've had many liberals today use hatred as an argument, not necessarily calling me hateful in the process. Go read the threads about Rudy Giuliani if you don't believe me.

And I do want people to respond, or I would have never posted this thread to begin with. Putting it out there kind of says "hey come comment on this thread!" does it not?

He's "hateful" because the opinion that he is expressing is hate - and I compared him to the Westboro fuckheads because from my perspective, this guys "gall" that you admire so much is indistinguishable from the "gall" of the Westboro fuckheads.

So, why is it anyone who doesn't agree with or has a problem with men in size 13 or 14 shoes kissing each other on the mouth suddenly hateful? I oppose gay marriage as a personal opinion, but that has no bearing on my belief the people should be treated equally under the law. And that's just it, from your perspective. There are many more you are failing to consider.

In your opinion, would you consider someone who "doesn't agree or has a problem with" black men kissing white women in public as "hateful"?

Yes, I would. Because racism is a sin of hatred. And homosexuality is not a race. It's a sin against God Almighty. Just as racism which is caused by hatred is a sin against God Almighty.

I do not call people committing the sin of homosexuality names and I do not find their bondage to homosexuality to be funny or something to make fun of them about. Christians should not be mocking anyone.

It's very sad because homosexuality isn't something they are born with -it's demonic and they need deliverance.

What I heard from the man on the video was holy anger. He is outraged by the moral decay of society - that we have come to the point of witnessing such depraved acts between men in public - in front of small children and yet no one openly rebukes them. Not the Pastors, not the City council members, no one. Save this one man. He spoke up. To God be the Glory.
Now I will start off by saying that his views don't necessarily reflect mine, so save the "you're a bigot" or "you're a homophobe", "or where in the Bible does it say this, that or the other thing" posts. But you must admire the gall and the guts of a Birmingham Pastor named Cedric Hatcher for absolutely taking a taking a Town Hall meeting by storm, throwing political correctness to the wind to voice his mind on the topic of homosexuality.

I tell you what, hoss, Duracell didn't have no batteries on the shelf that morning.

"I know Alabama pay [sic] a lotta money yesterday. I know somebody else who paid a lotta money too: Duracell ain't got no batteries on the shelf this morning. All 'them batteries gone. I tried to find a battery for my radio this morning, couldn't find there [sic] nowhere. I said, "what happened?" They said, "Rev, them done bought all the batteries last night, they celebrated some kind of way, just bought all the batteries." I don't know what they do to batteries, but I mo preach.. I ain't going there. I don't know what they did with all them batteries."

-2:19 through 2:45

AMEN Brother! It's OK for People not to like or agree with gay marriage.

That guy in the background held it together well when the pastor got to the part about the batteries. I would have been rolling in the aisles laughing.

It was hilarious, I tell you.

God bless him I wish more were like that pastor. No gays not everybody has to like your lifestyle.

So I wonder when people are going to stand up and speak out about Islam. 21 Christians were beheaded and not much being said. the Middle East people are being beheaded...people are being burned....people are being hanged...people are being shot...people are being pushed off buildings.

Now...what does that have to do with this thread?
Or stopped straight pedophiles from becoming priests, or ministers, or fathers.....
Has the gay movement stopped gay and lesbians pedophiles from becoming parents? same difference.
So...where are those OT quotes about how S & G were destroyed because of homosexuality?
So...where are those quotes where I defended the Catholic Church gay pedophile preists? misrepresent me. It seems to be the ONLY thing you've got.
Another lie. You posted that I defended the churchs actions regrading gay pedophile priests. Put up a link to that or shut up.
You do support the church's position.....surely you are smart enough to see that that is a different thing than saying you support pedophiles.
Prove it, why would I defend a christan church's problem with hiding the fact that it has gay pedophiles in its ranks? I am neither a christan defending my faith or a fan of pedophiles.

Now please if you are going to contiunue with this accusation, you better start showing some proof. Oh yea, you cant because it doesnt exsist. STOP LYING.
Well then...where is just ONE post of yours agreeing with my position on the Catholic Hierarchy's cover up of their pedophile priests in all the times I've talked about it? Just it.
No one ever said they were.

But gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to decide for themselves how best to live their lives absent unwarranted interference by the state, where seeking to deny gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in is un-Constitutional; whether homosexuality manifests as a consequence of birth or choice has no bearing on the issue.

For the state therefore to seek to discriminate against an American because of his race or sexual orientation is equally repugnant to the Constitution.
I am fine with gay civil rights, but I am not fine with thier agenda to become a protected class.
You mean like Christians are a protected class?
Religion is protected, too bad for you. Gay is not a religion. BTW where are those links? you put or shut up.
Gay is not a religion.....good for you.

Gay is not a race...good for you.

Now, explain where anyone ever said that gay WAS a religion or WAS a race.

And also, while you are at it, explain why civil rights would not equally apply to Gay Americans as it would for (any race) Americans or (any religion) Americans.
You are the one that want to be a protected class, you explain it. I believe you should have the sames civil rights as I do. I am not part of a protected class. Why should you have protections, but not me?
You are part of a protected class based on gender...based on your race...based on your religion or lack thereof...based on your sexual orientation.
I am fine with gay civil rights, but I am not fine with thier agenda to become a protected class.
You mean like Christians are a protected class?
Religion is protected, too bad for you. Gay is not a religion. BTW where are those links? you put or shut up.
Gay is not a religion.....good for you.

Gay is not a race...good for you.

Now, explain where anyone ever said that gay WAS a religion or WAS a race.

And also, while you are at it, explain why civil rights would not equally apply to Gay Americans as it would for (any race) Americans or (any religion) Americans.
You are the one that want to be a protected class, you explain it. I believe you should have the sames civil rights as I do. I am not part of a protected class. Why should you have protections, but not me?
You are part of a protected class based on gender...based on your race...based on your religion or lack thereof...based on your sexual orientation.
And so are you, why do you need more?
Has the gay movement stopped gay and lesbians pedophiles from becoming parents? same difference.
So...where are those quotes where I defended the Catholic Church gay pedophile preists? misrepresent me. It seems to be the ONLY thing you've got.
Another lie. You posted that I defended the churchs actions regrading gay pedophile priests. Put up a link to that or shut up.
You do support the church's position.....surely you are smart enough to see that that is a different thing than saying you support pedophiles.
Prove it, why would I defend a christan church's problem with hiding the fact that it has gay pedophiles in its ranks? I am neither a christan defending my faith or a fan of pedophiles.

Now please if you are going to contiunue with this accusation, you better start showing some proof. Oh yea, you cant because it doesnt exsist. STOP LYING.
Well then...where is just ONE post of yours agreeing with my position on the Catholic Hierarchy's cover up of their pedophile priests in all the times I've talked about it? Just it.
Oh so just because I did not thank your posts, that means I support gay pedophile priests? Wow that is so lame an argument.
I am fine with gay civil rights, but I am not fine with thier agenda to become a protected class.
You mean like Christians are a protected class?
Religion is protected, too bad for you. Gay is not a religion. BTW where are those links? you put or shut up.
Gay is not a religion.....good for you.

Gay is not a race...good for you.

Now, explain where anyone ever said that gay WAS a religion or WAS a race.

And also, while you are at it, explain why civil rights would not equally apply to Gay Americans as it would for (any race) Americans or (any religion) Americans.
You are the one that want to be a protected class, you explain it. I believe you should have the sames civil rights as I do. I am not part of a protected class. Why should you have protections, but not me?
You are part of a protected class based on gender...based on your race...based on your religion or lack thereof...based on your sexual orientation.
Based on my sexual orientation? What? How am I protected on my sexual orientation, thats what you want remeber?

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