An Alabama Pastor's Epic Speech against Gay Marriage (Please finish drinking your beverage first)

Jesus Christ, dude. You're building quite the persecution complex aren't you. I didn't "play" any card against you, I responded to a thread you started. That's the point of a message board. I didn't call you "hateful". If you don't want people to respond, then you shouldn't start the thread.

Please read again. You said the pastor's comments were hateful, alas saying he was hateful. I've had many liberals today use hatred as an argument, not necessarily calling me hateful in the process. Go read the threads about Rudy Giuliani if you don't believe me.

And I do want people to respond, or I would have never posted this thread to begin with. Putting it out there kind of says "hey come comment on this thread!" does it not?

He's "hateful" because the opinion that he is expressing is hate - and I compared him to the Westboro fuckheads because from my perspective, this guys "gall" that you admire so much is indistinguishable from the "gall" of the Westboro fuckheads.

So, why is it anyone who doesn't agree with or has a problem with men in size 13 or 14 shoes kissing each other on the mouth suddenly hateful? I oppose gay marriage as a personal opinion, but that has no bearing on my belief the people should be treated equally under the law. And that's just it, from your perspective. There are many more you are failing to consider.

In your opinion, would you consider someone who "doesn't agree or has a problem with" black men kissing white women in public as "hateful"?

STOP trying to compare homo marriage to blacks in any shape or form. Homosexuals are NOT a race
No one ever said they were.

But gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to decide for themselves how best to live their lives absent unwarranted interference by the state, where seeking to deny gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in is un-Constitutional; whether homosexuality manifests as a consequence of birth or choice has no bearing on the issue.

For the state therefore to seek to discriminate against an American because of his race or sexual orientation is equally repugnant to the Constitution.
I am fine with gay civil rights, but I am not fine with thier agenda to become a protected class.
You mean like Christians are a protected class?
Please read again. You said the pastor's comments were hateful, alas saying he was hateful. I've had many liberals today use hatred as an argument, not necessarily calling me hateful in the process. Go read the threads about Rudy Giuliani if you don't believe me.

And I do want people to respond, or I would have never posted this thread to begin with. Putting it out there kind of says "hey come comment on this thread!" does it not?

So, why is it anyone who doesn't agree with or has a problem with men in size 13 or 14 shoes kissing each other on the mouth suddenly hateful? I oppose gay marriage as a personal opinion, but that has no bearing on my belief the people should be treated equally under the law. And that's just it, from your perspective. There are many more you are failing to consider.

In your opinion, would you consider someone who "doesn't agree or has a problem with" black men kissing white women in public as "hateful"?

STOP trying to compare homo marriage to blacks in any shape or form. Homosexuals are NOT a race
No one ever said they were.

But gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to decide for themselves how best to live their lives absent unwarranted interference by the state, where seeking to deny gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in is un-Constitutional; whether homosexuality manifests as a consequence of birth or choice has no bearing on the issue.

For the state therefore to seek to discriminate against an American because of his race or sexual orientation is equally repugnant to the Constitution.
I am fine with gay civil rights, but I am not fine with thier agenda to become a protected class.
You mean like Christians are a protected class?
Religion is protected, too bad for you. Gay is not a religion. BTW where are those links? you put or shut up.
Those two things aren't contradictory.

They are. If a gay person wants Christians to accept his lifestyle, he must strive to accept theirs. Otherwise, there will always be hatred between the two.

First, a gay person calls a Christian a bigot and a homophobe for being against their way of life. Then, they try to use the Bible to justify it. Next, they then ridicule the Christian for his beliefs and his way of life. So, how is that not contradictory?

You don't seem to understand the dynamics in play here. You're trying to warp the conversation into making gay people into "bigots" against Christianity, and that position isn't supported by reality.

When was the last time a gay person tried to make it illegal for Christians to get married?

The tu quoque argument will not work, Doc.

It's contradictory in the sense that a gay person accuses a Christian of trying to legislate morality, while all the same trying to legislate his way of life on others as well.

Once again, you state this from your perspective only, Doc. So when you state "this position isn't supported by reality" I am gathering it is the version of reality you espouse to. You have yours, I have mine.

No, you don't get to have your own reality.

I'm not aware of any suggested laws that would force anyone to get gay married.

Did I ever suggest there were laws forcing people to be gay? For Pete's sake Doc, I've been posting here close to 2 years now, do you seriously believe I would say something so stupid?
Yes, actually.

It would be consistent with the other stupid things you post, this thread being the most recent example.

What you're whining about is not a matter of the law, it's an issue within the context of private society, where consistent with most others on the right, you're frightened by diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty, such as a gay couple kissing in public.

Your complaint has nothing to do with same-sex couples marrying, or any other aspect of civil rights for gay Americans; the issue has to do with your unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans, the fact that you've been frustrated in the courts to use the power and authority of the state to disadvantage homosexuals, and your tactic now to contrive and propagate the lie that gay Americans are working to 'force tolerance' on the rest of the Nation.

Your 'argument' is a ludicrous as it is wrong.
Christians need to get a grip. Fagots are here to stay, get used to it.

Christians are here to stay, too. Gay people must get used to that fact as well.
To be fair I don't hear fags bitching about christians or their lifestyles. Can't say the same thing from the opposite perspective
I think one baker can disagree.
You and the baker are both ignorant of the law.
Well if the queer couple would've just been polite and respectful. They would've found a baker that supported them, but they have an agenda.
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Bodey posts lies and when she is called out on it. No links. Typical lying libturd.
It also says that wearing a cotton/polyester blend is an abomination.

Old Covenant, it was done away with by the New Covenant and it was also Mosaic Law which only applied
to Jews, you've been crushed and your Biblical knowledge is laughable

The verses calling homosexuality an "abomination" are also Mosaic law.

Except that homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament. Keep trying old fool


Matthew 19:1-8

That passage is referring to divorce, and makes no mention of homosexuality.

Romans 1:18-32

That passage describes God punishing men by making them homosexual, not condemning homosexuality.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

According to that passage, homosexuality is equated to drunkenness and adultery.

Let me know when Christians get as upset about those things as they do about the gays.

Galatians 5:19

No mention of homosexuality there, either.

Colossians 3:5-7

No mention of homosexuality.

1 Timothy 1:10

That verse refers to temporal laws, and could be interpreted as a call for making homosexuality illegal - but I see no condemnation by God.

Titus 1:16

No mention of homosexuality.

Jude 1:4, 7, and 19

No mention of homosexuality.

Revelation 21:27

No mention of homosexuality.
Old Covenant, it was done away with by the New Covenant and it was also Mosaic Law which only applied
to Jews, you've been crushed and your Biblical knowledge is laughable

The verses calling homosexuality an "abomination" are also Mosaic law.

Except that homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament. Keep trying old fool


Matthew 19:1-8

That passage is referring to divorce, and makes no mention of homosexuality.

Romans 1:18-32

That passage describes God punishing men by making them homosexual, not condemning homosexuality.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

According to that passage, homosexuality is equated to drunkenness and adultery.

Let me know when Christians get as upset about those things as they do about the gays.

Galatians 5:19

No mention of homosexuality there, either.

Colossians 3:5-7

No mention of homosexuality.

1 Timothy 1:10

That verse refers to temporal laws, and could be interpreted as a call for making homosexuality illegal - but I see no condemnation by God.

Titus 1:16

No mention of homosexuality.

Jude 1:4, 7, and 19

No mention of homosexuality.

Revelation 21:27

No mention of homosexuality.
Ahhaaa took Dr Quack 20 mins to google his response, ahhaaaaaa

Only in your fever dreams, kid.

How did that mixed fabric comment turn out for you, fool? You've been beaten to a pulp

When you get older, you'll realize that simply declaring victory does not mean you actually won anything.

Isn't that what you did a few pages back? "We are winning this fight! It will be legal in all 50 states in six months!"

This is what I mean by trying to find a "gotcha".

Nope. I did catch you doing something you were calling other people out on. That is a clear and defined example. If you don't like being called out, sorry, don't hand down judgement until you make sure you abide by it first.

No, you didn't. You really wish you did, but you didn't.

My stating that the gay marriage "side" is winning is fact. My declaration of it does not make it fact, it was a fact beforehand.

SassyIrishGirl claiming she's winning this argument is not a fact, and her declaration of victory does not make it one.
The verses calling homosexuality an "abomination" are also Mosaic law.

Except that homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament. Keep trying old fool


Matthew 19:1-8

That passage is referring to divorce, and makes no mention of homosexuality.

Romans 1:18-32

That passage describes God punishing men by making them homosexual, not condemning homosexuality.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

According to that passage, homosexuality is equated to drunkenness and adultery.

Let me know when Christians get as upset about those things as they do about the gays.

Galatians 5:19

No mention of homosexuality there, either.

Colossians 3:5-7

No mention of homosexuality.

1 Timothy 1:10

That verse refers to temporal laws, and could be interpreted as a call for making homosexuality illegal - but I see no condemnation by God.

Titus 1:16

No mention of homosexuality.

Jude 1:4, 7, and 19

No mention of homosexuality.

Revelation 21:27

No mention of homosexuality.
Ahhaaa took Dr Quack 20 mins to google his response, ahhaaaaaa

It sure did. I had more important things to get done first.
Oh...that made it SO MUCH BETTER when the Church Hierarchy hide them and moved them around for decades. Because there was a lower percentage of them...................................................wonderful.
Wont admit that pedophile priests are GAY, if you are a male and you molest a boy , you are a HOMOSEXUAL

So the Catholic Church has a problem with allowing gay men to become priests? Interesting.
Obviously they do, but that hasnt stopped gay pedophiles from becoming preists has it.
Or stopped straight pedophiles from becoming priests, or ministers, or fathers.....
Has the gay movement stopped gay and lesbians pedophiles from becoming parents? same difference.
So...where are those OT quotes about how S & G were destroyed because of homosexuality?
So...where are those quotes where I defended the Catholic Church gay pedophile preists? misrepresent me. It seems to be the ONLY thing you've got.
How did that mixed fabric comment turn out for you, fool? You've been beaten to a pulp

When you get older, you'll realize that simply declaring victory does not mean you actually won anything.

Isn't that what you did a few pages back? "We are winning this fight! It will be legal in all 50 states in six months!"

This is what I mean by trying to find a "gotcha".

Nope. I did catch you doing something you were calling other people out on. That is a clear and defined example. If you don't like being called out, sorry, don't hand down judgement until you make sure you abide by it first.

No, you didn't. You really wish you did, but you didn't.

My stating that the gay marriage "side" is winning is fact. My declaration of it does not make it fact, it was a fact beforehand.

SassyIrishGirl claiming she's winning this argument is not a fact, and her declaration of victory does not make it one.

It's obvious you consider yourself an elitist, intelligent liberal. Sadly you're not
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How did that mixed fabric comment turn out for you, fool? You've been beaten to a pulp

When you get older, you'll realize that simply declaring victory does not mean you actually won anything.

Isn't that what you did a few pages back? "We are winning this fight! It will be legal in all 50 states in six months!"

This is what I mean by trying to find a "gotcha".

Nope. I did catch you doing something you were calling other people out on. That is a clear and defined example. If you don't like being called out, sorry, don't hand down judgement until you make sure you abide by it first.

No, you didn't. You really wish you did, but you didn't.

My stating that the gay marriage "side" is winning is fact. My declaration of it does not make it fact, it was a fact beforehand.

SassyIrishGirl claiming she's winning this argument is not a fact, and her declaration of victory does not make it one.
your opinion, that she did not win this argument, is just that, your opinion. Your snarky retorts are not a win IMHO.
When you get older, you'll realize that simply declaring victory does not mean you actually won anything.

Isn't that what you did a few pages back? "We are winning this fight! It will be legal in all 50 states in six months!"

This is what I mean by trying to find a "gotcha".

Nope. I did catch you doing something you were calling other people out on. That is a clear and defined example. If you don't like being called out, sorry, don't hand down judgement until you make sure you abide by it first.

No, you didn't. You really wish you did, but you didn't.

My stating that the gay marriage "side" is winning is fact. My declaration of it does not make it fact, it was a fact beforehand.

SassyIrishGirl claiming she's winning this argument is not a fact, and her declaration of victory does not make it one.

It's obvious you consider yourself an elitist, intelligent liberal. Sadly you're not
Now, that's funny. Not only do you take it upon yourself to say who is and who is not also feel it is your place to say who is an intelligent liberal and who is not. How ever do you manage with such a burden?
Wont admit that pedophile priests are GAY, if you are a male and you molest a boy , you are a HOMOSEXUAL

So the Catholic Church has a problem with allowing gay men to become priests? Interesting.
Obviously they do, but that hasnt stopped gay pedophiles from becoming preists has it.
Or stopped straight pedophiles from becoming priests, or ministers, or fathers.....
Has the gay movement stopped gay and lesbians pedophiles from becoming parents? same difference.
So...where are those OT quotes about how S & G were destroyed because of homosexuality?
So...where are those quotes where I defended the Catholic Church gay pedophile preists? misrepresent me. It seems to be the ONLY thing you've got.
Another lie. You posted that I defended the churchs actions regrading gay pedophile priests. Put up a link to that or shut up.
When you get older, you'll realize that simply declaring victory does not mean you actually won anything.

Isn't that what you did a few pages back? "We are winning this fight! It will be legal in all 50 states in six months!"

This is what I mean by trying to find a "gotcha".

Nope. I did catch you doing something you were calling other people out on. That is a clear and defined example. If you don't like being called out, sorry, don't hand down judgement until you make sure you abide by it first.

No, you didn't. You really wish you did, but you didn't.

My stating that the gay marriage "side" is winning is fact. My declaration of it does not make it fact, it was a fact beforehand.

SassyIrishGirl claiming she's winning this argument is not a fact, and her declaration of victory does not make it one.
your opinion, the she doid not win this argument, is just that, your opinion. Your snarky retorts are not a win IMHO.

Did I claim that I "won"?
The 14th mentions homos? Where? you are:

Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Gay Americans are citizens. Gay Americans are subject to the jurisdiction thereof. Gay Americans cannot be denied the equal protection of the laws.
Still waiting on proof that I defend pedophiles? Or were you just lying ....again.
You defend the Hierarchy by your constant condemnation of posters like myself who point out what they did for decades. I have YET to hear you state that what the Hierarchy did was wrong. But you haven't hesitated to get on my case for pointing out what they did to children.
of course it is wrong, it is also wrong for you to say that I defend homosexual gay priest prdophiles, when I dont. Still waiting on that link? I have never defended the church' s actions on gay pedophile preists, you need to link to that as well. STOP LYING
Why do you continue to misrepresent my position? I do not say, nor have I ever said you support/defend "prdophiles"...but you sure rush to the defense of the Catholic Hierarchy. That is the only explanation for you condemning my statements against them and their actions over the last multiple decades. It's all about attacking ME when I condemn them with you. Now.....why would that be? Eh?
Wanted to post this again with some bigger font, since NLT must have missed it the first time.
So the Catholic Church has a problem with allowing gay men to become priests? Interesting.
Obviously they do, but that hasnt stopped gay pedophiles from becoming preists has it.
Or stopped straight pedophiles from becoming priests, or ministers, or fathers.....
Has the gay movement stopped gay and lesbians pedophiles from becoming parents? same difference.
So...where are those OT quotes about how S & G were destroyed because of homosexuality?
So...where are those quotes where I defended the Catholic Church gay pedophile preists? misrepresent me. It seems to be the ONLY thing you've got.
Another lie. You posted that I defended the churchs actions regrading gay pedophile priests. Put up a link to that or shut up.
You do support the church's position.....surely you are smart enough to see that that is a different thing than saying you support pedophiles.
When you get older, you'll realize that simply declaring victory does not mean you actually won anything.

Isn't that what you did a few pages back? "We are winning this fight! It will be legal in all 50 states in six months!"

This is what I mean by trying to find a "gotcha".

Nope. I did catch you doing something you were calling other people out on. That is a clear and defined example. If you don't like being called out, sorry, don't hand down judgement until you make sure you abide by it first.

No, you didn't. You really wish you did, but you didn't.

My stating that the gay marriage "side" is winning is fact. My declaration of it does not make it fact, it was a fact beforehand.

SassyIrishGirl claiming she's winning this argument is not a fact, and her declaration of victory does not make it one.

It's obvious you consider yourself an elitist, intelligent liberal. Sadly you're not


Whatever you say.

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