An Alabama Pastor's Epic Speech against Gay Marriage (Please finish drinking your beverage first)

The Puritans executed for sodomy and adultery.

The Founders executed for sodomy but not adultery.

Modern Christians don't execute for either. Or call for the executions for either. Nor do you.

Hmm... Now let's see... The Puritans executed for sodomy and adultery, and this on the basis that such was a manifestation of evil and destructive to the community; having recognized this as self-evident and confirmed by the scriptures.

Then... because of the dire nature of that reasoning, some came to 'feel' that those laws were too harsh. And the law was liberalized and the executions of both sodomites and adulterers were eventually, set aside.

Now... God's law, being objective, determined that homosexuality and adultery were destructive to mankind, thus destructive to civilization. Over time, SUBJECTIVE PEOPLE liberalized the enforcement of God's law.

Now... Objectivity was set aside for the easier subjectivity, on the premise that the objectivity was too harsh and the threats claimed by God's objective law were overstated, that sodomy and adultery were not as destructive as God claimed they were and that by Liberalizing the culture's enforcement, the culture would not see an increase in either.

So... the question is, which was true? God's Objective Law or The Liberal Subjective reduction in the enforcement of those laws?

Which is fairly easy to determine...

Let's consult the reader, shall we?


In your own observation of the passing cultural scene, do you find that the liberalization of the sodomy laws, have increased or decreased the effect that sodomites have on your culture?

Have the removal of laws against Adultery; which existed and passed from existence long before you or I were born... did removing those laws cause the culture to see in increase in adultery or a decrease... ?

Another way to look at it, is have families been made stronger or weaker by the subjective removal of the cultural discipline against sodomy and adultery?

Which at the end of the day, simply brings us to which, objective reasoning or subjective reasoning... which has served the culture better?

Now... you should prepare yourself for the Relativists onslaught, wherein they rain hate upon those with opinions different from them. Where they claim a right to undermine the viability of your culture, by demanding that their deviancy is perfectly normal and that YOU are a deviant for not accepting them as normal... that THEY have the right to their life, as they live it, to force perversion on you and your children, to undermine the legitimacy of your marriage, by forcing marriage to accept illegitimacy... to promote the acceptance of infidelity and the endless other examples of sexual abnormality as perfectly NORMAL!

In truth, God has not changed, thus as I have stated time and again, Nature is objective... and the concerted studied and adherence to nature; OKA: Religion is likewise OBJECTIVE.

This while the nature of the human being is SUBJECTIVE...

The former viable, the objectivity the essential element which sustains that viability, with the latter being destructive... .

Thus the necessity for the human being to focus upon the objectivity in nature, through the study of such; religion... which by virtue of the nature of the inherent evil common to humanity, can only slow the decay... what the above cited contributor is doing is what that evil does... conflating truth with falsity, demanding that the objectivity of natural law, equates with the human subjectivity... which is a deceit, fraudulently advanced, as a means to influence the ignorant.

To know the truth, you need simply ask yourself, if the liberalization of sodomy and adultery laws have improved the culture or made things worse.

Now here is the best part... You know that such have not made the culture worse, but made the culture MUCH WORSE.

Where you recognize the obvious, and perhaps... despite your own experience in adultery and/or sodomy such has been destructive to you and your own life... and by extension, made the plight of the culture: WORSE, you're practicing objective reasoning.

Where you see the obvious and rationalize that adultery has not been destructive and that removal of sodomy laws has not caused the sodomites to further infect the culture with their perverse reasoning... you're practicing subjective reasoning, OKA: Delusion... a presentation of psychosis, AKA: a mental disorder... .

See how that works?

The Puritans specifically cited the Bible and its commandments for the reason they executed both adulterers and those engaged in sodomy. Then...

Subjectivity, in defense of the assertion that your reasoning is subjective?

LOL! Not the way I'd have gone... but 'to each their own.'

And don't think that I don't appreciate it! (You've done the very best you can... .)




Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

The Reader will note it is these 4 questions that sent Keyes into his spamming fit and utterly confounded him.

1) Keyes can't tell us if killing gays and adulterers is 'God's law'. If its 'God's objective law', why would Keyes run from such a simple question?

2) Keyes can't tell us who said that the Puritans considered God's commandment to execute gays and adulterers to be 'subjective'. So far....there's Keyes. Citing Keyes.

3) Keyes can't tell us whose 'God's objective law' he are referring to. His? The Puritan's? The Founder's? The Buddhist's? The Muslim's? The Mayan's? The Zoroastrian's? The Hindu's? The Aztec's? The Shintoist's?

As they clearly don't agree.

4) Keyes can't tell us if predation on the sick and old are 'natural law' and thus 'god's law'.....despite it occurring in nature.

The Reader should not that any discussion of these issues results in the same response from Keyes: a rout. Keyes always runs from questions he can't answer, always abandons his claims, always refuses to discuss the topic once the flaws in his reasoning are revealed.

I would invite the Reader to recognize Keyes' refusal to discuss the topic or respond in any meaningful way as a demonstration of how poorly his subjective reasoning works. And how useless his claims of 'objectivity' actually are.
We set God's law into our laws? That explains Roe v Wade then, I guess.

What Roe demonstrates, is the destructive nature of subjectivity upon the viability of justice, as Roe provides for the illusion of a right without responsibility... standing in diametric opposition to nature law... thus explaining the catastrophe upon the culture that has come to the US Culture as a direct result of it.

That's a gibberish non-answer. Roe v Wade is the law of the land, thus, according to you, it must have come from God.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Your inability to refute the point is becoming tediously familiar.

Its Keyes' tell. Whenever he's lost a debate....he abandons his entire argument, refuses to address any point and bizarrely declares victory.

And elegantly demonstrates how useless his imaginary 'objectivity' actually is. As it collapses when challenged or even discussed.
These stealth I hate fags so let's flame them threads are tiresome.

Truth be told I don't think a lot of you are any better than they are.

They have a a biological misfire that makes them that way.
You believe in the most ridiculous fairy tales.

I'm really not sure who is crazier....
These stealth I hate fags so let's flame them threads are tiresome.

Truth be told I don't think a lot of you are any better than they are.

They have a a biological misfire that makes them that way.
You believe in the most ridiculous fairy tales.

I'm really not sure who is crazier....

And this is what I see as you pandering to both sides of the aisle while being a stealth Republican, Gramps.
These stealth I hate fags so let's flame them threads are tiresome.

Truth be told I don't think a lot of you are any better than they are.

They have a a biological misfire that makes them that way.
You believe in the most ridiculous fairy tales.

I'm really not sure who is crazier....

And this is what I see as you pandering to both sides of the aisle while being a stealth Republican, Gramps.
No, I just think they have medical issues & those of you who condemn them in the name of a fucking make believe God are just as bad.

How the hell am I pandering to both sides? I blast fags all the time. I find their lifestyle disgusting & abnormal. But at the end of the day they are free to be gay just like idiots are free to believe in fairy tales
This is a terrible issue to hang your hat on in politics.

The purpose for government is supposed to be to protect us from our enemies not pick & choose who's version of morality is right or wrong.
The purpose for government is supposed to be to protect us from our enemies not pick & choose who's version of morality is right or wrong.

Then tell that to the business owners who are being eviscerated for choosing to stand by their religious beliefs instead of serving homosexuals. By forcing them to, that is government dictating a set of morals to them.
I blast fags all the time.

Then why are you defending them just now?
I am not defending them. I am mocking the religious right for being so god damn obsessed with this crap.

Wait what? So we aren't allowed to make threads on the subject anymore? You just said they had a "biological backfire." Which tells me that you think they can't help being gay.
At any given time there are 2 or more why fags suck threads on the main page in politics dude. They are not created by me. Most of them aren't created by the left. Who does that leave? And why are they pertinent to politics?
I blast fags all the time.

Then why are you defending them just now?
I am not defending them. I am mocking the religious right for being so god damn obsessed with this crap.

Wait what? So we aren't allowed to make threads on the subject anymore? You just said they had a "biological backfire." Which tells me that you think they can't help being gay.
At any given time there are 2 or more why fags suck threads on the main page in politics dude. They are not created by me. Most of them aren't created by the left. Who does that leave? And why are they pertinent to politics?

So, I ask, why should that bother me?
The purpose for government is supposed to be to protect us from our enemies not pick & choose who's version of morality is right or wrong.

Then tell that to the business owners who are being eviscerated for choosing to stand by their religious beliefs instead of serving homosexuals. By forcing them to, that is government dictating a set of morals to them.
So you are White Knighting for the business owners?

Social justice warrior? That's even fucking worse
The purpose for government is supposed to be to protect us from our enemies not pick & choose who's version of morality is right or wrong.

Then tell that to the business owners who are being eviscerated for choosing to stand by their religious beliefs instead of serving homosexuals. By forcing them to, that is government dictating a set of morals to them.
Yes, we have societal morals, backed up by laws and regulations, and if you don't follow them you are breaking both the laws and our societal morals. Now you know, it's not just about you. I know how disappointed you must be...
I blast fags all the time.

Then why are you defending them just now?
I am not defending them. I am mocking the religious right for being so god damn obsessed with this crap.

Wait what? So we aren't allowed to make threads on the subject anymore? You just said they had a "biological backfire." Which tells me that you think they can't help being gay.
At any given time there are 2 or more why fags suck threads on the main page in politics dude. They are not created by me. Most of them aren't created by the left. Who does that leave? And why are they pertinent to politics?

So, I ask, why should that bother me?
The same reason if the left created "why christians are fucking stupid" threads all the damn time & posted them in politics.
I like you Templar, I just think too many of you take this issue too far and far to serious. And as I stated earlier this issue will kill republicans at the poll
Then why are you defending them just now?
I am not defending them. I am mocking the religious right for being so god damn obsessed with this crap.

Wait what? So we aren't allowed to make threads on the subject anymore? You just said they had a "biological backfire." Which tells me that you think they can't help being gay.
At any given time there are 2 or more why fags suck threads on the main page in politics dude. They are not created by me. Most of them aren't created by the left. Who does that leave? And why are they pertinent to politics?

So, I ask, why should that bother me?
The same reason if the left created "why christians are fucking stupid" threads all the damn time & posted them in politics.

Simple, I ignore them. Please, feel free to do the same and exit the thread. You cannot tell people what kind of threads they can create on this forum, such job belongs to the moderators. With all due respect, it is not your job to manage discourse and police these threads.
Yo, I Love It!!! Need more BLACK PREACHERS coming out of the woodwork!!!


I like you Templar, I just think too many of you take this issue too far and far to serious. And as I stated earlier this issue will kill republicans at the poll

Here's the catch, I'm not a Republican. I like you too Gramps, I agree with you on a lot of things. But even while I oppose gay marriage, I still stand for their right to be treated equally under the law, so long as such law doesn't infringe on those business owners with closely held religious beliefs, like that florist in IrishLass's thread.

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