an all encompassing word for the 78 so called gender pronouns the left demands people use correctly ..


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
weve all seen the results when people use the wrong pro noun when addressing a member of the dozens of different genders besides he or she that the left says exist in the world today ... many have been ridiculed and even lost their job for said mistake ... so to simplify the list so the common man and woman can use a noun when addressing a people that identify as something other than their biological sex or gender without offending the person they are addressing an all encompassing word should be allowed to be used by those who want to be on the safe side and not offend or cause pain to people that are members of said dozens of identities ... and that word should be DEMOCRAT ! for example if you are interacting with someone with 30 facial piercings ,blue hair , and breast implants but are unsure what to call it DEMOCRAT should be an acceptable label for said person .. i believe such a practice would solve a lot of conflict over the incorrect use of pronouns when describing or communicating with such people .
just make it easy and call it a democrat ...
weve all seen the results when people use the wrong pro noun when addressing a member of the dozens of different genders besides he or she that the left says exist in the world today ... many have been ridiculed and even lost their job for said mistake ... so to simplify the list so the common man and woman can use a noun when addressing a people that identify as something other than their biological sex or gender without offending the person they are addressing an all encompassing word should be allowed to be used by those who want to be on the safe side and not offend or cause pain to people that are members of said dozens of identities ... and that word should be DEMOCRAT ! for example if you are interacting with someone with 30 facial piercings ,blue hair , and breast implants but are unsure what to call it DEMOCRAT should be an acceptable label for said person .. i believe such a practice would solve a lot of conflict over the incorrect use of pronouns when describing or communicating with such people .
I don't demand you use any. You may die dumb, deaf, and blind to the needs and desires of other people in this world, they will NEVER miss you.

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