CDZ An Analogy Involving DC Riot and Abortion Clinic bombing.

If there were credible evidence that Trump called for his supporters to riot at the capitol, he would have been arrested for inciting insurrection and be awaiting a criminal trial in court.
Why did Trump force the change in the permit?

Why do fish have thumbs?

Some people believe abortion is the murder of an innocent life.

Let’s suppose Bill believes abortion is murder and he uses his right to free speech to convince others that abortion is murder. Bill becomes a leader of part of a movement to make abortion illegal because he believes abortion is murder.

Bill does a number of things to “fight” against legal abortion. He encourages people to hold rallies at abortion clinics where people hand out anti-abortion pamphlets. He encourages people to carry signs to picket and protest the abortion clinics. He might even ask people to shout “baby killer” at the abortion doctors.

However, some of the people decide to take extreme measures. After all, they believe that abortion is murder, just as Bill said. So they decide to set bombs and blow up several abortion clinics. The plan is carried out. Several people are killed in the abortion clinics including abortion doctors.

Note: Bill never told or even suggested to anyone to act violently and bomb abortion clinics. Is Bill guilty of inciting the bombing of the clinics?

Likewise, since Trump never told people to attack the Capitol Building, is Trump guilty of inciting an insurrection?
Last time I checked false equivalency was still false.

It is right there in the name.
Just because you call an analogy a false equivalency does not make it so.
You are correct, it's not my calling it that that makes it a false equivalency. Reality does that.
Perhaps you can explain the false equivalency then.
You really can't see the difference? "Bill" never promoted violence, no mater how much you want it to be true that he did.
And Trump did not promote violence, even though you want it to be true that he did.
But he did, over and over.
Some people believe abortion is the murder of an innocent life.

Let’s suppose Bill believes abortion is murder and he uses his right to free speech to convince others that abortion is murder. Bill becomes a leader of part of a movement to make abortion illegal because he believes abortion is murder.

Bill does a number of things to “fight” against legal abortion. He encourages people to hold rallies at abortion clinics where people hand out anti-abortion pamphlets. He encourages people to carry signs to picket and protest the abortion clinics. He might even ask people to shout “baby killer” at the abortion doctors.

However, some of the people decide to take extreme measures. After all, they believe that abortion is murder, just as Bill said. So they decide to set bombs and blow up several abortion clinics. The plan is carried out. Several people are killed in the abortion clinics including abortion doctors.

Note: Bill never told or even suggested to anyone to act violently and bomb abortion clinics. Is Bill guilty of inciting the bombing of the clinics?

Likewise, since Trump never told people to attack the Capitol Building, is Trump guilty of inciting an insurrection?
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.
Some people believe abortion is the murder of an innocent life.

Let’s suppose Bill believes abortion is murder and he uses his right to free speech to convince others that abortion is murder. Bill becomes a leader of part of a movement to make abortion illegal because he believes abortion is murder.

Bill does a number of things to “fight” against legal abortion. He encourages people to hold rallies at abortion clinics where people hand out anti-abortion pamphlets. He encourages people to carry signs to picket and protest the abortion clinics. He might even ask people to shout “baby killer” at the abortion doctors.

However, some of the people decide to take extreme measures. After all, they believe that abortion is murder, just as Bill said. So they decide to set bombs and blow up several abortion clinics. The plan is carried out. Several people are killed in the abortion clinics including abortion doctors.

Note: Bill never told or even suggested to anyone to act violently and bomb abortion clinics. Is Bill guilty of inciting the bombing of the clinics?

Likewise, since Trump never told people to attack the Capitol Building, is Trump guilty of inciting an insurrection?


You do understand that Trump did use inflammatory language and is guilty of motivating people to do his bidding.

And you edited out everything lied about what Trump said........
Some people believe abortion is the murder of an innocent life.

Let’s suppose Bill believes abortion is murder and he uses his right to free speech to convince others that abortion is murder. Bill becomes a leader of part of a movement to make abortion illegal because he believes abortion is murder.

Bill does a number of things to “fight” against legal abortion. He encourages people to hold rallies at abortion clinics where people hand out anti-abortion pamphlets. He encourages people to carry signs to picket and protest the abortion clinics. He might even ask people to shout “baby killer” at the abortion doctors.

However, some of the people decide to take extreme measures. After all, they believe that abortion is murder, just as Bill said. So they decide to set bombs and blow up several abortion clinics. The plan is carried out. Several people are killed in the abortion clinics including abortion doctors.

Note: Bill never told or even suggested to anyone to act violently and bomb abortion clinics. Is Bill guilty of inciting the bombing of the clinics?

Likewise, since Trump never told people to attack the Capitol Building, is Trump guilty of inciting an insurrection?

Only problem is, Trump was the leader of this country, and he holds something called the "bully pulpit". I spent 20 years in the Navy, and the CO's word was generally followed as law, no matter how much they couched their language in gentle terms. If the Skipper said it, we followed it.

He didn't say what is your point?
Some people believe abortion is the murder of an innocent life.

Let’s suppose Bill believes abortion is murder and he uses his right to free speech to convince others that abortion is murder. Bill becomes a leader of part of a movement to make abortion illegal because he believes abortion is murder.

Bill does a number of things to “fight” against legal abortion. He encourages people to hold rallies at abortion clinics where people hand out anti-abortion pamphlets. He encourages people to carry signs to picket and protest the abortion clinics. He might even ask people to shout “baby killer” at the abortion doctors.

However, some of the people decide to take extreme measures. After all, they believe that abortion is murder, just as Bill said. So they decide to set bombs and blow up several abortion clinics. The plan is carried out. Several people are killed in the abortion clinics including abortion doctors.

Note: Bill never told or even suggested to anyone to act violently and bomb abortion clinics. Is Bill guilty of inciting the bombing of the clinics?

Likewise, since Trump never told people to attack the Capitol Building, is Trump guilty of inciting an insurrection?

I'll relate it to actual occurrences in real life.

After a police killing that the BLM crowd thought was wrong, Obama denounced Dallas Police and police overall as racist, and part of systemic plot. Hours later, a sniper at a BLM rally killed 5 police officers and wounded 7. This was at a BLM rally (naturally, it wasn't much reported).

Some could say Obama's inflammatory rhetoric "incited" the BLM sniper. As a Conservative, I think individuals are responsible for their actions. Did Obama raise the temperature? Yes, absolutely. Is he responsible? No.

The same with the Bernie Sanders supporter who shot up a GOP softball game, shouting political propaganda as he did it, right after Sanders denounced all Republicans as "murderers" for not supporting his gigantic health care bill. Again, Sanders used reckless, inflammatory rhetoric, but he didn't "incite" the shooter. The shooter acted on his own.

It's the same with Trump and the Capitol riots. It's either you condemn all 3 or you absolve all 3. Consistency is important. Most leftists are incapable of holding a standard as this, and would defend Obama and Sanders as innocent while condemning Trump. To do so isn't being objective and honest, it's just political hackery. Yet, you see nearly all Democrats, nearly the entire MSM, and Big Tech participating in such low-brow debate. Sadly, it's the lowest denominator that resonates with the public. Extremism, drama, creating the worst antagonists around every corner... it's anti-intellectual, but the norm.
Yes, absolutely he did. You live in a RW Bubble!

Prove it, or get out of the big boy room and go back to the little kids zone in the main politics forum.

What is it that I am obligated to "prove" loon?
THINK before you challenge and include original quotes.
Think Fritz - THINK! :lol:


You said Trump ordered or called for the riots. You have to prove that if you want to be seen as credible.

If you have to throw in childish insults on top of discussion, I question whether you're capable to begin with.
You said Trump ordered or called for the riots. You have to prove that if you want to be seen as credible.

If you have to throw in childish insults on top of discussion, I question whether you're capable to begin with.

Yep, he surely did. You'll be finding out soon. Perhaps just prior to Donnie's imprisonment. :)
Yep, he surely did. You'll be finding out soon. Perhaps just prior to Donnie's imprisonment. :)

Okay, how do you know this? What is your proof for holding this position?

Donnie will pay settlements and fines that will bankrupt him and his crime family, and he is likely to do a stint at Club Fed.
My proof? - Have you been sleeping through the past five years Rip Van Friskus??

Donnie will pay settlements and fines that will bankrupt him and his crime family, and he is likely to do a stint at Club Fed.
My proof? - Have you been sleeping through the past five years Rip Van Friskus??

The Capitol Riots were just over a month ago. What are you even talking about?

What is your proof he ordered or desired the riots. For the third time.
Donnie will pay settlements and fines that will bankrupt him and his crime family, and he is likely to do a stint at Club Fed.
My proof? - Have you been sleeping through the past five years Rip Van Friskus??

The Capitol Riots were just over a month ago. What are you even talking about?

What is your proof he ordered or desired the riots. For the third time.

Again - WAKE UP. This is 2021, not 2015.
And inciting his violent, seditious riot is only ONE of his crimes.
Again - WAKE UP. This is 2021, not 2015.
And inciting his violent, seditious riot is only ONE of his crimes.

Are you going to print your points?

Simply giving links and expecting the person you're debating to do your homework isn't how it works.

What are your arguments. Cite your source.
Again - WAKE UP. This is 2021, not 2015.
And inciting his violent, seditious riot is only ONE of his crimes.

Are you going to print your points?

Simply giving links and expecting the person you're debating to do your homework isn't how it works.

What are your arguments. Cite your source.

Nah, we've been through Donald's criminal and seditious activities endlessly.
If you don't by now believe Dear Leader is criminal and corrupt, perhaps you too are criminal and corrupt. :confused-84:

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