An apt analogy of the Trump-Bannon breakup.....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
These two .....Trump and Bannon.....are going through a public divorce; *the love affair" is long over and what is now left is the custody battle over who gets the "children".....And, of course, the "children" are the dwindling Trump cult members...better known as the 33% that still back the orange charlatan.

Depending on the severity of GOP losses next November, congressional republicans will turn on Trump like the Roman senate turned on Julius Caesar.
Depending on the severity of GOP losses next November, congressional republicans will turn on Trump like the Roman senate turned on Julius Caesar.

Uh-huh.... if "what if's" were nickels you'd be able to afford to buy yourself some maturity, integrity and common sense.

... meanwhile back on Earth; the Republicrat Congress Critters are busy getting cozy with President Twitter as it appears he might be beginning to find his sea legs on the ship of state.
These two .....Trump and Bannon.....are going through a public divorce; *the love affair" is long over and what is now left is the custody battle over who gets the "children".....And, of course, the "children" are the dwindling Trump cult members...better known as the 33% that still back the orange charlatan.

Depending on the severity of GOP losses next November, congressional republicans will turn on Trump like the Roman senate turned on Julius Caesar.

Bannon is doing a very a very clever thing. He's been saying for at least 8 months that Trump was going down. Wants to be on right side of history and he will then primary President Pence.

The Trump Cult will follow
When did speaking the truth become wrong?

When????..................when two immature idiots engage in school yard antics, while risking the entire planet's survival over a nuke exchange......Go back to bed.
... meanwhile back on Earth; the Republicrat Congress Critters are busy getting cozy with President Twitter as it appears he might be beginning to find his sea legs on the ship of state.

Sure.......moronic Trump cultists actually "believe" that Trump is turning presidential.....LOL

My Button's Bigger Than Yours - The New York Times

LOL, getting worried are you?

... that would explain the constant flow of "Trump is going down because of %wishful thinking theory%" that emanates from your fingertips.

Personally I suspect Donald Duck is going to beat your asses again because while he's a bombastic bullshit artist your chosen lemming slice is witless and puerile, after all, they have YOU as a member. :cool:
Bannon is doing a very a very clever thing. He's been saying for at least 8 months that Trump was going down. Wants to be on right side of history and he will then primary President Pence.

The Trump Cult will follow

You're correct.....Bannon is a piece of turd.......but, he is embodying the role of the "canary in a mine" foretelling what will happen in the very near future.....and he wants a role in that scenario.
Isn't it hilarious?

Now the hero of the Moon Bats is the leader of the Alt Right.

The Moon Bats hate Trump more than they hate the Alt Right.

I love it!
Isn't it hilarious?

Now the hero of the Moon Bats is the leader of the Alt Right.

The Moon Bats hate Trump more than they hate the Alt Right.

I love it!

Steve Bannon "Hero of the American Left"

Ironic isn't it?
Steve Bannon "Hero of the American Left"

Ironic isn't it?

Who the fuck is calling Bannon a "hero" morons????

He is scum and the scumminess is indicative of WHO the orange clown surrounded himself with........Flynn,Manafort, Papadapolus, Gates, Page, et al.

Get a fucking clue, morons..........This so=called administration is imploding and only you cult members can't see it.
Steve Bannon "Hero of the American Left"

Ironic isn't it?

Who the fuck is calling Bannon a "hero" morons????
Oh.. I'm sorry that I mistook your lips firmly attached to Steve's ass as hero worship.

.... I should have realized it was just your way of saying "hello".

When did speaking the truth become wrong?

The day some douche bag came up with the brilliant idea to form political parties.

Political parties are private associations.

Are you against free association?

Only when the "free association" are organized crime families whose principle pursuit is extorting liberty and property from the citizenry.

That's all past history. My family has been in legitimate businesses for years now...

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