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An Atheists View of Kim Davis' Incarceration For Her Faith

The Kentucky law regarding marriage violated the "equal protection" clause in the U.S. Constitution, thus it was unconstitutional.

In your opinion.

The fact is that it allows any gay man to marry any woman who will take him/it, just like any other man, so there was no discrimination what so ever..

The Courts all disagree with you.

You should read why sometime.
What a way to go through life. Such programming is deep rooted and allows oneself to never think about it. His marching orders have been given and must be followed just like a good independent thinker lol

It is the Truth. I have not read a leftist in the past twenty years who had a bad thing to say about Castro or Mao or Stalin.

Well let me put an end to that- I guess it is that problem you have with not reading much.

Castro is a repressive dictator, who abused his people. Not as bad as Mao or Stalin- but bad.

Mao was a zealot- a zealot who killed millions of his own people and destroyed much of Chinese culture, while imposing a horrible political and economic system on the Chinese people.

Stalin- worst of all in my opinion- a few steps away from Hitler- Stalin murdered millions of his own people, engaged in wholesale forced migrations of ethnic groups he considered unreliable.

If you havent' read a single 'leftist' say anything bad about Castro, Stalin or Mao in the last 20 years, then you must really work to stay ignorant- but I am glad to end such ignorance for you.
I am talking about leftists with public standing. Hell you aren't even using your own name, loser.

So you are changing your story now- to only 'leftists with public standing'- thinking that will save your sorry ignorant ass?

I really wonder- are you this ignorant? Or are you just lying?

John F. Kennedy

But in the 2 years since that revolution swept Fidel Castro into power, those promises have all been broken. There have been no free elections - and there will be none as long as Castro rules. All political parties - with the exception of the Communist Party - have been destroyed. All political dissenters have been executed, imprisoned, or exiled. All academic freedom has been eliminated. All major newspapers and radio stations have been seized. And all of Cuba is in the iron grip of a Communist-oriented police state.

Castro and is gang have betrayed the ideals of the Cuban revolution and the hopes of the Cuban people.

But Castro is not just another Latin American dictator - a petty tyrant bent merely on personal power and gain. His ambitions extend far beyond his own shores. He has transformed the island of Cuba into a hostile and militant Communist satellite - a base from which to carry Communist infiltration and subversion throughout the Americas. With guidance, support, and arms from Moscow and Peiping, he has made anti-Americanism a sign of loyalty and anti-communism a punishable crime - confiscated over a billion dollars' worth of American property - threatened the existence of our naval base at Guantanamo - and rattled red rockets at the United States, which can hardly close its eyes to a potential enemy missile or submarine base only 90 miles from our shores.


JFK was not a libtard Marxist but a real classic liberal which no one leading the Dimbocratic party today is.

LOL- yeah- I knew you would just dance away from your own claims.

You are amazingly dishonest.
The Kentucky law regarding marriage violated the "equal protection" clause in the U.S. Constitution, thus it was unconstitutional.

In your opinion.

The fact is that it allows any gay man to marry any woman who will take him/it, just like any other man, so there was no discrimination what so ever..

The Courts all disagree with you.

You should read why sometime.

Apparently, his google only takes him to right wing wacko sites.

The Religious Persecution of Kim Davis - Christopher Cantwell

"The constitution of Kentucky, which 75% of Kentucky voters opted to amend in a referendum from 2004. In that amendment, same-sex marriage, or any “legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriagewas specifically outlawed. You might think that terrible, you might think it unjust, you might think it tyrannical, but that is the law in Kentucky. To throw someone into a Kentucky jail for upholding it, is nothing short of an act of war by the federal government against the state of Kentucky.

"Never believe a leftist who tells you they believe in democracy. The Kentucky constitution, that’s what democracy looks like. The ban on gay marriage approved by the overwhelming majority of Kentucky voters, that’s what democracy looks like. Subverting democracy and the constitutions of both Kentucky and the United States, that is lawlessness and aggression on a scale anarchism can barely even comprehend.

"Some say Kim Davis should just do her job, that her religious convictions do not afford her the right to break the law. But Kim Davis did her job, and the only lawbreakers here are the federal courts. She upheld the constitution of Kentucky despite the violent threats of a belligerent judiciary drunk with power. The majority in Obergefell seized powers not designated to it by any text of the constitution nor any precedent of prior court rulings. They simply decided that gay marriage was good, and thus they would violently oppress anyone who disagreed with them.

"They did so knowing it would be met with a great deal of resistance, not only from religious people, but from anyone with any regard for the constitution of the United States. So the moment that resistance presented itself, the judiciary took the most extreme measure available to it to crush that dissent, and strike fear into all who might follow her lead. Kim Davis is being held in jail, not until some sentence expires, but until she renounces her deity and conforms to the will of the court."

But the Gheys are accustomed to bending over to serve pure power, so in their view why wouldn't anyone else find life on their knees something that they can live with?

'Belief in gawd or principle? Pshaw! That is just rhetoric for losers,' says the new Ghey World we live in.
Unconstitutional! We should allow Kentucky but cut off the federal funding. Kentucky takes more federal dollars than it pays so Kentucky can suck it. We should enslave those rednecks and make them live like red dawn. Not the second one but the original with Patrick swayze.
violent threats of a belligerent judiciary drunk with power

What judges were threatening "violence"?
Still don't see what any of this has to do with atheism.
It's sad when people cry judicial activism when their views are in line with the dissenting opinion but are fine with the concurring ones. They apparently don't care about being seen as hypocrites. The Supreme Court isn't Burger King. You can't "have it my way" on every issue. Accept it and move on. It's what the adults do.
What judges were threatening "violence"?

You seriously think that the judge that ordered Davis sent to jail would not also be willing to send armed LEOs to take her by force if necessary? Behind every order from government is an implied threat of force for those who refuse to comply.

Still don't see what any of this has to do with atheism.
The author was an atheist and took a nontypical atheists perspective in that he was sympathetic to Davis' trampled rights.
He is one of the few reflective atheists remaining, unlike those one has to spoon feed every explanation of every facet of every issue so that they don't feel confused, poor dears.

It's sad when people cry judicial activism when their views are in line with the dissenting opinion but are fine with the concurring ones. They apparently don't care about being seen as hypocrites. The Supreme Court isn't Burger King. You can't "have it my way" on every issue. Accept it and move on. It's what the adults do.

It is interesting that you have no clue what the basis for objecting to the SCOTUS judicial activism was. It isn't because they decided against one perspective, its that they are supposed to judge on the basis of the law as written, instead they just make shit up and redefine words like 'marriage' that have thousands of years of history and being well defined otherwise. Labeling what two queers do when they bugger each other over a steady period of time as ;'marriage' is divorced from reality, history and any sense of reason.

The SCOTUS clearly over-reached on that decision, but then fags don't give a shit about anything other than buggering more fags, the law, morality and hygiene be damned.
The Kentucky law regarding marriage violated the "equal protection" clause in the U.S. Constitution, thus it was unconstitutional.

In your opinion.

The fact is that it allows any gay man to marry any woman who will take him/it, just like any other man, so there was no discrimination what so ever..

The Courts all disagree with you.

You should read why sometime.

I have, you presumptuous little snot.
It is the Truth. I have not read a leftist in the past twenty years who had a bad thing to say about Castro or Mao or Stalin.

Well let me put an end to that- I guess it is that problem you have with not reading much.

Castro is a repressive dictator, who abused his people. Not as bad as Mao or Stalin- but bad.

Mao was a zealot- a zealot who killed millions of his own people and destroyed much of Chinese culture, while imposing a horrible political and economic system on the Chinese people.

Stalin- worst of all in my opinion- a few steps away from Hitler- Stalin murdered millions of his own people, engaged in wholesale forced migrations of ethnic groups he considered unreliable.

If you havent' read a single 'leftist' say anything bad about Castro, Stalin or Mao in the last 20 years, then you must really work to stay ignorant- but I am glad to end such ignorance for you.
I am talking about leftists with public standing. Hell you aren't even using your own name, loser.

So you are changing your story now- to only 'leftists with public standing'- thinking that will save your sorry ignorant ass?

I really wonder- are you this ignorant? Or are you just lying?

John F. Kennedy

But in the 2 years since that revolution swept Fidel Castro into power, those promises have all been broken. There have been no free elections - and there will be none as long as Castro rules. All political parties - with the exception of the Communist Party - have been destroyed. All political dissenters have been executed, imprisoned, or exiled. All academic freedom has been eliminated. All major newspapers and radio stations have been seized. And all of Cuba is in the iron grip of a Communist-oriented police state.

Castro and is gang have betrayed the ideals of the Cuban revolution and the hopes of the Cuban people.

But Castro is not just another Latin American dictator - a petty tyrant bent merely on personal power and gain. His ambitions extend far beyond his own shores. He has transformed the island of Cuba into a hostile and militant Communist satellite - a base from which to carry Communist infiltration and subversion throughout the Americas. With guidance, support, and arms from Moscow and Peiping, he has made anti-Americanism a sign of loyalty and anti-communism a punishable crime - confiscated over a billion dollars' worth of American property - threatened the existence of our naval base at Guantanamo - and rattled red rockets at the United States, which can hardly close its eyes to a potential enemy missile or submarine base only 90 miles from our shores.


JFK was not a libtard Marxist but a real classic liberal which no one leading the Dimbocratic party today is.

LOL- yeah- I knew you would just dance away from your own claims.

You are amazingly dishonest.
No, my assertions still stands. "I have not read a leftist in the past twenty years who had a bad thing to say about Castro or Mao or Stalin." Your quotation of JFK was not within the last 20 years.

IT isn't my fault you cant read or think.
The Kentucky law regarding marriage violated the "equal protection" clause in the U.S. Constitution, thus it was unconstitutional.

In your opinion.

No, that's actually a court ruling. Read Obergefell.

You're arguing your opinion. We're arguing binding legal precedent.

The fact is that it allows any gay man to marry any woman who will take him/it, just like any other man, so there was no discrimination what so ever..

Yeah, that's the exact logic of supporters of interracial marriage bans. As it applied to whites and blacks, there was no equal protection violation. Alas, the standard of the law itself has to meet constitutional muster.

And neither interracial marriage bans nor same sex marriage bans could.
The Kentucky law regarding marriage violated the "equal protection" clause in the U.S. Constitution, thus it was unconstitutional.

In your opinion.

No, that's actually a court ruling. Read Obergefell.

You're arguing your opinion. We're arguing binding legal precedent.

No, you are arguing what yo think is the legal precedent. You don't even understand what a clerks job is, much less the Supreme Court.

The fact is that it allows any gay man to marry any woman who will take him/it, just like any other man, so there was no discrimination what so ever..

Yeah, that's the exact logic of supporters of interracial marriage bans. As it applied to whites and blacks, there was no equal protection violation. Alas, the standard of the law itself has to meet constitutional muster.

And neither interracial marriage bans nor same sex marriage bans could.

In the opinion of libtard judicial activists whose opinions can be over turned, modified in later opinions and entirely eviscerated with a Constitutional Amendment.

The best thing about this opinion is that, along with Kelo and United Citizens the SCOTUS is lining up a string of purely bullshit decisions and building up a demand for a states Constitutional amendments Article V convention.

I cant wait!
The Kentucky law regarding marriage violated the "equal protection" clause in the U.S. Constitution, thus it was unconstitutional.

In your opinion.

No, that's actually a court ruling. Read Obergefell.

You're arguing your opinion. We're arguing binding legal precedent.

No, you are arguing what yo think is the legal precedent. You don't even understand what a clerks job is, much less the Supreme Court.

Obergefell is pretty clear: a State can't deny a marriage license to same sex couples. Or refuse to recognize such marriages from other states. These were the two specific questions that the court was asked to answer.

Read the ruling some time. Its not even a little ambiguous.

And I'm still waiting for you to show us the 'several' court cases that Davis won on the matter. You'll find you imagined them all. Davis' record in court was one of perfect failure.

And of course the judge that held Davis in contempt didn't agree to take Davis' name off the licenses. That's something that deputies did while Davis took her little 'vacation'. Davis is the one still insisting that the licenses aren't valid without her signature.

She lost there too, as Kentucky is recognizing them as valid.

In the opinion of libtard judicial activists whose opinions can be over turned, modified in later opinions and entirely eviscerated with a Constitutional Amendment.

Any decision can be overturned. But until it is, its binding legal precedent.

Your personal opinion and binding legal precedent aren't the same thing. You may not be able to discern the difference. Thankfully, the courts can.
^^^ Buncha malarkey.

A majority cannot make an unconstitutional act or law stand.
10th Amendment should have been supreme rule in ths matter. SCOTUS of 5 out of control justices should never trump the people's will?
^^^ Buncha malarkey.

A majority cannot make an unconstitutional act or law stand.
10th Amendment should have been supreme rule in ths matter. SCOTUS of 5 out of control justices should never trump the people's will?

When it comes to constitutional guarantees of citizens, the 14th trumps the 10th.

Though its illustrative how often conservatives come down on the side of government power in the 'Government Power v Individual Rights' debate.
"The Religious Persecution of Kim Davis - Christopher Cantwell

"The constitution of Kentucky, which 75% of Kentucky voters opted to amend in a referendum from 2004. In that amendment, same-sex marriage, or any “legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage” was specifically outlawed. You might think that terrible, you might think it unjust, you might think it tyrannical, but that is the law in Kentucky. To throw someone into a Kentucky jail for upholding it, is nothing short of an act of war by the federal government against the state of Kentucky.

"Never believe a leftist who tells you they believe in democracy." J1 #1
I'm astonished and ashamed at how ignorant this is!

The United States Founders were extremely deliberate in NOT creating a democracy! They called democracy "mob rule".

The United States of America is a REPUBLIC!! not a democracy.

& Ms. Davis has a choice.
If she wants to continue to be paid then she is obliged to do as the law court has ordered.

If as a refined and noble woman she's too sophisticated lower herself to obey the law, then she has every legal right to resign.

If she wants the $money, she should do the $job.

resigning in protest is a noble and long-tenured American tradition.
So obviously, Ms. Davis is a refined & noble woman; just neither refined nor noble enough to give up the paycheck.
^^^ Buncha malarkey.

A majority cannot make an unconstitutional act or law stand.
lol, and Starkey reminds us all what a complete moron he is.

The vote in Kentucky was BEFORE the SCOTUs ruling genius, and because I know you wont see the relevance to that, since you are a certified idiot, the SCOTUS reversed the state of Kentucky by judicial fiat, not as you described.

Gay marriage is now legal throughout the U.S. The End.
^^^ Buncha malarkey.

A majority cannot make an unconstitutional act or law stand.
lol, and Starkey reminds us all what a complete moron he is.

The vote in Kentucky was BEFORE the SCOTUs ruling genius, and because I know you wont see the relevance to that, since you are a certified idiot, the SCOTUS reversed the state of Kentucky by judicial fiat, not as you described.

Gay marriage is now legal throughout the U.S. The End.

lol, no it wont be the end, just like Roe wasn't the end and Dred Scott wasn't the end.

This will not remain US law for the next fifty years or the USA will cease to exist.
"Never believe a leftist who tells you they believe in democracy.

What a way to go through life. Such programming is deep rooted and allows oneself to never think about it. His marching orders have been given and must be followed just like a good independent thinker lol

It is the Truth. I have not read a leftist in the past twenty years who had a bad thing to say about Castro or Mao or Stalin.

The situation is so pathetic that Hollyweird has to keep digging up old Nazi shit to play bad guys. ITs getting so old now they have to do serious flashbacks to pull it off. But what do they do after all living survivors of WW2 die and they cant even do a flashback fearscape of Nazidom? roflmao

And of course the only decent movie that did a critical take of Stalin's Russia got a complete negative review from the leftists today that try to spin all art to support their megalomaniac view of history and themselves.


The sad world of the libtard dystopian illusion is crashing to the ground and their resources are all drying up, as they have separated themselves from the values of the people they want to rule.
Here's one right here. Castro is a fossil and if he isn't already dead, should be soon. Mao was a crazy murderer and Stalin was an even crazier thug murderer. As was Hitler (whom you left out for some reason). So, you just met one.

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