An Athiest Student as she has claimed, brings a lawsuit with the help of the ACLU?

Perhaps listen to her speeches and the youtube video you listed to learn more about the situation. The school adopted it officially, that is unacceptable.

Any deviation from your faith is unacceptable.

Do you support mandatory Atheism classes in all public primary schools to offset heretical beliefs parents might be instilling in children? Maybe the use of aversion therapy and shock treatment to purge dangerous ideas from children?

Gaia is depending on you.
Adopted it in the 60s and did not require anyone to say it. All it is is a gift from a former class to the school which was paid for solely by the students via fund raisers.

Sorry but it is not offensive to anyone atheist or not who has half a brain in their head.

The great thing is this little girl cost the tax payers something to the tune of $50K because her poor little self esteem was offended.

And I've heard her on the radio she really doesn't make any compelling arguments to waste tax payer money with a stupid law suit like this.

And you haven't answered my other questions yet.

Misconception. She didn't waste taxpayer money. The school did defending their breaking of the law.


SO when are you filing suit against Obama for saying "God bless America"?

I'm sure plenty of people would the moment he says "Allah Bless America." :)

It doesn't bother me, it doesn't even effect me. But the school broke the law and tried to use taxpayer money to defend it. They could have just complied.
Perhaps listen to her speeches and the youtube video you listed to learn more about the situation. The school adopted it officially, that is unacceptable.

Any deviation from your faith is unacceptable.

Do you support mandatory Atheism classes in all public primary schools to offset heretical beliefs parents might be instilling in children? Maybe the use of aversion therapy and shock treatment to purge dangerous ideas from children?

Gaia is depending on you.

I support mandatory no religious ideology in an education facility at all. I don't even want atheism or agnosticism mentioned. It isn't the place.
Misconception. She didn't waste taxpayer money. The school did defending their breaking of the law.


SO when are you filing suit against Obama for saying "God bless America"?

I'm sure plenty of people would the moment he says "Allah Bless America." :)

It doesn't bother me, it doesn't even effect me. But the school broke the law and tried to use taxpayer money to defend it. They could have just complied.

It doesn't matter because Allah and god are one in the same.

So when are you filing the suit? After all he is breaking the law as you say.
Perhaps listen to her speeches and the youtube video you listed to learn more about the situation. The school adopted it officially, that is unacceptable.

Any deviation from your faith is unacceptable.

Do you support mandatory Atheism classes in all public primary schools to offset heretical beliefs parents might be instilling in children? Maybe the use of aversion therapy and shock treatment to purge dangerous ideas from children?

Gaia is depending on you.

I support mandatory no religious ideology in an education facility at all. I don't even want atheism or agnosticism mentioned. It isn't the place.

And this gift of a plaque did not constitute mandatory religious anything because no one was required to even read the stupid thing. In fact I'll wager that most students from the past 10 years couldn't even tell you what the damn thing said.

SO when are you filing suit against Obama for saying "God bless America"?

I'm sure plenty of people would the moment he says "Allah Bless America." :)

It doesn't bother me, it doesn't even effect me. But the school broke the law and tried to use taxpayer money to defend it. They could have just complied.

It doesn't matter because Allah and god are one in the same.

So when are you filing the suit? After all he is breaking the law as you say.

I don't care enough. If someone else wants to more power to them. Besides,

Obama is already being sued for something far more important, something I suggest you get on board with.
Any deviation from your faith is unacceptable.

Do you support mandatory Atheism classes in all public primary schools to offset heretical beliefs parents might be instilling in children? Maybe the use of aversion therapy and shock treatment to purge dangerous ideas from children?

Gaia is depending on you.

I support mandatory no religious ideology in an education facility at all. I don't even want atheism or agnosticism mentioned. It isn't the place.

And this gift of a plaque did not constitute mandatory religious anything because no one was required to even read the stupid thing. In fact I'll wager that most students from the past 10 years couldn't even tell you what the damn thing said.

Go ahead, tell me that a clearly religious display should be put in a school?

If this is ok, why don't some parents who can pay for it just decorate the entire school..

It's ok, because the children CAN KEEP THEIR EYES SHUT.
I support mandatory no religious ideology in an education facility at all.

So do you dictate that anyone working in the education facility must certify they are free of any religious belief, or just the teachers?

I don't even want atheism or agnosticism mentioned. It isn't the place.

Should children be taught that the old religions are a myth and that Anthropogenic Global Warming is the true faith?
I support mandatory no religious ideology in an education facility at all.

So do you dictate that anyone working in the education facility must certify they are free of any religious belief, or just the teachers?

I don't even want atheism or agnosticism mentioned. It isn't the place.

Should children be taught that the old religions are a myth and that Anthropogenic Global Warming is the true faith?

No, they should be under oath not to mention any belief or non belief in a school setting.

How did you get from this to Global Warming? Awesome agenda you have there.
I support mandatory no religious ideology in an education facility at all. I don't even want atheism or agnosticism mentioned. It isn't the place.

And this gift of a plaque did not constitute mandatory religious anything because no one was required to even read the stupid thing. In fact I'll wager that most students from the past 10 years couldn't even tell you what the damn thing said.

Go ahead, tell me that a clearly religious display should be put in a school?

If this is ok, why don't some parents who can pay for it just decorate the entire school..

It's ok, because the children CAN KEEP THEIR EYES SHUT.

In the historical sense yes it is OK.

Is it OK to put the ten commandments on the steps of the Supreme Court or would you rather part of our history be destroyed because of your tender sensibilities?

The invocation of a deity by students is not forbidden and that's all this was as it was not even a quote from a religious text.

And these so called children are high school students and like I said most of them probably never even read the damn thing. It's been up there for over 40 years and no one's life was utterly ruined by it as this poor little girl's. AS I said the problem is with her not the sign
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I wouldn't go to that extreme.

I would rather keep the ban in place rather than reverse it and witness a tidal wave of Christian imagery on Public property and deal with the outcry that 'we' are "shoving it down their throats".
We can witness and testify without encroaching on what is 'Caesar's'.

I'll keep my relationship with Jesus Christ private, thank you
You have a responsibilty to your children to teach them well, are you to make them ashamed of what you have taught them, and are they to hide their teachings by you when they go out into society?

You're walking a thin line with family, there, Beagle. Be careful.

I have taught my kids well.
Two of them own their own businesses.

We also understand the difference between testifying and witnessing IN public and praying ON public property.
My rights end where yours begin.

Atheists, or Muslims, or Hindus have the right, while in a PUBLIC school system, to not be subjected to any particular religion.
The SCOTUS has made that ruling.
I'm sorry you don't like it. I'm not an advocate of it, either, but I respect the rule of law and that is how i raised my children.

That being said, don't ever question another member on how they have raised their children again.
Yes you are right, families are or shouldnot be a part of any political conversation upon these blogs (which is also what I think), and you can always correct me if I am wrong on this, and it is my hopes that all of your family is doing well and good in life.. I mean that really, so excuse my probe into what it is that I was trying to find out upon what you believe in upon these important issues, in which is a belief that would possibly be passed on to another by way of those beliefs (i.e. I guess also for the same reasons in which you find yourself here speaking about these things with compassion to us & probing us as well)..I never intended nor did I think I was probing or speaking in the wrong way and/or manor here, especially in concerns of these issues to you, but you thought so, and that is enough for me..I apologize for bringing "family" at all into the conversation my friend, and it was definitely not done in a hateful or mean spirited way, but only that I was trying to get to the root of these problems in society that we have today, by understanding what it is that is being taught today in society, for which we are or should be proud of when teaching it..

Yes, I am concerned about what is being taught these days as a message to all the American children in general, in which to me the good message has strayed so far from what we once knew about our America's great past & in many cases even our present, and this for so many years now (focusing in on the good parts of course), but it is every parent, man or womans right to teach their children what they want them to believe in or is to be found out in this life by them, and I stand by that totally. If I teach anyone wrong and/or hopefully right, I have to either suffer or accept the consequences of my teachings, for I am not perfect by no means in this life myself my friend. Again I do apologize for mentioning family within my reply to you upon the issue..
You have a responsibilty to your children to teach them well, are you to make them ashamed of what you have taught them, and are they to hide their teachings by you when they go out into society?

You're walking a thin line with family, there, Beagle. Be careful.

I have taught my kids well.
Two of them own their own businesses.

We also understand the difference between testifying and witnessing IN public and praying ON public property.
My rights end where yours begin.

Atheists, or Muslims, or Hindus have the right, while in a PUBLIC school system, to not be subjected to any particular religion.
The SCOTUS has made that ruling.
I'm sorry you don't like it. I'm not an advocate of it, either, but I respect the rule of law and that is how i raised my children.

That being said, don't ever question another member on how they have raised their children again.
Yes you are right, families are or shouldnot be a part of any political conversation upon these blogs (which is also what I think), and you can always correct me if I am wrong on this, and it is my hopes that all of your family is doing well and good in life.. I mean that really, so excuse my probe into what it is that I was trying to find out upon what you believe in upon these important issues, in which is a belief that would possibly be passed on to another by way of those beliefs (i.e. I guess also for the same reasons in which you find yourself here speaking about these things with compassion to us & probing us as well)..I never intended nor did I think I was probing or speaking in the wrong way and/or manor here, especially in concerns of these issues to you, but you thought so, and that is enough for me..I apologize for bringing "family" at all into the conversation my friend, and it was definitely not done in a hateful or mean spirited way, but only that I was trying to get to the root of these problems in society that we have today, by understanding what it is that is being taught today in society, for which we are or should be proud of when teaching it..

Yes, I am concerned about what is being taught these days as a message to all the American children in general, in which to me the good message has strayed so far from what we once knew about our America's great past & in many cases even our present, and this for so many years now (focusing in on the good parts of course), but it is every parent, man or womans right to teach their children what they want them to believe in or is to be found out in this life by them, and I stand by that totally. If I teach anyone wrong and/or hopefully right, I have to either suffer or accept the consequences of my teachings, for I am not perfect by no means in this life myself my friend. Again I do apologize for mentioning family within my reply to you upon the issue..

Well, I thank you for your polite response.
Should I call you 'Sir' or 'Ma'am'?

I can empathize with the concern for the decline of Christian-type morality.
The Bible warns us of such a moving away from His Word.

We can only tend to ourselves and our own, though.
We can't, by order of the SCOTUS, "force it down others' throats".

Just be content in your own knowledge and strength in teaching others, close to you, His teachings.

To everything a season.
I support mandatory no religious ideology in an education facility at all.

So do you dictate that anyone working in the education facility must certify they are free of any religious belief, or just the teachers?

I don't even want atheism or agnosticism mentioned. It isn't the place.

Should children be taught that the old religions are a myth and that Anthropogenic Global Warming is the true faith?[/QUOTE
no they should be taught that the only true religion is this

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
I support mandatory no religious ideology in an education facility at all.

So do you dictate that anyone working in the education facility must certify they are free of any religious belief, or just the teachers?

I don't even want atheism or agnosticism mentioned. It isn't the place.

Should children be taught that the old religions are a myth and that Anthropogenic Global Warming is the true faith?[/QUOTE
no they should be taught that the only true religion is this

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
The church of the "Flying Spagetti Monster"(?), now that is the makings of a good saturday morning cartoon..Just add a liittle good guy called Mr. Spinach to that, and we would have the children back on the right track for hope once again, because, Mr. Spinach would be the sworn enemy of Spagetti Monster, you know where as in the senario or script written for the series, would have the Spagetti Monster trying always to defeat Mr. Spinach(spelling).... The kid friendly Mr."spinach" must win in the cartoon series, and Mechelle Obama will see to it that......Hurray Hurray!! LOL
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Are you going to sue every politician who invoked the deity by saying "God bless America" while on the public payroll?

Public sector employees are in general allowed religious expression provided it’s not in the context of a mandated statute or policy.
How about suing a teacher if she says "God bless you" if a student sneezes?

‘God bless you’ is perfectly fine; as with ‘God bless America,’ it’s not mandated policy.
In the historical sense yes it is OK.

That something is ‘historical’ doesn’t mitigate the fact it’s un-Constitutional. See: Lawrence v. Texas (2003).

Is it OK to put the ten commandments on the steps of the Supreme Court or would you rather part of our history be destroyed because of your tender sensibilities?

The Court has held the Ten Commandments Constitutional when displayed on some pubic buildings, particularly in conjunction with other religious text.
The invocation of a deity by students is not forbidden…

No one ever said it was.
and that's all this was as it was not even a quote from a religious text.

It doesn’t need to be, to be in violation.

And these so called children are high school students and like I said most of them probably never even read the damn thing. It's been up there for over 40 years and no one's life was utterly ruined by it as this poor little girl's. AS I said the problem is with her not the sign.

The fault lies with the school district, they should have known the law.
I can't understand why religious zealots would insist on pushing their religious beliefs in a public school. School children are a captive audience.

How would you react if your child came home and told you her atheist teacher had told the class there was no god?

How would you react if your child came home and told you that they had been kneeling on prayer rugs twice a day and praying to Allah and she asked if she could do it at home too?
If my child came home and wanted to pray to a false god like allah because other kids were doing it school I would pull her out of school so she won't get corrupted by evil.

Would you not be too late?

I used to have a neighbor that harassed people and when the arguement turned violent, he would brag about his piece that he kept in his bedroom and how he would use it if some one tried to fight him.

Turned out that "piece" was useless!:lol:
Are you going to sue every politician who invoked the deity by saying "God bless America" while on the public payroll?

Public sector employees are in general allowed religious expression provided it’s not in the context of a mandated statute or policy.
How about suing a teacher if she says "God bless you" if a student sneezes?

‘God bless you’ is perfectly fine; as with ‘God bless America,’ it’s not mandated policy.

That something is ‘historical’ doesn’t mitigate the fact it’s un-Constitutional. See: Lawrence v. Texas (2003).

The Court has held the Ten Commandments Constitutional when displayed on some pubic buildings, particularly in conjunction with other religious text.

No one ever said it was.
and that's all this was as it was not even a quote from a religious text.

It doesn’t need to be, to be in violation.

And these so called children are high school students and like I said most of them probably never even read the damn thing. It's been up there for over 40 years and no one's life was utterly ruined by it as this poor little girl's. AS I said the problem is with her not the sign.

The fault lies with the school district, they should have known the law.

Baaaaa Baaaaa

Tell me if this little delicate flower of a girl doesn't believe in god then how can she be so offended by an invocation of the deity?

The problem is not the gift of a sign that is more a part of school history than it was any mandated religious policy but the problem is with this girl. That she felt somehow her rights were violated is ludicrous. Speaking as an atheist, to be offended by that in which you believe to be nonexistent speaks more to your own inadequacies than to anything else.

All of you with a zero tolerance attitude ought to start thinking for yourself as zero tolerance = zero intelligence
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Are you going to sue every politician who invoked the deity by saying "God bless America" while on the public payroll?

Public sector employees are in general allowed religious expression provided it’s not in the context of a mandated statute or policy.

‘God bless you’ is perfectly fine; as with ‘God bless America,’ it’s not mandated policy.

That something is ‘historical’ doesn’t mitigate the fact it’s un-Constitutional. See: Lawrence v. Texas (2003).

The Court has held the Ten Commandments Constitutional when displayed on some pubic buildings, particularly in conjunction with other religious text.

No one ever said it was.

It doesn’t need to be, to be in violation.

And these so called children are high school students and like I said most of them probably never even read the damn thing. It's been up there for over 40 years and no one's life was utterly ruined by it as this poor little girl's. AS I said the problem is with her not the sign.

The fault lies with the school district, they should have known the law.

Baaaaa Baaaaa

Tell me if this little delicate flower of a girl doesn't believe in god then how can she be so offended by an invocation of the deity?

The problem is not the gift of a sign that is more a part of school history than it was any mandated religious policy but the problem is with this girl. That she felt somehow her rights were violated is ludicrous. Speaking as an atheist, to be offended by that in which you believe to be nonexistent speaks more to your own inadequacies than to anything else.

All of you with a zero tolerance attitude ought to start thinking for yourself as zero tolerance = zero intelligence

I'm offended any time what they do in the name of their nonexistent God infringes on my rights. Especially if they believe their deity gives them special right to break laws.

Whether their God exists or not matters nothing at all, the followers certainly do.

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