An Athiest Student as she has claimed, brings a lawsuit with the help of the ACLU?

No, it's not. we've basically lost our country.

I wouldn't go to that extreme.

I would rather keep the ban in place rather than reverse it and witness a tidal wave of Christian imagery on Public property and deal with the outcry that 'we' are "shoving it down their throats".
We can witness and testify without encroaching on what is 'Caesar's'.

I'll keep my relationship with Jesus Christ private, thank you
You have a responsibilty to your children to teach them well, are you to make them ashamed of what you have taught them, and are they to hide their teachings by you when they go out into society?

You're walking a thin line with family, there, Beagle. Be careful.

I have taught my kids well.
Two of them own their own businesses.

We also understand the difference between testifying and witnessing IN public and praying ON public property.
My rights end where yours begin.

Atheists, or Muslims, or Hindus have the right, while in a PUBLIC school system, to not be subjected to any particular religion.
The SCOTUS has made that ruling.
I'm sorry you don't like it. I'm not an advocate of it, either, but I respect the rule of law and that is how i raised my children.

That being said, don't ever question another member on how they have raised their children again.
We are being demonized by a group of people that even to this day denies us our natural rights as laid out by the founders of this great nation.

It is you who denies rights. You are denied nothing, there is no rights which you don't enjoy. You are the persecutor, not the persecuted. You use the government to deny first amendment rights to those who hold beliefs contrary to those you demand be established as sacred dogma.

We seek equality in the law and are being unfairly and in some cases violently persecuted.

Oh bullshit. What idiocy you spout.

You're not Jews on Kristal Nacht, your pissant Atheists running around demanding that freedom of expression be crushed, lest it offend your delicate ears and cause you to again soil yourself.

Just because we have found our voices to speak up without fear of retribution does not mean we are being bigots.

Voices to speak up? What you do is use the state to silence others. You're small minded thugs, no different than the Mullahs in Iran.

Atheists disqualified from holding office or testifying as witness - Arkansas Constitution - Article XIX. Miscellaneous Provisions - Id 307413 - vLex
Arkansas Constitution bans atheists from holding office or being a witness in court
Constitution Of The State Of Arkansas Of 1874.
Article 19. Miscellaneous Provisions. § 1. Atheists disqualified from holding office or testifying as witness.
No person who denies the being of a God shall hold any office in the civil departments of this State, nor be competent to testify as a witness in any Court.

Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights
Article 37 of the Declaration of Rights of the Maryland Constitution That no religious test ought ever to be required as a qualification for any office of profit or trust in this State, other than a declaration of belief in the existence of God; nor shall the Legislature prescribe any other oath of office than the oath prescribed by this Constitution.

General Laws: CHAPTER 272, Section 36
Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights
Massachusetts' State Constitution, Article 3 "Any every denomination of Christians, demeaning themselves peaceably, and as good subjects of the commonwealth, shall be equally under the protection of the law: and no subordination of any one sect or denomination to another shall ever be established by law."

Article 14 ("General Provisions"), Section 265
Mississippi State Constitution. No person who denies the existence of a Supreme Being shall hold any office in this state.

North Carolina's State Constitution, Article 6 Section 8
"Disqualifications of office. The following persons shall be disqualified for office: First, any person who shall deny the being of Almighty God."

PA Manual
Special Protection for the religious.
"No person who acknowledges the being of a God and a future state of rewards and punishments shall, on account of his religious sentiments, be disqualified to hold any office or place of trust or profit under this Commonwealth."
The Tennessee Constitution, Article IX, Section 2 No person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this state.
The Texas Constitution, Article I, Section 4: No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office, or public trust, in this State; nor shall any one be excluded from holding office on account of his religious sentiments, provided he acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being.

Reposting my old post.
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With that single statement you have demonstrated your absolute ignorance of the situation.

No, I have a demonstrated that you are a fucking liar.

Fact: There are no prohibitions to Atheists holding office in any state.

Like all fanatics, you lack integrity. To justify the abhorrent acts your religion is currently engaged in, you dredge up archaic nonsense from 200 years in the past and dishonestly present it as though it is current law.

Arkansas Constitution bans atheists from holding office or being a witness in court
Constitution Of The State Of Arkansas Of 1874.
Article 19. Miscellaneous Provisions. § 1. Atheists disqualified from holding office or testifying as witness.
No person who denies the being of a God shall hold any office in the civil departments of this State, nor be competent to testify as a witness in any Court.

It's not 1874, you lying fuck.


Arkansas Constitution bans atheists from holding office or being a witness in court
Constitution Of The State Of Arkansas Of 1874.
Article 19. Miscellaneous Provisions. § 1. Atheists disqualified from holding office or testifying as witness.
No person who denies the being of a God shall hold any office in the civil departments of this State, nor be competent to testify as a witness in any Court.

It's not 1874, you lying fuck.


It was adopted in 1874 and still contains it. :eusa_whistle:
This girl must really have personal issues if a prayer on a wall makes her feel unwanted and excluded.

I'm an atheist and I find it hard to be offended by the god fairy tale. It's like being offended by a Disney movie.
This girl must really have personal issues if a prayer on a wall makes her feel unwanted and excluded.

I'm an atheist and I find it hard to be offended by the god fairy tale. It's like being offended by a Disney movie.

So schools should be allowed to break the law as long as most people there agree it's ok?
It was adopted in 1874 and still contains it. :eusa_whistle:

No such provisions have merit, they cannot be invoked, the SCOTUS ruled on this over a half-century ago.

Ergo, you're deliberately lying.

{*495 We repeat and again reaffirm that neither a State nor the Federal Government can constitutionally force a person "to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion." Neither can constitutionally pass laws or impose requirements which aid all religions as against non-believers,[10] and neither can aid those religions based on a belief in the existence of God as against those religions founded on different beliefs.[11]}

- Google Scholar

You're a desperate little thug, spewing the demagoguery of your pathetic religion.
It was adopted in 1874 and still contains it. :eusa_whistle:

No such provisions have merit, they cannot be invoked, the SCOTUS ruled on this over a half-century ago.

Ergo, you're deliberately lying.

{*495 We repeat and again reaffirm that neither a State nor the Federal Government can constitutionally force a person "to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion." Neither can constitutionally pass laws or impose requirements which aid all religions as against non-believers,[10] and neither can aid those religions based on a belief in the existence of God as against those religions founded on different beliefs.[11]}

- Google Scholar

You're a desperate little thug, spewing the demagoguery of your pathetic religion.

Every congress session is opened with a prayer to the Christian God. Put that in your fucking book.

In God we trust is on our money, and in our government.

You tell me if we are being represented properly, with 18% of our population and the largest growing group in the US, we have 0.001% representation in the government.

You have no idea what an atheist even is.
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Every congress session is opened with a prayer to the Christian God.


BTW, there have been sessions opened with prayers by Rabbis, Imams and a Buddhist. Again, you present falsehood in order to justify your bigotry.

Regardless, I could not possibly care less about the Christian god. It means no more to me than a prayer to Superman.

But then, I have no competing religion to promote - you do.

Put that in your fucking book.


I'm not a religious man, so who cares? Why would I be outraged that a competing god was prayed to? I leave that to fanatics like you.

In God we trust is on our money, and in our government.

You tell me if we are being represented properly, with 18% of our population and the largest growing group in the US, we have 0.001% representation in the government.

I don't give a fuck about your silly little religion. I care about liberty, and that's where we clash. You and your religion are a bunch of thugs who storm the nation denying first amendment rights to those who don't believe the way you demand they believe.

You're no different than the Mullahs in Iran - not one bit.

You have no idea what an atheist even is.

An Atheist is a small minded turd, seeking to impose his faith by force on others.
Every congress session is opened with a prayer to the Christian God.


BTW, there have been sessions opened with prayers by Rabbis, Imams and a Buddhist. Again, you present falsehood in order to justify your bigotry.

Regardless, I could not possibly care less about the Christian god. It means no more to me than a prayer to Superman.

But then, I have no competing religion to promote - you do.

Put that in your fucking book.


I'm not a religious man, so who cares? Why would I be outraged that a competing god was prayed to? I leave that to fanatics like you.

In God we trust is on our money, and in our government.

You tell me if we are being represented properly, with 18% of our population and the largest growing group in the US, we have 0.001% representation in the government.

I don't give a fuck about your silly little religion. I care about liberty, and that's where we clash. You and your religion are a bunch of thugs who storm the nation denying first amendment rights to those who don't believe the way you demand they believe.

You're no different than the Mullahs in Iran - not one bit.

You have no idea what an atheist even is.

An Atheist is a small minded turd, seeking to impose his faith by force on others.

Petty small-minded bigot. I feel sorry for you in a way.

I'll leave you to wallow in your ignorance, hopefully you won't drown in it some day.

Or drown someone else because of it.
This girl must really have personal issues if a prayer on a wall makes her feel unwanted and excluded.

I'm an atheist and I find it hard to be offended by the god fairy tale. It's like being offended by a Disney movie.

So schools should be allowed to break the law as long as most people there agree it's ok?

This so called prayer was not a quote from scripture it was written by a student 40 years ago.

All it did was invoke the deity. Students were not required to memorize it, or even read it for that matter. It was part of the school's history that's all.

Tell me are you going to sue the Government to take the ten commandments off the steps of the Supreme Court?

Are you going to sue every politician who invoked the deity by saying "God bless America" while on the public payroll?

How about suing a teacher if she says "God bless you" if a student sneezes?

This is not about anything but a little girl with such low self esteem that she is offended at the drop of a hat.
This girl must really have personal issues if a prayer on a wall makes her feel unwanted and excluded.

I'm an atheist and I find it hard to be offended by the god fairy tale. It's like being offended by a Disney movie.

So schools should be allowed to break the law as long as most people there agree it's ok?

This so called prayer was not a quote from scripture it was written by a student 40 years ago.

All it did was invoke the deity. Students were not required to memorize it, or even read it for that matter. It was part of the school's history that's all.

Tell me are you going to sue the Government to take the ten commandments off the steps of the Supreme Court?

Are you going to sue every politician who invoked the deity by saying "God bless America" while on the public payroll?

How about suing a teacher if she says "God bless you" if a student sneezes?

This is not about anything but a little girl with such low self esteem that she is offended at the drop of a hat.

Perhaps listen to her speeches and the youtube video listed to learn more about the situation. The school adopted it officially, that is unacceptable.
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So schools should be allowed to break the law as long as most people there agree it's ok?

This so called prayer was not a quote from scripture it was written by a student 40 years ago.

All it did was invoke the deity. Students were not required to memorize it, or even read it for that matter. It was part of the school's history that's all.

Tell me are you going to sue the Government to take the ten commandments off the steps of the Supreme Court?

Are you going to sue every politician who invoked the deity by saying "God bless America" while on the public payroll?

How about suing a teacher if she says "God bless you" if a student sneezes?

This is not about anything but a little girl with such low self esteem that she is offended at the drop of a hat.

Perhaps listen to her speeches and the youtube video you listed to learn more about the situation. The school adopted it officially, that is unacceptable.

Adopted it in the 60s and did not require anyone to say it. All it is is a gift from a former class to the school which was paid for solely by the students via fund raisers.

Sorry but it is not offensive to anyone atheist or not who has half a brain in their head.

The great thing is this little girl cost the tax payers something to the tune of $50K because her poor little self esteem was offended.

And I've heard her on the radio she really doesn't make any compelling arguments to waste tax payer money with a stupid law suit like this.

And you haven't answered my other questions yet.
This so called prayer was not a quote from scripture it was written by a student 40 years ago.

All it did was invoke the deity. Students were not required to memorize it, or even read it for that matter. It was part of the school's history that's all.

Tell me are you going to sue the Government to take the ten commandments off the steps of the Supreme Court?

Are you going to sue every politician who invoked the deity by saying "God bless America" while on the public payroll?

How about suing a teacher if she says "God bless you" if a student sneezes?

This is not about anything but a little girl with such low self esteem that she is offended at the drop of a hat.

Perhaps listen to her speeches and the youtube video you listed to learn more about the situation. The school adopted it officially, that is unacceptable.

Adopted it in the 60s and did not require anyone to say it. All it is is a gift from a former class to the school which was paid for solely by the students via fund raisers.

Sorry but it is not offensive to anyone atheist or not who has half a brain in their head.

The great thing is this little girl cost the tax payers something to the tune of $50K because her poor little self esteem was offended.

And I've heard her on the radio she really doesn't make any compelling arguments to waste tax payer money with a stupid law suit like this.

And you haven't answered my other questions yet.

Misconception. She didn't waste taxpayer money. The school did defending their breaking of the law.
Perhaps listen to her speeches and the youtube video you listed to learn more about the situation. The school adopted it officially, that is unacceptable.

Adopted it in the 60s and did not require anyone to say it. All it is is a gift from a former class to the school which was paid for solely by the students via fund raisers.

Sorry but it is not offensive to anyone atheist or not who has half a brain in their head.

The great thing is this little girl cost the tax payers something to the tune of $50K because her poor little self esteem was offended.

And I've heard her on the radio she really doesn't make any compelling arguments to waste tax payer money with a stupid law suit like this.

And you haven't answered my other questions yet.

Misconception. She didn't waste taxpayer money. The school did defending their breaking of the law.


SO when are you filing suit against Obama for saying "God bless America"?

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