An Athiest Student as she has claimed, brings a lawsuit with the help of the ACLU?

You really need a better argument to parrot.


Son, you keep tossing out your mindless bigotry, and I keep eviscerating you.

Fallacy of Equivocation, you must support that it was their atheism that was the cause of their murder.

Mao directly stated it was - good enough for me.

I can cite direct evidence that the murder of atheists by the religious is CAUSED BY THEIR RELIGION DIRECTLY.

Can you?

Go for it. See if you can break 10,000. (we both know you can't - like all bigots, your prejudices have no basis in fact.)

You're a bigot and a moron.

The Greatest Killer

Atheism is a religion of the stupid.

True statement.

Oh no, evidence from a biased site! However will I respond to that!

Next you will cite conservapedia. :)


You clearly have no interest in any sort of truth.

You keep calling me a bigot but all I've heard from you is Muslim and atheist bashing.
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"Atheism is just another religion." or "It takes faith to be an atheist."

There are several errors in such an assumption. Primary among them is that atheism is descriptive of a singular characteristic: a lack of belief in a god or gods. Quite literally anything else is negotiable. It's possible for an atheist to believe that ghosts exist, for example, so long as those ghosts aren't gods. Theism, the counterpart to atheism, is also not a religion. Religion requires doctrine, rituals, and other bells and whistles.

That, however, may not be enough to convince someone inclined toward the belief that atheism is some sort of religion. Luckily, there are many other common characteristics of religions:

Sacred objects, sacred places, sacred times or days

There is no concept of "sacred" inherent to atheism.

Rituals focused on the above

Being atheist just is. There is nothing that needs to be done to become an atheist or remain one save not believing in gods.

Making statements on existence, either current or origin

These things are often claimed by religions in the form of creation myths. Atheism has no such thing.

Providing a philosophy

"Lack of belief in a god or gods" doesn't speak to how to live. The society one lives in does.

Providing a world view

The religious version is often basically "God did it" and builds from there. Atheism has no such thing.

Providing a moral code

These things are inherent to humanity in general. Most people regardless of belief (or lack thereof) will agree that it's wrong to shoot someone in the face, for instance. Atheism itself makes no statements on morals or behavior.

Courtesy of Reddit FAQ.
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Hearsay, antidotal, unsubstantiated, and irrelevant.


At any rate, the evidence supporting the claim is overwhelming.

The Constitution and its case law disagree with you, as you exhibit your ignorance.

The constitution is silent on the passive display of constitutionally protected speech. The latter part of the brought about an assault on religious liberty. There is case law supporting the persecution of religious views that differ from state mandates. There is no constitutional support, which you wouldn't know, since you have never seen the constitution.

No, not if it doesn’t comport with relevant case law.

Case law which conflicts with the constitution is irrelevant.

Non sequitur.

Concepts beyond your grasp are legion.

Ignorance and hate rather than facts and reasoning, typical of many on the right.

Ignorance and hate define your petty little religion. I see no ability to reason in you, nor to spell or compose a grammatically correct sentence.
Hearsay, antidotal, unsubstantiated, and irrelevant.


At any rate, the evidence supporting the claim is overwhelming.

The Constitution and its case law disagree with you, as you exhibit your ignorance.

The constitution is silent on the passive display of constitutionally protected speech. The latter part of the brought about an assault on religious liberty. There is case law supporting the persecution of religious views that differ from state mandates. There is no constitutional support, which you wouldn't know, since you have never seen the constitution.

Case law which conflicts with the constitution is irrelevant.

Non sequitur.

Concepts beyond your grasp are legion.

Ignorance and hate rather than facts and reasoning, typical of many on the right.

Ignorance and hate define your petty little religion. I see no ability to reason in you, nor to spell or compose a grammatically correct sentence.

You are welcome to attempt to bring your case before a judge, you have that right as a citizen.
I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be happy to give you the money to do it.
You are welcome to attempt to bring your case before a judge, you have that right as a citizen.
I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be happy to give you the money to do it.

What case?

I'm saying that these stupid little bigots who scream that passive displays of ideas they cannot tolerate are pissants who deserve to be pissed on. I'm saying that these small minded fucks who demand that they be shielded lest they ever be exposed to words that offend their religious views can move to fucking Iran, where others share their desire to silence and censor any thought or expression that fails to meet with the state religion.

You don't like words that reference a competing faith? Too fucking bad, grow up and stop cramming your hokey religion down the gullet of everyone else.

I'm tired of the mindless bigotry of the Atheists - fuck them, little tyrants.
You are welcome to attempt to bring your case before a judge, you have that right as a citizen.
I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be happy to give you the money to do it.

What case?

I'm saying that these stupid little bigots who scream that passive displays of ideas they cannot tolerate are pissants who deserve to be pissed on. I'm saying that these small minded fucks who demand that they be shielded lest they ever be exposed to words that offend their religious views can move to fucking Iran, where others share their desire to silence and censor any thought or expression that fails to meet with the state religion.

You don't like words that reference a competing faith? Too fucking bad, grow up and stop cramming your hokey religion down the gullet of everyone else.

I'm tired of the mindless bigotry of the Atheists - fuck them, little tyrants.
True nonsense.

Indeed, there really is no such thing as ‘atheism’ to begin with, as there was never anything to not believe in in the first place.

If you had no belief, you would not be so threatened and thus spend such effort in censoring the ideas that threaten you.

This thread is just today's example of Atheisms war against any ideas that offends the faith...

I went to a Chinese restaurant and saw a statue of the Buddha. Oddly, I had no desire to call the ACLU or other hate group to demand that it be removed.

I don't believe in Buddhism, so it has no power over me, nor effect on me one way or the other.

The small minded bigots we call Atheists, lack such clarity of mind and belief.
Not plagiarism, you should read it for yourself, it might help you understand why you're being such a massive bigot.

Ah, so you taking words you did not write and posting them on a forum is not plagiarism. Just as the use of the government to prohibit words that offend your religious beliefs is not censorship and bigotry...
Not plagiarism, you should read it for yourself, it might help you understand why you're being such a massive bigot.

Ah, so you taking words you did not write and posting them on a forum is not plagiarism. Just as the use of the government to prohibit words that offend your religious beliefs is not censorship and bigotry...

Last I checked plagiarism is wrongful appropriation. Take it up with Why don't you ask if what I did was considered wrongful. :)

Also, man up and stop changing the subject.
Last I checked plagiarism is wrongful appropriation.

You posted the words of another sans citation as if they were your own.

That's plagiarism.

Take it up with Why don't you ask if what I did was considered wrongful. :)

Also, man up and stop changing the subject.

You are irrational.

Man up and accept you were busted, red handed.
Last I checked plagiarism is wrongful appropriation.

You posted the words of another sans citation as if they were your own.

That's plagiarism.

Take it up with Why don't you ask if what I did was considered wrongful. :)

Also, man up and stop changing the subject.

You are irrational.

Man up and accept you were busted, red handed.

I at no point claimed it was my work. Nor was it implied.

Stop changing the subject.

Spend some time there, you might learn something for once.
First off, religion has literally no place in the education of our children for the future to compete with other countries going forwards. We are the only country in the world that has people who consistently attempt to muscle their religion into schools with such fervor.

Second, this prayer was obvious Christian, with phrases such as "heavenly Father" and "Amen" in it. Last I checked not everyone is Christian.

3rd, Thomas Jefferson was very explicit when he said that the US was not founded on Christian principles.
Ohhhhh brother, why don't people understand that these issues are not really all that complex (?), and if handled properly they can be worked out to suit everyone at any given time in America, but there is a group or groups out there, that fight everything in so many idiotic ways, that it is simply pathetic.

The thing that concerns me most, is how the majority who want good to come out of these issues or situations found in America, in which are just trying to keep the good that they already had for the last 49 years, are mostly being denide their rights and/or freedoms more so than these groups who are trying to always take those rights and freedoms away from them.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Atheists are the only group in the entire fucking united states that are not allowed to hold a public office in some states.
Cursing doesn't help your cause or rebuttal at all here, infact it shows a huge ignorance to be found when use this kind of speak, and usually it leads one straight to the main culprits of all of the mess we are experiencing in this nation to date.

Sadly these days, it is a mess in which this nation is experiencing against the citizens will and/or it's wantings to be found in a huge majority, and that is still found comfortably within a huge margin of voters in America, where as it is their hopes or wants to have things back the way they were once again, but only upon some (not all) very important issues that which they care so much for, but they are always being beaten back and held back by a small group of people, for whom their number is just a few, and for whom have an interesting way of expressing themselves with their limited vocabulary in curse words, especially when the going gets tough for fear of a roll back in their minds.
Ohhhhh brother, why don't people understand that these issues are not really all that complex (?), and if handled properly they can be worked out to suit everyone at any given time in America, but there is a group or groups out there, that fight everything in so many idiotic ways, that it is simply pathetic.

The thing that concerns me most, is how the majority who want good to come out of these issues or situations found in America, in which are just trying to keep the good that they already had for the last 49 years, are mostly being denide their rights and/or freedoms more so than these groups who are trying to always take those rights and freedoms away from them.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Atheists are the only group in the entire fucking united states that are not allowed to hold a public office in some states.
Cursing doesn't help your cause or rebuttal at all here, infact it shows a huge ignorance to be found when use this kind of speak, and usually it leads one straight to the main culprits of all of the mess we are experiencing in this nation to date.

Sadly these days, it is a mess in which this nation is experiencing against the citizens will and/or it's wantings to be found in a huge majority, and that is still found comfortably within a huge margin of voters in America, where as it is their hopes or wants to have things back the way they were once again, but only upon some (not all) very important issues that which they care so much for, but they are always being beaten back and held back by a small group of people, for whom their number is just a few, and for whom have an interesting way of expressing themselves with their limited vocabulary in curse words, especially when the going gets tough for fear of a roll back in their minds.

Sure, just skip the entire thread you started. That's cool.

Last I checked the linguistic capability of a person extends to being capable of displaying emotional disgust to a certain idea with the use of strong language to exemplify the context of the statement.
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Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Atheists are the only group in the entire fucking united states that are not allowed to hold a public office in some states.

Do you have a link? Anything to prove what you just said?

Remember, not getting elected is not the same as "not allowed".


Atheists disqualified from holding office or testifying as witness - Arkansas Constitution - Article XIX. Miscellaneous Provisions - Id 307413 - vLex

Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights

General Laws: CHAPTER 272, Section 36
Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights

Article 14 ("General Provisions"), Section 265

PA Manual
Special Protection for the religious.
The Tennessee Constitution, Article IX, Section 2 No person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this state.

Texas Constitution and Statutes - Home
The Texas Constitution, Article I, Section 4: No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office, or public trust, in this State; nor shall any one be excluded from holding office on account of his religious sentiments, provided he acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being.
Wow, and I thought the consensus was as is found today among the nanny state crowd, (for whom feel they are in a majority in this nation now maybe), that there has always been a solid seperation of church and state found in our government(s) in this nation, but it apears by your links given, that it has defintely not been the case as is shown in history, so can you keep going with more links? Maybe we can get to the bottom of where we have all went wrong soon or exactly why we should have allowed them to join the frey since then..

It apears that someone has been lying to the masses about a supposed longstanding seperation between church and state/government in this nation, so it apears that the opposite (i.e. to the contrary) is being found upon many occasions in which you have given by these links, so do tell us more if you will....

History is always good to have upon many instances, and this is one of those instances. B )

Hmmm, we may need to check and see why they didnot allow the "Athiest" these things back then (i.e. to hold office and such), and this by looking at what the results of these allowances are or have been in affect of upon this nation to date, and/or has been found out the whole meaning of in this nation since being allowed to date as opposed to back then. This was interesting is all.. Thanks!
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Our only recourse is a change in Administration and Appointees that would hear a case to reverse it.
It ain't gonna happen, Cap'n.

No, it's not. we've basically lost our country.

I wouldn't go to that extreme.

I would rather keep the ban in place rather than reverse it and witness a tidal wave of Christian imagery on Public property and deal with the outcry that 'we' are "shoving it down their throats".
We can witness and testify without encroaching on what is 'Caesar's'.

I'll keep my relationship with Jesus Christ private, thank you
You have a responsibilty to your children to teach them well, are you to make them ashamed of what you have taught them, and are they to hide their teachings by you when they go out into society?
If any of our Christian friends really want to understand where this is coming from, all that's necessary is to imagine a child of yours attending the same school, with the same message on the wall bracketed by any of the following instead of "our heavenly Father" and "Amen":

"In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful . . . In peace."

"O Great Mother, hear our plea . . . So mote it be."

Either of those would also violate the First Amendment. Do you understand why now?

Incidentally, an issue of this kind from a Neopagan perspective DID come up some years ago. A town in Georgia that happened to have a majority Pagan population (how the heck that happened I have no idea), passed an ordinance to declare a certain day "Earth Religion Day." I signed a petition asking that the ordinance be repealed, and included a personal note explaining that, as a Pagan, I was very conscious of being in the minority in this country, and the First Amendment's prohibition on establishment of religion is there to protect us as much as anything. If we can do this, I explained, so can they -- and there are more of them.

The ordinance was repealed before a case could be brought by non-Pagan residents. But they'd have won the case, and rightly so.

Well, I believe you're wrong. I would have no problem with Allah. Just because I'm not Muslim doesn't mean other people aren't and I'm more than willing to learn something from them. Same with all other religions.

I would have no problem with an Earth Religion Day. Christmas is a national holiday. Thanksgiving is a national holiday. What's wrong with an "earth religion day"?

So if they adopted it as their school prayer you wouldn't have a problem? Can you really say the same about a majority of Christians? Considering the reaction to this case.
We will never know, because pure democracy is not practiced here in this nation, and the majorities vote or voice is being supressed in this nation for a specific reasoning, and this is what brings all the confusion and problems (growing pains) that we are having with all this stuff to date into play. I say have faith in the voting booth and our democracy right now, instead of fearing it.

Let's let the true majority speak again in this nation, oh but that true majority doesn't represent what certain groups want as a true majority as of yet, but as soon as they think they have aquired their majority, then you will see the willingness to put many things to a vote become the norm again, because they (those who disagree now with the silenced majority) will want it recorded that they have finally taken over this nation.
Do you have a link? Anything to prove what you just said?

Remember, not getting elected is not the same as "not allowed".


Atheists disqualified from holding office or testifying as witness - Arkansas Constitution - Article XIX. Miscellaneous Provisions - Id 307413 - vLex

Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights

General Laws: CHAPTER 272, Section 36
Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights

Article 14 ("General Provisions"), Section 265

PA Manual
Special Protection for the religious.

Texas Constitution and Statutes - Home
The Texas Constitution, Article I, Section 4: No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office, or public trust, in this State; nor shall any one be excluded from holding office on account of his religious sentiments, provided he acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being.
Wow, and I thought the consensus was as is found today among the nanny state crowd, (for whom feel they are in a majority in this nation now maybe), that there has always been a solid seperation of church and state found in our government(s) in this nation, but it apears by your links given, that it has defintely not been the case as is shown in history, so can you keep going with more links? Maybe we can get to the bottom of where we have all went wrong soon or exactly why we should have allowed them to join the frey since then..

It apears that someone has been lying to the masses about a supposed longstanding seperation between church and state/government in this nation, so it apears that the opposite (i.e. to the contrary) is being found upon many occasions in which you have given by these links, so do tell us more if you will....

History is always good to have upon many instances, and this is one of those instances. B )

Hmmm, we may need to check and see why they didnot allow the "Athiest" these things back then (i.e. to hold office and such), and this by looking at what the results of these allowances are or have been in affect of upon this nation to date, and/or has been found out the whole meaning of in this nation since being allowed to date as opposed to back then. This was interesting is all.. Thanks!

We are being demonized by a group of people that even to this day denies us our natural rights as laid out by the founders of this great nation. We seek equality in the law and are being unfairly and in some cases violently persecuted. Just because we have found our voices to speak up without fear of retribution does not mean we are being bigots.

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