An Elizabeth Warren Quote Spreading On Social Media; Any Brainy Responses?

Does this mean you will not be voting for a woman that gets 300K or more for giving a speech.
She is also willing to increase the amount of taxes she pays on that $300K

Something Republicans aren't

And that is relevant to what?

How does that help anyone? And I am speaking of the total culture... from her up?

Let me explain how it it is relevant

Conservatives are always screaming.....Aha!....Liz Warren is rich, therefore she is a hypocrit for complaining about the wealthy

The difference is that Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much

Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

There have always been rich liberals willing to raise taxes. So what?

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much

Who? Where? Link?

Did you miss the Romney 47% quote that cost him the election?

That did not cost him the Election. He put the kid gloves on when it came to Benghazi. Regarding the 47% comment, the 47% he was referring to was the class that pays NO taxes while receiving a significant volume of the entitlements. While I do not believe that 100% of the 47% was not going to vote for him, it is a safe bet that 90% of the 47% was not going to vote for him. Stating an obvious fact does not cost one the election.
She is also willing to increase the amount of taxes she pays on that $300K

Something Republicans aren't

And that is relevant to what?

How does that help anyone? And I am speaking of the total culture... from her up?

Let me explain how it it is relevant

Conservatives are always screaming.....Aha!....Liz Warren is rich, therefore she is a hypocrit for complaining about the wealthy

The difference is that Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much

Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

There have always been rich liberals willing to raise taxes. So what?

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much

Who? Where? Link?

Did you miss the Romney 47% quote that cost him the election?

That did not cost him the Election. He put the kid gloves on when it came to Benghazi. Regarding the 47% comment, the 47% he was referring to was the class that pays NO taxes while receiving a significant volume of the entitlements. While I do not believe that 100% of the 47% was not going to vote for him, it is a safe bet that 90% of the 47% was not going to vote for him. Stating an obvious fact does not cost one the election.

The Quote "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
Did you miss the Romney 47% quote that cost him the election? So no luck finding any rich conservatives who blame the poor for having too much?

Romney lost the election because Romney was ruse... he was SELECTED to run, to LOSE the election.


The Left chose Romney... Romney lost.

Where's the mystery?

You stop taking that medication for Paranoia?




(Reader, reflect back upon the run-up to the 2012 election... take a quick mental count of how many threads you participated in during the primaries and recall may many times that you heard one of the in-house comrades declare that "Romney is the only chance you have ... ." Recall the number of Cable News interviews... where did the "Moderates" come down? ROMNEY!

I said... "Romney can't win, because Romney is Leftist-lite... and when a Leftist is running against Leftist-lite, that sets the contest between two Leftists. Thus the Best Leftist is going to win." And I can't take credit for it, because that's just a law of nature... .

I and every other American stated that the GOP should select an American and in so doing that would set the contest between which is the best American. At which time the Left is shoved out of the contest and the American wins in a landslide.

Now in 2012, that was an election which obama could not win... 4 years of unprecedented stagnation, the US Global War On Islam was turned to favor Islam... Unemployment was still in double digits on all legitimate calculations of the U3.

The Left lost in aggregate across the board. Local, State and Federal... But they won in the Presidential campaign by a narrow margin. With MASSIVE ELECTION FRAUD being witnessed in every Leftist precinct.

LOL! In Dade/Broward here in Florida, They got a court order to leave the polls open for 24 hours beyond the legal threshold, because they didn't have enough ballots... in EVERY SINGLE PRECINCT ACROSS THE REGION. Oddly enough NOT A SINGLE Republican controlled precinct failed to print enough ballots.

The conventional wisdom is that Republicans didn't show up.

But I voted at 6:00am at my district... Number four in line when the door opened. (Wouldve been #1, but no one was there when I first got there and I went to the store on the corner for Coffee...) By the time I voted, the Line went down the parking lot with people lined up for 150 yards down the street. I guessed that there were 300 people in line by 6:15am.

I've voted at that precinct for nearly 20 years... I've never seen anything close in terms of turn out.

So that tells us that they Left LIED... tossing Republican Ballots and filling out massive numbers of fraudulent ballots for the Left.

So, ya had a combo of a Prog Republican running against a desperate MACHINE, which defrauded the electorate through MASSIVE ELECTION FRUAD.

Reader, further recall that 2012 was the election where Lois Learner and cult are known to have abused the power of the Executive Branch to prevent the Tea Party from effectively organizing... .)

The Quote "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

That was actually one of the most effective things that Romney said. And it's not even remotely debatable.

Meaning that it is an irrefutable fact.
She is also willing to increase the amount of taxes she pays on that $300K

Something Republicans aren't

And that is relevant to what?

How does that help anyone? And I am speaking of the total culture... from her up?

Let me explain how it it is relevant

Conservatives are always screaming.....Aha!....Liz Warren is rich, therefore she is a hypocrit for complaining about the wealthy

The difference is that Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much

Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

There have always been rich liberals willing to raise taxes. So what?

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much

Who? Where? Link?

Did you miss the Romney 47% quote that cost him the election?

That did not cost him the Election. He put the kid gloves on when it came to Benghazi. Regarding the 47% comment, the 47% he was referring to was the class that pays NO taxes while receiving a significant volume of the entitlements. While I do not believe that 100% of the 47% was not going to vote for him, it is a safe bet that 90% of the 47% was not going to vote for him. Stating an obvious fact does not cost one the election.

Actually, telling the truth is the surest way to lose. If there's one thing the American electorate can't stand, it's being told the painful truth.
Just raise the minimum wage to 1969 levels, adjusted for inflation... .

And through that process you will devalue the currency by the precise same valuation.

Meaning that doing so, will axiomatically inflate the cost of labor to the same value as inflation over the same period: Summed.

Which will mean that currency used to pay for that labor, will purchase the correlated value LESS, than what it purchased prior to the implementation of that idiocy.

Who's up for THAT?
That has never proven to be true in any minimum wage hike.....yet, conservatives make the same threat every time



Do you understand what mathematics IS?

It's a principle or law of nature.

That means that there is no way that 'that' is NOT true. You can't artificially increase the cost of labor and not artificially reduce the value of that which is exchanged for that labor.

If the labor was being exchanged for rocks... the value of rocks would be reduced by an equal value of whatever value artificially increased the cost of that labor. If labor were being exchanged for gold, the value of gold would be reduced by an equal value of whatever value artificially increased the cost of that labor.

See how it works the same without regard to what is being exchanged? So that means that the issue is what?

The issue is the increase in the cost of labor absent an increase in the actual value of that labor... so without greater skill providing for either higher levels of production or a more valuable implementation of the labor, then the value of that labor has not changed. When you increase the COST of that unchanged labor, that means that it MUST require more of what is exchanged for that labor: WHICH DEVALUES THE EXCHANGED ARTICLE.

When that article is currency, the currency used in exchange for labor has less value where that labor cost more for the same labor.

There's no other potential alternative.

Now where you disagree with that immutable NATURAL LAW... you present with an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder: which is, in specific terms: DELUSION.

LOL! Now you're also one who 'believes' that there is a RIGHT to murder one's pre-born children and that deviant sexual behavior is perfectly normal... right?

Huh... Now I wonder what we should make of THAT?
And you tried so hard on this post...

Labor is not the only cost of doing business. They are faced with rent, cost of supplies, taxes, energy, insurance.....

All of which routinely increase without conservatives screaming about runaway inflation and the devaluation of the dollar

Wages routinely increase without the economy crumbling like conservatives predict


Labor is by far and away the largest expense to run ANY BUSINESS.

So... that means that artificially increasing the cost of labor, is the most destructive to any economy which uses labor.


But let's set that aside and come to the relevant issue...

Without regard to what 'it' is... what do we use to pay for 'it'?

(Clue: CURRENCY) Feel better?

But it gets worse...

Now we know from our previous lesson that by ARTIFICIALLY increasing the cost of Labor, we DEVALUE the currency.

So what happens when the currency we have or are receiving, purchases less than it did before? I mean we still need the same amount of groceries, gas, etc... Right?

But our money just buys less of it... so, what must we do THEN?

We need more money right? So, if I make money by renting property, then the Rent goes up. If I make money by offering services, then the cost of my services must go up, right?

What's that tell us?

Inflation causes inflation.

And that's why for DECADES, every time the minimum wage went up, inflation spiked and when inflation spiked, the government ran to do what? FIX PRICES... making it illegal for companies to raise their prices for products and services.

Now what happens when people's money is worth less and they can't raise their rates? THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICH AND POOR INCREASES...

OH MY! Look at THAT!

Now, wasn't it you that were crying about "THE GAP"?

Edit: Let the record reflect that sufficient time has passed to reasonably determine that the opposition has read this position, and made the CHOICE to not respond, thus has now conceded for the THIRD TIME to these same standing points...

And that is relevant to what?

How does that help anyone? And I am speaking of the total culture... from her up?

Let me explain how it it is relevant

Conservatives are always screaming.....Aha!....Liz Warren is rich, therefore she is a hypocrit for complaining about the wealthy

The difference is that Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much

Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

There have always been rich liberals willing to raise taxes. So what?

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much

Who? Where? Link?

Did you miss the Romney 47% quote that cost him the election?

That did not cost him the Election. He put the kid gloves on when it came to Benghazi. Regarding the 47% comment, the 47% he was referring to was the class that pays NO taxes while receiving a significant volume of the entitlements. While I do not believe that 100% of the 47% was not going to vote for him, it is a safe bet that 90% of the 47% was not going to vote for him. Stating an obvious fact does not cost one the election.

Actually, telling the truth is the surest way to lose. If there's one thing the American electorate can't stand, it's being told the painful truth.

I disagree with that.
Romney's mistake was not in the statement, it was in the refusal to defend it... .

Romney should have come out in the first interview question responding to it and restated it... doubling down ON IT. Noting that such people are not Americans, that they're failing to bear the responsibilities that sustain their right to be free.

Had he done so, he'd be the President of the US today... But to have done so, he would have to NOT BE A PROGRESSIVE. So ... he didn't.
The Quote "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

That was actually one of the most effective things that Romney said. And it's not even remotely debatable.

Meaning that it is an irrefutable fact.

It is a memorable quote because it highlights the difference between Romney and Warren

In a room full of one per centers, Warren would have reminded them that they are the reason for the 47%. Fewer jobs and stagnant wages and benefits have caused people to seek government assistance

Romney pandered to the one percent and ridiculed the 47% as lazy freeloaders
The Quote "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

That was actually one of the most effective things that Romney said. And it's not even remotely debatable.

Meaning that it is an irrefutable fact.

It is a memorable quote because it highlights the difference between Romney and Warren

In a room full of one per centers, Warren would have reminded them that they are the reason for the 47%. Fewer jobs and stagnant wages and benefits have caused people to seek government assistance

Romney pandered to the one percent and ridiculed the 47% as lazy freeloaders

Warren panders to all the freeloaders, parasites and useless ticks on the ass of society. The reason for the 47% is the fact that Congress is infested with demagogues like Warren who wants to loot the productive and gullible ticks like you who support her.
Let me explain how it it is relevant

Conservatives are always screaming.....Aha!....Liz Warren is rich, therefore she is a hypocrit for complaining about the wealthy

The difference is that Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much

Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

There have always been rich liberals willing to raise taxes. So what?

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much

Who? Where? Link?

Did you miss the Romney 47% quote that cost him the election?

That did not cost him the Election. He put the kid gloves on when it came to Benghazi. Regarding the 47% comment, the 47% he was referring to was the class that pays NO taxes while receiving a significant volume of the entitlements. While I do not believe that 100% of the 47% was not going to vote for him, it is a safe bet that 90% of the 47% was not going to vote for him. Stating an obvious fact does not cost one the election.

Actually, telling the truth is the surest way to lose. If there's one thing the American electorate can't stand, it's being told the painful truth.

I disagree with that.
Romney's mistake was not in the statement, it was in the refusal to defend it... .

Romney should have come out in the first interview question responding to it and restated it... doubling down ON IT. Noting that such people are not Americans, that they're failing to bear the responsibilities that sustain their right to be free.

Had he done so, he'd be the President of the US today... But to have done so, he would have to NOT BE A PROGRESSIVE. So ... he didn't.

Tell retirees that they're saddling their children and grandchildren with an debt that will be impossible to pay and see how many of their votes you get. Tell farmers who get subsidies that they're all a bunch of welfare queens and see how many votes you get.
The Quote "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

That was actually one of the most effective things that Romney said. And it's not even remotely debatable.

Meaning that it is an irrefutable fact.

It is a memorable quote because it highlights the difference between Romney and Warren

In a room full of one per centers, Warren would have reminded them that they are the reason for the 47%. Fewer jobs and stagnant wages and benefits have caused people to seek government assistance

Romney pandered to the one percent and ridiculed the 47% as lazy freeloaders

Warren panders to all the freeloaders, parasites and useless ticks on the ass of society. The reason for the 47% is the fact that Congress is infested with demagogues like Warren who wants to loot the productive and gullible ticks like you who support her.

The 47% require government assistance because the one percent have cut jobs and salaries

Pay more and fewer people will need government help
It is a memorable quote because it highlights the difference between Romney and Warren

In a room full of one per centers, Warren would have reminded them that they are the reason for the 47%. Fewer jobs and stagnant wages and benefits have caused people to seek government assistance...


More presentation of delusion.

First Warren doesn't actually believe that. No one of any means does. (Ya don't get to any discernible means when saddled with delusion. She parrots that nonsense to feed Green kale to the vegeinas.)

In point of fact, Unemployment followed the track of Unemployment Extensions... once they dried up, unemployment began to draw down, just as every American said it would.

Of course, the other forms of welfare are staving off further reductions, but when the government finally tanks under the dead wait of Leftism, that will all work itself out.
Tell retirees that they're saddling their children and grandchildren with an debt that will be impossible to pay and see how many of their votes you get. Tell farmers who get subsidies that they're all a bunch of welfare queens and see how many votes you get.

Well, what you're defining is a culture which is terminally delusional.

The Seniors didn't bankrupt the nation... The Ideological Left bankrupted the nation, spending their Social security Retirement. ITS GONE! And the fact is we are already beyond the means to keep printing money to pay it...

Ya might as well bring the farmers into the same meeting, because it's the same facts.

Now, what should we do to solve the problem?

Well, first is to start rounding up those politicians and trying them for theft.... using the same laws that sent Maydoff to prison. Upon conviction, which needs only a Aye vote for policy which used money targeted for SS in the relevant fiscal year... sending them to prison and stripping them of their holdings setting those funds into the treasury... shut down ALL federal Pensions, reduce all federal salaries to 50% of the rate average in the private sector, all medical insurance is ON THE FEDERAL WORKER.

Shut down the IRS, establish a national sales tax of 5%.

Revise the US Constitution to prohibit any federal policy to subsidize any human being for any reason.

Shut Down FEMA and Homeland Security, the ATF.

Shut down the Department of Education.

And so on... you get the idea.

Now I'll entertain the usual crap from the usual people... but just understand that the US Federal government is a DEAD GOV-WALKIN'! It is BANKRUPT...

There is absolutely NO HOPE to fix it, as what killed it is SYSTEMIC.

Either the culture comes to recognize that SELF-EVIDENT TRUTH... or we suffer the unenviable consequences of tolerating delusion... which we're already starting to suffer... as witnessed by the cultural whimpering which seeks to normalize sexual abnormality and the right to murder one's pre-born children, all as a means to avoid our respective responsibilities.

Now, bring it... I've got all night.
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The Quote "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

That was actually one of the most effective things that Romney said. And it's not even remotely debatable.

Meaning that it is an irrefutable fact.

It is a memorable quote because it highlights the difference between Romney and Warren

In a room full of one per centers, Warren would have reminded them that they are the reason for the 47%. Fewer jobs and stagnant wages and benefits have caused people to seek government assistance

Romney pandered to the one percent and ridiculed the 47% as lazy freeloaders

Warren panders to all the freeloaders, parasites and useless ticks on the ass of society. The reason for the 47% is the fact that Congress is infested with demagogues like Warren who wants to loot the productive and gullible ticks like you who support her.

The 47% require government assistance because the one percent have cut jobs and salaries

Pay more and fewer people will need government help

They have cut jobs and salaries because the government conned them into buying worthless mortgages and thereby caused a financial panic.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. They are kept at starvation wages. Do you really think they will ever receive any kind of bonus?

You know, that's funny, because all of my line staff at work have a whole assortment of bonuses they can earn. Our top performers earn as much as an additional 67% of their base pay from bonuses.
The Quote "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

That was actually one of the most effective things that Romney said. And it's not even remotely debatable.

Meaning that it is an irrefutable fact.

It is a memorable quote because it highlights the difference between Romney and Warren

In a room full of one per centers, Warren would have reminded them that they are the reason for the 47%. Fewer jobs and stagnant wages and benefits have caused people to seek government assistance

Romney pandered to the one percent and ridiculed the 47% as lazy freeloaders

Warren panders to all the freeloaders, parasites and useless ticks on the ass of society. The reason for the 47% is the fact that Congress is infested with demagogues like Warren who wants to loot the productive and gullible ticks like you who support her.

The 47% require government assistance because the one percent have cut jobs and salaries

Pay more and fewer people will need government help

They have cut jobs and salaries because the government conned them into buying worthless mortgages and thereby caused a financial panic.

That is totally ridiculous

Even when they recovered from the great Bush recession, they did not increase salaries
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

Ah. Gotta love rightwingnuts

Are you suggesting that there is something about a minimum wage job that inherently negates the ability to receive bonuses?
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. They are kept at starvation wages. Do you really think they will ever receive any kind of bonus?

You know, that's funny, because all of my line staff at work have a whole assortment of bonuses they can earn. Our top performers earn as much as an additional 67% of their base pay from bonuses.

Good for you to have such a good job. Most minimum wage employees don't.
That was actually one of the most effective things that Romney said. And it's not even remotely debatable.

Meaning that it is an irrefutable fact.

It is a memorable quote because it highlights the difference between Romney and Warren

In a room full of one per centers, Warren would have reminded them that they are the reason for the 47%. Fewer jobs and stagnant wages and benefits have caused people to seek government assistance

Romney pandered to the one percent and ridiculed the 47% as lazy freeloaders

Warren panders to all the freeloaders, parasites and useless ticks on the ass of society. The reason for the 47% is the fact that Congress is infested with demagogues like Warren who wants to loot the productive and gullible ticks like you who support her.

The 47% require government assistance because the one percent have cut jobs and salaries

Pay more and fewer people will need government help

They have cut jobs and salaries because the government conned them into buying worthless mortgages and thereby caused a financial panic.

That is totally ridiculous

Even when they recovered from the great Bush recession, they did not increase salaries

That's true. Losing half your net worth tends to make people nervous about risking their capital.

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