An Elizabeth Warren Quote Spreading On Social Media; Any Brainy Responses?

Yo, Warren is your typical Socialist Hack, they all are talking about unfair pay? That is how other Socialist Countries started, by demeaning Businesses and Pay!!!

Just listen to the Agenda the Socialist Party has every time they open their mouth, divide and conquer! No matter who the Socialist is, Obama, Hillary, Warren, Schumer, Reid, Pelosi, etc.!!! By the way, don`t attempt to go against the Anti-Christ? Just ask Bob Menendez?
Or any of the others he has thrown under the bus!!!

You idiots better Wake Up!!!


WOW! Bonuses like that to the Uber-Rich probably make the repubs very happy!
Does this mean you will not be voting for a woman that gets 300K or more for giving a speech.
She is also willing to increase the amount of taxes she pays on that $300K

Something Republicans aren't

And that is relevant to what?

How does that help anyone? And I am speaking of the total culture... from her up?

Let me explain how it it is relevant

Conservatives are always screaming.....Aha!....Liz Warren is rich, therefore she is a hypocrit for complaining about the wealthy

The difference is that Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much
WOW! Bonuses like that to the Uber-Rich probably make the repubs very happy!
Does this mean you will not be voting for a woman that gets 300K or more for giving a speech.
She is also willing to increase the amount of taxes she pays on that $300K

Something Republicans aren't

And that is relevant to what?

How does that help anyone? And I am speaking of the total culture... from her up?

Let me explain how it it is relevant

Conservatives are always screaming.....Aha!....Liz Warren is rich, therefore she is a hypocrit for complaining about the wealthy

The difference is that Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much

Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

There have always been rich liberals willing to raise taxes. So what?

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much

Who? Where? Link?
WOW! Bonuses like that to the Uber-Rich probably make the repubs very happy!
Does this mean you will not be voting for a woman that gets 300K or more for giving a speech.
She is also willing to increase the amount of taxes she pays on that $300K

Something Republicans aren't

Why do you say that? Nothing prevents her from doing that now and I am willing to bet that she, like Buffett take every deduction possible. It's a lot of talk, no action.

County the Repubs on the list

Warren Buffett Bill Gates Giving Pledge Gets 11 More Billionaires To Pledge Half Of Wealth
WOW! Bonuses like that to the Uber-Rich probably make the repubs very happy!
Does this mean you will not be voting for a woman that gets 300K or more for giving a speech.
She is also willing to increase the amount of taxes she pays on that $300K

Something Republicans aren't

And that is relevant to what?

How does that help anyone? And I am speaking of the total culture... from her up?

Let me explain how it it is relevant

Conservatives are always screaming.....Aha!....Liz Warren is rich, therefore she is a hypocrit for complaining about the wealthy

The difference is that Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much
Warren is willing to buy votes by increasing taxes and by growing programs that promote dependence on the government. As a politician, this increases Warrens power in Washington, even if her own taxes are increased. She will more than make up for the extra that she pays in taxes in speech fees and political favors. Power will be transferred away from individuals and to the government.

Meanwhile, conservatives don't blame those that are more well off for what they don't have.
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That's false.



Dumbass... Your graph speaks to income taxes. Income tax on shit-for-income is MEANINGLESS.

Sales tax, excise tax, fuel tax, property tax, communication taxes... taxes of an ENDLESS variety.

There is not a single middle class human being who SPENDS MONEY in this country who does not have THE MAJORITY OF THEIR EARNINGS SEPARATED FROM THEM BY TAXATION!

And THAT is due to the EVER INCREASING COST OF GOVERNMENT! Do yourself a favor and take a gander at your cellphone bill... Dial out the taxes you pay on that ALONE.

That should help ya through this.

Now back to the point you sought to avoid:

Taxation, due to the cost of sustaining the US Federal, State and Local Government has forced both adults to work. Because the monies stripped from their earnings through all taxation, now consumes more than 50% of each earners check. Now this is a very complex calculus... but extrapolate from the data, what happens when two people are at issue; wherein one person used to earn 100%, but today that one person nets half as much as one person used to earn.

(Recall, that you're solving for: "Why do both people in a Union of one man and one woman now need to work, where BEFORE only ONE PERSON WAS REQUIRED?")


Go ahead. Post some evidence.


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(The Reader should recognize that the would-be 'contributor', cited above is incapable of recognizing what a human being with the qualities of EXISTING, MUST RECOGNIZED, wherein they earn a living, the earning so which ARE TAXED and subsequently BUY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, SUCH AS FOOD, CLOTHING AND SHELTER WHICH ARE TAXED, LIVING ON PROPERTY WHICH IS TAXED, USE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, CONSUME FUEL, WHICH ARE TAXED... and so on and so forth, throughout every single facet of their entirely taxed LIFE.

As I have noted many times, what we're witnessing in the position advanced above, presents as an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder; OKA: Delusion.)

You haven't posted one shred of evidence to support your claim.

Here's more to support mine:

State and local tax burdens, 1977 to 2011.

As you will see in the rates at the left in the charts, the rates have not gone up.

State and Local Tax Burdens All Years One State 1977 - 2011 Tax Foundation

OH! A re-concession?

That's mighty sweet of ya... .

Your re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Hmm... So the premise is that Federal, State and Local governments are lowering taxes?


Now what local and state governments are lowering taxes?

Leftists? That's an odd premise to stand upon, given that this very thread is a discussion of a Leftists, who one of your own just proclaimed was a person who was 'willing to raise taxes on her own income', using that as evidence of her 'willingness to help the poor. As if taxing her income, in ANY WAY 'helped' the poor.

I'll ask the reader to think about the recent past within their own region. Are your school boards filling your local coffers with cash? Or are they demanding greater taxes to build schools to alleviate burgeoning classrooms?

Is the Highway Department pushing money back into the county and state accounts or are they screaming that the pot holes and congested roads require that they need more money and asking for more taxation to pay for those road. You utilities... private companies enjoying quasi-government status... are they sending you discounts or chronically going to your state legislature demanding rate increases? When is the last time your state EVEN DEBATED a proposal to LOWER YOUR STATE SALES TAX AND/OR INCOME TAX? If you recall such a proposal, who was it made the proposal? Were they people who were known to that point to be representative of ideas that government should be as small possible, and less intrusive, or were they Leftist?

Has your Cell bill or Cable bill come down because of the MASSIVE TAXATION on those serves were lowered?

In fact, taxation in the US is the result of greed... it is what fuels THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT. It is their source of power, it promotes their means to influence their stock in trade: THE POOR!

Assertions that Taxation AT ANY LEVEL has been reduced on any meaningful scale, is LUDICROUS...

So... based upon your OWN EXPERIENCE... you should recognize that position being advanced that stands upon nothing short of that ludicrous premise, is nothing short of delusion.

Now, it is entirely possible that the contributor does NOT believe that overall taxation is less today than it was at some point in the past. At which point the contributor is attempting to DECEIVE YOU.

So you've two choices here. Either the contributor is advising you based upon an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder: OKA: Delusion.


The contributor is advising you of that which they know to be false, as truth.

And this we know because of the reality that is YOUR EXPERIENCE. So it comes down to what you trust most... Your REALITY... or a conclusion drawn from a perverse sense of reason, which takes data specific to narrowly defined attributes and represents them as an accurate representation of the whole.)
When has anyone earning minimum wage ever been able to afford to live on his own and support a family? This miracle sure never occurred when I was making minimum wage.

When someone is trying to live on minimum and support a family, it means something went terribly wrong.

Many of us had minimum wage jobs as teens. They are meant for stepping stones to the better jobs and they are designed to build your resume and establish a good work history. Finishing high school is a must if you want to get anywhere and going to college is easier than ever with loans. Yea, loans suck, but once you have that degree you qualify for better jobs. Few can just write a check to the college to pay tuition, so whether you came from a dirt poor family or middle class you can still get loans and start paying them after you graduate. Once you graduate college, you are equal to other grads regardless of how poor you were growing up. Many colleges now help with job hunting, so there are few excuses for not having any kind of diploma and experience.

Of course, so many middle class jobs have disappeared and people started fighting for the minimum jobs because those are all that's left in some places. You have a choice between minimum wage or jobs that require higher skills. Seems most can't qualify for the better jobs and that is on them. Raising the starter jobs pay to the level of better jobs isn't going to help in the long run. As always, there will end up being fewer jobs up for grabs.

If the left would let up on middle class and quit killing businesses, it would be easier for those with an education to find something that will earn them a better living.

Why do some insist on begging government to raise them up instead of doing something for themselves, like at least finish high school?

Just raise the minimum wage to 1969 levels, adjusted for inflation,

unless you think the minimum wage was too high in 1969.

What would that be?
Show your math.

Minimum wage since 1938 - CNNMoney
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
what is it like hearing the sound of one hand clapping?
That's false.



Dumbass... Your graph speaks to income taxes. Income tax on shit-for-income is MEANINGLESS.

Sales tax, excise tax, fuel tax, property tax, communication taxes... taxes of an ENDLESS variety.

There is not a single middle class human being who SPENDS MONEY in this country who does not have THE MAJORITY OF THEIR EARNINGS SEPARATED FROM THEM BY TAXATION!

And THAT is due to the EVER INCREASING COST OF GOVERNMENT! Do yourself a favor and take a gander at your cellphone bill... Dial out the taxes you pay on that ALONE.

That should help ya through this.

Now back to the point you sought to avoid:

Taxation, due to the cost of sustaining the US Federal, State and Local Government has forced both adults to work. Because the monies stripped from their earnings through all taxation, now consumes more than 50% of each earners check. Now this is a very complex calculus... but extrapolate from the data, what happens when two people are at issue; wherein one person used to earn 100%, but today that one person nets half as much as one person used to earn.

(Recall, that you're solving for: "Why do both people in a Union of one man and one woman now need to work, where BEFORE only ONE PERSON WAS REQUIRED?")


Go ahead. Post some evidence.


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(The Reader should recognize that the would-be 'contributor', cited above is incapable of recognizing what a human being with the qualities of EXISTING, MUST RECOGNIZED, wherein they earn a living, the earning so which ARE TAXED and subsequently BUY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, SUCH AS FOOD, CLOTHING AND SHELTER WHICH ARE TAXED, LIVING ON PROPERTY WHICH IS TAXED, USE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, CONSUME FUEL, WHICH ARE TAXED... and so on and so forth, throughout every single facet of their entirely taxed LIFE.

As I have noted many times, what we're witnessing in the position advanced above, presents as an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder; OKA: Delusion.)

You haven't posted one shred of evidence to support your claim.

Here's more to support mine:

State and local tax burdens, 1977 to 2011.

As you will see in the rates at the left in the charts, the rates have not gone up.

State and Local Tax Burdens All Years One State 1977 - 2011 Tax Foundation

OH! A re-concession?

That's mighty sweet of ya... .

Your re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Hmm... So the premise is that Federal, State and Local governments are lowering taxes?


Now what local and state governments are lowering taxes?

Leftists? That's an odd premise to stand upon, given that this very thread is a discussion of a Leftists, who one of your own just proclaimed was a person who was 'willing to raise taxes on her own income', using that as evidence of her 'willingness to help the poor. As if taxing her income, in ANY WAY 'helped' the poor.

I'll ask the reader to think about the recent past within their own region. Are your school boards filling your local coffers with cash? Or are they demanding greater taxes to build schools to alleviate burgeoning classrooms?

Is the Highway Department pushing money back into the county and state accounts or are they screaming that the pot holes and congested roads require that they need more money and asking for more taxation to pay for those road. You utilities... private companies enjoying quasi-government status... are they sending you discounts or chronically going to your state legislature demanding rate increases? When is the last time your state EVEN DEBATED a proposal to LOWER YOUR STATE SALES TAX AND/OR INCOME TAX? If you recall such a proposal, who was it made the proposal? Were they people who were known to that point to be representative of ideas that government should be as small possible, and less intrusive, or were they Leftist?

Has your Cell bill or Cable bill come down because of the MASSIVE TAXATION on those serves were lowered?

In fact, taxation in the US is the result of greed... it is what fuels THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT. It is their source of power, it promotes their means to influence their stock in trade: THE POOR!

Assertions that Taxation AT ANY LEVEL has been reduced on any meaningful scale, is LUDICROUS...

So... based upon your OWN EXPERIENCE... you should recognize that position being advanced that stands upon nothing short of that ludicrous premise, is nothing short of delusion.

Now, it is entirely possible that the contributor does NOT believe that overall taxation is less today than it was at some point in the past. At which point the contributor is attempting to DECEIVE YOU.

So you've two choices here. Either the contributor is advising you based upon an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder: OKA: Delusion.


The contributor is advising you of that which they know to be false, as truth.

And this we know because of the reality that is YOUR EXPERIENCE. So it comes down to what you trust most... Your REALITY... or a conclusion drawn from a perverse sense of reason, which takes data specific to narrowly defined attributes and represents them as an accurate representation of the whole.)

If you want to dispute the numbers, post some facts that dispute them. Spare us the baseless, unsupported rants.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
what is it like hearing the sound of one hand clapping?
Can you snap your fingers? That's the sound of one hand clapping. Note: Fingers are components of the hand.
If you want to dispute ... .

OH! The Coveted RE-re-concession.

Your Re-Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

To review:

Your premise is that Federal, State and Local governments are lowering taxes?

Which is FASCINATIN'! because it's a statement which is not true, being advanced as truth.

To wit: What local and state governments are lowering taxes?

THOSE YOU VOTE FOR? Proponents of the idea that the government has a RIGHT TO TAX FOR WHATEVER REASON IT OFFERS UP AS AN EXCUSE?

Which is to say: Leftists?

That's an odd premise to stand upon, given that this very thread is a discussion of a Leftists, who one of your own just proclaimed was a person who was 'willing to raise taxes on her own income', using that as evidence of her 'willingness to help the poor. As if taxing her income, in ANY WAY 'helped' the poor.

I'll ask the reader to think about the recent past within their own region. Are your school boards filling your local coffers with cash? Or are they demanding greater taxes to build schools to alleviate burgeoning classrooms?

Is the Highway Department pushing money back into the county and state accounts or are they screaming that the pot holes and congested roads require that they need more money and asking for more taxation to pay for those road. You utilities... private companies enjoying quasi-government status... are they sending you discounts or chronically going to your state legislature demanding rate increases? When is the last time your state EVEN DEBATED a proposal to LOWER YOUR STATE SALES TAX AND/OR INCOME TAX? If you recall such a proposal, who was it made the proposal? Were they people who were known to that point to be representative of ideas that government should be as small possible, and less intrusive, or were they Leftist?

Has your Cell bill or Cable bill come down because of the MASSIVE TAXATION on those serves were lowered?

In fact, taxation in the US is the result of greed... it is what fuels THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT. It is their source of power, it promotes their means to influence their stock in trade: THE POOR!

Assertions that Taxation AT ANY LEVEL has been reduced on any meaningful scale, is LUDICROUS...

So... based upon your OWN EXPERIENCE... you should recognize that position being advanced that stands upon nothing short of that ludicrous premise, is nothing short of delusion.

Now, it is entirely possible that the contributor does NOT believe that overall taxation is less today than it was at some point in the past. At which point the contributor is attempting to DECEIVE YOU.

So you've two choices here. Either the contributor is advising you based upon an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder: OKA: Delusion.

The contributor is advising you of that which they know to be false, as truth.

And this we know because of the reality that is YOUR EXPERIENCE. So it comes down to what you trust most... Your REALITY... or a conclusion drawn from a perverse sense of reason, which takes data specific to narrowly defined attributes and represents them as an accurate representation of the whole.)
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Apple made 18 billion in the last quarter manufacturing at rock bottom wages overseas. Why is that a good thing?

Just because they can? Is that what makes it good?

They'd hire American high school students, but who wants to hire fucking idiots who can't read or write or count
Haven't we been running this "attack the 1 percent " playbook for the past 8 years? Who got punished? The Middle Class and Small Business entrepreneurs. Read any Socialist or Communist theories and there is no room for a Middle Class or small independent business.

And the Gap continues to widen. And the middle class, many who are FOX devotees, are getting screwed. They cannot see when the repubs are using them as pawns.
If you want to dispute ... .

OH! The Coveted RE-re-concession.

Your Re-Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You're jabbering like a monkey now.

You claimed that households with two jobs only have two jobs now because of increased taxes.

Prove it.

WOW~ The RE-Re-Re-concession?

Your Re-Re-Re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Let's review, again:

Your premise is that Federal, State and Local governments are lowering taxes?

Which is FASCINATIN'! because it's a statement which is not true, being advanced as truth.

To wit: What local and state governments are lowering taxes?

THOSE YOU VOTE FOR? Proponents of the idea that the government has a RIGHT TO TAX FOR WHATEVER REASON IT OFFERS UP AS AN EXCUSE? The same group which stands upon the premise that Republican governance is designed to provide the Legislature with the means to 'BRING HOME THE BACON!'??

Which is to say: Leftists?

That's an odd premise to stand upon, given that this very thread is a discussion of a Leftists, who one of your own just proclaimed was a person who was 'willing to raise taxes on her own income', using that as evidence of her 'willingness to help the poor'.

LOL! As if taxing her income, could in ANY WAY 'help' the poor.

I'll ask the reader to think about the recent past within their own region. Are your school boards filling your local coffers with cash? Or are they demanding greater taxes to build schools to alleviate burgeoning classrooms?

Is the Highway Department pushing money back into the county and state accounts or are they screaming that the pot holes and congested roads require that they need more money and asking for more taxation to pay for those road. You utilities... private companies enjoying quasi-government status... are they sending you discounts or chronically going to your state legislature demanding rate increases? When is the last time your state EVEN DEBATED a proposal to LOWER YOUR STATE SALES TAX AND/OR INCOME TAX? If you recall such a proposal, who was it made the proposal? Were they people who were known to that point to be representative of ideas that government should be as small possible, and less intrusive, or were they Leftist?

Has your Cell bill or Cable bill come down because of the MASSIVE TAXATION on those serves were lowered?

In fact, taxation in the US is the result of greed... it is what fuels THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT. It is their source of power, it promotes their means to influence their stock in trade: THE POOR!

Assertions that Taxation AT ANY LEVEL has been reduced on any meaningful scale, is LUDICROUS...

So... based upon your OWN EXPERIENCE... you should recognize that position being advanced that stands upon nothing short of that ludicrous premise, is nothing short of delusion.

Now, it is entirely possible that the contributor does NOT believe that overall taxation is less today than it was at some point in the past. At which point the contributor is attempting to DECEIVE YOU.

So you've two choices here. Either the contributor is advising you based upon an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder: OKA: Delusion.


The contributor is advising you of that which they know to be false, as truth.

And this we know because of the reality that is YOUR EXPERIENCE. So it comes down to what you trust most... Your REALITY... or a conclusion drawn from a perverse sense of reason, which takes data specific to narrowly defined attributes and represents them as an accurate representation of the whole.)
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Haven't we been running this "attack the 1 percent " playbook for the past 8 years? Who got punished? The Middle Class and Small Business entrepreneurs. Read any Socialist or Communist theories and there is no room for a Middle Class or small independent business.

And the Gap continues to widen. And the middle class, many who are FOX devotees, are getting screwed. They cannot see when the repubs are using them as pawns.

So you're saying that 8 years after the Ideological Left came to power, YEARS of which provided that the Left was effectively Legislatively: UNOPPOSED... wherein they heaped additional MASSIVE EXPENSES UPON THE POOR... and that as a result: The 'GAP BETWEEN RICH AND POOR CONTINUES TO WIDEN'?


That's weird.

Because, the implication is that The Left would set policy to lower that gap. But instead, what The Left DID was implement policy, which by your own admission, caused THE GAP TO WIDEN.

Hmm... Now I wonder what we can make of THAT?
Haven't we been running this "attack the 1 percent " playbook for the past 8 years? Who got punished? The Middle Class and Small Business entrepreneurs. Read any Socialist or Communist theories and there is no room for a Middle Class or small independent business.

And the Gap continues to widen. And the middle class, many who are FOX devotees, are getting screwed. They cannot see when the repubs are using them as pawns.

But you never had a real job, right?
When has anyone earning minimum wage ever been able to afford to live on his own and support a family? This miracle sure never occurred when I was making minimum wage.

When someone is trying to live on minimum and support a family, it means something went terribly wrong.

Many of us had minimum wage jobs as teens. They are meant for stepping stones to the better jobs and they are designed to build your resume and establish a good work history. Finishing high school is a must if you want to get anywhere and going to college is easier than ever with loans. Yea, loans suck, but once you have that degree you qualify for better jobs. Few can just write a check to the college to pay tuition, so whether you came from a dirt poor family or middle class you can still get loans and start paying them after you graduate. Once you graduate college, you are equal to other grads regardless of how poor you were growing up. Many colleges now help with job hunting, so there are few excuses for not having any kind of diploma and experience.

Of course, so many middle class jobs have disappeared and people started fighting for the minimum jobs because those are all that's left in some places. You have a choice between minimum wage or jobs that require higher skills. Seems most can't qualify for the better jobs and that is on them. Raising the starter jobs pay to the level of better jobs isn't going to help in the long run. As always, there will end up being fewer jobs up for grabs.

If the left would let up on middle class and quit killing businesses, it would be easier for those with an education to find something that will earn them a better living.

Why do some insist on begging government to raise them up instead of doing something for themselves, like at least finish high school?

Just raise the minimum wage to 1969 levels, adjusted for inflation,

unless you think the minimum wage was too high in 1969.

Anything above zero is too high.
Haven't we been running this "attack the 1 percent " playbook for the past 8 years? Who got punished? The Middle Class and Small Business entrepreneurs. Read any Socialist or Communist theories and there is no room for a Middle Class or small independent business.

And the Gap continues to widen. And the middle class, many who are FOX devotees, are getting screwed. They cannot see when the repubs are using them as pawns.

So you're saying that 8 years after the Ideological Left came to power, YEARS of which provided that the Left was effectively Legislatively: UNOPPOSED... wherein they heaped additional MASSIVE EXPENSES UPON THE POOR... and that as a result: The 'GAP BETWEEN RICH AND POOR CONTINUES TO WIDEN'?


That's weird.

Because, the implication is that The Left would set policy to lower that gap. But instead, what The Left DID was implement policy, which by your own admission, caused THE GAP TO WIDEN.

Hmm... Now I wonder what we can make of THAT?

You're forgetting: it's all BOOOOOOSHHHHHHHHHH's fault.
WOW! Bonuses like that to the Uber-Rich probably make the repubs very happy!
Does this mean you will not be voting for a woman that gets 300K or more for giving a speech.
She is also willing to increase the amount of taxes she pays on that $300K

Something Republicans aren't

And that is relevant to what?

How does that help anyone? And I am speaking of the total culture... from her up?

Let me explain how it it is relevant

Conservatives are always screaming.....Aha!....Liz Warren is rich, therefore she is a hypocrit for complaining about the wealthy

The difference is that Warren is willing to institute programs to help working Americans and force the wealthy to contribute more

Meanwhile, rich conservatives blame the poor for having too much

How does increasing taxes on her own wages help the poor? Programs?

The US has spent 18 trillion dollars since the mid-60s, ON PROGRAMS TO HELP THE POOR.

And without exception, not one poor person has been helped. "The Poor" are still presented by the same statistical percentage of the population. However, "THE POOR" today are in FAR WORSE CONDITION THAN THEY WERE IN THE MID-1960s. With far fewer living in stable homes with a Mother and a Father... graduating High School and far more addicted to drugs and alcohol and so on.

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