An Elizabeth Warren Quote Spreading On Social Media; Any Brainy Responses?

"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. They are kept at starvation wages. Do you really think they will ever receive any kind of bonus?

You know, that's funny, because all of my line staff at work have a whole assortment of bonuses they can earn. Our top performers earn as much as an additional 67% of their base pay from bonuses.

Good for you to have such a good job. Most minimum wage employees don't.

Where are you getting all your inside information about the exact pay practices of all these people's companies? You have insiders in HR companies around the world?
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. They are kept at starvation wages. Do you really think they will ever receive any kind of bonus?

You know, that's funny, because all of my line staff at work have a whole assortment of bonuses they can earn. Our top performers earn as much as an additional 67% of their base pay from bonuses.

Good for you to have such a good job. Most minimum wage employees don't.

Oh, and the reason I have such a great job is because I've worked hard to make myself capable of doing my job. You should try it if you hate your minimum wage job so much.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. They are kept at starvation wages. Do you really think they will ever receive any kind of bonus?

You know, that's funny, because all of my line staff at work have a whole assortment of bonuses they can earn. Our top performers earn as much as an additional 67% of their base pay from bonuses.

Good for you to have such a good job. Most minimum wage employees don't.

Where are you getting all your inside information about the exact pay practices of all these people's companies? You have insiders in HR companies around the world?

Why would I need people in HR offices around the world?
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. They are kept at starvation wages. Do you really think they will ever receive any kind of bonus?

You know, that's funny, because all of my line staff at work have a whole assortment of bonuses they can earn. Our top performers earn as much as an additional 67% of their base pay from bonuses.

Good for you to have such a good job. Most minimum wage employees don't.

Oh, and the reason I have such a great job is because I've worked hard to make myself capable of doing my job. You should try it if you hate your minimum wage job so much.

Don't have a minimum wage job, but I care about the people that do.
Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. They are kept at starvation wages. Do you really think they will ever receive any kind of bonus?

You know, that's funny, because all of my line staff at work have a whole assortment of bonuses they can earn. Our top performers earn as much as an additional 67% of their base pay from bonuses.

Good for you to have such a good job. Most minimum wage employees don't.

Where are you getting all your inside information about the exact pay practices of all these people's companies? You have insiders in HR companies around the world?

Why would I need people in HR offices around the world?

Because you claim to know how all these people get paid. The truth is you don't know. You can't provide a single shred of evidence that none of this bonus money is going to jobs that are otherwise minimum or low wage.
That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. They are kept at starvation wages. Do you really think they will ever receive any kind of bonus?

You know, that's funny, because all of my line staff at work have a whole assortment of bonuses they can earn. Our top performers earn as much as an additional 67% of their base pay from bonuses.

Good for you to have such a good job. Most minimum wage employees don't.

Where are you getting all your inside information about the exact pay practices of all these people's companies? You have insiders in HR companies around the world?

Why would I need people in HR offices around the world?

Because you claim to know how all these people get paid. The truth is you don't know. You can't provide a single shred of evidence that none of this bonus money is going to jobs that are otherwise minimum or low wage.

So you think Wall Street employs a lot of minimum wage people? What planet are you from?
So you think Wall Street employs a lot of minimum wage people?

There's several who make less than minimum wage. And then they get bonuses. Of course, you already knew this, since you have connections in every HR office in the world. But let's not get off topic. Imagine 25,000 people working for $1 a year, but then get bonuses. Now imagine the very first person gets his bonus of $30,000. Oh my god look at that! This one person's bonus paid out more than all those other 25,000 workers!

That's how useless this all is.
So you think Wall Street employs a lot of minimum wage people?

There's several who make less than minimum wage. And then they get bonuses. Of course, you already knew this, since you have connections in every HR office in the world. But let's not get off topic. Imagine 25,000 people working for $1 a year, but then get bonuses. Now imagine the very first person gets his bonus of $30,000. Oh my god look at that! This one person's bonus paid out more than all those other 25,000 workers!

That's how useless this all is.

Please give an example of that happening even one time.
So you think Wall Street employs a lot of minimum wage people?

There's several who make less than minimum wage. And then they get bonuses. Of course, you already knew this, since you have connections in every HR office in the world. But let's not get off topic. Imagine 25,000 people working for $1 a year, but then get bonuses. Now imagine the very first person gets his bonus of $30,000. Oh my god look at that! This one person's bonus paid out more than all those other 25,000 workers!

That's how useless this all is.

^Your math is brainy........(not really)

So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

They are going through a process (R)ight now. Ask them hard questions and they will flop around like a fish out of water for only so long. When you corner them into thinking, they start to get rude/mean and mad.

Some learn from information and the ones that don't thrive on hatred. The Fox News and Satan core principle.

They will post such significance as, "You are stupid" high fiving their low IQ friends and walking off like they won a debate about politics.

So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

They are going through a process (R)ight now. Ask them hard questions and they will flop around like a fish out of water for only so long. When you corner them into thinking, they start to get rude/mean and mad.

Some learn from information and the ones that don't thrive on hatred. The Fox News and Satan core principle.

They will post such significance as, "You are stupid" high fiving their low IQ friends and walking off like they won a debate about politics.

That's OK. I've been known to tell a couple of them they are stupid, but I know only one of us is right. Hard to fault an idiot for being an idiot. It's what they are.

So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

They are going through a process (R)ight now. Ask them hard questions and they will flop around like a fish out of water for only so long. When you corner them into thinking, they start to get rude/mean and mad.

Some learn from information and the ones that don't thrive on hatred. The Fox News and Satan core principle.

They will post such significance as, "You are stupid" high fiving their low IQ friends and walking off like they won a debate about politics.

That's OK. I've been known to tell a couple of them they are stupid, but I know only one of us is right. Hard to fault an idiot for being an idiot. It's what they are.

I tend to think the party/s that back education could have a better response. That being said, I have flooded small brains with information and then ended with "You are stupid".

So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

They are going through a process (R)ight now. Ask them hard questions and they will flop around like a fish out of water for only so long. When you corner them into thinking, they start to get rude/mean and mad.

Some learn from information and the ones that don't thrive on hatred. The Fox News and Satan core principle.

They will post such significance as, "You are stupid" high fiving their low IQ friends and walking off like they won a debate about politics.

That's OK. I've been known to tell a couple of them they are stupid, but I know only one of us is right. Hard to fault an idiot for being an idiot. It's what they are.

I tend to think the party/s that back education could have a better response. That being said, I have flooded small brains with information and then ended with "You are stupid".

It happens. I don't expect too much from right wingers. As long as they entertain me, that's enough.

So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

They are going through a process (R)ight now. Ask them hard questions and they will flop around like a fish out of water for only so long. When you corner them into thinking, they start to get rude/mean and mad.

Some learn from information and the ones that don't thrive on hatred. The Fox News and Satan core principle.

They will post such significance as, "You are stupid" high fiving their low IQ friends and walking off like they won a debate about politics.

That's OK. I've been known to tell a couple of them they are stupid, but I know only one of us is right. Hard to fault an idiot for being an idiot. It's what they are.

I tend to think the party/s that back education could have a better response. That being said, I have flooded small brains with information and then ended with "You are stupid".

Actually, you seem to begin with the fact that you're stupid. But hey, not everyone can be a Steve Jobs.

I do congratulate you, though, on a rather creative work of irony. Your prolonged tap-dance here amounts to one giant example of the very "I'm ignorant so I'm just going to call you stupid" you are simultaneously decrying. You've completely avoided addressing the issue. Very creative. Must give Bulldog credit for the assist. But please do return to the subject now, lest you two run the risk of an assist simply turning into mutual masturbation.

All this talk about wages and bonuses is completely meaningless. It's devoid of any context or reference. What bonuses? What pay? What position? Doesn't a person making a $1 base pay plus bonuses constitute a minimum wage worker? Doesn't it also render entirely absurd the validity of using Warren's sound byte as some kind of metric?

Why complain about people who are earning bonuses to make their money? If you care so much about minimum wage workers, why can't the discussion focus on what those workers can do to earn more money? Why is it so wrong to empower people to make more money on their own merits?

So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

They are going through a process (R)ight now. Ask them hard questions and they will flop around like a fish out of water for only so long. When you corner them into thinking, they start to get rude/mean and mad.

Some learn from information and the ones that don't thrive on hatred. The Fox News and Satan core principle.

They will post such significance as, "You are stupid" high fiving their low IQ friends and walking off like they won a debate about politics.

That's OK. I've been known to tell a couple of them they are stupid, but I know only one of us is right. Hard to fault an idiot for being an idiot. It's what they are.

I tend to think the party/s that back education could have a better response. That being said, I have flooded small brains with information and then ended with "You are stupid".

Actually, you seem to begin with the fact that you're stupid. But hey, not everyone can be a Steve Jobs.

I do congratulate you, though, on a rather creative work of irony. Your prolonged tap-dance here amounts to one giant example of the very "I'm ignorant so I'm just going to call you stupid" you are simultaneously decrying. You've completely avoided addressing the issue. Very creative. Must give Bulldog credit for the assist. But please do return to the subject now, lest you two run the risk of an assist simply turning into mutual masturbation.

All this talk about wages and bonuses is completely meaningless. It's devoid of any context or reference. What bonuses? What pay? What position? Doesn't a person making a $1 base pay plus bonuses constitute a minimum wage worker? Doesn't it also render entirely absurd the validity of using Warren's sound byte as some kind of metric?

Why complain about people who are earning bonuses to make their money? If you care so much about minimum wage workers, why can't the discussion focus on what those workers can do to earn more money? Why is it so wrong to empower people to make more money on their own merits?

Actually, the whole $1 per year with bonus thing was started by one of your fellow teabaggers. I'm not sure how the fact that Wall Street Bonuses add up to twice the pay of all minimum wage workers combined can be seen as empowering to those minimum wage workers. Care to explain that?

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