An Elizabeth Warren Quote Spreading On Social Media; Any Brainy Responses?

And one of the lowest effective rates. With all those loopholes and giveaways, many of the bigboys get away with paying almost nothing

Bark is worse than the bite. So stop barking. Time to pass a simplified tax code without loopholes and only one deduction.

I'm with you on simplifying the tax code as long as the rich don't continue being coddled.

I'm with you on simplifying the tax code as long as the rich don't continue being coddled.

How does our tax code coddle the rich? Any specifics?
So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

Steve Jobs 1 Annual Salary No Perks But Lots of Shares
Jobs was no idiot

Salary is taxable

If you think Jobs' negotiated his $1 base pay because of taxes, you're sadly mistaken. The main reason Jobs asked for this approach was because when he rejoined Apple the company was in difficult times. Jobs loved that company. It was his baby. He gave birth to that company in his parents basement. More than anything, he wanted to be a part of it again and to nurse it back to health and the glory he knew was possible. He didn't want to be a burden to the company in it's difficult time of need. Instead of taking cash, he let that cash stay in the company and be turned around and used for the company's benefit, so that the company would have the resources to do what he wanted to do to turn things around. Jobs was already extremely wealthy. When he sold Pixar to Disney he came out with substantial stock in Disney. The yearly dividends from that Disney stock was enough for an 8 figure yearly income.

So how does Job's scenario have anything to do with the plight of minimum wage workers? That is the conversation context he was first mentioned here in.

"Workers Plight" is a Marxist code phrase.

That has nothing to do with the conversation even though it will probably distract the average teabagger. Do you really think there is inherent wrongness in every word ever spoken by a bad person? I'm sure Marx also used the words Mother, or Apple pie. Are those words somehow tainted as well?

If you think Jobs' negotiated his $1 base pay because of taxes, you're sadly mistaken. The main reason Jobs asked for this approach was because when he rejoined Apple the company was in difficult times. Jobs loved that company. It was his baby. He gave birth to that company in his parents basement. More than anything, he wanted to be a part of it again and to nurse it back to health and the glory he knew was possible. He didn't want to be a burden to the company in it's difficult time of need. Instead of taking cash, he let that cash stay in the company and be turned around and used for the company's benefit, so that the company would have the resources to do what he wanted to do to turn things around. Jobs was already extremely wealthy. When he sold Pixar to Disney he came out with substantial stock in Disney. The yearly dividends from that Disney stock was enough for an 8 figure yearly income.

So how does Job's scenario have anything to do with the plight of minimum wage workers? That is the conversation context he was first mentioned here in.

"Workers Plight" is a Marxist code phrase.

That has nothing to do with the conversation even though it will probably distract the average teabagger. Do you really think there is inherent wrongness in every word ever spoken by a bad person? I'm sure Marx also used the words Mother, or Apple pie. Are those words somehow tainted as well?

Those who use Marxist terminology are generally trying to advance a Marxist agenda. If they say they like chocolate ice-cream, no, there's nothing bad about that. However, every word the utter on the subject of government economics and politics is contrary to the welfare of society.
Jobs was no idiot

Salary is taxable

If you think Jobs' negotiated his $1 base pay because of taxes, you're sadly mistaken. The main reason Jobs asked for this approach was because when he rejoined Apple the company was in difficult times. Jobs loved that company. It was his baby. He gave birth to that company in his parents basement. More than anything, he wanted to be a part of it again and to nurse it back to health and the glory he knew was possible. He didn't want to be a burden to the company in it's difficult time of need. Instead of taking cash, he let that cash stay in the company and be turned around and used for the company's benefit, so that the company would have the resources to do what he wanted to do to turn things around. Jobs was already extremely wealthy. When he sold Pixar to Disney he came out with substantial stock in Disney. The yearly dividends from that Disney stock was enough for an 8 figure yearly income.

So how does Job's scenario have anything to do with the plight of minimum wage workers? That is the conversation context he was first mentioned here in.

"Workers Plight" is a Marxist code phrase.

That has nothing to do with the conversation even though it will probably distract the average teabagger. Do you really think there is inherent wrongness in every word ever spoken by a bad person? I'm sure Marx also used the words Mother, or Apple pie. Are those words somehow tainted as well?

Those who use Marxist terminology are generally trying to advance a Marxist agenda. If they say they like chocolate ice-cream, no, there's nothing bad about that. However, every word the utter on the subject of government economics and politics is contrary to the welfare of society.

Quite the judge of intentions you think you are there. I guess that's how you try to justify your arrogance.
If you think Jobs' negotiated his $1 base pay because of taxes, you're sadly mistaken. The main reason Jobs asked for this approach was because when he rejoined Apple the company was in difficult times. Jobs loved that company. It was his baby. He gave birth to that company in his parents basement. More than anything, he wanted to be a part of it again and to nurse it back to health and the glory he knew was possible. He didn't want to be a burden to the company in it's difficult time of need. Instead of taking cash, he let that cash stay in the company and be turned around and used for the company's benefit, so that the company would have the resources to do what he wanted to do to turn things around. Jobs was already extremely wealthy. When he sold Pixar to Disney he came out with substantial stock in Disney. The yearly dividends from that Disney stock was enough for an 8 figure yearly income.

So how does Job's scenario have anything to do with the plight of minimum wage workers? That is the conversation context he was first mentioned here in.

"Workers Plight" is a Marxist code phrase.

That has nothing to do with the conversation even though it will probably distract the average teabagger. Do you really think there is inherent wrongness in every word ever spoken by a bad person? I'm sure Marx also used the words Mother, or Apple pie. Are those words somehow tainted as well?

Those who use Marxist terminology are generally trying to advance a Marxist agenda. If they say they like chocolate ice-cream, no, there's nothing bad about that. However, every word the utter on the subject of government economics and politics is contrary to the welfare of society.

Quite the judge of intentions you think you are there. I guess that's how you try to justify your arrogance.

It doesn't take great perceptive skills to understand that people who use Marxist rhetoric are Marxists.
So how does Job's scenario have anything to do with the plight of minimum wage workers? That is the conversation context he was first mentioned here in.

"Workers Plight" is a Marxist code phrase.

That has nothing to do with the conversation even though it will probably distract the average teabagger. Do you really think there is inherent wrongness in every word ever spoken by a bad person? I'm sure Marx also used the words Mother, or Apple pie. Are those words somehow tainted as well?

Those who use Marxist terminology are generally trying to advance a Marxist agenda. If they say they like chocolate ice-cream, no, there's nothing bad about that. However, every word the utter on the subject of government economics and politics is contrary to the welfare of society.

Quite the judge of intentions you think you are there. I guess that's how you try to justify your arrogance.

It doesn't take great perceptive skills to understand that people who use Marxist rhetoric are Marxists.

Right, and all you have to do is search for specific words to prove your case. How childish.
"Workers Plight" is a Marxist code phrase.

That has nothing to do with the conversation even though it will probably distract the average teabagger. Do you really think there is inherent wrongness in every word ever spoken by a bad person? I'm sure Marx also used the words Mother, or Apple pie. Are those words somehow tainted as well?

Those who use Marxist terminology are generally trying to advance a Marxist agenda. If they say they like chocolate ice-cream, no, there's nothing bad about that. However, every word the utter on the subject of government economics and politics is contrary to the welfare of society.

Quite the judge of intentions you think you are there. I guess that's how you try to justify your arrogance.

It doesn't take great perceptive skills to understand that people who use Marxist rhetoric are Marxists.

Right, and all you have to do is search for specific words to prove your case. How childish.

What case?
I have to respect your willingness to admit you are wrong. That's rare. However, your contention that a similar scheme is available to the minimum wage workers is just as wrong.

You have no idea what people get paid, or how. Steve Jobs was a minimum wage worker. He only was paid $1 a year. A person who works off 100% commission is a minimum wage worker.

Also, just because someone has a low level position does not mean they don't receive bonuses. I already told you that my line employees make substantial bonuses, up to 67% of their base pay.

You're an idiot if you think the average low wage worker can receive up to 67% of their base pay through bonuses.

Are you sure you're even in the correct thread? Or are you just dumb and can't see the forest through the trees? I have already explain this multiple times, Warren's claims lack any meaningful context. How do we know that all those bonuses aren't actually being paid to minimum wage workers in the first place? You're just assuming that "bonus" means the CEO is receiving it.
And one of the lowest effective rates. With all those loopholes and giveaways, many of the bigboys get away with paying almost nothing

Bark is worse than the bite. So stop barking. Time to pass a simplified tax code without loopholes and only one deduction.

I'm with you on simplifying the tax code as long as the rich don't continue being coddled.

It's very simple. There are no credits, no loopholes, no EIC, none of the bullshit. Just a flat tax, and one deduction. If you are in the bottom 95% of earners, you are 100% exempt from any income tax. Period. If you have a tax liability, you pay a simple flat percentage on all income, regardless of where you got it.

If you think Jobs' negotiated his $1 base pay because of taxes, you're sadly mistaken. The main reason Jobs asked for this approach was because when he rejoined Apple the company was in difficult times. Jobs loved that company. It was his baby. He gave birth to that company in his parents basement. More than anything, he wanted to be a part of it again and to nurse it back to health and the glory he knew was possible. He didn't want to be a burden to the company in it's difficult time of need. Instead of taking cash, he let that cash stay in the company and be turned around and used for the company's benefit, so that the company would have the resources to do what he wanted to do to turn things around. Jobs was already extremely wealthy. When he sold Pixar to Disney he came out with substantial stock in Disney. The yearly dividends from that Disney stock was enough for an 8 figure yearly income.

So how does Job's scenario have anything to do with the plight of minimum wage workers? That is the conversation context he was first mentioned here in.

"Workers Plight" is a Marxist code phrase.

That has nothing to do with the conversation even though it will probably distract the average teabagger. Do you really think there is inherent wrongness in every word ever spoken by a bad person? I'm sure Marx also used the words Mother, or Apple pie. Are those words somehow tainted as well?

Wait. You don't know you're using Marxist phrases? Are you THAT dense?
Thread is getting the expected knee-jerk hate responses from the resident Supply-sider, kool aid drinkers
Jobs was no idiot

Salary is taxable

If you think Jobs' negotiated his $1 base pay because of taxes, you're sadly mistaken. The main reason Jobs asked for this approach was because when he rejoined Apple the company was in difficult times. Jobs loved that company. It was his baby. He gave birth to that company in his parents basement. More than anything, he wanted to be a part of it again and to nurse it back to health and the glory he knew was possible. He didn't want to be a burden to the company in it's difficult time of need. Instead of taking cash, he let that cash stay in the company and be turned around and used for the company's benefit, so that the company would have the resources to do what he wanted to do to turn things around. Jobs was already extremely wealthy. When he sold Pixar to Disney he came out with substantial stock in Disney. The yearly dividends from that Disney stock was enough for an 8 figure yearly income.

So how does Job's scenario have anything to do with the plight of minimum wage workers? That is the conversation context he was first mentioned here in.

"Workers Plight" is a Marxist code phrase.

That has nothing to do with the conversation even though it will probably distract the average teabagger. Do you really think there is inherent wrongness in every word ever spoken by a bad person? I'm sure Marx also used the words Mother, or Apple pie. Are those words somehow tainted as well?

Wait. You don't know you're using Marxist phrases? Are you THAT dense?

I know you are dumb enough to think that.
Thread is getting the expected knee-jerk hate responses from the resident Supply-sider, kool aid drinkers

Your statement is torn.

The ones drinking the Kool-Aid don't supply anything.
""The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren"

let's do the math.

28.5 Billion divided by 1 Million workers makes 28.500. that would be 14,250 per year = federal minimum wage.
that means only ONE MILLION minimum wage workers would make the amount of the wall street bonus money in two years.

NOT all full time minimum wage workers.

still despicable, but not the same order.
on the other hand this money does not reflect all other 'expenses'. besides this 28.5 Billion is the official number. who knows the real number might be ten or hundred times as much ?
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
If she made a brainy comment, I would make a brainy response. That's how it works.
28.5 Billion divided by 1 Million workers makes 28.500. that would be 14,250 per year = federal minimum wage.
that means only ONE MILLION minimum wage workers would make the amount of the wall street bonus money in two years.

NOT all full time minimum wage workers.

Unless, 1 million is how many full time minimum wage workers there are in the US. Incidentally, that is how many full time minimum wage workers there are in the US.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
Just to add some significant info,small business employ by far the vast majority of people in the nation.Not large corporations.

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