An Elizabeth Warren Quote Spreading On Social Media; Any Brainy Responses?


So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

You're right, I'm incorrect here. Steve Jobs' bonuses were much, much larger than $30k. Would you like to talk some more about the color of the shirt so you can avoid admitting that it's a shirt?

No need in that. I proved you were full of shit with your claim, and that's good enough.

The Koch brothers (and others alike)are openly buying people in an attempt to buy America. Rupert Merdoch was even busted for spending thousands on people who would simply go to forums like this one and back up his

So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

They are going through a process (R)ight now. Ask them hard questions and they will flop around like a fish out of water for only so long. When you corner them into thinking, they start to get rude/mean and mad.

Some learn from information and the ones that don't thrive on hatred. The Fox News and Satan core principle.

They will post such significance as, "You are stupid" high fiving their low IQ friends and walking off like they won a debate about politics.

That's OK. I've been known to tell a couple of them they are stupid, but I know only one of us is right. Hard to fault an idiot for being an idiot. It's what they are.

I tend to think the party/s that back education could have a better response. That being said, I have flooded small brains with information and then ended with "You are stupid".

It happens. I don't expect too much from right wingers. As long as they entertain me, that's enough.

Most Right Wingers today are only fixated on abortion and/or spending and don't care about politics in general at all. They won't hear us think because they are certain without thought.

So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

You're right, I'm incorrect here. Steve Jobs' bonuses were much, much larger than $30k. Would you like to talk some more about the color of the shirt so you can avoid admitting that it's a shirt?

^See him backtrack out of his original argument. Finger licking good.

Notice how the liberal wingbat employes a bait-and-trap strategy when trying to hunt. He will attempt to set a well positioned lure. But instead of positioning so he can pounce, he positions such as to try to provoke someone else to make the kill for him, so that he can steal the mean afterward. By acting insanely stupid, the wingbat hopes to provoke being called stupid, and then hopes his unwitting hunting partner will strike a deadly blow in retaliation.

Wingbats will attempt this technique regardless of target, because they lack the ability to recognize a target being too smart to fall for it.

So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

You're right, I'm incorrect here. Steve Jobs' bonuses were much, much larger than $30k. Would you like to talk some more about the color of the shirt so you can avoid admitting that it's a shirt?

No need in that. I proved you were full of shit with your claim, and that's good enough.

The Koch brothers (and others alike)are openly buying people in an attempt to buy America. Rupert Merdoch was even busted for spending thousands on people who would simply go to forums like this one and back up his
So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

They are going through a process (R)ight now. Ask them hard questions and they will flop around like a fish out of water for only so long. When you corner them into thinking, they start to get rude/mean and mad.

Some learn from information and the ones that don't thrive on hatred. The Fox News and Satan core principle.

They will post such significance as, "You are stupid" high fiving their low IQ friends and walking off like they won a debate about politics.

That's OK. I've been known to tell a couple of them they are stupid, but I know only one of us is right. Hard to fault an idiot for being an idiot. It's what they are.

I tend to think the party/s that back education could have a better response. That being said, I have flooded small brains with information and then ended with "You are stupid".

It happens. I don't expect too much from right wingers. As long as they entertain me, that's enough.

Most Right Wingers today are only fixated on abortion and/or spending and don't care about politics in general at all. They won't hear us think because they are certain without thought.

Don't confuse them with facts. Their mind is made up.

So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

You're right, I'm incorrect here. Steve Jobs' bonuses were much, much larger than $30k. Would you like to talk some more about the color of the shirt so you can avoid admitting that it's a shirt?

^See him backtrack out of his original argument. Finger licking good.

Notice how the liberal wingbat employes a bait-and-trap strategy when trying to hunt. He will attempt to set a well positioned lure. But instead of positioning so he can pounce, he positions such as to try to provoke someone else to make the kill for him, so that he can steal the mean afterward. By acting insanely stupid, the wingbat hopes to provoke being called stupid, and then hopes his unwitting hunting partner will strike a deadly blow in retaliation.

Wingbats will attempt this technique regardless of target, because they lack the ability to recognize a target being too smart to fall for it.

You figured that out all by yourself, did you? I guess you could be right, but more likely, you are just trying to justify always having to back off your ridiculous claims.

So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

They are going through a process (R)ight now. Ask them hard questions and they will flop around like a fish out of water for only so long. When you corner them into thinking, they start to get rude/mean and mad.

Some learn from information and the ones that don't thrive on hatred. The Fox News and Satan core principle.

They will post such significance as, "You are stupid" high fiving their low IQ friends and walking off like they won a debate about politics.

Your post is just an elaborate version of "your stupid." Thanks for identifying yourself.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. They are kept at starvation wages. Do you really think they will ever receive any kind of bonus?

You know, that's funny, because all of my line staff at work have a whole assortment of bonuses they can earn. Our top performers earn as much as an additional 67% of their base pay from bonuses.

Good for you to have such a good job. Most minimum wage employees don't.

Oh, and the reason I have such a great job is because I've worked hard to make myself capable of doing my job. You should try it if you hate your minimum wage job so much.

And that is the problem

Finding better jobs to move up to. 30 million working Americans receive government aid to support their families. Are there 30 million unfilled intermediate jobs for them to fill?

That is the problem with our current economy. The ladder to success is missing quite a few wrungs
Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. They are kept at starvation wages. Do you really think they will ever receive any kind of bonus?

You know, that's funny, because all of my line staff at work have a whole assortment of bonuses they can earn. Our top performers earn as much as an additional 67% of their base pay from bonuses.

Good for you to have such a good job. Most minimum wage employees don't.

Oh, and the reason I have such a great job is because I've worked hard to make myself capable of doing my job. You should try it if you hate your minimum wage job so much.

And that is the problem

Finding better jobs to move up to. 30 million working Americans receive government aid to support their families. Are there 30 million unfilled intermediate jobs for them to fill?

That is the problem with our current economy. The ladder to success is missing quite a few wrungs

Are there 30 million unfilled intermediate jobs for them to fill?

Maybe we need to look at this....

The United States has the third highest general top marginal corporate income tax rate in the world at 39.1 percent, exceeded only by Chad and the United Arab Emirates.

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World 2014 Tax Foundation
That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. They are kept at starvation wages. Do you really think they will ever receive any kind of bonus?

You know, that's funny, because all of my line staff at work have a whole assortment of bonuses they can earn. Our top performers earn as much as an additional 67% of their base pay from bonuses.

Good for you to have such a good job. Most minimum wage employees don't.

Oh, and the reason I have such a great job is because I've worked hard to make myself capable of doing my job. You should try it if you hate your minimum wage job so much.

And that is the problem

Finding better jobs to move up to. 30 million working Americans receive government aid to support their families. Are there 30 million unfilled intermediate jobs for them to fill?

That is the problem with our current economy. The ladder to success is missing quite a few wrungs

Are there 30 million unfilled intermediate jobs for them to fill?

Maybe we need to look at this....

The United States has the third highest general top marginal corporate income tax rate in the world at 39.1 percent, exceeded only by Chad and the United Arab Emirates.

Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World 2014 Tax Foundation
Are you shitting me?

Cut corporate taxes and watch the jobs and prosperity trickle down

Fool me once.......

Yea....looks like we are being strangled by our corporate tax rate
And that is the problem

Finding better jobs to move up to. 30 million working Americans receive government aid to support their families. Are there 30 million unfilled intermediate jobs for them to fill?

That is the problem with our current economy. The ladder to success is missing quite a few wrungs

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Everything about the way you look at this is wrong.

You mean to tell me that the typical Walmart scumbag has no options to get a better scumbag job within Walmart? Or they can't earn a raise? Or they can't go find a job with a competitor who values their employees? You want the world to become perfect so that a few people on the bottom can feel better about being the poorest people in the country. That's fucking ridiculous. Worry about your own job and your own paycheck. The reason our country is in this mess is because people stopped caring about themselves and they thought the world would just pop up perfect around them and carry them along for the ride.

So you think Steve Jobs was on somebodies payroll for $1 per year with a 30k bonus? Link?

You're right, I'm incorrect here. Steve Jobs' bonuses were much, much larger than $30k. Would you like to talk some more about the color of the shirt so you can avoid admitting that it's a shirt?

^See him backtrack out of his original argument. Finger licking good.

Notice how the liberal wingbat employes a bait-and-trap strategy when trying to hunt. He will attempt to set a well positioned lure. But instead of positioning so he can pounce, he positions such as to try to provoke someone else to make the kill for him, so that he can steal the mean afterward. By acting insanely stupid, the wingbat hopes to provoke being called stupid, and then hopes his unwitting hunting partner will strike a deadly blow in retaliation.

Wingbats will attempt this technique regardless of target, because they lack the ability to recognize a target being too smart to fall for it.

You figured that out all by yourself, did you? I guess you could be right, but more likely, you are just trying to justify always having to back off your ridiculous claims.

Listen guy, nobody is perfect. I admitted that I was wrong. Steve Jobs did not receive $30k a year in bonuses. In fact, he received much more in bonuses. He still was on a $1 base pay. So thank you for pointing out my error. It helps to prove my point all the moreso.
And that is the problem

Finding better jobs to move up to. 30 million working Americans receive government aid to support their families. Are there 30 million unfilled intermediate jobs for them to fill?

That is the problem with our current economy. The ladder to success is missing quite a few wrungs

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Everything about the way you look at this is wrong.

You mean to tell me that the typical Walmart scumbag has no options to get a better scumbag job within Walmart? Or they can't earn a raise? Or they can't go find a job with a competitor who values their employees? You want the world to become perfect so that a few people on the bottom can feel better about being the poorest people in the country. That's fucking ridiculous. Worry about your own job and your own paycheck. The reason our country is in this mess is because people stopped caring about themselves and they thought the world would just pop up perfect around them and carry them along for the ride.
You affirm what I said

Yes a WalMart employee may eventually get a promotion to shift manager for a few dollars an hour more.
That is not a ladder to success
It still does not provide a means to support a family without government assistance
If you think 30million people trying harder is the answer, you are delusional. The crisis is not in can some people find a better job but can we find better jobs for 30 million people?
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.

My first response is always to try and verify the data given. I did the google thing and came up empty. Maybe I missed it somewhere so is there backing for what she says?

There are organizations that represent small business that do have some influence. THEY are the ones more then likely to pay minimum wages not corporations.

I watched the show "The Men Who Built America." What they did to the working man was truly sad but that has changed people do have choices.

Yes, it disgusts me the bonuses that some CEOs get, or more to the point it makes me very jealous of them. But I was never willing, or able, to do the work required to get to their positions.

Any way, without looking through all the posts, has anyone presented data that adds validitiy to what she said? And does she say what she thinks is her solution? A better economy or just forcing minimum wage increases which can be bad for the economy, especially small bushiness?
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.

Economic policies rooted in class envy are only going to destroy the Middle Class and small businesses. Elizabeth Warren takes money from Wall Street, demonizes it, then takes more money from Wall Street. It's called corporate cronyism.

Every politician at that level takes green from Wall Street. This issue has NOTHING to do with class envy. It has to do with the pay gap. But welcome to politics and nice try :)

Do you know a CEO that has a wide pay gap between the other CEOs? Is that the problem you are trying to solve?
Yes a WalMart employee may eventually get a promotion to shift manager for a few dollars an hour more.

Eureka, he finally is starting to get it!

That is not a ladder to success

*facepalm* Spoke too soon.

How is earning a promotion and raise not a ladder to success?

It still does not provide a means to support a family without government assistance

Then don't have a family that you can't afford!

If you think 30million people trying harder is the answer, you are delusional.

Spoken like a true lifelong minimum wage earner. I never said anything about "trying harder." People need to learn to be responsible for their own job progression and their own compensation. That is the only way that companies like Walmart will ever be forced to provide better pay for their employees. Walmart, like every other company, will continue to pay as low as their employees agree to accept. If 30 million people are willing to work for shit wages, then 30 million people will get shit wages. It's on them. But if 30 million people would start taking responsibility for their own wages and stop accepting such job offers, Walmart would have no choice but to pay their employees better in order to receive the labor that the company needs to survive.

The crisis is not in can some people find a better job but can we find better jobs for 30 million people?

Then who's going to do the jobs those 30 million people were doing before?
So, the left wing morons still cannot see what all of this is about. They feel the minimum wage employees are just not paid enough.

I wonder what their little cap is for these minimum wage employees?

Should they get paid...

20/hr? If not why not?
25/hr? If not, why not?
30/hr? If not, why not?
50/hr? If not, why not?

Wait, should companies be forced to give the minimum wage employees millions in bonuses? For what?

So Steve Jobs got paid 1 dollar in base salary? Man, he must have lived in a shack. No wonder why he was so skinny.

Fucking left wingers folks. How easy is it to lie to these American hating sacks of shit?

Not even sure why I wasted my time with all of that. They think the lying Indian cares about the poor. Yeah, they do. No really, they are that stupid.
And that is the problem

Finding better jobs to move up to. 30 million working Americans receive government aid to support their families. Are there 30 million unfilled intermediate jobs for them to fill?

That is the problem with our current economy. The ladder to success is missing quite a few wrungs

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Everything about the way you look at this is wrong.

You mean to tell me that the typical Walmart scumbag has no options to get a better scumbag job within Walmart? Or they can't earn a raise? Or they can't go find a job with a competitor who values their employees? You want the world to become perfect so that a few people on the bottom can feel better about being the poorest people in the country. That's fucking ridiculous. Worry about your own job and your own paycheck. The reason our country is in this mess is because people stopped caring about themselves and they thought the world would just pop up perfect around them and carry them along for the ride.
You affirm what I said

Yes a WalMart employee may eventually get a promotion to shift manager for a few dollars an hour more.
That is not a ladder to success
It still does not provide a means to support a family without government assistance
If you think 30million people trying harder is the answer, you are delusional. The crisis is not in can some people find a better job but can we find better jobs for 30 million people?

In lies the problem Jake, 8 years of democrat rule and 6 years with Obama and the left wing seems to want to blame CEOs on the conditions that the democrats created. Let's examine some good things that have come to the economy, like fracking. This has created lots of money for home owners and those employed in the business creating many, MANY new jobs. But does the left wing support fracking, hell no they oppose fracking.

Keystone pipeline. Certainly is not going to create thousands of long term jobs but will create many for the short term which might just get us through the Obama malaise period. But does the left support a pipeline just like thousands of miles of pipeline we already have in America? Hell no they are against progress it is obvious. How many jobs are created with wind mills? How many animals die because of the wind mills? The usual "environmentally conscious" liberals are as deft as a mute when it comes to bald eagles dying in wind mills, not surprising. And what about the corporation erecting the wind mills, what does their CEO receive in bonuses?

The jobs at Walmart, Giant Eagle, Target are supplemental jobs, in my opinion. They are not meant to be, or should not be meant to be, a career. Although it could be a career if one is willing to do the work to climb the corporate ladder. Stocking shelves will only last so long until machines take over.
Low Skills = Low Wages. Higher skills = Higher Wages

Get educated and work hard. A McDonalds and Walmart employee isn't gonna make Doctor, Lawyer, or CEO wages. And bitchin about that reality isn't gonna change it. Getting educated and skilled will. It is what it is.

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