An entire generation of college students have been taught to hate free speech....

Free speech is the truth and they don’t want truth but rather “fairness”. They wish to punish good behavior from contributors and reward bad behavior from deadbeats in order to feel good and balance things out for “fairness”
Free speech is not the truth. Its primarily someones opinion. No wonder you retards are confused. :rolleyes:
And you must control peoples though process before they speak
Lib 101
Free speech is the truth and they don’t want truth but rather “fairness”. They wish to punish good behavior from contributors and reward bad behavior from deadbeats in order to feel good and balance things out for “fairness”
Free speech is not the truth. Its primarily someones opinion. No wonder you retards are confused. :rolleyes:
And you must control peoples though process before they speak
Lib 101

This from the statist that want's the government to control Google and FB.

Free speech is the truth and they don’t want truth but rather “fairness”. They wish to punish good behavior from contributors and reward bad behavior from deadbeats in order to feel good and balance things out for “fairness”
Free speech is not the truth. Its primarily someones opinion. No wonder you retards are confused. :rolleyes:
And you must control peoples though process before they speak
Lib 101
I could give a shit about your thought process. You are free to express your silly thought process on your own media platform. Stop whining. :rolleyes:
No, that's just you trying to conflate two different thing to justify doing something you know is shitty, but that you want so badly that you don't really care. It's not their success that the right cares about - because we're not you leftists - it's their censorship.

you would not give a fuck about their censorship if they only had 1000 users. So, yes it is their success that you are trying to punish them for.

Yes, you're right, I probably wouldn't care about their censorship if it was affecting only 1000 people . . . because I probably wouldn't be aware of it. But I also wouldn't care about them if they had the same number of users they do now but were not censoring political speech. So again, it's not the success I have a problem with; it's the censorship.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

They have been programmed to hate constitutional rights...both the 1st and the 2nd...they have been programmed to hate America’s right to sovereignty....This generation of twisted fuck-ups is really gonna hurt.

And they have been programmed to go after those rights by any power they can harness. If using the government isn’t feasible then they move to other means. Is it any consolation if your ability to buy a gun is taken away by Visa rather than the US Government? The end result is the same.

And the same for every other right you value including free speech.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

They have been programmed to hate constitutional rights...both the 1st and the 2nd...they have been programmed to hate America’s right to sovereignty....This generation of twisted fuck-ups is really gonna hurt.

And they have been programmed to go after those rights by any power they can harness. If using the government isn’t feasible then they move to other means. Is it any consolation if your ability to buy a gun is taken away by Visa rather than the US Government? The end result is the same.

And the same for every other right you value including free speech.
No the end result is not the same. If you cant buy it via Visa you use Master Card, AMEX, or Discover.
Free speech is the truth and they don’t want truth but rather “fairness”. They wish to punish good behavior from contributors and reward bad behavior from deadbeats in order to feel good and balance things out for “fairness”
Free speech is not the truth. Its primarily someones opinion. No wonder you retards are confused. :rolleyes:
And you must control peoples though process before they speak
Lib 101
I could give a shit about your thought process. You are free to express your silly thought process on your own media platform. Stop whining. :rolleyes:
Whining...not the mainstay of the modern deplorable.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

The left has always restricted the flow of ideas.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

The left has always restricted the flow of ideas.

Yet it is the right begging the government to punish FB and Google and Twitter.
Yet it is the right begging the government to punish FB and Google and Twitter.

Punish, or equal protection under the law? Why should Google be immune to the anti-trust laws that other businesses are beaten into submission under?

Farcebook is irrelevant, they already are on a rapid decline trajectory. We either have anti-trust laws or we don't. Either enforce them across the board or get rid of them. The idea that Verizon can have their residential and cell service broken up, but that Google is free to enforce a coercive monopoly is government corruption to the extreme. Google has a far greater strangle hold on the nation than Standard Oil ever did.

You of the left love to pick and chose who to enforce laws against. A different standard of law based on the politics of the perpetrator...
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

The left has always restricted the flow of ideas.

Yet it is the right begging the government to punish FB and Google and Twitter.

Not really. Most conservatives recognize that those media outlets are free to do as they choose. After all, what "punishments" did the Republican controlled Congress impose upon them? That's right - none.
Weren't prominent Democrats like then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling for conservative talk radio to be forced to put out liberal content? It didn't go anywhere, but I seem to remember her pushing for something to that effect.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

Well, that's the plan. It's the leftists behind this. They are slowly, but surely, deeming any opposing views as hate speech. Once they label you as racist, greedy or mean, they and their supporters feel justified in coming after you and stripping you of your rights.

Leftists claim they are all about fairness and freedom but their actions prove otherwise. They want a large, controlling government and they are indoctrinating our youth and our ignorant people to support them so that our rights and freedoms can be transferred from the people to the government. The 1st and 2nd amendments top the list of things they want to destroy. Tyranny cannot exist in our country the way it is now.

It's scary to see some praise the virtues of socialism. These airheads envision some utopia where everyone lives the exact same way and no one gets ahead of others. And they imagine that the same people who now carry the load will continue to do so even though government will take from them, ensuring that they will never improve their own lot in life. Only a total airhead would expect people to maintain the same behavior after taking away all incentive to work hard. Socialism can only redistribute the money created by capitalism, yet they intend to kill the golden goose. Money runs out and communism comes in to solve that problem, causing people to become slaves of tyrants. The story always has the same ending but too many never read the book.

Taking away freedom of speech is an important step in carrying out their agenda. We also must be disarmed so we are helpless to fight against the state. Those who seek to silence you and disarm you are the ones who seek to control you.

The biggest danger to our country is the same as it's always been- those who are willing to destroy it for the false promise of being taken care of by the state.

'An entire generation of college students have been taught to hate free speech....,

That's like someone being taught they have no right to eat, dress themselves, or make decisions for they not realize how stupid that is / they are?

Do they not realize if free speech can be taken away from 1 it can be taken away from all?

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